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Unit 10

1. Dolphins … it is hard not to like them. (Gr.146p)

A) appeal B) are so appealing C) are such appealing D) are so appeal

2. I’ve been running. That’s …. I’m out of breath. (153p)

A) which B) why C) that D) where

3. Is this the boy … parents own the factory? (153)

A) who B) whom C) that D) whose

4. That’s the building … windows were smashed. (152p)

A) whose B) whom C) which D) that

5. Fanta, … was originally produced in Germany was bought by the Coca-Cola

Company. (153p)

A) that B) who C) which D) where

6. I … an old teacher of mine last weekend at the supermarket. (161p)

A) ran away B) ran over C) ran through D) ran into

7. This is the man … dog attacked me. (160p)

A) who B) who’s C) whom D) whose

8. He often speaks … an expert on every subject. (160p)

A) as if he is B) though he is C) as if he were D) as though he has been

9. You had better book a table in case the restaurant …. (160p)

A) will be busy B) are busy C) was busy D) is busy

10. We’ve … milk again. I’ll go and buy some more. (161p)

A) ran away B) run away C) run over D) run out of

11. She selected a CD … random and put it in the CD player. (161p)

A) in B) on C) at D) from

12. They have got … fashionable furniture in their house that it is often photographed
for magazines. (146p)
A) so B) such a C) such D) so that

13. … it was his birthday, they bought him a gift. (147p)

A) The reason B) On account C) Since D) Even though

14. He had taken his sister, Katy, with him … she could play on the swings. (148p)

A) so that B) for C) since D) in order to

15. He wrote the number down … forget it. (148p)

A) in order to B) as not to C) due not to D) so as not to

16. He behaved … rudely! (149p)

A) so B) such C) what a D) how

17. … lazy of you to stay in bed all day! (149p)

A) So B) What C) How D) Such

18) She put her jewelry in the hotel safe … stolen. (149p)

A) in order not to B) in case it from getting C) to prevent it from getting

D) in order it from getting

19. They set off early in the morning … in traffic. (148p)

A) to avoid get stuck B) avoiding get stuck C) to avoid getting stuck D) avoid
getting stuck

20. He prefers to make things by hand … he could use machine. (150p)

A) although B) because C) so that D) despite

21. The White House is in Washington … there are many other important buildings and
monuments. (154p)

A) which B) that C) when D) where

22. This is the wallet … yesterday. (160p)

A) which I bought it B) that I bought it C) which I bought D) that I buy

23. My car, … cost me a fortune, was badly damaged in the accident. (160p)

A) that B) which C) whose D) when

24. He took a taxi … late. (160p)

A) not to be B) as not to be C) in order to not D) so as not to be

25. …, she is still unhappy. (160p)

A) Despite her wealth B) Despite of her wealth C) Providing her wealth D)

Supposing of her wealth

26. Lucy saw … the man’s tricks immediately. (161p)

A) out B) through C) off D) about

27. The film was good, … it was also very frightening. (150p)

A) despite B) but C) in spite D) so

28. The alarm went off, … he didn’t wake up. (150p)

A) whereas B) yet C) while D) despite

29. We had never met before, but she greeted me as if we … each other all our lives.

A) have known B) knew C) had known D) know

30. The bank in … the money was deposited is across the street. (152p)

A) that B) which C) where D) when

Unit 11

31. The letters UN stand … United Nations. (Gr.178p)

A) by B) for C) up for D) up to

32. She wants to be by herself … the time being. (Gr.177p)

A) before B) at C) by D) for

33. “Who is on the phone?” – … Mr. Fox. (Gr.164p)

A) It’s B) She’s C) He’s D) This is

34. She patted him …. (Gr.165p)

A) on his shoulder B) on shoulder C) on his shoulders D) on the shoulder

35. The day I got married was wonderful. I will remember … day for ever. (Gr.168p)
A) a day B) the C) that D) this

36. We are going on holiday next week. … arranged. (Gr.169p)

A) Everybody has been B) Everything has been C) Everywhere has been

D) Something has been

37. I have seen almost … episode of this programme. (Gr.170p)

A) each B) each of C) every D) every of

38. A: … homework have you got? –Quite …. I’d better start now. (Gr.172p)

A) How many/a lot B) How much/much C) How many/many D) How much/a lot

39. Have you ever seen … Bruce Willis’ films? (Gr.172p)

A) any of B) some of C) any D) some

40. No one was taken … by her clever lies. (Gr.178p)

A) in B) off C) on D) down

41. Stuart never feels … ease when his boss is in the room. (Gr.178p)

A) off B) at C) under D) for

42. Look! … is your friend! – Oh yes! … Ian. (Gr.164p)

A) It/It’s B) There/It’s C) It/ He’s D) There/ He’s

43. Their new house is big, so Harry can have a room …. (Gr.166p)

A) his own B) of own C) of his own D) own

44. Why are you and Marie going into town? –We are going to buy … some new
clothes. (Gr.167p)

A) us B) our C) other D) ourselves

45. He had a broken arm, but he managed to …. (Gr.167p)

A) shave him B) shave C) shave his D) shave himself

46. I’ve seen all of Mel Gibson’s films and I liked …. (Gr.170p)

A) each of them B) every one of them C) each of them D) every of them

47. She has invited … person she knows, without exception. (Gr.170p)
A) every B) each of the C) each D) every of

48. Choose the incorrect answer. (Gr.176p)

A) The teacher wants all students to participate in the concert at the end of the term.

B) She concentrated on the exam questions.

C) Please, don’t hesitate to call any time you want.

D) Some people enjoy playing golf, while others people find it very boring.

49. … to ask any question you like. (Gr.176p)

A) Feel you free B) Feel free C) Feel your free D) Feel yourself free

50. The town was very busy today. There was … to park. – They should build … new
parking facilities. (Gr.169p)

A) nowhere/ a B) somewhere/a C) nowhere/some D) anywhere/some

51. She looked behind … because she heard footsteps. (Gr.167p)

A) her B) herself C) hers D) of her

52. Some people work during the day. … work at night. (Gr.175p)

A) the others B) other C) others people D) others

53. We called the police and they arrived … minutes. (Gr.177p)

A) in B) on C) at D) within

54. I hadn’t seen Mark for years, but I recognized him … sight. (177p)

A) on B) at C) in D) from

55. The phone book is right …. (176p)

A) in front of yourself B) front of you C) in front of yours D) in front of you

56. We spent … lying on the beach. (176p)

A) whole week B) all the week C) the all week D) the whole week

57. The … is on the second floor. (176p)

A) womens’ department B) womans’ department C) women’s department

D) women’s departments
58. … part of my body hurt after the fall. (170p)

A) all B) each C) every D) all the

59. You eat …. Your teeth will rot. (171p)

A) too much sweet B) a lot of sweets C) too many sweets D) lot of sweets

60. Don’t shout … you will wake the baby. (170p)

A) else B) or else C) else’s D) elsewhere

61. I’ve met … his colleagues. (Gr.172p)

A) several B) many C) several of D) each of

62. It was the … birthday yesterday. I gave a present to … them. (Gr.170p)

A) twins /each of B) twin’s/every of C) twins’ /each one of D) twins/ every of

63. “Hello, this Alan. Who is … please?” (168p)

A) he B) this C) she D) that

64. Was the party good last night? – Not really. There were hardly … people there.

A) any B) no C) some D) not

65. The film is a box-office hit. … about it.(Gr.169p)

A) Everyone talks B) everybody talk C) all talk D) everyone is talking

66. That dog has got a white patch over … eye. (Gr.166p)

A) the B) an C) its D) it’s

67. Julie says that Mike pulled … hair. (Gr.166p)

A) the B) her C) his D) on the

68. The branch snapped back and hit him … face. (Gr.166p)

A) his B) in C) in his D) in the

69. Hurry up … we’ll miss our flight. (Gr.170p)

A) or else B) else’s C) else D) else or

70. “Did you read both of those books?” –Yes, but I didn’t enjoy … of them. (Gr.174p)
A) neither B) all C) either D) both

71. I saw Mark … day. He looked well. (Gr.174p)

A) another B) the other C) other D) every other

72. You must sign … of these letters. (Gr.175p)

A) whole B) each one C) every one D) the whole

74. I’ve seen … film he has directed. (Gr.176p)

A) each B) nearly every C) hardly each D) nearly each

75. This car is my …. (Gr.176p)

A) brother-in-law’s B) brother’s-in-law C) brother-in-laws’ D) brothers’-in-law

76. Once the cold weather sets …, we’ll be glad of the fire in the living room. (Gr.178p)

A) in B) off C) up D) out

77. You ought to stand … yourself. Don’t let anyone intimidate you. (Gr.178p)

A) in for B) up to C) up for D) for

78. He could barely contain his … at the … of moving to London. (Gr.177p)

A) excite/think B) excitement/think C) exciting/thought D) excitement/thought

79. You can buy a sports car or a jeep. … fine with me. (Gr.176p)

A) Neither cars is B) Either cars is C) Either cars are D) Either car is

80. … and put your feet up. (Gr.176p)

A) Relax B) Relax yourself C) Relax yours D) Relax your

81. Those are … bicycles. (Gr.176p)

A) Ben and Tim’s B) Ben’s and Tim’s C) Ben and Tims’ D) Bens’ and Tims’

82. All … are better than mine. (Gr.176p)

A) my friends bicycles B) my friend’s bicycles C) my friends bicycles’

D) my friends’ bicycles

84. Jack works the night shift … week. (Gr.175p)

A) other B) another C) the other D) every other

85. He was so thirsty that he drank … water in one go. (Gr.175p)

A) all B) whole C) all the D) the whole

86. If a colleague of mine got promoted. I’d be happy for …. (Gr.175p)

A) him B) her C) their D) them

87. Off all the essays, that one stands … because it is very well-written. (Gr.178p)

A) out B) for C) up for D) up to

88. There’s someone here to see you. … your sister. (Gr.176p)

A) She is B) It must be C) That must be D) She must be

89. I’ve visited … on this list. (Gr.176p)

A) nearly each other B) rarely each C) nearly every other D) rarely each other

90. … employee in turn will tell the manager when he wishes to take his holiday. (170p)

A) Every of B) Every C) Each D) Each of

Unit 12

1. The advertising campaign had a good … on the sales figures. (191p)

A) affect B) effect C) effected D) affection

2. … from Paulina, everyone at the meeting agreed with the plan. (191p)

A) Except B) Besides B) But D) Apart

3. They could … hear each other because the music was so loud. (190p)

A) hard B) harder C) hardly D) hardest

4. The clothing down of the factory … many families in the town. (191p)

A) effects B) affected C) effected D) affect

5. I’m really helpful, …? (186p)

A) am I B) aren’t I C) am I D) are I

6. The vacuum cleaner is worn …. We need to buy a new one. (187p)

A) out B) off C) down D) on

7. She never writes to you, …? (186p)

A) does she B) she does C) doesn’t she D) she doesn’t

8. Could you tell me …? (186p)

A) where is the bank B) where the bank is C) where was the bank D) where is
the bank is

9. Which of those boys … your son? (180p)

A) are B) is C) are being D) be

10. … is the new driver like? He is very friendly. (181p)

A) How B) Who C) What D) Which

11. How did they find the missing jewellery? Have you any idea …. (183p)

A) how did they found the missing jewellery B) how did they find the missing
jewellery C) how they found the missing jewellery D) how they find the
missing jewellery

12. He rarely visits you, …? (187p)

A) does she B) she does C) doesn’t she D) she doesn’t

13. Stay here, …?

A) don’t you B) will you C) do you D) won’t you

14. Turn … the page and look at exercise ten. (187p)

A) on B) over C) at D) into

15. Everybody is here now, …? (186p)

A) isn’t they B) isn’t he C) aren’t they D) are they

Unit (1-12)

1. He has been … work for six months now. (Gr.198p)

A) out of B) of C) out D) for

2. … man over there is my teacher. (197p)

A) This B) There C) That D) The

3. We were woken up by … in the street. (199p)

A) a disturb B) a disturbance C) a disturbing D) disturb

4. That’s the girl … mother is an actor. (199p)

A) whose B) who C) whom D) whose her

5. The cattle … grazing in the field. (216p)

A) were B) was C) had D) has

6. I’ve been working very hard … so I’m planning to take some time off. (216p)

A) late B) later C) the latest D) lately

7. The wind blew all the important … off my desk (216p)

A) paper B) papers C) a paper D) the paper

8. Laura … her tonsils taken out last week. (217p)

A) has had B) has C) had D) had had

9. The plane landed at … Airport. (216p)

A) the JFK B) JFK C) this JFK D) a JFK

10. … you study hard, you will pass your exam. (219p)

A) Supposing B) Providing C) Unless D) Until

11. I like to go out, … Steve likes to stay in. (219p)

A) due to B) whereas C) whenever D) unless

12. This is the jacket … I got for my birthday. (219p)

A) which B) who C) when D) whose

13. Some people are not upset by violence, but … are. (220p)

A) another B) the others C) others D) the other

14. The ball hit Paul in … eye. (220p)

A) one B) the C) his D) an

15. She has been to nearly … European capital. (220p)

A) each B) every C) every one D) each one

16. Let’s call it a day, …? (220p)

A) shall we B) will we C) don’t we D) won’t we

17. Did you buy that jacket? – No. it was far … I had bought. (216p)

A) expensive B) most expensive C) more expensive than D) the most expensive

18. The journey here was very tiring. –Yes. I’m very glad … here at last. (215p)

A) being B) to be C) be D) to being

19. I’m very hungry. –I’m not surprised. You … all day. (215p)

A) haven’t been eating B) don’t eat C) haven’t eaten D) didn’t eaten

20. I can’t decide what … for lunch. –Why don’t you buy a sandwich? (215p)

A) have B) having C) to have D) we have

21. Mary stopped … a newspaper on her way to work. (215p)

A) buy B) buying C) to buying D) to buy

22. She is too old … windsurfing. (215p)

A) to take up B) taking up C) to taking up D) take up

23. This soup … for me to eat. (215p)

A) enough B) isn’t enough hot C) isn’t hot enough D) enough hot is

24. She takes her parents … granted. (198p)

A) for B) of C) by D) off

25. There were many people at the meeting, … were important clients. (198p)

A) whom B) some whom C) that D) some of whom

26. It seemed that … knew anything about the incident. (198p)

A) neither of the two women B) either of two women C) none of the two women

D) neither of two women

27. That was Mark you were talking to, …? (199p)

A) wasn’t he B) wasn’t it he C) wasn’t that D) wasn’t it

28. The man confessed … the documents. (196p)

A) steal B) to steal C) to stealing D) stealing

29. If only we … to go to work today. (197p)

A) haven’t B) hadn’t C) haven’t had D) didn’t have

30. Did you enjoy your visit to the museum? –Yes, but there was … to tell us about
exhibits. (197p)

A) anyone B) someone C) no one D) something

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