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Governing the most populated country-India

-Fiona Kothari
India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a
Parliamentary form of government which is federal in structure with
unitary features. There is a Council of Ministers with the Prime Minster
as its head to advice the President who is the constitutional head of the
country. Similarly in states there is a Council of Ministers with the Chief
Minister as its head, who advices the Governor. This section provides insight
of Indian governance and administration at the Central, state as well as local
level. Information about the Constitution of India, Parliament and Legislature,
Union administration, state, district and local administration is given.

A government is the system to govern a state or community. The

Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as "a system of
social control under which the right to make laws, and the right to
enforce them, is vested in a particular group in society".
They are Local Government, State Government and Central
Government. Every state in India has a Legislative Assembly.

India has overtaken China to become the world’s most populous

nation, according to recent estimates. India now has 5 million more
people than China. at the end of 2022, India’s population stood at
1.417 billion, based on U.N. projections, while according to data
recently released by China’s National Bureau of Statistics, its
population at the end of 2022 was slightly less than 1.412 billion, a
decrease from how many people it had in 2021.

There are two reasons for India’s population exceeding China’s

population. First, India has always had a historically high
population, especially in its fertile northern plains. There, due to
climatic reasons, it is possible to grow both wheat, a winter grain,
and rice, a summer grain, yielding twice as much food as many
other parts of the world.

India has always marched to the beat of its own drum, but this
will become more pronounced in the next decade, as India
continues to implement its own agenda. An India that is the most
populous country in the world, with one of the world’s largest
economies and militaries, is an India that will push for its
interests, values, and goals on the global stage.

Fertility is a key driver of population trends

For India, it took three and a half decades to experience the same
fertility reduction that occurred in China over a seven-year period
during the 1970s. In 2022, China had one of the world's lowest fertility
Population control comes under the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, with family planning services provided through the free health
delivery system. The Indian Government has started family planning
and welfare programs with the message small family, happy family.
The inverted Red Triangle, which is a symbol of family planning is
exhibited in various public places. National Family Planning Indemnity
Scheme (NFPIS) under which clients are insured in the eventualities of
death, complication and failure following sterilization
There are three main types of population policies;

- Pro-natalist

-Immigration policies.

Taxation is an important exercise for the economic and social

development of the country. It provides the resources to use
goods and services to the people.

Taxes are used by the government for a variety of purposes, some of

which are: Funding of public infrastructure. Development and welfare
projects. Defense expenditure. Taxes are used by the government
for carrying out various welfare schemes including employment
programmes. There are Lakhs of employees in various
departments and the administrative cost has to be borne by the

Looking at the results we researched, that governing an over-

populated country can be very difficult. Taxation is a major thing
that costs from people living in a particular country, providing
benefits to help them only. At the other hand sometimes,
taxation makes a person gets into difficulty also because tax is
not eligible for each person to repay it. Government is also taking
efforts to create schemes and policies for welfare of India.


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