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Build Your December Challenge

*Example on 2nd page*

Pick Your Era

This will be your focus, just one area of your life you deem most important and you will give it your all.

Step One
To choose the era that you will be entering ask yourself these following questions:
- What era of your life have you been in that you are now exiting?
- If you could reach just 1 of your 2023 goals in the next 30 days which would it be. (This is how
you figure out what is most important to you).
- Why is it important to you?
Alternative questions if you dont have a 2023 goal that comes to mind:
- Reflect on the month before. What are you most proud of? Where can you improve?
- What is the most painful part of your life right now that is in control of?

Step Two
Give your eara a name. (The point is to make it fun and exciting)

Choose Your Character

To get the outcome you desire, something about YOU must change and the quickest way to do that is by
taking on the identity of the version of yourself who already has the desired outcome.

Step One
Identify your current character. Start the statement with “I Am” and write down everything you’ve been.
Get real and honest with yourself.

Step Two
Identify the character who has your desired outcome in detail.
- Identify the Character: Determine the qualities of the character you need to unlock.
- Behavior and Appearance: Envision how this character behaves, speaks, and presents themselves
- Emotional Transformation: Explore the emotions associated with your desired character.

Build Your Enviorment

Make deliberate changes, even small ones, to your routine and environment.
- Create a Mood Board: Develop a visual representation of the world your new character lives in.
- Change in Routine: Identify small changes in your daily routine to signify the beginning of a new
- Habits Needed: Determine the habits necessary to embody your new character.
Your Daily Task For 30 Days
The only thing you must do once you figure all this out is set an intention the moment you wake up every
single day of “Today, I choose to embody this new version of myself” and start to act like this new
character. It's not acting if you fully embody her, this is your new state of being.

Remember this:
The old version of yourself is still living alongside you but you must consciously choose to give her peace
and put your attentiotn on this new version of yourself. When you decide to change, challenges will come
in your direction but choose to view it from your new perspective. View it from a lens in which youve
already achieved your desired outcome.

Good Luck, I wish you nothing but success and happiness.

xoxo, Bahja

Example on the next page


Pick Your Era

This will be your focus, just one area of your life you deem most important and you will give it your all.

Step One
To choose the era that you will be entering ask yourself these following questions:
- What era of your life have you been in that you are now exiting?
I'm transitioning from my Look Good Feel Good era.
- If you could reach just 1 of your 2023 goals in the next 30 days which would it be. (This is how
you figure out what is most important to you).
Growing my YouTube channel to 50k subscribers is crucial for expanding my reach.
- Why is it important to you?
This is important to me because I hope to help as many people as I can recognize their potential.
Alternative questions if you dont have a 2023 goal that comes to mind:
- Reflect on the month before. What are you most proud of? Where can you improve?
- What is the most painful part of your life right now that is in control of?
The most painful part of my life right now is the feeling of unfulimnet due to not sharing my

Step Two

Give your eara a name. (The point is to make it fun and exciting)
My Youtber Era

Choose Your Character

To get the outcome you desire, something about YOU must change and the quickest way to do that is by
taking on the identity of the version of yourself who already has the desired outcome.

Step One
Identify your current character. Start the statement with “I Am” and write down everything you’ve been.
Get real and honest with yourself.
I am a content creator who has been inconsistent with my upload schedule.

Step Two
Identify the character who has your desired outcome in detail.
- Identify the Character: Determine the qualities of the character you need to unlock.
Bahja has 50k subscribers, Bahja is confident in what she knows, Bahja is consistent, Bahja is
- Behavior and Appearance: Envision how this character behaves, speaks, and presents themselves
Bahja is confident on camera, speaks with authenticity, and presents content with a unique flair.
- Emotional Transformation: Explore the emotions associated with your desired character.
Bahja feels excited, fulfilled, and connected to their audience.
Build Your Enviorment
Make deliberate changes, even small ones, to your routine and environment.
- Create a Mood Board: Develop a visual representation of the world your new character lives in.
Include visuals of a creative workspace, engaging with the audience, and hitting subscriber
- Change in Routine: Identify small changes in your daily routine to signify the beginning of a new
Bahja starts each day with brainstorming content ideas, she writes content while doing your
morning walk, and doesnt rush her morning mindfulness because she is successful in all that she
- Habits Needed: Determine the habits necessary to embody your new character.
Bahja has a consistent posting schedule, she engages with the audience, and explores new content
formats. Bahja seeks skills that will allow her to make better content and continues to educate
herself so she can continue growing.

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