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This file is an extract and may not reflect or represent the full Ontario Curriculum.

Printed on 2023-09-11
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EXTRACT 1 Printed on 2023-09-11

Educators should be aware that, with the exception of the Grade 9 science course, 2022 (SNC1W), the
2008 Science curriculum for Grade 10 and the 2008 Science curriculum for Grades 11–12 remain in
effect. All secondary science courses for Grades 10–12 will continue to be based on those documents.
All references to Grade 9 that appear in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 and The
Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 have been superseded by The Ontario Curriculum,
Grade 9: Science, 2022. As of September 2022, this course replaces Science, Grade 9, Academic (SNC1D)
and Science, Grade 9, Applied (SNC1P). These courses expired at the end of the 2021-22 school year.

EXTRACT 2 Printed on 2023-09-11

Curriculum context .......................................................................................................................................4
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................4

EXTRACT 3 Printed on 2023-09-11

Curriculum context
The Considerations for program planning and the Cross-curricular and integrated learning sections listed
under the Program Planning tab outline important considerations for planning programs in all subjects
and disciplines of the Ontario curriculum, Grades 1 to 12. The information provided there sets out
current official curriculum policy, and educators must be guided by it in implementing curriculum and in
creating the environment in which it is taught.

Important considerations for implementing the Grade 9 science course, 2022 (SNC1W), are provided in
the course section.

For Grades 10–12, refer to the curriculum PDFs, which can be found under Downloads.

EXTRACT 4 Printed on 2023-09-11

EXTRACT 5 Printed on 2023-09-11
EXTRACT 6 Printed on 2023-09-11

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