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Governing the most populated country-India

Today, India's population of 1.425 billion is nearly four times larger

than the 361 million counted just after Partition in the 1951 census.

India has overtaken China to become the world’s most populous nation,
according to recent estimates. As reported by Bloomberg, at the end of
2022, India’s population stood at 1.417 billion, based on U.N. projections,
while according to data recently released by China’s National Bureau of
Statistics, its population at the end of 2022 was slightly less than 1.412
billion, a decrease from how many people it had in 2021. India now
has 5 million more people than China.

There are two reasons for India’s population exceeding China’s. First,
India has always had a historically high population, especially in its
fertile northern plains. There, due to climatic reasons, it is possible to
grow both wheat, a winter grain, and rice, a summer grain, yielding
twice as much food as many other parts of the world. Secondly, India
transitioned away from higher fertility rates later than China did
because of a lag in educating people, particularly women.

India has always marched to the beat of its own drum, but this will
become more pronounced in the next decade, as India continues to
implement its own agenda. An India that is the most populous country
in the world, with one of the world’s largest economies and militaries, is
an India that will push for its interests, values, and goals on the global

India to overtake China as world's most populous country in April 2023.

What made india become the most populated country?

Fertility is a key driver of population trends

For India, it took three and a half decades to experience the same fertility reduction that occurred in China
over a seven-year period during the 1970s. In 2022, China had one of the world's lowest fertility rates (1.2
births per woman)

Although India's population growth rate has been declining since

1980, India has twice as many new babies as China, with a total
fertility rate twice that of China. This factor means that India's
population will be much more substantial than China's in the long run.
That is because much of India's growth is baked in from the past and driven by “population
momentum,” which is the tendency of a population to keep growing even if fertility falls because
the size of childbearing cohorts is relatively larger from when fertility was higher (more potential

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