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The Lorax

Curse of capitalism
written by

Em Hunt
Grammy Norma slides down from the bulldozer and addresses the
I’m Grammy Norma, I’m old, and I’ve
got gray hair
But I remember when trees were

The crowd is bored by this. O’Hare can see he has a chance to
convince them.
And no one had to pay for air
(pokes O’Hare with her
So I say let it grow!
The crowd groans. Ted leads everyone back down towards
town square.
Let it grow
Let it grow
Like it did so long ago!
It is just one tiny seed
But it’s all we really need
It’s time to change the life we
Time to let it grow!
Now O’Hare steps out of the middle of the crowd onto the top
of his severed statue’s head.
My name’s O’Hare, I’m one of you,
I live here in Thneedville too.
The things you say just might be
It could be time to start anew,
And maybe change my point of
Everyone is shocked by O'HARES changed mindset. Everyone
Naw! I say let it die!
O’Hare now tries to get everyone singing with him. Everyone
faces light up and show interest in O'HARE
Let it die
Let it die
Let it shrivel up and...
(A few people singing along)
Come on! Who’s with me? Huh?

The crowd Starts dancing and singing with him.

You greedy dirtbag!
Everyone surrounds the delivery man and tramples him
Let it die
Let it die
Let it shrivel up and die!!!
Plant a seed inside the earth,
If you have no worth,
Let’s celebrate the world’s
We say let it Die!
Let it die
Let it die
You cant live without bottled air!!
The Once-ler’s eyes appear in the boarded up window. He
looks toward Thneedville, trying to make out the faint music
he hears in the distance.
It is just one tiny seed
So why would that be something we

The Once-ler turns his ear to the window, but it’s still too
faint. He disappears back inside his Lerkim.
It’s hard to make out anything in the dark and shadowy room.
Then the Once-ler’s gloved hands appear, grabbing the handle
of a RUSTY OLD AXE next to the Great-Great-Great Grandfather
snail on his desk. We can barely make out the silhouette of
the Once-ler raising the axe over his head, then...
It’s time to buy more air!

WHACK! He chops away at the boards covering his window.

WHACK! CRACK! The axe breaks through the boards and
sunlight shines into the room for the first time in years.
Imagine Thneedville flowered and
treed... GROSS
Then, the Once-ler steps into the light and moves toward the
window. We see his face for the first time. Old and
wrinkled, with an enormous, Lorax-like moustache.
The Old
Once-ler leans out of the window and listens. Far off in the
distance, he hears voices singing.
We love capitalism!
The Once-ler’s sad old eyes slowly widen as he realizes what
he’s hearing. tears begin to well up as he looks down at the
“Unless” stones below him, then back toward Thneedville. A
Disappointed frown creeps across his face.
Thank you, Ted... FOR NOTHING
The crowd of people watch in horror as Ted and Audrey prepare
to plant the seed
Everyone charges after them as Audrey hides the seed in her
We say let it die
We say let it die
We say let it die
We say let it die
It’s a brand new dawn...
Grammy Norma walks over with a bottle of air as Ted runs for
his life
She breathes it in and begins to join the crowd within the
chance. She changed her mind and sided with them

The crowd chases them into a empty store,

They lock the door and the crowd looses interest.
We are safe here now
Audrey and ted hug.
The Old Once-ler steps outside with a air can in hand.
He makes his way over to the UNLESS stones where some small
patches of grass are beginning to grow around the tiny
Truffula tree.
Then, he hears a faint sound off in the distance.
The same sound he heard when the Lorax disappeared into the
sky years ago.
He looks up and sees the smoggy clouds beginning to part. A
ray of sunshine falls upon him and a SWOMEE-SWAN swoops down
from above. The amazed Once-ler watches the bird fly by then
turns to the UNLESS stones where he sees--
The Lorax. Floating back down to the stones. frowning. The
Once-ler can’t contain himself and screams in anger
You done bad, beanpole. You done
The Old Once-ler kneels down and slaps him.
The lorax runs away never to be seen again.
The town goes back to normal as Ted and Audrey plant the tree
within the shop where they are forever to live. The prices of
air rises and everyone is happy.

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