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Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology

Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 263–266

© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia

Case Report

Awake Craniotomy with Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Patients

*John Ard, †Werner Doyle, and *Alex Bekker

Departments of *Anesthesiology and †Neurosurgery, New York University Medical Center, New York, New York

Summary: We present our experience with the use of dexmedetomidine, an ␣2 agonist,

in two children undergoing awake craniotomy. General anesthesia with the laryngeal
mask airway was used for parts of the procedure not requiring patient cooperation to
reduce the duration of wakefulness and abolish the discomfort of surgical stimulation.
Dexmedetomidine was used as a primary anesthetic for brain mapping of the cortical
speech area. The asleep–awake–sleep technique provided adequate sedation and anal-
gesia throughout the surgery and allowed the patient to complete the necessary neuro-
psychological tests. To our knowledge, ours is the first description of the use of dexme-
detomidine in pediatric neurosurgery. Key Words: temporal lobe epilepsy, craniotomy,
awake, dexmedetomidine

Resection of lesions located near eloquent areas of the though the use of Dex for awake craniotomy in adults has
brain, such as the speech center or motor cortex, requires been reported,10 to date there are no reports concerning its
patient cooperation for functional assessment. Designing a use in children.
safe anesthetic that provides sedation, anxiolysis, and an-
algesia yet leaves the patient able to perform neurologic CASE REPORTS
tests is a challenge, especially in children. Numerous Case 1
drugs and anesthetic techniques have been used in adults A 12-year-old girl (weight 52 kg) was scheduled for
with varying success.1–3 Reported intraoperative compli- removal of subdural electrodes and partial left temporal
cations include respiratory depression, airway obstruction, lobectomy. The patient’s overall level of intellectual func-
hemodynamic instability, vomiting, disinhibition, and tioning was in the low average range. Her medical history
pain.4,5 Only a limited number of reports describe anes- was otherwise unremarkable. Red blood cell, white blood
thetic management of pediatric patients.6,7 In these case cell, platelet counts, and prothrombin/activated partial
reports, we describe the use of dexmedetomidine (Dex), a thromboplastin times were within normal limits.
highly selective ␣2 adrenoreceptor agonist, for a sleep– This was a second of the planned two-stage procedure.
awake–sleep craniotomy in children. Dex provides seda- Video- and invasive EEG monitoring conducted after sub-
tion, analgesia, and an anesthetic-sparing effect, with dural grid placement was consistent with left temporal
minimal respiratory depression.8 Low-dose infusion of localization of the epileptogenic foci. Language changes
this drug in healthy volunteers provided sedation that were seen during the stimulation of various contacts in the
could be easily reversed with verbal stimulation.9 Al- epileptogenic area. Wada test had revealed left hemi-
sphere language dominance. Based on the results of these
studies, the epilepsy multidisciplinary team concluded that
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Alex Bekker, MD, an awake craniotomy with intraoperative direct brain
PhD, Department of Anesthesiology, New York University Medical, 550 stimulation mapping for language was the most appropri-
First Avenue, New York, NY, 10016 (e-mail: alex.bekker@med. ate option to allow for epileptogenic foci excision without
Accepted for publication on February 11, 2003. postoperative language deficit.

264 Ard et al

The awake craniotomy requires a cooperative, under- tion. Direct brain stimulation was used to further define
standing patient. Prior to surgery, the surgeon, neuropsy- and confirm the extraoperative functional map. The pa-
chologist, and anesthesiologist extensively counseled the tient was kept awake and evaluated by the neuropsychol-
patient and family. A series of tests that simulated the ogist during the actual resection ensure that no disturbance
intraoperative neuropsychologic examination were con- in the patient’s language was encountered as the brain was
ducted at the bedside. The patient received no preoperative removed. Focal seizures occurred several times with cor-
medication. tical stimulation and resolved with discontinuation of the
Anesthesia was induced with 150 mg propofol and 100 stimulation.
␮g fentanyl intravenously. A laryngeal mask airway Dex infusion was maintained at 0.1 ␮g · kg−1 · h−1
(LMA 3) was then placed. The usual ASA recommended during cortical speech mapping and brain resection that
monitors were used for induction and throughout the case. lasted 130 minutes. An additional dose of 4 mg ondanse-
End-tidal CO2 was monitored via nasal cannula with fe- tron and 0.625 mg droperidol was administered as the
male luer connector for sampling during the awake phase patient complained of nausea during the resection. No
of the procedure. An arterial line, second intravenous line, other sedatives or analgesics were administered. The
and Foley catheter were inserted after induction of anes- bispectral index was fluctuating from approximately 95
thesia. The patient was then placed comfortably on the during the neuropsychological evaluation to approxi-
donut head support, positioned supine with a left shoulder mately 65 during quiet periods. The patient was hemody-
roll. The head was turned to the right about 25° from the namically stable throughout the testing.
full lateral position with vertex slightly down for the left Once the brain resection was completed, the patient was
craniotomy. The drapes were appropriately tented using anesthetized with 150 mg propofol and an LMA was re-
“ether” screen to allow a clear view of the patient’s face inserted. Dex infusion was discontinued and anesthesia
and to prevent rebreathing of CO2. During the procedure, maintained with nitrous oxide, remifentanil, and low-dose
the anesthesiologist had access to the airway if needed. sevoflurane until the conclusion of the operation. At the
The scalp nerves were blocked with 0.25% bupivacaine. end of the operation, the patient was without any gross
In addition, the surgeon infiltrated the area along the old motor/sensory pathofocality, and the language appeared to
incision with the mixture of lidocaine 0.5% and bupiva- be without injury or deficit. The total duration of the case
caine 0.25%. Anesthesia was maintained with 60% nitrous was 8 hours.
oxide, remifentanil (0.1 ␮g · kg−1 · min−1), and sevoflu-
rane (0.3%–0.7%). Dex infusion was initiated at a rate of Case 2
0.5 ␮g · kg−1 · h−1 for 30 minutes followed by the con- A 12-year-old boy (45 kg) with medically refractory
tinuous infusion at 0.2 ␮g · kg−1 · h−1. The level of anes- seizures was scheduled for left craniotomy, subdural elec-
thesia was adjusted to maintain a bispectral index close to trode removal, and resection of a seizure focus. This was
60 to prevent oversedation and, consequently, minimize the second stage of a two-stage procedure. Video- and
awakening time. The patient was breathing spontaneously invasive EEG monitoring with subdural grid, strip, and
throughout the procedure. We did not notice any signifi- depth electrode captures a partial seizure arising from the
cant changes in heart rate (80 ± 10 beats/min) or in blood left temporal-parietal region and left frontal-temporal re-
pressure (100–120/50–70 mm Hg) with the initiation of gions. MRI revealed abnormal pathoanatomy of the left
Dex infusion. hippocampal formation. Because of the close proximity of
Skin incision, bone flap removal, and dissection of the the seizure focus to the language center, the surgical team
dura were uneventful. Sevoflurane and nitrous oxide were wanted the child awake during the procedure for mapping
discontinued approximately 20 minutes prior to the in- of the language area to avoid injury during resection. We
tended awakening. Antiemetics (4 mg ondansetron and 5 first discussed this option with the patient and his parents,
mg metoclopramide) were administered prior to awaken- as full cooperation is necessary for a successful procedure.
ing. Dex infusion rate was reduced to 0.1 ␮g · kg−1 · h−1. The child was of average intelligence, had a distant history
The LMA was removed and oxygen was administered via of asthma, and had a class II airway. His medications
nasal canula. included oxcarbazepine, dexamethasone, phenytoin, and
Approximately 30 minutes after discontinuation of proventil. We thought the child was mature enough to
sevoflurane, the patient was awake and able to follow attempt an awake procedure.
commands and assist in the phase of operation requiring We induced general anesthesia with 120 mg propofol
functional mapping of complex motor and speech func- and 75 ␮g fentanyl. An LMA 3 was placed and the patient

Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2003

Awake Craniotomy with Dexmedetomidine 265

began breathing spontaneously. Metoclopramide 5 mg and maintenance anesthesia during the sleep portions, and the
ondansetron 4 mg were given to prevent nausea. An A- authors were able to manage the airway without an LMA
line, BIS monitor, and Foley catheter were placed after or any other airway devices. The propofol infusion was
induction of anesthesia. The surgeon performed a field discontinued after dura opening, and the patient was able
block with a total of 20 mL bupivacaine 0.25%, 20 mL to communicate within 10 minutes. The duration of the
lidocaine 0.5% mixed with epinephrine 1:200,000 parts. awake portion of the operation is not specified in the re-
The patient was positioned supine with a left shoulder roll. port. The authors emphasized that careful patient selection
The head was placed on a cushioned donut and turned and preparation are required to tolerate intraoperative
further right to facilitate surgical exposure. mapping using this technique.
Anesthesia was maintained with N2O 60%, O2 40%, Welling and Donegan7 used a combination of droperi-
and sevoflurane 0.7% to 1.5% for the bone flap removal dol and alfentanil to conduct cortical mapping on a 14-
and dural opening. A Dex infusion was started shortly year-old boy undergoing excision of a right parietal lesion.
after induction. The patient was loaded with 0.5 ␮g/kg “Tight” brain was the only problem reported by the au-
over 1 hour and then maintained with 0.15 to 0.3 ␮g · kg−1 thors. Other reported intraoperative complications associ-
· h−1. There was minimal change in heart rate and blood ated with the “neuroleptanesthesia” technique include
pressure with the addition of Dex. Approximately 90 min- drowsiness, pain, respiratory depression, and seizures.
utes after induction, we turned off the N2O and sevoflu- Postoperative delirium is often associated with high doses
rane and allowed the patient to wake up. In approximately of droperidol (12.5 mg in this case).2,4 In view of these
10 minutes, the LMA was removed and the patient was complications, propofol sedation supplemented with opi-
able to communicate without difficulty. Dex was the pri- oid is a technique recommended by most current au-
mary agent during the awake portion of the procedure. thors.2,3,11
The patient complained of a mild headache that was Our case reports describe the successful use of Dex
treated with small boluses of fentanyl (total of 100 ␮g). infusion for awake language mapping and temporal lobe
The neuropsychologist and surgeon performed the func- resection in two 12-year-old children. We used a sleep–
tional testing and seizure focus resection over the next 140 awake–sleep technique with the Dex infusion starting
minutes. This was done to ensure that no disturbance in shortly after induction and continued through the awake
the patient’s language ability was encountered as the sei- portion of the procedure. Dex is a selective ␣2 adrenocep-
zure focus was removed. We reinduced anesthesia with tor agonist with centrally mediated sympatholytic effects.
100 mg propofol and reinserted LMA after the surgeon It significantly reduces the intraoperative and postopera-
completed the resection and documented that no injury to tive anesthetic requirements for various surgical proce-
language had occurred. The Dex infusion was discontin- dures.12,13 A lack of respiratory depression offers a dis-
ued. At the end of the surgery, the LMA was removed and tinct advantage over other anesthetic techniques for an
the patient’s neurologic examination was intact. awake craniotomy. Moreover, Dex possesses unique phar-
macologic characteristics that render it desirable as an
DISCUSSION agent for awake craniotomy: patients are sedated but re-
main rousable and able to cooperate when stimulated.9,14
Intraoperative speech mapping requires an awake pa- Despite Dex’s theoretical advantages for procedures
tient with an exposed cerebral cortex that can be electri- that require functional testing, Bustillo et al.16 reported an
cally stimulated at critical language sites to disrupt per- inability to perform cognitive testing in 5 patients receiv-
formance of various tasks, such as counting and ing Dex for sedation during endovascular embolization for
confrontation naming. The aim of anesthesia is to have the a cerebral arteriovenous malformation. It is not clear why
patient comfortable enough to remain immobile during a they experienced difficulty with cognitive testing and we
long procedure, yet alert and cooperative to comply with have not. The most likely explanation involves drug dos-
testing. Awake craniotomy in a child presents a challenge ing and level of stimulation. It seems likely that patients
to the anesthesiologist, and there are only limited number undergoing procedures with little surgical stimulus (ie,
of reports describing anesthetic care of an awake pediatric embolization) do not require a loading dose of 1 ␮g/kg
patient.6,7 and/or elevated infusion rates. Our cases involved continu-
Tobias and Jimenez6 successfully used a sleep–awake– ous surgical stimulation, and we used low infusion rates
sleep technique on a 12-year-old undergoing a craniotomy (0.1–0.2 ␮g · kg−1 · h−1). It’s also possible that there was a
for a frontal lobe tumor. A propofol infusion provided difference in how the cognitive testing was carried out.

Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2003

266 Ard et al

Dex produces dose-dependent decreases in blood pres- cooperative during the “awake” portion of the procedure.
sure and heart rate as a result of its agonistic effect on the Dex infusion at low rate (0.1–0.3 ␮g · kg−1 · h−1) may be
␣2 adrenoreceptors.8 Our patients experienced minimal helpful for intraoperative functional testing in procedures
hemodynamic changes, and no vasopressor was adminis- in which sedation and mild analgesia are the only anes-
tered in either case. The observed minimal hemodynamic thetic requirements.
changes in our cases are consistent with the reported effect
of low-dose Dex infusion on cardiovascular function.
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Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2003

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