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To compose effective messages you need to apply certain specific communication principles.
Principles of communications are the general guidelines that are so important for existence of
effective communications. These principles tie in closely with the basic concepts of the
communication process and are important for both written and oral communications. They
provide guidelines for choice of content and style of presentation adapted to the purpose and
receiver of your messages.

These principles called “seven c’s”. These are completeness, conciseness, consideration,
Concreteness, clarity, courtesy, and correctness.


Seven C’s are the seven most useful qualities of effective communication. They are called Seven
C’s because name of each of these qualities starts with a C, and they are seven in numbers,
therefore they are called Seven C’s. Although they are just seven small words starting with a
letter C but their importance for effective business communication is same as the importance of
seven seas for the world.

The Seven C’s are as follows:


By completeness means the message must bear all the necessary information to bring the
response you desire. The sender should answer all the questions and with facts and figures. And
when desirable, go for extra details.

Message Receiver- either listener or reader, desire complete information to their question

In order to achieve completeness in your communication:

a. Answer all questions that are asked

b. Give something extra, when desirable
c. Check the five Ws questions these are Who, What, When, Where, Why and other
essential such as How

a. Answer all questions asked
Replying to an inquiry or request, answer all questions asked, and even anticipate the reader’s
reaction by providing other relevant information.
b. Give something extra when desirable
Sometimes, as an intelligent writer, you know what your reader may need to know about any
certain thing. In this case you must include anything that is of your reader’s benefit.
c. Check the five Ws questions
The five question method is useful when you write requests, announcements, or other
informative messages. For instance, to order (request) merchandise, make clear WHAT you
want, WHEN you need it, to WHOM and WHERE it is to be sent, HOW the payment will be


Conciseness means “convey the message by using fewest words without affecting the meaning
of the message’’. Conciseness is the prerequisite to effective business communication. As you
know that all businessmen have a short time. Hence a concise message saves the time and
expenses for both the parties. A concise messages save time of both the sender and the receiver.
Conciseness, in a business message, can be achieved by avoiding wordy expressions and
repetition. Using brief and to the point sentences, including relevant material makes the message
concise. Achieving conciseness does not mean to losing completeness of message.

To achieve conciseness in your message:

a. Eliminate wordy expressions

b. Include only relevant statements
 be focused
 prune & avoid long explanations
c. Avoid unnecessary repetitions
 use short forms
 use pronouns and abbreviations (acronyms)

A. Avoid Wordy Expression

So as to avoid wordy expression, consider the following important mechanism.

i. Use single-word substitutes instead of phrases whenever possible without changing

Wordy: - when a given message has full of words to express one idea. It is possible to express
our idea by using few words without affecting the meaning. Instead of “at this time” you can just
use only a concise word: - NOW, Always try to use “To the point Approach” in business
scenario perspective. Example:

Wordy concise

In due course Soon

Due to the fact that because
In spite of the fact that although

ii. Eliminate unnecessary expressions such as: Allow me to say, In my opinion, I believe
that, As in my feeling, As I considered and etc from the beginning of the sentences.
Because they did not add any value to the meaning of the message.
iii. Avoid that, which and who clauses in your sentences whenever possible
As the longer your message and do not add any contribution to make the message is more
understandable to your message receiver so that they should be avoided.
Wordy: She bought desks that are comfortable.
Concise: She bought a comfortable desk.
iv. Avoid over using of there is, there was, it is, it was, there are, there were at the
beginning of sentences in your message.
Wordy: There are four rules that should be observed.
Concise: Four rules should be observed.
v. Use simple present tense and active voice rather than passive. If it is simple present
tense and active, by using only one word we can express our idea.

But in the passive at least two words are important within one sentence. Since subject is not doer
of the action in the passive, it needs detail explanation in order to know the doer of actions.

B. Include only relevant information

Always try to provide only relevant information to the receiver of the message. Stick to the
purpose of the message, prune irrelevant words and rambling sentences, omit information
obvious to the receiver, avoid long introductions and get to the important point tactfully and
Wordy: We hereby wish to let you know that our company is pleased with the confidence
You have reposed in us.
Concise: We appreciate your confidence.

C. Avoid unnecessary repetitions

Sometimes repetition is necessary for focusing some special issue. But when the same thing is
said two or three times without reasons, the message become wordy and boring, therefore it
should be avoided.

There are some ways to eliminate unnecessary repetition:-

i. Use shorter name after you have mentioned the long one once.

E.g. instead of “Debre Birhan blanket factory is better to say “Debre Birhan factory”

Instead of “Kembolcha textile factory” is better to say “kembolcha factory”

ii. Use pronouns or initial letter.

E.g. Instead of saying world trade organization many times use WTO or you can use It
for Information Technology. (Keeping in views that receiver knows about these terms).
iii. Cut out all needless repetition of phrases or sentences.

Consideration is considering the receiver’s Interest/Intention. It is very important in effective
communication while writing a message you should always keep in mind your target group.
Consideration is very important “C” among all the seven C’s.

Consideration demands to put oneself in the place of receiver while composing a message.

It refers to the use of you attitude, emphases positive pleasant facts, visualizing reader’s
problems, desires, emotions and his response.

Generally the following mechanisms help us to achieve consideration principles of the

communication. These are:

a. Focus on YOU instead of I & WE

b. Show reader benefit & interest
c. Emphasize positive& pleasant facts
d. Apply integrity & ethics

a. Focus on YOU instead of I &WE

Your receivers are usually more concerned about themselves than about you or the company you
represent. They are more likely to read your message when they see their name and the pronoun
“you” rather than “I” “WE” “US”.

Instead of saying (we and I attitude) better to say (you attitude)
I want to send my congratulations on your promotion Congratulations to you on your promotion
We will ship the goods to you on May 4. You will receive the goods on May 8.
We pay eight percent interest on the loan. You earn 8% interest on the loan.

Exercise: rewrite the following paragraph by using ‘You approach’ so that it will attain
consideration principles of communication.

May I take this opportunity to express my thanks for the account you recently opened with our
store. We are pleased to furnish a wide variety of products for the home of the individual
customer. We want you to take full advantage of the store services, for we have the largest store
in the city. Also we make deliveries for our customer free of charge within a 30 miles radius of
our store. We welcome you to Ebony. If we can be of additional help please let us know.

b. Show readers benefits & interest

Readers may react positively when benefit are shown to them. Always try to address his/her need
and want. Always show/write to reader what has been done so far as his/her query is concerned.
Always avoid that has not been done so far. Always write a message in such a way how
audience should be benefited from it. They will be more likely to react favorably and do what
you suggest if you show that benefits are worth the effort and the cost. In situations where actual
direct reader benefit is impossible or irrelevant to the subject matter, the message should at least
show interest in and concern for the readers needs or viewpoint.

Even a simple request gets better response when a reader benefits plug accompanies it. For
example, an insurance company that wanted to update its address files sent to half its
policyholders a double postcard with this message. Because we have not written you in some
time please help us bring our records up to date by filling in and returning the other half of this
card. Only 3% of these cards came back. To the remaining half of its policy holders the firm
sent the same request reworded to show readers benefit: So that dividend checks, premium
notices and other messages of importance may reach you promptly, please fill out and the other
half of this card. This request brought 90% of the cards back in a few days. Though your
company is in business to make a profit, you omit that selfish sounding idea; the reader assumes
it anyway and is motivated only by what benefits he/she receives. Reader-benefit appeals are
desirable also n job applications, favor requests, and announcements to your customers,
prospective buyers, and the like.

c. Emphasize on the positive and pleasant facts

The communicator should

 Stress what can be done instead of what cannot be done, and

 Focusing on words your receiver can consider favorably

Words such as not, impossible, never, cannot and won’t can triggers negative reactions from the
receivers. So without changing the meaning of the messages we can express our message by


Negative: If you will not attend tomorrow meeting, you will miss the important information.

Positive: if you attend tomorrow meeting, you will get important information.

Negative: if you do not pay the loan on time, you will not get refund.

Positive: if you pay the loan on time, you will get refund.

d. Apply ethics and integrity

To be truly considerate, you need also to apply integrity – high moral standards, personal honor,
truthfulness and sincerity – to your written and oral messages. Integrity is indispensable in our
jobs, in business transactions, in social and political activities, in everything we do. Without it
business communication would provide worthless, & our confidence in people would be

Ethics is concerned with what is right and wrong in human conduct. Codes of ethics provide
standards enabling us to determine the fundamental distinction between right and wrong human


It means that message should be specific instead of general. Misunderstanding of words creates
problems for both parties (sender and receiver). When you talk to your client always use facts
and figures instead of generic or irrelevant information. Being definite, vivid and specific rather
than vague, obscure and generally leads to concreteness of the message. Facts and figures being
presented in the message should be specif.

The following mechanism helps to make you communication or message concrete.

A. Use specific facts and figures

B. Put action into verbs
C. Choose vivid image building words by comparison & figurative language

A. Use specific facts and figures

Using specific facts and figures, whenever possible adds up to the concreteness of your message.
The receiver of your message would be very comfortable with your speech when you can
support some of your ideas with facts.

Vague: Please send us the following items by the end of this month.
Clear: The following items should reach us on or before 21 August

Vague: A lot of people in Ethiopia are facing drought.

Clear: Currently, around 10 million people in Ethiopia are need of food assistance.

Exercise: Rewrite the following in concrete form as the sentences are too general and vague

 Our product has won several prizes.

 These brakes stop a car within a short distance.

B. Put action in your verbs

Active verbs make writing forceful and more interesting to read or hear.


Passive: These figures are checked by research department.

Active: The research department checks these figures.

Active verbs also make sentence specific, personal and concise.


Specific: “The chief executive decided” is more explicit than “A decision has been made.”

C. Choose vivid, and image building words

Use comparisons, figurative language, and concrete instead of nouns.

 Comparisons

A1) there are a great, many solder joints in the space craft, and each must have just the right
amount of solder.

A2) the spacecraft has 2.5 million solder joints. If an extra drop of solder had been left on these
joints, the excess weight would have been equivalent to the payload of the vehicle.

 Figurative language

Figures of speech may express an idea more vividly than literal language.


A1) x product helps you lose your double chin in four weeks, if you use x as directed.

A2) if two chins quarrel for a place on your collar, x product helps settle the argument. Only one
chin remains after you use x just four weeks as directed.

 Concrete, instead of abstract noun

This is especially very important as subjects of your sentences. Concrete nouns represent
subjects your recipient can touch, see, smell, hear or taste. Abstract nouns as subjects designate
intangible concepts. They bring vague ‘picture’ if any, to a person’s mind.


Abstract: she is a good student.

Concrete: she has good academic performance in the class of 50 students.


Clarity demands the use of simple language and easy sentence structure in composing the
message. When there is clarity in presenting ideas, it’s easy for the receiver/decoder to grasp the
meaning being conveyed by the sender/encoder. In effective business communication the
message should be very much clear. So that reader can understand it easily. You should always
choose precise words. Always choose familiar and easy words. Construct effective sentences and
paragraphs. In business communication always use precise words rather longer statements. If
you have a choice between long words and shorter one, always use shorter one. You should try
your level best to use familiar/easy to understand words so that your reader will quickly
understand it.

By implementing the following mechanism it is possible to make your message clear:

 Choose short, familiar & conversational words.

 Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
 Include examples, illustrations & visual aids when it is desirable.

i. Choose short, familiar and conversational words

When you have a choice between a long word and a short word one, use the short, familiar and
conversational word that your reader or listener will quickly understand. Also, use synonyms
instead of Latin terms if they, though short, may be unfamiliar to your message receivers.


 Circa(L) – about
 Subsequent – after
 Promulgate – announce , declare
 Inadvertence – error
 e.g..(L) – foe example
 Domicile – home , house
 Remuneration – pay

ii. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs

Arranging your words in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs is also an essential task that
requires adaptations to your reader. Important characteristics to consider are; length, unity, and

 Length as short as desirable

Generally, short sentences are preferred. The suggested average sentence length should be about
17 to 20 words. Because of a pleasing variety of length is desirable, you can have a range of
from 3 to 30 or more words. But when a sentence exceeds 40 words, try to rewrite it in to more
than one sentence. Please also note that it is important that your sentences are not too short

 Unity to express main ideas

In a sentence where simple, compound and complex unity means that you have one main idea
and any other ideas in the sentence must be closely related to it. In a paragraph, unity likewise
means you have one main idea or topic. Usually atopic sentence is a good way to express the
main idea (Of course, a one-or two sentence paragraph need not have topic sentence). The
preferred position for the topic sentence in most paragraphs is at the beginning, where it receives
the best emphasis. The sentences that follow it contain the details to help develop the main idea.
However, if you think you reader will consider your main topic unfavorable or unclear, you may
be wise to place the supporting details firs and then lead up topic sentences at the end.

 Coherence for clear meaning

Arrange words clearly so that the ideas clearly express the intended meaning. Place the correct
modifiers as close as possible to the word it is supposed to modify.


A1) Being an excellent lawyer, I am sure you can help us (unclear)

A2) being an excellent lawyer, you can surely help us or as you are an excellent lawyer, I am
sure you can help us (clear)

For coherence in a paragraph each sentence should be relevant to the main idea expressed in the
topic sentences. Transitional words and phrases correctly placed within paragraphs help to point
one sentence to another. Likewise they can lead the reader from one paragraph to another.

iii. Include examples, illustrations and other visual aids when desirable

When you have complicated or lengthy explanation in a letter, speech, or report, you will often
find you can improve the clarity by giving your receipts an example, analogy, or illustration.
Furthermore, visual aids such as headings, tabulations, itemizations, picture, and charts are
definite aid to clarity and easy understanding. Some important statements may be underlined,
numbered, colored, or typed in CAPITALS or italics or on short lines with wider margins.


In business, almost everything starts and ends in courtesy. Courtesy means not only thinking
about receiver but also valuing his feelings. Much can be achieved by using polite words and
gestures, being appreciative, thoughtful, tactful, and showing respect to the receiver. Courtesy
builds goodwill. Courtesy strengthen relations.

Knowing your audience allows you to use statements of courtesy; be aware of your message
receiver. True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspective of others, but also their
feelings. Courtesy stems from a sincere you-attitude. It is not merely politeness with mechanical
insertions of “please” and “Thank you”. Although Appling socially accepted manners is a form
of courtesy. Rather, it is politeness that grows out respect and concern for others.

Courteous communication generates a special tone in their writing and speaking.

To achieve Courtesy to your message:

 Be sincere , tactful, thoughtful and appreciative

 Omit expressions that hurt , irritate, or insult
 Choose nondiscriminatory expressions

A. Be sincere, tactful, thought full and appreciative

Though few people are intentionally abrupt or blunt, these negative traits are common cause of
discourtesy. Sometimes they stem from a mistaken idea of conciseness, sometimes from negative
personal attitudes.


A1) your letter is not clear at all; I can’t understand it. (Tactless, blunt)

A2) if I understand your letter correctly, it seems that it needs some clarification. (Tactful)

A1) apparently you have already forgotten what I wrote you two weeks ago. (Tactless, blunt)

A2) as mentioned in my May 15 letter or memo to you continues with the facts. (tactful)

B. Omit expressions that irritate, hurt and belittle

The thoughtful business communicator should avoid expressions that might offend the reader or

 Irritating expressions

Here is the list if expressions that you should avoid, particularly when used with “you’ and

 Contrary to your inference

 I do not agree with you
 You failed to you are probably ignorant of the fact that
 You failed to we are amazed you can’t
 You neglect
 Your stubborn silence
 You leave us no choice
 You surely don’t expect etc

C. Choose nondiscriminatory expressions

Courtesy also requires use of nondiscriminatory expressions that refer to any particular,
gender, and race, ethnic, Origin, etc

Instead of these gender-specific words. Choose these Bias Free words

Businessman Business person or business worker
Chairman Chair, chairperson, worker, employee
Manpower Worker, employee
Newsman Newscaster or reporter or journalist
Salesman Salesperson, sales, representative, agent


At the core of correctness are the proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. However, message
must be perfect grammatically and mechanically. The term correctness, as applied to business
messages also mean three characteristics: Use the right level of language, Check the accuracy of
figures, facts and words, Maintain acceptable writing mechanics.

Therefore, correctness in your writing can be achieved through:

 Using the right level of the language

 Checking accuracy of figures, facts and words.
 Maintaining acceptable writing mechanics

I. Use the right Level of Language

We suggest that there are two level of language:

1. Formal
2. Informal.

Formal and Informal Words

Formal writing is often associated with scholarly writing: doctoral dissertations, master’s thesis,
legal documents, top-level government agreements and other material where formality is

Informal writing is more characteristic of business writing. Here you use words that are short,
well-known and conversational as in this comparison list:

Formal informal formal informal

Anticipate expect endeavor try

Ascertain find out interrogate ask

Deem think (believe) procure get

II. Checking Accuracy of Facts and Figures

Check Accuracy of Facts, Figures and words it is impossible to convey meaning precisely,
through words, from the head of the sender to a receiver. Our goal is to be as precise as possible,
which means checking and double-checking to ensure that the figures, facts and words you use
are correct. “A good check of your data is to have another person read and comment on the
validity of the material”.

III. Maintaining acceptable writing mechanics

Acceptable writing mechanics include correct punctuation, capitalization, and syllabication,

and spelling –plus correct sentence and paragraph structure, already mentioned under clarity.
This area also includes using correct format, for letters, memos, and reports.

Two common weaknesses in writing mechanics that deserve special thought and brief attention
are mentioned here. These are incorrect spelling and careless omissions.

Spelling errors

Business executives and customers expect you to spell correctly and may begin to question your
overall ability if you misspell – especially the customer’s name and every day words like
convenience, questionnaire, stationery, personnel and accommodation. Errors of transposition

(‘nad’ instead of and) are spelling errors that show carelessness.

Careless omissions

Another way to maintain correct writing mechanics is to double –check for any careless
omissions of punctuation marks or words needed for grammatical accuracy. Sometimes even
small omission can lead to costly miscommunication.


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