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English Written Test

7th form, level 3

23rd March 2017 4 Pages

100 minutes

Apresenta todas as respostas na folha de teste. Não será corrigida qualquer resposta no enunciado.
Utiliza apenas caneta ou esferográfica de tinta indelével, azul ou preta.
Não é permitido o uso de corretor. Em caso de engano, risca aquilo que pretendes que não seja classificado.
Escreve de forma legível a identificação das atividades e dos itens, bem como as respetivas respostas.
Será atribuída cotação 0 a respostas que não correspondam ao solicitado.
As cotações dos itens encontram-se no final do enunciado.

Activities A and B will provide you with input for Activity C.

A. Where do these people live?

1. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.


B. Read the sentences below and identify the part of the house they refer to.

1. It’s where you keep your car.

2. It’s where you have flowers and plants.
3. It’s where you cook.
4. It’s where you have your meals.
5. It’s where you watch TV.
6. It’s where you sleep and have your privacy.
7. It’s where you brush your teeth and have a shower.
8. It’s where you do your homework.

C. Label the house fittings.

2 3 5

1 6

10 12

9 11



D. Match the words to create compound words.

1. micro a. end
2. lip b. moon
3. tooth c. cream
4. ice d. phones
5. birth e. wave
6. week f. case
7. news g. day
8. honey h. stick
9. pencil i. paper
10. head j. paste

E. Complete the following tables.

Adjective Comparative Superlative


F. Write sentences using the Comparative or Superlative.

1. My house / big / your flat.

2. The living room / comfortable / the kitchen.
3. The cheetah / fast / animal / in the world.
4. Meg / intelligent / student / in class.
The Happiest day of your life?
by Meg Griffin
G. Meg wrote an article about Bullying for his school journal. Complete with the words in the box.
School days should be a happy time in a young person’s __________. What can make people’s lives
miserable during this time, then? In my opinion, there is one word which answers this question – bullying.

Unfortunately bullying is very common in __________ where I live. It can affect students of any age, and
both boys __________ girls. A friend of mine had a very __________ experience at school last year as
an older boy continually called him __________ and sometimes used to post nasty messages about him
on __________. Obviously, my friend felt very __________ about this and it affected his self-confidence.
Some days, he didn’t __________ to go to school at all.

What can people do to __________ this problem? Personally, I think teachers need to be aware that
bullying may be happening in their classes and be very strict when they have a case of bullying. Another
thing teachers could do is prepare lessons to talk about the problem with their pupils, which might make
bullies understand how badly they hurt their victims. As for students, if they find out a classmate is a
__________ of bullying, they should help them as much as possible and tell an __________.

Bullying can be a nightmare but there are things we __________ do to prevent it. Hopefully, one day all
students will be able to go to school without fear of being bullied.

negative victim life stop and adult sad names Facebook can want schools


The Griffin’s family house

‘Family Guy’ is an animated American
television show. It is about a semi-
dysfunctional family that lives in a
fictional town in Rhode Island, USA.
Peter and Lois Griffin have three children:
Meg, Chris and Stewie. Their teenage
daughter, Meg, isn’t very popular and
Chris, their teenage son, is very fat,
unintelligent and looks like a younger version of his father. Stewie is their youngest and
diabolical child. Living with the family is Brian, the family dog, who walks on two legs and talks to
The Griffins live in a detached house with a green roof. We can see five windows and also two
dormer windows on the roof. The two windows downstairs have got wooden shutters. On the
ground floor, there’s a sunroom with a glass door. There’s also a garage on the left side of the
house. Next to the garage there’s a picket fence to keep people and animals out. Around the
house there’s a garden with a green lawn. There are some bushes and trees in the garden, but
there are no flowers.
The house is in an attractive and classical style and it looks spacious. There are two single
rooms, a double room, a nursery, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a formal dining room, a living
room and a study. The Griffins live in a friendly neighbourhood. (adapted)

A. Fill in the table with information from the text.

Family members and

their names
Type of house they live
Rooms in the house

B. Answer these questions about the text.

1. What is ‘Family Guy’ about?

2. Who is Brian? Why is he special ?

3. What is their house like?

4. What is there around the house?

C – Find the opposites of the following words in the text.

1. thin

2. oldest

3. adorable

4. right

5. small

In about 80 words, describe your house and your favourite room at home.

Activity A Activity B Activity C

8x0,5 8x1 14x0,5 10x0,5 6x0,5/6x1 4x1 12x0,5 5x2 4x4 5x1
4 8 7 5 9 4 6 10 16 5
Total: 43 Total: 31

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