The Dull Doll

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The Dull Doll

In a toy store, there was something that was unique from the rest. It was a
doll. A lot of people recognized its beauty; however, due to its hefty price,
nobody was able to own it. The doll was saddened to hear this and thought
that it would be left there to dissipate forever. However, one day, someone
eventually bought it. She was super happy and excited to play with its
owner. She found out that its owner’s name is Amy. Once the doll was
brought home, she saw a lot of other dolls. This made her happy because
she wanted to make friends and bond with other dolls. Amy grabbed all her
dolls and played tea party with all of them. She introduced her newly
bought doll to all the other dolls. The old dolls were amazed by her beauty
and praised her. Days went by, and the doll was content. She loved the tea
parties and the laughter that filled the room whenever Amy played with her
and her doll friends. She was even Amy’s favorite doll. However, as time
went on, she became fed up with it. She thought that the love and praise
that she gets were not enough for her. She even wished that she had met
another owner instead of Amy. She thought of “playtime” as an everyday
chore instead. The doll felt dull. The other dolls noticed this and tried to
talk to her; however, it was of no use. As time passed, the dolls began to
notice a change in Amy. She was growing up, getting older, and slowly
losing interest in her dolls. Playtime became less frequent, and the dull doll
began to feel neglected. Eventually the day came where Amy was supposed
to do something about her dolls. She didn’t know what to do with them
anymore, so she threw all of them one by one, except for the dull doll. Even
though she was quite old, she still recognized its beauty and still loved it.
However, it was time to move on. She placed the dull doll somewhere safe
and left. That was the last time the dull doll saw her. The dull doll realized
what had happened and cried. She was mad at herself for not cherishing all
of those moments with her. The love that was present is now absent. And
now she stays there, regretting all her actions and blaming herself for what
she could have done.

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