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Sinh viên thực hiện: Nguyễn Trường Giang

Mã SV: BI12-136

Lớp: ATE

Hà Nội, 2023
I. Introduction.............................................................................................3
II. Literature review.....................................................................................4
2.1 Automotive airbag technology.........................................................4
2.2 Load cell technology.........................................................................4
2.3 Arduino Microcontroller....................................................................5
2.4 Load Cell Amplification with HX711……………………………….….6
2.5 HX711 Load Cell Amplifier………………………………………………6
2.6 Key features and functions of the HX711…………………………….6
III. Methodology..........................................................................................7
3.1 Gather Materials and Components..................................................7
3.2 Assemble the Circuit.........................................................................8
3.3 Write and upload Arduino code.......................................................8
3.4 Calibration..........................................................................................8
3.5 Test the system.................................................................................8
IV. Implementation.....................................................................................8
4.1 Calibration code................................................................................8
V. Testing and results..............................................................................11
VI. Conclusion..........................................................................................12
VII. References..........................................................................................14

 This project presents the development of a Car Airbag Activation System that simulates
the activation of a vehicle airbag in response to an impact exceeding 5 kilograms (kg).
The system integrates a load cell, an HX711 load cell amplifier, and an Arduino board to
monitor and detect impacts, thus illuminating an LED to simulate airbag deployment. The
load cell accurately measures the force applied, while the Arduino-based control system
processes the data to initiate the simulated airbag response. Calibration ensures precise
impact detection, making this system suitable for educational and testing purposes to
explore airbag activation under controlled conditions. Potential enhancements include
the incorporation of additional safety features and a more realistic vehicle cabin
environment for in-depth testing and analysis.

I. Introduction:
 Vehicle safety is a paramount concern in today's automotive industry, and the
development of airbag systems has played a pivotal role in reducing the severity of
injuries in the event of a collision. To gain a deeper understanding of airbag technology
and its function in response to varying impact forces, we have designed and
implemented a Car Airbag Activation System. This system, built around a load cell,
HX711 load cell amplifier, and an Arduino microcontroller, serves as a controlled
platform to simulate the activation of a car's airbag.

 In real-world scenarios, airbags are designed to deploy when the vehicle experiences
significant deceleration or collision forces. In our project, we aim to replicate this
activation logic by setting a threshold of 5 kilograms (kg) as the reference point. When
an impact force exceeding this limit is detected, the system will illuminate an LED,
simulating the deployment of an airbag.

 This project not only provides a valuable educational tool for understanding the
mechanics of airbag systems but also serves as a platform for testing and calibrating
impact-detection mechanisms. By accurately measuring the force of impact through the
load cell and utilizing Arduino-based control, our Car Airbag Activation System allows for
controlled experiments and simulations, contributing to a safer automotive future.

 In this report, we will delve into the components used, the steps taken for system
development, testing results, conclusions, and possible future enhancements, shedding
light on the potential applications of this project in the realm of vehicle safety research
and education.

II. Literature Review:
The project of simulating airbag deployment in a controlled environment through the integration
of a load cell and Arduino draws upon key principles in the fields of automotive safety, load cell
technology, and microcontroller applications. This literature review explores the relevant
concepts and technologies that underpin this project.

2.1. Automotive Airbag Technology:

 Automotive airbag systems have become a cornerstone of vehicle safety, designed to

provide cushioning and reduce the impact of collisions on vehicle occupants. These
systems rely on the rapid deployment of airbags when specific collision forces are
detected. Key components in airbag systems include crash sensors, inflators, airbag
modules, and electronic control units (ECUs). The ECU, in particular, plays a pivotal role
in processing sensor data and making real-time decisions regarding airbag deployment.
The project's objective to replicate airbag activation leverages this fundamental principle
of rapid response to specified impact thresholds.

Picture 2.1: Airbag system

2.2. Load Cell Technology:

 Load cells are integral to the project, as they are responsible for accurately measuring
weight or force applied to an object. These sensors come in various forms, including
strain gauge-based load cells, which are well-suited for applications involving weight
measurement. They operate on the principle of strain gauge resistance changes as force
is applied, thus enabling precise force measurement. Load cells are widely used in
various industries, including automotive, to ensure the integrity and safety of products
and systems. In this project, the load cell serves as the foundation for impact force

Picture 2.2: Load cell

2.3. Arduino Microcontroller:

 Arduino microcontrollers are popular among makers and engineers for their versatility
and ease of use. These microcontrollers can collect data from various sensors and
execute programmed logic. In the context of this project, the Arduino is responsible for
processing the data generated by the load cell, interpreting it, and making a decision to
trigger the LED indicator when the specified threshold of 5kg is exceeded. Arduino's
adaptability makes it an ideal choice for creating a controlled and responsive simulation.

Picture 2.3: Arduino R3

2.4. Load Cell Amplification with HX711:

 The project to simulate airbag deployment using a load cell and Arduino places a
significant emphasis on the role of the HX711 load cell amplifier. Understanding the
capabilities and functions of the HX711 amplifier is paramount, as it is the bridge that
enables the load cell's measurements to be processed by the Arduino.

2.5. HX711 Load Cell Amplifier:

 The HX711 is a precision 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) specifically designed

for amplifying and converting small analog signals from load cells or strain gauges. It is
known for its high resolution and accuracy, making it a favored choice in applications
where precise weight measurements are essential.

Picture 2.5: The HX711

2.6. Key features and functions of the HX711 include:

 Amplification: The HX711 includes a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) with selectable
gain values. This amplification is crucial for boosting the small voltage signals generated
by the load cell. By adjusting the gain, it becomes possible to measure a wide range of
weights accurately.

 24-Bit Resolution: The 24-bit ADC in the HX711 allows for highly accurate and fine-
grained measurements. This level of precision is essential in applications where minute
changes in force or weight must be detected.

 Tare Function: The HX711 includes a tare (zeroing) function that enables the system to
compensate for any initial load or weight offset. This ensures that only the net force
applied to the load cell is measured.

 Noise Filtering: The HX711 has onboard noise filtering and a stable clock source to
reduce interference and improve measurement accuracy. This feature is particularly
valuable when working with sensitive sensors like load cells.

 Digital Communication: The HX711 communicates with the Arduino or other

microcontrollers through a standard digital interface. This facilitates the transfer of raw
measurement data to the processing unit.

 In the context of this project, the HX711 amplifier plays a crucial role in ensuring that the
weight measurements from the load cell are not only precise but also tailored to the
specific requirements of the airbag activation simulation. It enables the Arduino to
capture, process, and act upon the data generated by the load cell efficiently.

 The use of the HX711 exemplifies the importance of selecting appropriate components
in sensor-based projects, particularly in applications where high precision and reliable
data acquisition are paramount. As an integral part of the simulation system, the HX711
is instrumental in the project's success and in advancing the understanding of airbag
deployment principles.

III. Methodology:
 The methodology section outlines the step-by-step approach to constructing the Car
Airbag Activation Simulator, which replicates airbag deployment in response to an
impact force exceeding 5 kilograms (kg) using a load cell, HX711 amplifier, and Arduino.

3.1. Gather Materials and Components:

 Load Cell: Acquire a suitable load cell with the capacity to measure weights exceeding

 HX711 Load Cell Amplifier: Ensure you have an HX711 amplifier to interface between
the load cell and the Arduino.

 Arduino Board: Use an Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno) as the microcontroller for data

 LED Indicator: Prepare an LED indicator (e.g., a red LED) for simulating airbag

 Breadboard and Jumper Wires: Assemble the circuit on a breadboard using jumper
wires for connections.

 Power Supply: Provide a power supply (typically 5V) for the load cell and amplifier.

 Computer and USB Cable: Use a computer to program and upload code to the Arduino.

3.2. Assemble the Circuit:

 Connect the load cell to the HX711 amplifier following the manufacturer's instructions,
ensuring the load cell's power, ground, and signal wires are correctly connected to the

 Connect the HX711 amplifier to the Arduino. Typically, you'll need to connect the DT
(data) and SCK (clock) pins from the HX711 to digital pins on the Arduino.
 Place the LED indicator on the breadboard and connect it to a digital output pin on the
Arduino through a current-limiting resistor.

3.3. Write and Upload Arduino Code:

 Develop an Arduino sketch that reads weight data from the load cell using the HX711

 Include logic to set a threshold of 5kg for simulating airbag deployment.

 Utilize the LED to indicate airbag activation when the threshold is exceeded.

 Calibrate the system as necessary to ensure accurate weight measurements.

3.4. Calibration:

 Calibrate the system by applying known weights to the load cell and verifying that the
measured weight matches the actual weight. Adjust the scaling factor in the code if

3.5. Test the System:

 Place the calibrated system in a stable position.

 Apply controlled forces to the load cell to simulate impacts of varying magnitudes,
ensuring that the LED responds correctly when the weight exceeds 5kg.

IV. Implementation:
4.1. Calibration code:

 Perform calibration by applying known weights to the load cell and verifying that the
system measures and responds accurately. Adjust the scaling factor in the code if
needed to ensure precise weight measurements.

Picture 4.1: Setup when calibration
 Write Arduino code to read the weight data from the load cell using the HX711 library.
You can calibrate the load cell to ensure accurate weight measurements. Here's a
simplified example: 9,88; 132,44; 256; …

Picture 4.2: Code for calibration

Picture 4.3: Circuit after calibration

Picture 4.4: Main code

V. Testing and Results:
 Testing Procedures:
 Initial System Check:
 Power up the system by connecting the Arduino to a power source.
 Verify that the load cell, HX711 amplifier, and LED indicator are properly
 Ensure that the Arduino code has been uploaded successfully.

 Calibration Testing:
 Apply a known weight (e.g., 2kg) to the load cell.
 Observe the system's response, ensuring that it accurately measures the applied
weight and displays it on the Arduino's serial monitor.
 Confirm that the weight measurement corresponds to the known weight, and
adjust the calibration factor in the code if necessary.

 Threshold Testing:
 Gradually increase the applied weight on the load cell while monitoring the
Arduino's serial output.
 Verify that when the applied force exceeds the 5kg threshold, the LED indicator
illuminates to simulate airbag deployment.
 Test the system with various magnitudes of force to ensure that the LED
responds accurately and consistently.

 Force Range Testing:

 Test the system's ability to detect a range of force values between 1kg and 10kg.
 Record the system's responses at different force levels, confirming that the LED
activates when the threshold is crossed.

 Repeatability Testing:
 Repeatedly apply and remove weights from the load cell to ensure the system
responds consistently and reliably.
 Check for any anomalies or deviations in measurements.

 Data Logging (Optional):

 If data logging is implemented, confirm that it records weight measurements
accurately for further analysis.

 Testing Outcomes:
 The expected outcomes of the testing phase include:

 Successful Calibration: The system accurately measures and displays weights on the
Arduino's serial monitor, with measurements corresponding to the known weights
applied during calibration.

 Threshold Activation: The LED indicator activates when the applied force exceeds the
5kg threshold and remains off below this threshold.

 Accurate Force Range Detection: The system responds correctly to a range of force
values between 1kg and 10kg, illuminating the LED when the threshold is crossed.

 Consistent Responses: The system demonstrates consistent and reliable responses

during repeated testing, without significant measurement deviations.

 Data Logging (If Implemented): Data logging, if enabled, records weight measurements
accurately for further analysis and validation.

VI. Conclusion:
The development and implementation of the Car Airbag Activation Simulator project have
provided valuable insights into the mechanics of airbag technology and have yielded a
functional educational tool. This section summarizes the key findings, contributions, and
potential for future enhancements.

Key Findings:

Through the course of this project, several key findings have emerged:

 Accurate Simulation: The Car Airbag Activation Simulator successfully replicates airbag
deployment in response to controlled impacts exceeding 5 kilograms. It accurately
measures applied forces and activates the LED indicator when the specified threshold is

 Load Cell Precision: The load cell, in combination with the HX711 amplifier,
demonstrates high precision and reliability in weight measurements, allowing for the
detection of subtle changes in force.

 Educational Value: The project provides an effective educational tool for students and
enthusiasts to gain hands-on experience in understanding airbag deployment principles.
It aids in explaining the underlying technology of airbags and impact detection.


The Car Airbag Activation Simulator project contributes to the field of automotive safety and
education in several ways:

 Hands-On Learning: The simulator offers a practical, hands-on approach to learning
about airbag systems, impact detection, and force measurement. It enhances the
understanding of complex automotive safety technology.

 Calibration and Precision: The project underscores the importance of calibration in

sensor-based systems, demonstrating the significance of precise measurements in
safety-critical applications.

 Versatility: The system can be adapted for various educational and research purposes,
facilitating experimentation and data collection in controlled environments.

Potential for Future Enhancements:

 While the project has achieved its primary objectives, there are opportunities for future
enhancements and developments:

 Wireless Connectivity: Integrate wireless communication for remote monitoring and data
collection, allowing for greater flexibility and real-time data analysis.

 Data Logging and Analysis: Implement more advanced data logging capabilities,
enabling in-depth analysis of impact forces and response times.

 Advanced Sensors: Explore the incorporation of additional sensors to expand the

simulator's capabilities, such as detecting collision angles or multiple impacts.

 Expanded Educational Use: Consider applying the simulator to automotive safety

education programs and research initiatives, offering a dynamic platform for
experimentation and study.

In conclusion, the Car Airbag Activation Simulator project stands as a successful endeavor that
bridges the theoretical understanding of airbag deployment with practical, hands-on experience.
By accurately measuring and simulating airbag activation, it contributes to the educational
advancement and research potential in the field of automotive safety. The project's accuracy,
reliability, and educational value position it as a valuable resource for those seeking to
comprehend and experiment with airbag technology.

This project serves as a testament to the potential of combining load cells, amplifiers, and
microcontrollers to create controlled simulations that advance our understanding of complex
safety systems and foster innovation in the automotive safety domain.

VII. References:
Thanh T. (2020). Load cell sensor and its applications. In Proceedings of the 2020 International
Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC).

Saber S., et al. (2015). A novel autonomous load cell with real-time monitoring capability. In
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Ghareeb Y., et al. (2019). Development of a universal smart weight and size measuring system
based on Arduino and HX711. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(24),

Banzi M., Shiloh M. (2014). Getting Started with Arduino: The Open Source Electronics
Prototyping Platform. O'Reilly Media.

Monk S. (2012). Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches. McGraw-Hill Education.

Erich L., et al. (2003). Automotive Electronics Handbook. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Elmarakbi A., Azoti W. (2016). Vehicle Safety Communications: Protocols, Security, and
Privacy. Wiley.

Andersson H. (2016). Automotive Safety Handbook. Butterworth-Heinemann.


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