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BHARATI VIDYAPEETH DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY), PUN! ANSWER SCRIPT COVER SHEET Online Remote Proctored Descriptive and MCQ mode of U! Summer 2023 ersity Examinations for PRN: 224819090737 SEAT NUMBER: 23RULTED 0344 PROGRAMME NAME: MBA CCBCS-2621 course) SUBJECT NAME: y Financiah Management SEMESTER: So ar Sern - EXAI : iM DATE: O1/\o/ 2023, EXAM TIME: 5:00 PM- 7-00 PM Declaration: | have read the “Guidelines for Remote Proctored Online Descriptive and MCQ mode of examinations” and I agree to abide by it. I have written the answers to the questions in the answer sheets and they are_{ pages in total. | take full responsibility for appearing for online remote proctored descriptive and MCQ Summer 2023 university examinations, scan/take photographs and upload the answer scripts into the online system. ens ee 1102023 signature and Date (TO BE PRINTED OR HAND WRITTEN) Details to be handwritten only Page 1 Name: Sahil Dhanoriyy Mehade a Discuss the skjechves § Financia) Managernent Ans The Financial Management as generally concerned wai procurement, aUocodion and. contre) 9 Financial reesources< 4 ® cConcesn. The Objectives Gn be. To ensure regular adequate surly 4 funds to the cConcesn 2) To ensure adequate welasns to the Shove holdess which will depend Hon the eoening eayracity, marker erice | the Shave, expe chattons 4 the Shareholders. Q) To engure optimum funds att utilleaion . once The funds ave erecuved, they should be utilized 19 maxi = mam possible way at least cost Q Te ensure safety on ‘mvestment, Ve Funds Should be Wnveted in Safe venttures 80 Yhod adequate wate 4 metusns Can be Achieved - S) Te plan a sound capital strudure- Shere Should foe ound and Farr composition G capital So that a kallarnce. is maintained belween debt ancl equity capital , OQ Aeothes \mpostant objedive 4 Financial Manage _ament For ay business 1s maximizing prorit. Funds ave amanaged ia WAY So that Corning reer Sheree (ERS) o+ prokit ave ynoximized foe the maxinum vesubts . 4) Through Kinandal Managewwnr, companies Work ok Fowmalating policies te smoothly TUN the business shy ndudar Framing policies that govern the Hees landing and borwrousing process 08 Wel as oh contro). FP) for any orgemaraion's tealty Survival AMS rn09 4 business operadbions, iF IS Impostant to assess TSK. threw TISK Managerrant. Name Sahil Ohananjey Mehata Qe Write a Note on eend Analysis. Trend analysis is 4 technique. used in technical crnalysis kxsed that odtemels to predich Fubere Stoke price rrovernonts : analysis uses historicel on recently observed vend data: Trend . deta, sach os price movements and trade volume, to foreces! the long-term divechon 4 Market serthmment. Ghewe ave 3 Main types 4 marke} teend As for anahsts to crsider- ND Upes trend * : se Sowa teond, oe known 68 dbs market, Secarily is asastained posicd 4 rising prices ina pach colar oe Market. Upward +~ronds ave gererally seen 034 sin 4 economic Strength and can be driven by Factors Such OS strong. demand vrishog, wrevskils and¥averdble economic conditions 2) Downward Fremd:- An downward trend, Wise Known 0% «bear Markah, ls a Persicularr Seanihy os Marker - Downward 4>end s are gemerally Seen as a sing 4 ecommic weakness cmd can be dvivem by fathors sudr ag weak dernand , declinjn prokit amd Unfavorable economic conditions ¢ =) Sidewas trend :- A sideways +eend olso Kroum as mange bound marker is a Peted 4 velativel) Stable jrices ing rove -ae security ov Markel. Sideways trends Can be chavactertaq| by alack 4 dear divechon , with evices Fluckiasing. Oi thin a adatively mawrw range. é Name! Sahil Bhamanjay Mehate 3 Discuss the Different types q woeking. capital Ans + Working, cupit isthe difference between a cornet - ays cuvrent asseks over current Niabilities E+ includes Che money coming tn and money gsing ouh Overall, 1+ calcaleres 8 Niquid assels a compary has to pay is bills and continue oP& wvating. The worls!ng capit formula looks like this: working Capideal = Current Assebs ~ Current Liabilities * Types @ Working Capi te) When i cernes to Working capital, theve ove B Aiffersent Tyres: ) Gress working. capléal s This tyre ¢ eal AS the” amour! A Company hag ‘invested im assets thatcan quickly convest te ash Assets high Nquidity sach ac stocks /Could Fay under Mis Category. 2) Nek working, Capital : The diffecente between current asses and Current abilities Ne working, capi) can be posthve om negative and shows a company’s liquidity - hen you refer to working pital thir wefees ts a Company's mek working. capitetrt and indicates if it Cam Meet jhy sheet term Financial obligations 3) Cesmament working, capital: Also Known as Fixed working Capidal, ahis is the Yinimam ammount q ands thas paush bein cush ow current Viabiliies the Grenroaumth Ff Fixed capil a business erequirres clepemds on the Size cmd growth thab basiness, che bigger the. business, the more Fixed ow reomanent Working capik willlke needed. Ay Tenge ary working capital: Alsé Knows as "variable , Aluctcating. os cyclical cserieiny capitedl!” TH is the diftererne bekdeen net working Caplieel amd peemanent work) ng Capides- Name Sehil Dhonanjey Mehate BD) Temps very vserkny capil: Also krawn 08 “yaniables ey Guoding ow cy lical working cupiked.” pe ig Ene difference bekveen niet voortsing G@pited ond perment Worteing Capit 6) Requar Werking capita: ghis is the teas} ammount ¢ capital wequired to meet current Werk} ng expenses unde Normal conditens + Somme examples § this capital includes Salary and Wages payments, matentals and supplies and OVerhead Costs. TW Reserve, Margin Werking Capitals. Think g is type g wrning Capital Vike a’bafety Cushion” this is the armeunh 9 "walnyday" funds set aside for unforseen circumstances such as natural disasters .shikes - layot# or InFlatton B) Special wWerking —Cyp{eut: Indaded under temporary eovking Capi ded Whit is for unforseen OF exceptional Circumstances Such as Accidente , marketing on Advertsing Campaigns oy new predad devekpment endeavours. his is also one they yee ¢ vaviak le soorKing capi fe. Name : Sahil) Dhananjay Me hate Explain Pay Back Pericd Payback Posisd !- Ther term Ruyback pericd wefers tothe amount Yrime it bakes te wecsver the Cost Gan investment. Simply ett ik isthe length 4 Hime an investment veaches 2 breakeven point People and coxpovakiens mainly invest Heir rreney *° ot Paid bacic, Which is Why the payback period is so imporéant «Tn essence, the Shorter payback am investment has, the more a tymehiv Th wecannes Debermining the payloack rewiod Is USePul Foe anyor and can bedone by dividing Hoe SaK initial Investment by the Average Coth Flows, The payloacl Period i$ 4 method commonly Used ley investors financial professionals -and corporatony te ceculate investment cre tums. Tt helps eetewmine how long it takes to wecover the initial costs associated Withan investment thir metric is UseFul before maning any decisions, especdally When arn investor needs te make a Shap judgment amaunt an jy Vvestrmerrd Venture - ou Can Figure out the payhack Perisd by usin sane 1 tng. the Sllowing Krmula + Payback peried = Cost § Tavestment Averge Annual Cath Cows She Shorter the Vay bacte, the more deSisable Tovestment

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