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Concet'5 of 4 e's
* Concept of 4es

1. Redvce
Redvce Consumpfon of taw mateals wll
in the Cost ot the product as caUse rcdvcon
ell as eclucion in
the waste generated amd waste
lisposal. cost,
rt uill also Sove aw matewal fon futue
2. ReUse

Reusing the waute mateval will cause ineneased

wel a economy
satehy to omimals, plarts amd humon bengs.

Uscd plastic containens,botes ,Popu boxes and packing

old newspopeAs Can be recyeled cco nomically
4. Recover R
duung chemical processing wewe Can he coveL the waste to
have so me by product 02
* + R's in waste management
of waste paevention teehnigues aNalable
and they anc commonly sumna seo s amd so calledl
ay 4 R's

Thus t R's in was te management ne

1) ReduchionLXR2
2) Reusc Upuc?
i) RLcyeling
4) Recoveny
Industris Sometmes tocuso ox conce ntnate on the
only 3Rs ,e Reducion Reuse amd Recyeling in
eSolving the wate monagement problems

+ R'5 principle
The ciy encowages the foun punciples otof he eastenn
metna politor Regionat councls R-gong ane
Redvce 8emenating less Lwaste in
Rluse Repaio'ng orn Heconditioning devica
Recyele ’ Tuaning mateial into a new
CEB2-SXe substan ce 32.
Recovey ’ Re covy enngg ulhoy you camt
Disposal ’ landin ohen no ateuate
Example ot Reus ot waste

Following ue the vaious examples ot re vse of waste

Buy bevenages and coldl dinks in actunable ontainens
Reuse Wrapping Papers, plaute bags ,boxes and umbe
Denate brohen applianca to the chanity oree
VoCational school.
’ old touel b d sheets can be it cut into small p'ece
Ond cam be use fon dust cloth6 instead of Hhowing
it away.
Book amd magazines Com be donateod to the publie
Gbnanies, school libraies
Ne papers Can be donateo to pet stoaes.D4N
Cam be Used n the aarden anol in
old tries
Play yeud
Paocedune to CUse
USe ot dispo6 ables such as papee neplkins,
’ Avoid the

fapen tea Cup et

’ USe mettlimg bottes
which ane a ond cuable
’ Use the products
punchamgot ctilable
nble pens 0 prodvets
Advantages ot seeegeliny of the waste
Save enengy
Save Cost
Save esoun ce

’AeduCe price yubte

Recoveny trom waste matev a
To malhe compos ate trom wet kitehen wawte
oncate honcl in gas
To produce methane gas taom waste and carn be
Secoverec to genenate electuiciy

plasttc ecyele and scuS

Recyeling of plaste
Plastcs eyeling techmologies hove been histoni cally
duvidled into four genenal typy primany, secondary.
Tetutany amd Qutenay
2. steps invelvd in the Rucyeliny Proces
a) selechion - The recyele / nLproce sses have to
slect waste which anc sutable ton ecyclmg
segr<gdton - The plastc waste shal be seqngabed
in as ta the codes mentioned in the BIS
C) processing - The post consum waste shal be
ouashe shredaled ) ag4lemenatesl extaueded and
granu dated.

The sevenal advandages of recyeling ot platie wwaste

a) I tduces the enuioTmenta polluhon
b) t ncduce deple tion of fossil fuel neseves
c) Tt pnefenred toand fting j i
d) Dve to installing secyeling plomt many publie
Uoil get employment

0s. Land kiling CourboeIUch Q4l4 266

Lamdil ng is conventonal approch to coaste
Tanagemet, but spaces on larnd hu is beomng
Scane in Sorme Coumties.
A wll manageol londfill site scsults in b'mited
immediatr emvio nmentalL ham
haam beyorndl the
impact of collecton nd tnanspont,
Tn Cí neation
Tnanation Cam be vsed with eeo vey of some of
the enengy Content in he plastic
Tncineoton reduces the heed fon landl fL O
plastic hazardous substances may be
heleascd into the atmos phene in the process


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