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frelflli\/e pr0n0lJns Belt]live Adverlrs p0sili0n 0l pre[0sili0rls if Belrli!

e ilfll]ses Adverl]s 01 [re(l]eIlcy

Beldive Pronol!lls

Relative pronouns, (who(m), which, ihat, whose), introduce reLative clauses. A relative clause gives
information about which particular person or thing the speaker is refering to.
The oilwho wotks in the baAery.B my cousin.

relative clause
(The relative clause tells us which girl we are lalking about.)
We use who/thal to refer io people.
The lady who lives next door has /ofs of pets.
We use whichlhat io refer to lhings/objects or animals.
I saw a filn which was extemely intercsting.
WhoAlVhich/That cannot be omitted when it is the subject ofthe relative clause.
She is lhe gil,who lives in the High Slreei, lan teadng a book which is very bating.

Who^Vhich/That can be omitted when it is the object of the relalive clause, i.e. when there is a noun or
personal pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb.
1spoke to a woman ,(who(m)lthat) I had net before., fhis isthe car lwhichlthat)he bought last week

We use whose instead of possessive adjectives (my, yorr, hls, etc.) with people, objects and animals to
show possession.
fhis is Mts Thomas, whose daughter is a doctor.
A relalive pronoun is not used with another pronoun (1, you, me, him, etc.).
I know the nan who tA won fhst p ze in the conpetition.

Note: . who's: who is or who has

Who's she? (= who is)
That's the lady wtlo's got an Alsatian dog. (= who has)
. whose: possessive
He's the nan whose dog bk ne.

fleldive ldvor[s
Where, when, and why are relalive adverbs and can introduce relative clauses.
Where is used to reier to place usually aiter nouns like house, hotel, sf/eet, town, countty, elc.ll can be
replaced by which/that + preposition. In this case, which/that can be omitted.
The hotelwhete we stayed was fantastic.
The hotel (whichlthat) we stayed at was fantastic.
When is used to refer to time, usually after nouns jike tine, peiod, noment, day, summet, etc.ll can
either be omitted or replaced by that.
I remember the day (wllen) my son was born.
I remember the day thal my son was born.
Why is r]sed to give reason, usually ailer lhe word reason. lt can either be omitted or replaced by that.
The rcason (why) 1 can't come to your patu is that I'n ertrenely thed.
The reason that I can't cone to your paty is that I'm ertrcmely tied.

ncy Bsl[Tire pr0ll0L]ns - B;lrllirs Arl\rgrlrs p0sili0[ p eD0sili0ns fl.rses-Arlr tsalltet)retn'!
01 i11 Re 0lire C

P0$ilisir fll prflfl0silN0nls i11 Relfltire 0lfllJsEs

Preposltions can come either before relatve pronouns or at the end oi the relatve clause. However, we
usually avoid using thern before relative pronouns.
The company tor which she works sells compute|s (famal use)
The conpany which she works tor sells computers. (informal- usualstructurc)
The company she wotks fot sells computerc. (everyday English)

Note: Who and that are not used after prepositions.

This is the gi with whom I played tennis. (fornal)
This is the gi (who) I played tennis with. (int'armal)

Adi]$rh$ ol frefiijsnry

. Adverbs of frequency lalways, usualy, often, sometimes, rarely, seldam, hardly ever, ,?eyel, etc.) tell us
how often someth ng happens. Adverbs of ireq!ency answer the question How otten ...?
"How ollen da you watch quiz shaws?" "l sometimes watch quiz shows in the evening."
. Adverbs offrequency usually come before the main verb but atter the verb lo be and auxiliary or modal
vetbs such as do, car, musl etc.
. The adverbs rarely, seldom, and never have a negaiive meaning and are never used with the word not.
San nevet goes cycling during the week. Not: Sam peaardeae4:Lg€ cycling during the week-
. Adverbs of frequency always go berore the auxiliary verb in sholt answers.
A: Do yau listen to the ndio?
Br Yes, / some{imes do-

REloli\,e PrfllloiJi}$ 2 Join ihe sentences using who or which, as in the

1 Fillinthe gaps using who, which ot whosewhere 1 Nepal isacountry. lt sstuatedinAsia.
necessary, as in the example. ryepa jdo._n which a<L,a.eotnAs:".
'1 can -arr ors' Thev lrved in
you tel me r,L,ho rook the newspapers irom ' *:"uJl;::;-"'
the table?
2 Tl_e woral ................................. raoe rhe ca^e ^3 :'Elephants ; . are mammals' ; They' can eat about 225
is 80 years old.
3 That is the girl . ...... ............................. has just kilos of grass in one day'
sold her bike to me.
4 What do yoL th.rh of ihe new tedcher ................ 4 Alfred Hitchcock was a iilm director. He made a
started this year? lot of successiul films.
5 John's the man ......................... car broke down
last week. 5 Clare is an accountant. She works for mv faiher.
6 Have you got any money ...................... you can
lend me? 6 A bee is an nsect. lt rnakes honey.
7 She's the woman ................ brother is a soldier.
8 I lost the necklace ......................................... my 7 Carl Lewis is an alh ete. He has won several gold
grandmother bought me for my birthday rnedals.
I When are you going to move those boxes ........
are in the hall? 8 I watched a documentary. lt was extremely
10 The man owns that shop is retiring interesling.
next year.

BelIli,/s pr0f0llrls RehT w Adverlrs p0siTi0f 0l prsl]0sili0lls ill Rehlive C 0LJs$ - Ad!ell]s 0l Ilet]L]ency

Complele each definition using who ot which 4 Join lhe sentences using who, whrbl, or whose,
and the Iollowing prompts, as in the example. as in the example.

Iixlour teeth . weleatln the sufifier Bob is a photographer. His studio is located in
worklin space . livelin the sea ihe city centre.
cutlpeople's hait Bob is a phatographer whose studio is located in
the city cente.
Anne works for a large firm. The firm produces

A dentist is someone who Pamela is an animal lover. She fights for animal

Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher. His

books are still widely read.

National Geographic is a magazine. lt sells

millions of copies all over the world.

Frank Sinatra was a famous singer. He sang

2 Strawberries are fruit
many beautiful songs.

7 I live in a village. lt is very peaceful and quiet.

8 That is the man. His son is a professional

basketball player.

5 lJnderline the correct word.

3 A hairdresser is someone .....

1 She's the girl wrro's/wrrose got red hair.
2 That's the man wlo'slwhose car was siolen.
3 That's the boy who's/whose mother is French.
4 That s rhe g'rl who's/whose name is Marie.
5 He's the man who'slwhose famous for climbing
6 That's the woman wlrot/whose got a garden full
4 Dolphins are mammals of exotrc plants.

6 Choose the correct ilem.

The man ......-..... lives down the road is very rich.

A whom B who C which
2 ....................... carisparked infrontof ourhouse?
B Which C Who's
3 ........................ were you talking to on the phone?
B Which C Whose
4 I saw a beautilul carpei................... I want to buy.
B whi.h C whose
5 Have you finished with the book.......... Ilentyou?
B who's C that

Bel0lirepron0L]ts HefltirsArl!etLts.p0slli0r)0lptet0sttt0[srIBe0t eCfuses.Arltetbs0tletl]slll]r
6 That's the woman ..................... a school teacher. Fill in the gaps with who, which or whose, then
A who's B whose C who choose the correct item to answer the questions.
7 The boy ............ sits next to me at school has qot What is the name ofthe ship.................. sankon
)d in three sisters. its tirst voyage?
A who's B thal C whose A Titania B Tiianic
8 She's the girl .................... is going to marry John.

B which C who's What is the name of the longest river
runs through South America?
I Where are the eggs ... ................ Ibought earlier?
A The Amazon B The Nile
B whose C which
rmal 10 This s the shop ................ was burg ed last n ght. What s the narne of the actress .................. was
B which C who's very famous ln the 1950's?
First match the words in the lisl to the pictures A Mar lyn l\lonroe B Sharon Stone
and lhen use the prompts to make sentences
What is the name of the country ln .................. the
with yyho or which, as in the example.
Pyramids are situated?
hangeL arti , key, postfian, washing machine, A Egypt B l\,4orocco

W_at s rl_e rane of the actTess .........-........

iang husband is Antonio Banderas?
A N/elanie Griftith B Cameron Diaz

What is ihe name of the rnan .................. invented

the telephone?
A Albert Einste n B Alexander Graham Bell

t hang/clothes on fix/people's cars What is the name of the person .................. wrote
A hanger is samethtng Roneo and Juliefl
which yau hang A Jules Verne B Wiliarn Shakespeare

What s the name of the city in .................. the Taj

l\,4ahal is located?
;h. A Agra B Atlanta
D I Link Column A with Column B using the correct
relalive pronoun.
r ful
open and ock/doors
4 delver/the post . ,I,r_
A lawnrrower is a a lves n Hollylvood.

ich. Petels brother ls b you sit on.

an actor
lse? A flight father donated lots
attendant is a of money to

5 wash/c oihes in
paint/pictures 5
This is Jane

A sofa is a plece
serves passengers
on a plane.
cuts grass.
of furniture

pr0rl0lJns - Rel0li1/e Adl/srlls - P0sili0[ 0l prel10sili0us iIl Be 0lil/e Il0|]ses A velIs 0l Irell|]sflcy

pre0osiliolls ln Reldive Cl0ljses

RolditIe ldrerbs P0sili0n 0l

10 Fill in the gaps with whete, when or why, as in 12 Rewrite lhe sentences in as many ways as
the example. possible, as in the examPle.

This is the neighbourhood ...where... I spent most That's the house in which I grew uP
of my childhood- fhat's the house which I gtew uP in-
The reason ..................... Jill can't come to your That s the house I grew uP in.
party is that she has to study for her exams. That s the hause where lgtew uP-
I remember the day ..................-...... Nlanchester That's the island on which they discovered an
United won the European CUP Final. ancient ciry.
The liille corner shop .................... I used to buy
my groceries is now a huge supermarket
What's the reason .............................. Joe didn't 3 That's the woman for whom l worked
come to school today?
Tracy didn't realse thal the reslaurant ....... . .
we ate last night was your fathels. 4 That's the boat in which we sailed around the
Bachel didn't explain .....-.................... she didn't world.
attend the meeting.
Do you remember the time ..................... we got
lost up in the mountains? 5 That's the tilm in which Goldie Hawn stars.
'l'l Fill in the gaps with whete, when ot why,
6 That's the boy with whom I had a tight

This is the house in which my grandmother was


8 Mrs Cross is the womal lor whom I babysit

, Ad'leftsol
Dear Andrew,
I 13 Pul the adverbs of freguency in the correct
How are yoL? The reason 1) .................... t ,{ position. as in the example.
writing is to tellyou some great news.
Remember 2) .......-............ you were here last year We go oui on Saturday evenings. (always)
and we went to that iheaire 3) .................... I ran into We always go aut on Saturday evenings.
Sally, an old schoolfriend of mine? Well, guess what? The children eat junk food. (hardly ever)
We got married last monthl We were in Paris on
holiday 4) ......................... we got married and that's 3 they have been abroad. (never)
5) .................. we didn't invite anyone. We've decided
to live in ihe town 6) .................... we both grew up 4 Do David and Sarah do their homework before
and we're looking rollvard to the day 7) dinner? (always)
we can buy our own house. Anyway, we hope you
can come and visit us 8) .................... you have tme. 5 I see my sister because she lives so far away.
Write back soon and tell me your news. (rarely)

6 Emily cooks dinner for herself. (seldom)


7 Does Torn do the housework on Tuesday?

(usually) I(Ey Wl}r'd Tr{]l}$loIrllfilisn
16 Complete each sentence with two lo five words,
8 i watch comedy films. (sometimes) including the word in bold.
'l The animals in the zoo are a endangered
which rhe arira s
........... zoo are all endangered species.
That is the hosp tal I had my operation at.
dan l\1l]lliple Chsics where ThaL is the hospita .............................
... my operation.
14 Choose the correct item. The restaurant she works in specialises in lta ian
'1 Lily is a very caring person ....................... she which The resraJ'ar.
can be a bit lazy at times. .. ....... ....... spec a Ses il l.alan cLis ne,
A bui B and C also Adam s the man; his house was burgled.
Ithe 2 L..........-........... my grandparents tor.orrow. whose Adam is ............. . burgled.
rel a .-lan. He owns a sLccessfJl bLsiness
A seeing nq
B 'm see C see
who I -net a rra'1 ....... .,..,,,.,,,
That is the motorcyc1e ...................._.. Larry successfrlbLSiness
bought last month.
A which B who C whose lvord tfirl1lflliol1
4 A: Do you play golf at the weekends?
B: Yes. 1..........-............ do We can aiso form adjectives from nouns by adding
A seldom B never C often -ing, -ed or -less e.g. /rtelesi - nteresting, talent -
talented, care - careless
5 John's parents .........-............. on a farm.
A ives B live C livng 'i7 Fill in the gaps with the co(ect words derived
The restaurant we ate last night froh the lvords in bold.
was amazing.
B where C why Tom Hanks is a very 1) FAI/IE
7 Carolne ......-................ the doq at the moment. actor and has starred in many popular
A is walking B walk C walks
films, includ ng S/eepless l, Sealf/e and
8 This is Mr Kane....................... wiie is a deep-sea
Although he is in his early forties, hs
2\ ............................. sood rooks make YOUTH
A which B who's C whose him appear younger than he s.
I lhate snakes.......-.............-. I llke lizards. Tom Hanks ls a 3) ..........................-... CHABIT]l
A but B as wellas C and person who likes being around people.
10 L.................... of moving to the country. He is aso 4) ............................. and is CARE
A thinks B am thinking C think not afraid io show h s feelings for those
who are close to hira. His love for his
tamlly is apparent when he ialks about
Irror Conet}lion
15 Cross out the unnecessary word,
ln his free tir.e, Tom Hanks enjoys
doing many 5) ................... things. INTEBEST
'fore He is qulte a 6) .............................. person REST
1 ls he the man who he has got a white Porsche?
who likes to be busy all the time. For
2 This is the restaurant where we ate there last
example, he loves writing scripts as we i
as directing films.
3 This is the shop whose its alarm went olf tast n ght.
He has many fans who admire hm a
4 -he fial wl_ere we stayed at was very
lot because he s a 7) ..............-............-. TALENT
We rarely not Oo to the cinerna. man who hasn't lei success change him.
6 'Do you like my new hat?" "Yes, I do like."


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