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There is ongoing discussion on the optimal age for formal schooling, with

supporters on both sides offering strong justifications and supporting data. To

make an informed decision, it is essential to consider both points of view.
On the one hand, there are several benefits for children to adapt to formal
education program at the early age.First of all, by providing controlled learning
environments, it may promote cognitive development, laying a strong foundation
for further learning. According to research, exposing children to language,
numbers, and fundamental ideas during their critical early years can improve brain
development.Thus, the child may not find hard to cope with the formal curriculum
as they have already prepared before.Second, through interactions with peers and
teachers, children can acquire socialization, teamwork, and emotional regulation in
formal settings. A well-rounded social development can be enhanced through early
exposure to a variety of social cues and interactions.
On the other hand, the early exposure to the schoolling also harbors some potential
drawbacks to the children.Firstly, different people develop at different rates so for
kids who are not yet ready for development, forcing early academic pressure can
be harmful, leading to frustration, anxiety, and bad associations with
learning.Moreover, along with cognitive capabilities, early childhood development
should place a high priority on social, emotional, and physical growth. Academic
overemphasis can compromise these vital components of holistic development.
In conclusion, the ideal age for formal education is a topic of continuous debate,
with proponents on both sides presenting compelling arguments and evidence. It is
imperative to take into account each child to decide

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