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ELT 303 Teaching Speaking Skill Lesson Plan

Name of the Pairs: Remide Turasan, Ezgi Çetin

The Learning Objectives:
- Can talk about everyday things (e.g. people, places, job, study) in a basic way.
- Can simply describe their daily routines.
The Age Range of Learners: 10-11 years old
The Level of Learners: GSE level 30-43 (A2-A2+)
Any additional Details about the Learners: They are taking English courses in a private

Contingency plan:
If Students Encounter Language Difficulties:
 We will provide additional support by pairing stronger students with those who need
more help so that they can balance each other.
 We will offer sentence starters or visual aids (charts, diagrams, or word banks) to
assist in their formulating sentences process.
If Students Show Disengagement or Lack of Participation:
 We will implement energizing activities like Simon Says or a quick physical
movement game related to the lesson's theme to re-engage students' attention.
If the Vocabulary Introduction Takes Longer (5 minutes):
 We will reduce the number of vocabulary items which is introduced and focus on
practicing pronunciation and application through interactive games. While using the
introduced words, play charades or Pictionary.
 We will extend the pair or group discussions for daily routine descriptions, allowing
students to use more elaborate sentences or add descriptive elements.
ELT 303 Teaching Speaking Skill Lesson Plan

Stage Duration Procedure Interaction Materials


Warm-up 5 minutes  We greet the students and engage them in a T-C YouTube Video
quick warm-up video, after that we have
an activity to be able to get them talking.
For example, asking simple questions
about what they did yesterday.

Introductio 10  We introduce and review vocabulary T-C Canva slide

n to minutes related to daily routines Canva slide.
Vocabulary  We practice pronunciation and repetition
of keywords.

Pre- 10  We provide worksheet about daily routines T-S Worksheet

speaking minutes to the students.
 Students will match the name of the daily
routines with the correct pictures on the
worksheet. We scaffold them while they
are doing the activity.

While- 10  Students talk about their daily routines in S-C

speaking minutes groups. They will talk about the routines
that they remember from Canva.
 While doing that we will encourage them
to ask questions to learn more about their
classmates' routines.
 After that, they will choose one person in
each group who has the most interesting
daily routine and share it with the whole

 Teacher asks them to be pairs. Then find S-S

one famous person both know and write
Post- 10 S-C
his or her daily routine.
speaking minutes
 They need to imagine and talk with each
other while planning the famous persons
daily routine.
ELT 303 Teaching Speaking Skill Lesson Plan

 After that, teacher ask to the classroom

share one interesting thing about they find
while writing the famous persons daily

Conclusion 5 minutes  We quickly review the key vocabulary and T-S

phrases that were covered in the lesson.
 We ask students to briefly summarize one
thing they learned or enjoyed during the

In this lesson plan every task has been carefully planned to improve students' language
proficiency step-by-step, from introduction to application, encouraging participation,
dialogue, and introspection all during the class.
During the warm-up, watch a short video about morning routine. After that, students
participate in a brief exercise that sets the tone for the class, including talking about their
recent experiences. It creates a welcoming environment, promotes comfort among the pupils,
and enables the teacher to evaluate their level of interest and language ability.

Vocabulary Introduction
Using Canva slides, this step provides vocabulary relevant to everyday routines, supporting
visual learners and strengthening comprehension by practicing pronouncing words correctly.
It tries to help students remember words and establishes the framework for additional

Pre-speaking (Controlled practice)

Students can practice daily routines with the help of the worksheet. Using worksheet provides
a visual support for the learners. It is also attention gathering for young learners.
While-speaking (Free practice)
Conversations in groups promote autonomous vocabulary use, resulting in more
conversational and natural language flow. Pupils openly talk about their daily schedules,
demonstrating their capacity for spontaneous communication and pointing out areas that
require support.
ELT 303 Teaching Speaking Skill Lesson Plan

Writing about a famous person's daily activities encourages creativity and teamwork. Through
this task, students are forced to use newly taught terminology in a creative setting, which
encourages innovation and cooperation.
This phase helps students to think back on their development
while reinforcing important concepts and providing a quick vocabulary refresher. It helps with
learning consolidation, summarizing important lessons learned, and evaluating the efficacy of
the course.
Visual Aids: Visual aids are essential for language learners since they help comprehension and
retention. These aides make abstract concepts more real and approachable for young learners.

-Warm-up video

-Canva Slide
ELT 303 Teaching Speaking Skill Lesson Plan


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