Vasopressin and Nitroglycerin Decrease Portal and Hepatic Venous Pressure and Hepato-Splanchnic Blood Flow

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Vasopressin and nitroglycerin decrease portal and hepatic

venous pressure and hepato-splanchnic blood flow
E. Wise , K. Svennerholm1, L. S. Bown1, E. Houltz1, M. Rizell2, S. Lundin1 and S.-E. Ricksten1
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital,
Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Transplantation and Liver Surgery, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg,

Correspondence Background: Various methods are used to reduce venous blood

E. Wis
en, Department of Anaesthesiology and pressure in the hepato-splanchnic circulation, and hence minimise
Intensive Care Medicine, Sahlgrenska
blood loss during liver surgery. Previous studies show that com-
University Hospital, Bl
a Str
aket 5, SE-413
45 Go€teborg, Sweden.
bination of vasopressin and nitroglycerin reduces portal pressure
E-mail: and flow in patients with portal hypertension, and in this study
we investigated this combination in patients with normal portal
Conflict of interest pressure.
The authors have no conflict of interest. Method: In all, 13 patients were studied. Measurements were
made twice to confirm baseline (C1 and BL), during vasopressin
Registration: Clinical Trials, https://www.
infusion 4.8 U/h (V), and during vasopressin infusion combined, NTC02993640.
with nitroglycerin infusion (V + N). Portal venous pressure
Submitted 5 February 2018; accepted 23 (PVP), hepatic venous pressure (HVP), central haemodynamics
February 2018; submission 18 December and arterial and venous blood gases were obtained at each mea-
2017. suring point, and portal (splanchnic) and hepato-splanchnic blood
flow changes were calculated.
Citation Results: Vasopressin alone did not affect PVP, whereas HVP
Wisen E, Svennerholm K, Bown LS, Houltz E,
increased slightly. In combination with nitroglycerin, PVP
Rizell M, Lundin S, Ricksten S-E. Vasopressin
and nitroglycerin decrease portal and hepatic
decreased from 10.1  1.6 to 8.9  1.3 mmHg (P < 0.0001), and
venous pressure and hepato-splanchnic blood HVP decreased from 7.9  1.9 to 6.2  1.3 mmHg (P = 0.001).
flow. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Vasopressin reduced portal blood flow by 47  19% and hepatic
2018 venous flow by 11  18%, respectively. Addition of nitroglycerin
further reduced portal- and hepatic flow by 55  13% and
doi: 10.1111/aas.13117 30  13%, respectively. Vasopressin alone had minor effects on
central haemodynamics, whereas addition of nitroglycerin reduced
cardiac index (3.2  0.7 to 2.7  0.5; P < 0.0001). The arterial-
portal vein lactate gradient was unaffected.
Conclusion: The combination of vasopressin and nitroglycerin
decreases portal pressure and hepato-splanchnic blood flow, and
could be a potential treatment to reduce bleeding in liver resec-
tion surgery.

Editorial comment
This article is accompanied by an editoral.

Blood loss and blood transfusions are suggested Blood loss has been correlated with pressure
to be independent predictors of postoperative within the inferior vena cava6 and central venous
morbidity and mortality after liver surgery.1–5 pressure (CVP) has been used as a surrogate for
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)
ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1

An international journal of anaesthesiology, intensive

care, pain, and critical emergency medicine

pressures within the liver venous vascular bed.7,8 of Anaesthesiology (ASA) class I–II, (3) not
Various methods are used to reduce blood loss, more than two antihypertensive medications, (4)
such as reducing CVP (low CVP technique) by a body mass index < 30 kg/m2 and (5) no
fluid restriction, administration of diuretics, expected anatomical difficulties for catheterisa-
vasodilators and epidural analgesia and surgi- tion, as assessed by the surgeon. After oral and
cally by inflow and outflow occlusion.8–11 written consent, data were obtained from 13
To reduce the venous pressures of the hepatic patients during the period of September 2016 to
vascular bed, such as hepatic- (HVP) and portal March 2017. Patient characteristics are presented
venous pressures (PVP), nitroglycerin infusion is in Table 1.
often used during the resection period. Our group In all, 24 patients consented to participate. Of
has previously shown that nitroglycerin reduces these, 11 were excluded due to difficulties
PVP and HVP in liver resection surgery,10 and regarding the intraoperative measurement proce-
nitroglycerin has been shown to decrease PVP in dure observed by the surgeon (n = 8), such as
cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.12 The tumour location close to portal or hepatic veins,
use of nitroglycerin is, however, limited by its adhesions in the abdomen, difficulties with
systemic vasodilatory effect and the risk of intra- catheter placement, over all lengthy procedure,
operative circulatory instability.10 etc. One patient was discovered to suffer from
Another way to decrease blood loss in liver recent heart failure (n = 1), and others were
surgery would be to use vasopressin infusion, excluded due to logistic reasons (n = 2) such as
which has been proven to reduce PVP in a tight operation schedule or incoming emer-
patients with portal hypertension.13 Also, we gency surgery. Data were therefore obtained
have recently shown that vasopressin in low-to- from 13 patients.
moderate doses decreased hepato-splanchnic
and portal blood flow in patients with normal
Anaesthetic technique
portal pressure by 14% and 37%, respectively,
but not PVP and HVP.14 Furthermore, vaso- An epidural catheter was inserted preopera-
pressin induced a blood volume centralisation tively but not activated until after the experi-
caused by a constriction of intra-abdominal mental procedure. Anaesthesia was induced
capacitance vessels, which could explain why with an intravenous bolus of fentanyl 2 lg/kg
vasopressin did not affect PVP or HVP despite and propofol 2–3 mg/kg. Muscle relaxation was
the redistribution of blood volume.14 achieved with rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg. Anaesthe-
The primary aim of the present study was to sia was maintained with sevoflurane in oxygen/
evaluate whether combined treatment with air mixture adjusted to 0.8 MAC and mechanical
vasopressin and nitroglycerin could decrease ventilation was adjusted to maintain normocap-
portal (splanchnic) and hepato-splanchnic blood nia. Bolus doses of fentanyl and rocuronium
flow, and reduce PVP and HVP, in patients were repeated if needed. After tracheal intuba-
without known portal hypertension, undergoing tion, a central venous catheter (Arrow 4-lumen,
liver resection surgery. Secondary aims were to 7 Fr, 20 cm) was placed in the right internal
assess effects on systemic haemodynamics and jugular vein, and radial and femoral arterial
lactate production in the splanchnic and hepato- catheters were inserted. Mean arterial pressure
splanchnic circulation. (MAP, from the femoral arterial line) and CVP
were measured continuously. Cardiac output
was measured using thermodilution (PiCCO;
Patients and methods
PULSION Medical System, Feldkirchen, Ger-
The study was approved by the Regional Ethical many). Patients received infusion of Ringer’s
Review Board in Gothenburg (Dnr 879-13, 4 acetate 1.5 ml/kg/h, as well as bolus doses of
March 2013, amendment T819-16, 21 September normal saline for PiCCO calibration. Nora-
2016). The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials drenaline was used to maintain MAP between
(, NTC02993640). 65 and 70 mmHg during the surgical procedure,
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) elec- with the infusion rate kept constant throughout
tive open liver resection, (2) American Society the experimental procedure.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)
2 ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 1 Patient demographics.

Patient Age Sex Diagnosis ASA-class Co-morbidity Cardiovascular drugs

1 55 M Cholangiocarcinoma II HT Calcium channel blocker

2 67 M Colon cancer/liver metastases II –
3 43 M Klatskin tumour I –
4 46 M Rectal cancer/liver metastases I –
5 65 M Colon cancer/liver metastases II HT ARB
6 64 M NET/liver metastases II
7 65 M Prostate cancer/liver metastases II ARB, diuretics
8 62 F Colon cancer/liver metastases II –
9 64 M Colon cancer/liver metastases II DM-type I, HT ACE-inhibitor, beta-blocker
10 63 F Cholangial dysplasia I –
11 66 M Rectal cancer/liver metastases I –
12 60 M Rectal cancer/liver metastases II MI, PCI in 2000 Beta-blocker
13 36 M Adenoma I –

M, Male; F, Female; NET, Neuroendocrine tumour; HT, Hypertension; DM, Diabetes mellitus; MI, Myocardial infarction; PCI, Percutaneous
coronary intervention; ARB, Angiotensin II receptor blocker.

measurements were made (measuring point V + N).

Insertion of hepatic and portal venous
The experimental procedure is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Two catheters (ARROW 16 Ga; Int., Inc., Reading,
PA, USA) were inserted surgically in the portal
and hepatic vein. The tip of the catheter measuring At each measuring point, cardiac index (CI),
HVP was located in the hepatic vein outflow stroke volume index (SVI), intrathoracic blood
region, 2–3 cm from the inferior caval vein. The tip volume index (ITBVI) and systemic vascular
of the catheter measuring PVP was placed directly resistance index (SVRI) were obtained from
in the portal vein. The pressure transducers used transpulmonary thermodilution measurements in
for PVP and HVP, as well as MAP and CVP duplicate and calculations using the PiCCO soft-
(CODAN pvb Critical Care GmbH, Forstinning, ware (PULSION Medical Systems, Feldkirchen,
Germany), were zeroed and positioned at the right Germany), and indexed to body surface area.
atrial level. The abdomen was closed temporarily. Blood samples were obtained from the arterial,
portal, hepatic and central venous catheters at each
measuring point for analysis of blood oxygen
Experimental procedure
saturation and lactate levels. Two independent
The experimental procedure and measurements investigators performed the offline analysis of
were performed after dissection of the liver area, but hepatic pressure recordings, and measurements
prior to the liver resection. After a steady-state period were double checked by a third investigator not
of 10 min, two control measurements were per- involved in performing the original recordings.
formed (C1 and baseline; BL). Infusion of vaso-
pressin (Argipressin 0.04 U/ml) was then started at
Data collection
an initial dose of 9.6 U/h for 5 min, followed by
4.8 U/h for 15 min after which measurements were Patient data were collected using a Philips monitor-
made (measuring point V). The higher dose was ing system (IntelliVue MX800, Eindhoven, the
given to compensate for catheter lumen and ascertain Netherlands). PVP and HVP were sampled from the
a rapid achievement of adequate plasma concentra- corresponding pressure catheters by an A/D
tion of vasopressin. Thereafter, an infusion of nitro- converter (BIOPAC MP150, Goleta, CA, USA) at a
glycerin (Glycerylnitrat 1 mg/ml) was added and sampling rate of 20 Hz and transferred to a software
titrated to reach a MAP of 60 mmHg (0.15–2.4 lg/ program (AcqKnowledge; Biopac) for offline
kg/min). After 5 min of steady state, the last sets of analysis.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)
ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3

Statistical analysis
Values are presented as mean  standard devia-
tion (SD). The web-based statistical tool www. was used for power analy-
sis. To detect a 25% (2–3 mmHg) reduction in
portal pressure, at a SD of 2 mmHg10 with a
power of 0.8 and a two-sided P value of <0.05, a
sample size of nine patients was required. To
detect a 20% relative reduction of portal flow,
with a SD of 15%,14 with a power of 0.8 and a
two-sided P value of <0.05 a sample size of 10
patients was required. To account for missing
data, we aimed to include 13 patients. A two-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated
measures was performed. If a significant ANOVA
was present, the analysis was followed by paired
t-tests between BL and V and between BL and
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the experimental procedure. C1,
Control 1; BL, Baseline; V, vasopressin 4.8 U/h; V + N, vasopressin
V + N. P values <0.05 were considered signifi-
4.8 U/h + nitroglycerin to a target MAP of 60 mmHg. Vasopressin was cant. All analyses were performed in the Statisti-
started at 9.6 U/h and then reduced after 5 min. cal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version
23.0, IBM, New York, USA).

Calculation of changes in portal and hepato- Due to technical reasons, HVP measurements
splanchnic venous flow from patient number 2 and CVP measurements
Changes (D) in portal venous flow (Qpv) from patient number 7 were not obtained. Blood
(splanchnic blood flow) and hepatic (Qhv) gas analysis was on two occasions complicated
venous flow (hepato-splanchnic blood flow) rel- by machine failure, and measurement of oxygen
ative to baseline during vasopressin infusion saturation (patients 6 and 13) and hepatic
(V) were calculated using the following equa- venous lactate (patient 6) could not be per-
tion, derived from Fick’s principle:15 formed.
There was no difference between HVP, PVP, sys-
temic haemodynamic parameters, oxygen satura-
tion values or lactate levels between the two
ðpreVÞ ðpreVÞ
QpvðpostVÞ SaO2  SpvO2 control measurement points (C1 and BL), which
¼ ðpreVÞ
¼ ðpostVÞ ðpostVÞ
Qpv SaO2  SpvO2 confirms a steady state at baseline (BL). The dose of
nitroglycerin required to achieve MAP 60 mmHg
 100; at measuring point V + N was very individual, and
and for hepato-splanchnic flow : DQhvð%Þ ranged between 0.1 and 2.4 lg/kg/min.
ðpreVÞ ðpreVÞ
QhvðpostVÞ SaO2  ShvO2
¼ ¼  100
QhvðpreVÞ ðpostVÞ
SaO2  ShvO2
ðpostVÞ Systemic haemodynamics (Table 2)
Vasopressin increased MAP, SVRI, SVI and
CVP and decreased HR, whereas CI remained
where SaO2 is arterial oxygen saturation, SpvO2 unchanged. As nitroglycerin was added (dosed
is portal venous oxygen and ShvO2 is hepatic individually to achieve a target MAP of
venous oxygen saturation. The same equa- 60 mmHg), SVRI and HR returned to BL values,
tion was used for calculation of flow changes whereas CI, SVI and CVP decreased compared
comparing (V + N) to baseline. to BL. There was a trend towards increased

Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)

4 ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 2 Effects of vasopressin and nitroglycerin on systemic haemodynamics.

BL V V+N ANOVA P value

CI (l/min/m2) 3.24  0.67 3.24  0.72 2.70  0.48*** <0.001

MAP (mmHg) 70  7.7 77  6.3** 60  3.5** <0.001
SVRI (dynes 9 s 9 cm5/m2) 1619  378 1801  378* 1653  276 <0.01
ITBVI (ml/m2) 863  307 947  472 884  383 0.12
SVI (ml/m2) 37.2  4.9 38.9  6.4* 30.7  4.4*** <0.001
HR (beats/min) 86  13 83  13** 88  13 0.001
CVP (mmHg) 6.72  1.3 7.53  1.49*** 5.68  1.11** <0.001

BL, baseline; V, vasopressin 4.8 U/h; V + N, vasopressin 48 U/h + nitroglycerin to MAP 60 mmHg; CI, Cardiac Index; MAP, Mean Arterial
Pressure; SVRI, Systemic Vascular Resistance Index; ITBVI, Intrathoracic Blood Volume Index; SVI, Stroke Volume Index; HR, Heart Rate; CVP,
Central Venous Pressure; Values are presented as means  SD; Asterisks indicate significant difference vs. BL. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
***P < 0.001.

ITBVI with vasopressin, which then returned to When nitroglycerin was added, the portal flow
baseline after addition of nitroglycerin. The was reduced further, by 55%, and the hepatic
haemodynamic changes indicate a decreased car- flow by 30%, compared to BL.
diac preload with addition of nitroglycerin.
Lactate (Table 4)
Portal and hepatic pressures (Table 3, Fig. 2)
Lactate levels did not differ between measuring
During vasopressin infusion, 4.8 U/h, PVP points in arterial, central venous or portal
remained unchanged but HVP increased slightly venous blood. Hepatic venous lactate increased
compared to BL (7.1  1.5 to 7.9  1.9 mmHg at point V + N compared to BL (1.60–
P = 0.001). With nitroglycerin added to on- 1.82 mmol/l) and the arterio-hepatic lactate gra-
going vasopressin, there was a significant reduc- dient decreased (0.32–0.16 mmol/l). The arterio-
tion of PVP (10.1  1.6 to 8.9  1.3 mmHg) and portal lactate gradient was not affected.
HVP (7.9  1.9 to 6.2  1.3 mmHg), which both
decreased below BL.
In this study involving patients with normal
Portal and hepatic venous flow (Table 3,
portal venous pressure undergoing liver resec-
Fig. 3)
tion surgery, we showed that the combined
Vasopressin infusion decreased portal flow by infusion of a low-to-moderate dose of vaso-
47% and hepatic flow by 11% compared to BL. pressin and nitroglycerin reduced portal and

Table 3 Venous pressures, oxygen saturation and calculated relative change of portal and hepatic flow.

BL V V+N ANOVA P value

PVP (mmHg) 10.35  1.50 10.05  1.59 8.88  1.25*** <0.001

HVP (mmHg) 7.12  1.40 7.94  1.89** 6.23  1.34*** <0.001
Arterial oxygen saturation (%) 97.7  0.5 97.6  0.7 96.9  1.2** <0.001
Central venous saturation (%) 80.5  3.3 80.8  9 76.2  4.6** <0.001
Portal venous saturation (%) 88.8  2.9 78.4  9 ** 75.8  7.2*** <0.001
Hepatic venous saturation (%) 75.4  10.8 70.4  16.6* 63.7  16.5** <0.001
D portal flow 1 0.53  0.19*** 0.45  0.13*** <0.001
D hepatic venous flow 1 0.89  0.18 0.7  0.13*** <0.001

BL, baseline; V, vasopressin 4.8 U/h; V + N, vasopressin 4.8 U/h + nitroglycerin; PVP, Portal venous pressure; HVP, Hepatic venous pressure;
Values are presented as means  SD. Asterisks indicate significant difference vs. BL at *P < 0.05;**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)

ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 5

Fig. 2. Vasopressin 4.8 U/h (V) and vasopressin 4.8 U/

h + nitroglycerin (V + N) decrease portal, hepatic venous and central
Fig. 3. Vasopressin 4.8 U/h (V) and vasopressin 4.8 U/
venous pressure as indicated by the circle, triangle and square-
h + nitroglycerin to a MAP of 60 mmHg (V + N) decrease portal and
marked lines, respectively. Asterisks indicate significant differences vs.
hepatic venous blood flow, as indicated by the circle and triangle-
BL **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
marked lines, respectively. Asterisks indicate significant difference vs.
BL ***P < 0.001.

hepatic venous pressure, and considerably

reduced both portal (splanchnic) and hepato-
splanchnic blood flow. To our knowledge, the of vasopressin on portal pressure in this study,
effects of this drug combination on splanchnic on patients with normal portal pressure, is in
and hepato-splanchnic blood flow and portal contrast to previous studies on patients with
and hepatic venous pressure have not been portal hypertension. Westaby et al. showed that
tested previously in this clinical setting. vasopressin decreased portal venous pressure
In the present study, vasopressin induced a from 21 to 14 mmHg in patients with portal
constriction of both systemic resistance vessels hypertension16 and it has also been shown that
and capacitance vessels, inducing an increase in portal venous pressures decrease in patients
MAP, as well as a centralisation of blood vol- with portal hypertension undergoing liver trans-
ume, reflected by an increase in CVP and SVI. plantation.13,17 When nitroglycerin was added
These findings confirm the results from our to vasopressin infusion, the vasoconstrictory
recent study.14 When nitroglycerin was added to effect of vasopressin was counteracted, resulting
vasopressin, systemic vascular resistance was in a fall in both hepatic and portal venous pres-
normalised compared to baseline, but cardiac sure below baseline, as shown in the present
output decreased below baseline. This effect study.
was likely caused by systemic venodilatation Vasopressin induced a pronounced intestinal
and a consequent fall in cardiac preload, stroke vasoconstriction as reflected by a marked reduc-
volume and cardiac output.Vasopressin infusion tion in portal venous blood flow (47%) in our
only did not affect portal venous pressure signif- study. However, the fall in hepatic venous flow,
icantly in the present study, confirming our pre- reflecting the global hepato-splanchnic perfu-
vious findings.14 This could be explained by a sion, was less pronounced (11%). The relatively
vasopressin-induced vasoconstriction and greater reduction in portal flow compared to
decreased compliance of abdominal capacitance hepatic venous flow is probably due to the hep-
vessels, which will offset the fall in intra- atic arterial buffer response (HABR), a compen-
abdominal blood volume, consequently with no satory mechanism mediated by adenosine
net effect on portal pressure. The lack of effect release, leading to an increased flow of more
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)
6 ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 4 Lactate and lactate gradients.

BL V V+N ANOVA P value

Arterial lactate (mmol/l) 1.90  0.99 1.96  1.07 1.98  0.96 0.58
Central venous lactate (mmol/l) 2.00  0.94 2.04  0.99 2.11  0.91 0.21
Portal venous lactate (mmol/l) 1.82  0.91 1.88  1.04 1.96  0.94 0.16
Hepatic venous lactate(mmol/l) 1.60  0.98 1.78  1.04* 1.82  1.07* 0.01
Arterio-portal lactate gradient 0.085  0.18 0.083  0.16 0.026  0.24 0.59
Arterio-hepatic lactate gradient 0.32  0.28 0.17  0.31 0.16  0.35* 0.03

BL, baseline; V; vasopressin 4.8 U/h; V + N, vasopressin 4.8 U/h + nitroglycerin; Values are presented as means  SD. Asterisks indicant sig-
nificant difference vs. BL at *P < 0.05.

oxygenated blood in the vascular bed supplied both pressure and flow is appealing, since it
from the hepatic artery when portal flow potentially allows for the HABR mechanism to
decreases.18–20 When nitroglycerin was added to better preserve oxygenation of the liver parench-
vasopressin, portal blood flow and hepato- yma compared to the surgical occlusion tech-
splanchnic blood flow were reduced further. niques. Whether this pharmacological
This is explained by the nitroglycerin-induced alternative may reduce bleeding during liver
fall in MAP, in turn caused by systemic vaso- resection surgery needs to be evaluated in a
and venodilatation, decreasing systemic vascular prospective randomised trial.
resistance, cardiac preload and cardiac output. In the present study, the fall in portal venous
Thus, the combined infusion of vasopressin and and hepato-splanchnic blood flow with the
nitroglycerin reduced portal blood flow and combined vasopressin and nitroglycerin infu-
hepato-splanchnic blood flow to 55% and 30% sions was accompanied by a minor increase in
of baseline flow, respectively. In other words, hepatic venous lactate and decrease in the arte-
the combined infusion of vasopressin and nitro- rio-hepatic lactate gradient. This suggests that
glycerin decreases both portal venous pressure, this treatment has the potential to induce
as well as portal inflow of blood to the surgical splanchnic ischemia and lactate production, and
field during liver resection surgery. could be of clinical relevance if this treatment is
Different interventions have been suggested to to be used for a longer period. On the other
lower the CVP and reduce bleeding during liver hand, it has also been shown that serum lactate
surgery, aiming to reduce the vascular distend- may increase markedly after use of surgical
ing pressure over the liver parenchyma.7,8 Blood occlusion techniques,25 and that this increase is
flow through the liver, and possibly total liver directly correlated to the cumulative time of
blood volume is also likely to influence blood hepatic hilum clamping.26 However, in our
loss during liver surgery. In two animal studies, study, the levels of lactate after drug infusions
vasopressin has been shown to reduce total liver are still within the normal range, as opposed to
blood volume.21,22 To surgically control bleed- the elevated levels found in studies of mechani-
ing during liver resection, inflow and outflow cal clamping.25
occlusion (e.g. the Hepatic Pedicle Clamping or Another concern is that vasopressin in similar
Pringle’s Manoeuvre) is used routinely. There doses as used in the present study may produce
are conflicting results regarding the effect on renal vasoconstriction and impair renal oxygena-
outcome and risk of hepatic ischemia using tion.27 On the other hand, the use of Terli-
these methods, as well as risk of increased pressin (an analogue of vasopressin) in
haemodynamic instability during clamping.23,24 patients undergoing liver transplantation
Our study suggests that a combined infusion of resulted in a lower incidence of acute kidney
vasopressin and nitroglycerin could be a phar- injury.28 Furthermore, the fall in splanchnic
macological alternative to partial occlusion tech- blood flow may also have the potential to
niques. From a clinical perspective, our method induce pancreatic ischemia.29 Thus, in future
with a pharmacologically induced reduction of prospective studies, not only the efficacy but

Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)

ª 2018 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 7

also the safety of combined treatment with vaso- adverse renal or intestinal effects, has to be
pressin and nitroglycerin must be addressed. determined in a future randomised, large sam-
In the present study, we performed measure- ple study.
ments intraoperatively, prior to the liver resection
period, which limited the time available for the
experimental procedure. One could argue Acknowledgements
whether a steady state was reached after 15 min This study was funded by the Swedish State
of infusion of each agent. However, plasma half- Support for Clinical Research (ALFGBG-75130),
life for vasopressin is 1–2 min30 and for nitro- V€astra G€otaland, Sweden, and the Gothenburg
glycerin 1–4 min, and steady state would be Medical Society, Gothenburg, Sweden (Grant
expected to be achieved approximately after 5– number 691901). The authors have no conflict of
12 min. Ideally, portal and hepatic venous flow interest.
would have been measured directly and simulta-
neously, but technically this proved to be diffi-
cult. Instead, we chose to calculate the changes in References
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Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2018)

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