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g MAX Lab

Date: 24/08/2023

The Management Team
Max Heights,
Kundli, Sonipat (Haryana)

Subject: Free Blood Test Camp at Max Heights on 27th

August, 2023
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to introduce MAX labs by Max hospital. We
have started operation in Delhi NCR with Authorised Collection
Centre at Jatheri Road Near Kangaroo Gardens, where we are
providing all quality pathologist services at doorstep. We also
organise free health check-up camp at residential societies,
Industrial Unit, IT Hubs, Bank Corporate, Universities and public
In this camp we will provide free of cost Random Blood Sugar
/Total Cholesterol and offering all Routine test with minimum
20% discount on MRP, specially for Max Height Residents,
assuring for our presence in your neighbourhood
Kindly grant us permission to organise this camp and please tell
us the estimate number of people attending the camp so that we
can contemplate disposables and technician required.
We look forward for your kind response and please feel free to
connect if you may have any query or want to have any further

Mohit Jain
Max Lab authorised centre
Main Road, Jatheri, Near CNG Pump,
Sonipat (Haryana)

Max Lab Limited IA WhGlly 0--0 ot Ma• HN1tnc.,11 lrt•llll.lte Ltd.)

\. Helpline No. 7982 100 200 • •

Conditions o f Reporti ng: 1. Th e t est s a1c carr ied o ut in the la b w ith the p res umption th ot th e specim e n belongs to the patient norne as Identified In the b ill/t est re quest for m . 2 . The test re sults
relate speclflcally to the sample receiv e d In the lab and are p resume d t o have been gone, ated a nd tran sportt1d pe r sn o c lllc lns t, uctio n s g iven by th o physician s/lab o ratory. 3. The rep orted
r esul t s are 1or th e In form ation e,nd Interp r e t a tion by t he r e 1er r!n \,j docto r o nly, 4 . So mo t ests 11, e re fe 11 Gd to o tlHU labor otorlos to p 1ovtde o wider 1e s1 menu to t h e c ustomer. 5 . M o x Hen lthco re
s h all i n no event b o liable to r a ccidenta l d amages toss , or d estruc tion o f spu c imon w h ich Is not attri b u ta ble to a ny CJlt <itc t tind m a lo n c.1e oc1 o r o m issio n o f M ox H c a lthce r o or It s e mployoes
Ll ab!Ht y ot M a;,,; Healthu,,r e f·o , d e ficiency of s e rv ices , 0 1 o the r 01101 5 e nd o m issions &h all be lhnlle U to fev p aid b y t ho PAllent fo r th o r • l e v o nc 1n oon nory serv!ces,

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