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Ksiazka ucznia Nick Beare macmillan Z BA eaten LES) (Welcome unit ) page 4 + seasons and weather 7 Veeabulary: instructions, classroom objects, food, clothes, places in a town, ‘everyday objects, numbers, days of the week, activities Vocabulary eiaacte + countries and continents + verb be: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers; wh-questions verb have got affirmative, negative, questions and short answers > house and garden [Prepositions of place roomsina house + there is/there are: affirmative and negative + there Is/there are: questivis aiid shirt ansivers, wh-questions regular comparative adjectives + inregular comparative adjectives (good, bad) regular superlative adjectives irregular superatie adjectives (good, bad) + household chores 1 + eating habits = houseliuld ciures 2 page se Units 3-4 Let's check pages 58-59 ~ Present simple: adverbs of frequency, affirmative and negative Present zimple: questions and short answers; wh-questions, frequency expressions + places ina school + Present continuous: affirmative, neqative, Did you have: ‘86 ~ sporting events, places ‘school subjects {questions and short answers; win-questions. + behaviourat school + resent continuous and Present simple mustand mustn't » shops + past tense: verb be’ affirmative and negative + means oftransport + Past simple: verb be- questions and short answers, + clothes sizes wh-questions pages 84-85 __ ~ television and other + Past simple regular verbs: affirmative and negative media + Past simple irregular verbs: affirmative, negative, {questions and short answers Pi and people + Pastsimple irregular verbs + months of the year, + Future with be going to: affirmative and negative ‘ordinal numbers + Future with be going to:question and short I'm going to swim! + jandscape answers; wh-questions age 98 = campsite Units 7-8 Let's check pages 110-111 Units1-2 pages 112-113 Units3-4 pages 114-115 Units5-6 pages 116-117 Units7-8 pages 116-119 New Year's Eve Valentine's Day pages 120-121 pages 122-123 + Grammar: imperatives, possessive adjectives, possessive's, questions with Isit..and Whose. a anor, verb can: affirmative, negative and questions Meola tala celal Leadkelaterars ce hstoda) + Inan English das: asking for hel + weather in different places + Phonics Rap asking about the meaning of words, Feu] saying thank you + Lets ordera pizza: ordering a pizza by + famous castles * Phonics Rap phone (asking fora pizza, giving eddress and phone numer) + Atabirthday party: giving and receiving «surprising sports, * Phonics Rap birthday presents, writing birthday cards fine} + -Athome: asking a favour, making + food stalsin different places * Phonics Rap ‘a suggestion, agreeing, disagreeing * At school prohibiting, expressing + Year 6 in England + Phonies Ran obligation, giving a warning, saying sorry rsa + Ina dothes shop: buying asking about unusual shops in London + Phonics Rap the siz, colour and price of clothes) we + Aday out relating past events, asking + aprofile of an athlete * Phonics Rap about past events a + Atthe campsite: asking for advice; + tourism + Phonics Rap siving advice with should and shouldn't 2 pages 124-125 Units 1-4 page 126 Units 5-8 page 127 message? Read it out, using the verbs in the box. listen = talk « write = think = read l. It Ss eet ie ‘Work in pairs. What is Freddie and Freda's 3 How do you say these instruc Write the answers in your notebook. 1 Listen and repeat. 2. Listen and rap. 3 Listen and read 4 Listen to the dialogue. 5 Say 6 7 8 In turns, ask questions and answer them. Work in pairs, Ask and answer the questions. Workin pairs. Play ‘Workin pairs. In your notebook, draw pictures that show these instructions. 1. Workin pairs. 2 Workin groups. 3 Talkto five students 5 @®Work in pairs. Choose a page in this book. Try to understand all the instructions on the page. {in exerci 1.we listen to the CD. } 2. Read instructions 1-7 and match them with pictures a-g. Write the answers In your notebook. 1 Write the answers in your notebook. 2 Point at 3. Match They 1 apple ‘a marchewka = @ 2 orange b jablko 3 carrot © pomararicza 1b 1 Hisnameis/arejoe. 1 is 5 fromengland. 1 are 5 Complete the sentences. 6 Answerthe questions. 7 Write T (True) or T (False). 1 Isshehappy? 1 Yes, she is. | Look at the pictures and find the objects matching categories ad. Write the answers in your notebook. ‘a classroom objects (9) b tood (12) c clothes (8) d places in a town (6) e The Revision Game ‘Work in pairs. Say the colours of the objects 3 inyour notebook, write two more words for in The Revision Game. Find these objects and each category in exercise 1. say what they are. ink and bluc {The skirt.) Ute skirt came 1 START: pen, sticky tape, dress, 4: & Work in pairs. Play The Revision Game. LETTER: 4) 1 Podgiajcie éciezka opisang w punktach | IV, abydotrzeé —_ll_ dress, sticky tape, pen, START, school, do odpowiednich liter, z ktérych powstanie hasto. trousers, bread, LETTER: _41_) 2. Zapiszcie w zeszycie litery z ostatnich pél IML bread, trousers, pasta, shirt, desk, wymienionych w kaadym punkcie. LETTER: _ 3. Przettumaczcie hasto na jezyk polski. W desk, pizza, pencil, cheese, bacon, café, cake, T-shirt, LETTER: _& 4. Zwycigga para, ktéra skoriczy pierwsza. Work in pairs. Play The Revision Gamewith other words. START, Lesson objectives: Vocabulary: everyday objects, numbers, days of the week; Grammar: possessive adjectives, possessive's, questions with Is it ..? and Whose ..2 ‘] Lookat the pictures and name the objects. Write the answers in your notebook. (&? Work in pairs. Play The Word Chains. In turns, say three words fram both categories. 1 numbers 2 days of the week ‘Wednesday, Thursday, Friday { Fifteen, siteen, seventeen .. | i eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 3 Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, ourand their. Write the answers in your notebook. ea 1 tts 8 char 4 Sag a) It’s 0 desk. It I 3 ts SHEE car 6B Ws es encl) fe Saturday, Sunday, Mondai 2 Ws 4 notebook. 5 4 &Work in pairs. In turns, point at the objects inexercise 3 and ask questions. 5 §% work in groups of four. Put the objects from your schoolbags on your desk. In turns, askand answer questions with Whose...? 5 [Whose rubber is it? } (t's Julia's rubber ’| Inyour notebooks, complete the sentences with,or-. 1 Ike apples. again and say what you can and can't do. 2. Iwantto eat 29") apple. an run very wel. (amex) 3. Trytoeat | #1 tomatoes every day. ceed 4 You can eat #3" tomato as a healthy a 38 walk around the classroom. Talk to three 5 lalways have {0 carrots in the fridge. students. Ask each student three Can you...? In the morning, | put #3" carrot in my bag. questions. 6 Reading — #5 books is my hobby. (Can you deve aca 7. Lalways read _ 9% book every week 8 I'm reading “#8 very good book at the moment. 5 Read Freddie and Freda’s advice. Choose the correct words. Read It out. 2 Match phrases 1-8 with pictures a-h. Write the answers in your notebook. e 1 run 5 speak Chinese Talk / Don’t talk 2 swim 6 speak English in English as much | 3 ridea bike 7 tell jokes 4 driveacar 8 cook =e possible! ink / Don't think oin | English as much __as possible! {Are you ready? Let's start! (Hoe reny? ets str) Vocabulary presentation 1 GAM Listen and repeat. Match the continents in the box with numbers 1-7. Write the answers in your notebook. Europe = Asia = Africa = Australia North America = South America Antarctica 1 North America 2 GHEE Listen and repeat. Look at the map and say where these countries are. Canada « Brazil = Norway Egypt = China Phonics Rap (GUE Listen and rap. Pack your bags, we can travel around Europe! We can use Euros in the Eurozone, we can meet lots of European friends. This is how this short rap about Eurrope ends. Vocabulary practice 3 G* workin pairs. in turns, spell the names of continents and countries. nd Egypt? A-F-R-I-C-A, E-G-Y-P-T. jow do you spell Africa a 4, inyour notebook, complete the words. Then find pairs: countries and continents. Which words have no pair? North America, Poland, Africa, the USA, Europe. the USA + North America, Poland + Europe 1 Argen_i_; Can_2_, Antar_#2_, South Am_#2_, North Am_#3_ Chin, 2. Norw. #5"), North Am “i, As_@ | Eur_#0) 3 Egy 4 Braz_49_, Afr_ 21 As_@o_, South Am 9 Reading 5 Read the texts. Match the people with the countries in exercise 4. Write the answers in your notebook. Grainy Games. Where aneithesciplayers from?) &Craft_fan im trom a country in turope. It's a big country, but it isn't very big, The populatit is unly about 5 million, The capital is Oslo, My country is famous for reindeer. & Cordoba_kid Tm from a country in South America. It's a big country. The population is about 44 million. The capital is Buenos Aires. Lionel Messi is from my country! He's a briliant footballer! &Star_student Tm from a country in North America. It's a big country, but the population is only about 36 milion, The capital is not Toronto. Its Ottawa. Ice hockey Is our national sport. & Big_brain Tm from a very big country in Asia, The population is more ‘than 1 billion! The capital is Beijing. My country is famous for the Great Wall fie SMieindeipniee Selsey, Isit safe to post information about yourself on the Internet? Why (not)? 6 @IREEB Listen to two students playing Country and continent. What are the rules of the game? Answer questions 1-4 in Polish. 1) Conalezy powiedzie¢ na poczatku: nazwe kontynentu czy kraju? 2) Conalezy powiedzie¢, jesli drugi gracz / poda bledna odpowiedé: pierwszq literg nazwy kontynentu czy kraju? 3) Kiedy zdobywasz 2 punkty? 4) Kiedy zdobywasz 1 punkt? —_ : (Work in pairs. Play Country and continent. 1) Uczert A pisze w zeszycie nazwe kontynentu, a potem nazwe kraju, ktory znajduje sie na tym kontynencie. 2) Uczeti A méwi nazwe kontynentu, Uczet 8 zaaduje, aki kraj wybrat uczert A. 3) Uczniowie zamieniaja sig rola. 4) Zwycieza gracz, ktdry pierwszy zdobedzie 5 punktow. Which countries in the picture in excercise 2 go with these traditional clothes? e@ Catt you describe some traditional clothes from Poland? Lesson objective: Grammar: verb be: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers; wh-questions Quick check | Listen to the first sounds of the names of the continents and say complete words. | Grammar presentation | GERM Listen and read. Say where the members of Freddy's far Interviewer: This week, we're with the Mendoza family. ls Mendoza an English surname? Freddy: No, itisn’t. My father isn't from England. He's from Argentina Interviewer: 1s your mother from England? | Freddy: Yes, she is, but my grandmother is from Norway and my grandfather is from China! | “Interviewer: That's Europe, Asia, and South America. What about Africa? Or North America, or Australia? | | Freddy: My uncle Fahimis from Egypt. He's my favourite uncle. | Interviewer: Why? What's he like? H Freddy: He's friendly and funny. And my aunt Astrid is from Australia. She's very clever. Her two children, | 7a spit eee Ubi ast ys fon srs ool tha hic Cradal | English families now — number 12: One family, six continents! | | | 4 Inyour notebook, write questions and answers. 1 Astrid / from South America /? 2. Alfie and Annie / from England ? 3. Fahim / friendly /? 4 Howold / Alfie and Annie / ? 5 6 (Freday's father is from Argentina in South America, she (RSH 40 years oid she EGR} From England. Where / his grandmother trom /? What / his aunt /like /? Te Speaking es, she is. = frome What (BJ she ike? >> Brammar summary an nage 18 5 workin pairs. Ask and answer questions about Freddy's family. (where is his grandfather from? (He's from China. } 6 Inyour notebook, write an interview about 2 inyournotebook, prepare a Grammarappfor your family or another family (real or invented). Jand they. Potter’s family — iterviewer: This week, we're with ... Grammar practice pap boner 3 Inyour notebook, complete the sentences with short forms of be. QB Fahim '4 from Europe. He? from Africa. He? #5 Freddy's uncle. Alfie and Annie are from Australia. They 12320555 from Europe. Freddy's mother and father 148") from Asia, Their surname * cH") Mendoza. 10 Wwywiadzie zapyta o: + imiona i nazwiska cztonkéw rodziny, wiek, + kraj pochodzenia, + cechy charakteru. Vocabulary presentation Lesson objective: Vocabulary: seasons and weather 41 GARB Listen and repeat. Look at the pictures and guess what these words mean In Polish. Vocabulary practice @ nyour notebook, write four true or false sentences about the weather in Poland. Work in pairs. Read each other's sentences and correct them. 1 Inwinter, it's hot and sunny. 2. Inspring, Si 3 Insumimer, 40 4 Inautumn, 4 Work in pairs. In turns, say what kind of weather you like and don't like. Tike it when it's hot. Listeni 4; @IHEGB Listen to four dialogues. Point at the correct weather icons. § IIo Autumn cloudy cold foggy Winter freezing snowy Game ‘Work in pairs. Play What's the weather like? 1) Przeiysuj tabele do zeszytu. 2) Wpisz w kaéde pole jedno stowo okreslajgce pogode. 3) Uczeti A pyta, jaka jest poyoda ria wybranym pold. 4) Uczeri B odpowiada. esi pogoda jest taka sama jak u ucznia Ana tym polu, uczeri A dostaje punkt. 5) Zamiericie sig rolami What's the weather like in B42 Vv ~ [its windy. 1 [Sporty Sue loves sports bur] shehasalotof accidents. | _ it'stime formy running practice < Es BK it's snowy, but lve got this sweater But its freezing Have you got any snow shoes and ‘rousers? No, thavertt I cantteurin show shoes. | want to be inthe Olympics, sum. want to in a gold medal. later! Yes, she has. heb yot a sweater too, butshe hasnit gota jacket 30 minutes} later, Sue is in hospital GLOSSARY accident - wypadek athlete - lekkoatleta, sportowiec fit - wysportowany running practice - trening biegowy snow shoes - buty sniegowe @ (Quick check (QB Listen. Put your hand up for weather that you like. Shake your head for weather you don't like. QD vsEFuL! How do you say these in Polish? 1 It’stime for... 2. Ohno! Not again! 3° See you later! (ERED Read and listen to Episode 1. Why does Sporty Sue want to exercise? Comprehens: 2 GUsc the words from Episode 1 to complete the text. Write the answers in your notebook. Work in pairs. Tell the story to yaur friend in Polish. Sporty Sue wanits to be a famous "#9 It’s time for Sue's» practice. The weather isn't good ~ it's») but she's gota‘) Janda hat. Sue hasn't got any snow 5.3" and she falls. She goes to 624) Anurse helps her, but Sue has an" “#3 again. arse Tees ee Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't 3 Inyour notebook, prepare a Grammar app for youand he. 2S» Grammar summary on page 18 Reading 5 Read the text messages and match them with the selfies. Write the answers in your notebook. It's freezing! I've got a sweater and a hat, but 'm very cold. It’s cloudy and wet.'ve got an umbrella, so I'm not wet. 6 Inyour notebook, write text messages for these selfies. 4, Complete the sentences with the correct forms of have gat. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 It’s hot and sunny in Brazil, Clara 5 aT -shirt. She =a 9. sweater. 2 It’s cold in England Anna and Alfred “2 a sweaters. They #0) | #0 jackets. 3 A: It’s hot and windy in Egypt. i you your sunglasses, Ahmad? Bo: Sa 1 Ss ES you Ses an umbrella? Re a a 4 Act's cloudy and wet in Norway. 9 Asta #2 an umbrella? Bi, she Se A&B she ea ajacket? BL she B [Hil Let’s wake up you 1 Read the sentences and match them with the countries. Look at the picture and answer 5a ee Me oie _3 @# Workin pairs. What country is it? Write the aulesbon. Wits the answers In your no another puzzle and read it to the class. It’s windy, but itisn't cold. Its cold, butit isn't windy. _ It’s windy, butt isn't hot Lesson objective: Revision of lessons 1-4 It’s in Europe. It’s got a black, red, and (R\G>) yellow flag. a OK) iy oo Ti The USA B=) . ae italy China argentina Canada 16)) — ee Egypt Rrazil Norway England & Solve Sporty Sue's puzzle. Write the answers inyour notebook. Find this avatar in unit 1] / _| Where is the boy from? \ Where is this country? | What continents are these? Write the answers in your notebook. e@ So a 6 @ Workin pairs. Find the correct way to Finish again. Ask each other the questions and answer them. (wh v he weather (ttisn't windy, It's wet. } Uittsot windy I's wet J What does expensive mean? 'm sorry, | don't know. ee What does. expensive mean? 7 Its horrible Houta wou spall CP Vi-0-R-R-1-B-1-E 2 How do you say sentences 1-6 in English? 4 Check the meaning of these words Write the answers in your notebook. }, Coznaczy impossible? 2) Przepraszam, czy moze mi Pan/Pani poméc? 3) Praykro mi, nie wiem 4) To znaczy niemoiliwy. 5) Czy mote Pan/Pani powtérzyé? 6) Przepraszam, jak po angielsku jest drog? (EEE Listen to the questions and answer them. Inadictionary. Adijectives: different, awesome, delicious Nationalities: Scottish, Welsh, Irish Weather: lightning, thunder, blizzard & 3} Ask about the meanings of the words in exercise 4, Talk to the teacher and other students, Excuse me, can you help me, please? 5 Lesson objective: Geography: bsg | 1 Look at the web page. Whats the web address? 1 Dee eae ne weather in different places 2. 3. When it’s summer in the northern hemisphere, it's winter in the southern hemisphere. And when it's autumn in the northern hemisphere, it’s spring in the southern hemisphere. In England, it's summer. It's often warm and sunny, but it can be a bit cold at night. People go to the beach, but the sea in England is always cold. Inthe middle of the tropical rainforest in Brazil it's always warm or hot, and it’s often wet. it's never cold - even in winter! Pee @ In the Sahara Desert in Africa, it's summer too. The days are always very hot in the Sahara. It can be 40°C, but at night it can be about 0°C. In Argentina, it's winter. In the southern part of Argentina, it’s very cold. It can be freezing and snowy there in winter. 20°C = It's twenty degrees (Celsius). 's zero degrees (Celsius). 's minus twenty degrees (Celsius). (QA Listen and read the text in exercise 1. Find any words in the text that you don't { understand. Ask your teacher about them. What does hemisphere mean? | 3 Find 1-3 in the text in exercise 1. You have five minutes. Write the answers in your notebook. 1 three names of countries 2. the seasons 3. the name of a place that is always very cold 16 istening 4, @AEEEB Listen. Match the speakers with the places. Write the answers in your notebook. 1a 2a 3a 4 southern Argentina in winter ‘the middle of the tropical rainforest in Brazil the Sahara England in summer Choose a country. Use the Internet to find out about the weather there now and in other seasons. Write about it in your notebook. 4] Inyour notebook, complete the names of countries and continents. 1 Cal @icaisinN @ th Aa. 2 Ni yisin Ez 3 ChLAaisinA a. wo 2 Inyour notebook, answer the question. Eee 1 it’s ora, eS 3 Inyour notebook, complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Inthe northern hemisphere, i's winter. Inthe southern hemisphere, it's = #9 2 Inthe northern hemisphere, it's autumn. Inthe southern hemisphere, it's 4s. 3 Inthe northern hemisphere, it's summer. Inthe southern hemisphere, it's #0. @ 4. ste & What do you say in situations 1-4? In your notebook, write the questions and answer them, using the words in the box. Then act out the dialogues in pairs. Ithink « I'm sorry, « It’s « It’s 1) Popros o wyttumaczenie stowa British. 2) Zapytaj, jak powiedzie¢ po angielsku polski. 3) Popro$ nauczyclela, aby powtérzyt po angielsku stowo wiosna. 4) Dowiedz sie, jak przeliterowa¢ stowo autumn. @o Vocabulary & Speaking: 1/20 “Yt poprawna adpowied=2 punkty Do our Revision workout. Goto | page 126 and see what your prize is! 5 In your notebook, complete the sentences with the correct forms of be or have got. _ My friend Adam _is_12. 1am not (not) 12.1! i 11./ ‘Adam and his sister *_@2_ (not) from England. they _ >_#__ from the United States. _ Adam has got_ some mobile phones, and |*_41_a mobile phone too. Adam : a computer. i 1*_#1_| (not) a computer. —— @o Inyour notebook, complete the minidialogues. 1 & 0 isyourname? B: Mynameis oe. L__are they #3? B: They're from Australia 3 A How @a are you? B: I'm10, 4k hegota computer? B: No, he. @ 7 ve Inyour notebook, write questions and answers about Lisa and Tom. Use the wards given and the correct forms of be or have got. she /10 /? they / teachers /? he /adog /? he /aflag /? they / computers /? neuen 1) Grammar: 894/20 It'stime for... | Czas na. Ohno! Not again! Oni, znowu?! See you later! }o zobaczenial Can you help me, Czy moze mi Pan/Pani please? poms? | Australia call Can you repeat Cay mote PaniPani — |_powtérzyé? Europe. Europa | North America | Ameryka Péinocna i Prepay, South America |_Ameryka Potudniowa fydaje mi sig, Zc. Im n’tknow. | Przykro mi, nie wiem. What does...mean? | Co znaczy...? : po angi 7 English? | eduice.2 summer [ato autumn jesien winter zima 2 Take selfies or photos of your friends in clothes cloudy rir for each season. Print the photos and stick cold | zimno them in your notebook. You may choose to fo | mali draw pictures. Write the names of clothes ogy glicie ari picare freezing | mrognie bal hot | goraco snowy | Snieznie sunny | stonecznie warm _ceplo wet mokro, desze7awo windy wietrznie | Are you ready for extra —Spring:-trainers, trousers, T-shirt, | vocabulary workout? ~ sweater, hat A ae difficult to remember. Make Brainy Cards. Surnmer ‘Workin pairs. Test each other. my 3 Inyour notebook, draw weather word pictures. mokro footy B Affirmative Negative Iimten, I'mnotten. You're ten. You aren't ten. He's ten, He isn't ten. She's ten She isn't itsten, Itisn'tten. We're ten. We aren'ttten. You're ten. You aren't ten, They're ten. They aren't ten. W 2daniach przeceacych stowo not dodajemy po czasowniku be w odpowiedniej formie, Short and long forms ‘m=am isn't ‘seis aren't = are not ‘re=are Pytania tworzymy, przenuseac na poczatek zdanla czasownik bew odpowiedniej formie. Na pytania | edpowiadamy, utywajac krétkich odpowiedzi | Question Short answer Am! ten? Yes, | am. / No, I'm not. Areyouten? Yes, youare. / No, you aren't. Isheten? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't Issheten? Yes, shes. / No, she isn't. Isitten? Yes, itis. / No, it isn't. Areweten? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't. Areyouten? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. Are they ten? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. Pytania szczeqdtowe tworzymy, dodajac zalmek pytajacy przed czasownikiem be w odpowiedniej formie. What is yourname? What are you like? Where are you from? — How old are you? {Choose your | grammar project! | Project 1 My Grammar Notebook ‘| Make your grammar notebook. 1D. Przygotuj zeszyt 16-kartkawy 2) Zaprojektuj strone tytutowa. 3) Wybierz dowolne zagadnienie gramatycane zrozdziatu 1.i zilustrujje przyktadami, Zapisz te przyklady w zeszycie. 4) Dodaj nagtéwki, rysunki lub zdjecia, ‘objasniajace tresci utozonych zdan. 5) Uzupelniaj sw6j zeszyt do gramatyki przez caly rok szkolny! Geran ius is) Affirmative Negative I'vegotabicycle. _ I haven't gota bicycle. You've gota bicycle. You haven't gota bicycle. | He's gotabicycle. He hasn't gota bicycle. She's got a bicycle. She hasn't got a bicycle. Itsgotabicycle. _Ithasn't gota bicycle. We've gotabicycle, We haven't gota bicycle. You've gotabicycle. You haven't got a bicycle. They've got a bicycle. They haven't gota bicycle. W 2daniach przeczacych stowo not dodajemy po zasowniku have w odpowiednie) formic. Short and long forms ‘vegot=havegot haven't got = have not got ‘sgot=has got hasn't got = has not got Pytania tworzymy, preenoszac na poczatek zdanla czasownik have lub has, Na pylania vlpowiadany, uuéywajac krotkich odpowiedzi ‘Question Short answer Havel gotabicycle? Yes, |have. / No, | haven't. Have you got a bicycle? Yes, you have. / No, you haven't. Hashegotabicycle? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't. Has she gota bicycle? —_Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't. Has it got a bicycle? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn't. Havewegot abicycle? Yes, we have, / No, we haven't. Have you got abicycle? Yes, you have. / No, you haven't Have they got abicycle? Yes, they have. / No, they haven't Project ies Quiz 2 Celebi 2 Make a quiz about two celebrities. 1) Wybierz dwie stawne osoby i poszukaj informacji na ich temat. 2) Zapisz na kartce pie pytan dotyczacych kaidej z tych oséb. 3) Do kazdego pytania dopisz tray mosliwe odpowiedzi. 4) Na drugiej stronie kartki zanotuj, ktdre odpowiedzi sa prawidiowe. Celebrities Quie 1_Where is Bruno Mars from? _a_He’s from Mexico, b_He’s from the USA, < He’s from England, 19 Vocabulary presentation 1 1 GAM Listen and repeat. Look at the picture. Phonics Rap Match the words in the box with numbers 1-10. Write the answers in your notebook. (@ERB Listen and rap. Wait! Watch! What can you see? A wall? A window? No, it's me. X In the water, under the tree. Look! We're invisible! Where are we? wall « house = window » door garden » swimming pool = fence roof = gate » block of flats 1 garden Vocabulary 38 Work in pairs. In turns, draw the parts of the house and garden. Then guess. [Isita roof? } yo in on under behind in front of the box = the box we can see 4; Read Ruby's post on the school website. Complete it with the words in exercise 3. Write the answers in your notebook. Our favourite artist is the Invisible Man! His real name is ) Liu Bolin and he's from China. He paints his clothes and his face. In the photo, he’s ‘#9 the telephone box, but he’s invisible. | ourpictureis of my garden. We're all? 9.5 the garden and we're | invisible too. Well, almost invisible. The paint is >_> paper, not on our | clothes and faces. Lisa is in front of the fence, Jeff is “__@"" 9 the wall, | am. 511s" the window and the door. You can see my shoes 55a the paper! Zac is?! the swimming pool! Liu Bolin has assistants to help him paint his face. They plan the photos for a long time - two or three months! We haven't got any assistants and we do it all in a day! Liu’s photos are famous. We aren't famous ... yet! ‘Work in groups. Read Ruby's post again. Hows the children’s work different to Liu Bolin's work? {They paint on paper. 3 &* Work in pairs. Playa memory game. 1) Popatrzcie na ilustracje w éwiczeniu 1. przez minute. Uczen B zamyka ksigzke. 2) Uczeri A zadaje 5 pytant dotyczacych oséb oraz przedmiotéw widocznych na ilustraciiz éwiczenia 1. 3) Uczert B odpowiada na pytania 4) Za kaéda poprawna odpowieds uczert B otrzymuje 1 punkt. Nastepnie zamiericie sie rolami Where's the bird? | seat z= bana [it's on the roof. \t a & Quick check (GARD Listen. Say No!when you hear the name of an object that is not part of a house or garden. Grammar presentation ‘| Read the text message from Davina to her friends. Which house (a-d) is Davina’s? ‘Come to my house on Saturday! It ‘Road, but the number is difficult to see. There's a fence behind the house. There are ~ some flowers and some trees in the garden. There isn'ta swimming pool, and there aren't any blocks offlatsnextto the house, CU on Saturday! Listening” 2 GREED Davina’s friends want to find her house. Where are they? Listen and point at the houses in exercise 1. ‘There al agate in front of the house There ‘some flowers behind the fence. There is = Theres a swimming ‘pool jin the garden. cry el ee >» Grammar summary on page 31 2 25 Park Lesson objective: Grammar: there is/there are: affirmative and negative Grammar practice 3 Inyour notebook, complete the sentences. Use is/isn'tor are/aren't with a/an, some, or any. Housea 1 There @#) 9. swimming pool in the garden. 2 There #2 #5" blocks of flats next to the house House b 3. There 3. £3. block of flats behind the house. 4. There Ai) “#2 gate in front of the house. House d 5 There Ai 5 big windows. 6 There #1, 9 wall and a gate next to ‘the house. Speak ig 4&4, & walk around the classroom. Invite your friends to your house. Come to my house on Saturday! |__ Its Flat Tl, 8 Wojska Polskiego Street. [There is a garden next to my block of flats. 5 Inyour notebook, write a text message invitation to afriend. Come to my Hat on Saturday! It’s. W wiadomosci: + podaj swéj adres, + napisz, co znaidule sie koto twolego domu/mieszkania, + napisz, czego nie ma w poblizu. Game 6 & workin pairs. Play Which house is it? 1) Uczert Aopisuje jeden z doméw z éwiczenia 1 zdaniem zaczynajacym sig od There is/isn’t lub There are/aren't. 2) UczetiB prébuje odgadnag, ktéry dom opisatuczen A 3) Jesli uczer B odgadhnie, przybijcie piatke. Nastepnie zamiericie sig rotami. [ There's a big gate next to the house.) Lesson objective Vocabulary: rooms in a house Vocabulary presentation Listening 1 isten and repeat. Look at the 3 GIRER Listen to a description of Beach Match the words in the box with numbers 1-10. House. In your notebook, write the room Write the answers in your notebook. numbers and their names. - Downstairs kitchen = dining room = living room ; hall = stairs = bedroom « bathroom toilet = basement = garage Design a house and describe it in your notebook. Downstairs, there’s wn me Speak 5 8 work in pai from exercise 4, Inturns, describe your house Downstairs, there's a big hall. On the left, there| isa fantastic living room with a swimming ool in it! Next to the living room,.. | << Reading 2 Read the text. In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False) for sentences 1-5. ‘A fantastic house for the 21* century. There isn'ta toilet downstairs. Downstairs, there's a big hall, a kitchen, a big living room, and a dining oom, There's a tallet next to the hall, and you can go down the stairs (There are five bathrooms to the basement. inthe house. Upstairs, there is a big bedroom with a bathroom, a smaller bedroom: The basement is next to with a bathroom, another bedroom, and anather bathroom, a bedroom. ‘There's an underground garage for your two family cars next to You can put two cars the basement. in the garage. Beach House is a beautiful place, and it's on a fantastic beach. The text is an advert. aa Sporty Sue gat home aga. z : 1 [Shes gotanewway tobe fit] Whatisthere —— @ inthis drawor?_Joeab/ There are Look mumi These [ like the sound ofthat. ‘i aremy posters \~ How many exercises all ‘with new safe arethere? exercises, f S ena i, heremeedoe Tees aise Oh Isthere any idle almost every oom This isan exercise sti tape in the house? pest sling room. 7] | forthe kitchen. The exercise is squats. exercise is side bends, ‘Yes there are, There are some exercise posters J | [@p/ Thicic an exercise forthe in my bedroom, A room. Look! The Sndenly, Soe inthe hall anexercise tor the stairs. GLOSSARY USEFUL! drawer - szuflada When do you use these expressions? recipes - przepisy 1 | like the sound of that. side bends - sktony w bok 2. Keep your chin up! squats - przysiady 3 Ouch! step jumps - skokina stopieri 4 Poor you. Pjouick check (G@HEERB Listen. Repeat the words in the same 1 Read and listen to Episode 2. Why are order. there some posters in the rooms? 4 Comprehension 2 Match the beginnings of sentences with the correct endings. Write the answers in your natebaok. There are some recipes There is some sticky tape There aren'tany exercises Sporty Sue has an accident in the living room. on the stairs. forthe bathroom. 4 inthe kitchen [EBM there an ccreise for the living room? ves, there fs / No, there tort HEI tere anyoercises upstairs? Yes, there are. / No, thete arent >» Grammar summary on page 31 Grammar practice 3 Look at the pictures in exercise 1. In your notebook, complete the questions and write the answers. 1 #i > there #9 table in the kitchen? 2 DR there (743 table in the hall? 3 ro there 41 chairs in the kitchen? 4 there “4 chairs in the hall? Oem (HUES is there in your house? ‘There's a living room and a kitchen. bedrooms are there in your house? There are three, >» Grammar summary on page 31 Grammar Z. inyour notebook, write questions using is/are there and the words given. Then write the answers. 1 What /in the classroom /? 2 What on the teacher's desk / ? 3 How many doors / in the classroom /? 4 How many windows /in the classroom /? ening (G@RER Copy the list into your notebook. isten and write the number of computers in each place. Hi-tech House How many computers are there in the: + living room? + kitchen? + bathroom? * garden? 6 Games isten again. Say in Polish what the computers do. Game & Work in pairs. Play Guess the room. 1) Uczeti Awyiera dowolny pokéj w swoim domu. 2) Uczeri B prébuje odgadnag, jaki pokéj wybrat uczeti A, zadajac maksymalnie 4 pytania, zamieszczone poniéej. Pytania nalezy uzupetnié slowamiz ramek. Nastepnie zamicricie sie rolami, 3) Zakatdy odgadniety pokéj uczer otrzymuje ‘punkt. Zwycieza yracz, ktéry pierwszy zdobedzie 4 punkty. chair = table = desk = bed TV set = bath = toilet cook * watch TV = have a shower goto bed Istherea @ Are there any _#1__ in the room? in the room? How many __ #1” are there in the room? init? Can you 4 25 Lookat the pictures. in your notebook, write six sentences about Bob's or Tom's house and garden, using the words in the box. fence # wall = swimming pool = gate flowers « very old door Tom's garden Bob's garden 1 There isn't a fence in Bob's garden. 2 Lookat the picture. Read the text and write Joe is next to Emma. Emmais between Joe and Katherine. jamie is in front of Katherine. Simon is in front of Tania. Eric is next to Tania. 26 Lesson objective: Revision of lessons 1-4 3 G Workin pairs. Describe Forest House. 5 Find the correct way from Start to Finist Then describe your house or flat. {In Forest House, downstairs, |there isa kitchen, a living room. © (in my house, downstairs, then Solve Sporty Sue's puzzle. Write the answer in your notebook. { Find this picture in unit 2. | What is my exercise for \ this room? Write nine more questions and answers in your notebook. Use all the words. He. * and phone number) Lesson objective: Functions: ordering a pizza by phone (asking for a pizza, giving address 4 GREED Copy the order form into your notebook. Listen, read, and complete the order. Act out the dialogue. ~_ . pipes Perfect Pizzas Order Pizza: Si ra Address: as Phone number: 2 @IEEW Listen to three orders. Inyour notebook, write pizza number and size. et) EOE Fareed Seema) a Serene c Te E ei cern 3 GED Listen again. Point at the addresses and telephone numbers in the order you hear ‘them. © Flat 87, 18 Beach Avenue 720 14738 71 Goldham Road © 69610549, © thigh Street 450 67523 "Yes of course! which pizza da you want? OK. What size? Small, medium, or large? OK. That's £835. What's your address? | ‘And your phone number? \ OK. fel! be with you in 30 minutes. Bye. Hello, Perfect Pizzas, Hello, Can | order a pizza, please? A tuna and tomato pizza, please. Medium, please. Flat 6, 29 Oxford Road, 043 10523, \ Thank you, bye! We write: 045... We say: oh four five or zero four five 4, & inyour notebook, write questions for answers 1-4. Work in pairs. Ask the questions and answer them. Aham and tomato pizza, please. Flat 6, 29 Oxfurd Road. Medium, please 743 052 29. 5 & Workin pairs. Order the pizzas from the menu in exercise 2 or create your own pizzas. (Hello. Perfect Pizzas (Can. order a pizza, please? Pizza is delicious, but is it healthy? 2 1 Read the words in the box. What do they mean? Checkin a dictionary. castle » tower » moat « gate « knight = king Lesson objective: Culture: famous castles . Write the answersin your notebook. 2 NEED Listen and read. Answer questions 1-! Cae ScD I Acastle in England Windsor Castle is in a big park near London. It's an old castle and it's very big. There are about 20 towers, but there isn’t a moat near the castle. | 150 people work in the castle, and there are 250 bedrooms. The royal family use a small private part of the castle, with a living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms. You can visit other parts of the castle. The dining hall is amazing - it's SO metres lang, and there are chairs for 160 people. There are 20 chefs and 13 other workers in the kitchen. | Acastlein Poland Malbork Castle is on the River Nogat in Poland. There's a very tall tower and there are two moats, but there isn’t any water in the moats. It's a museum and it's a areat place for families to visit. When you walk | under the enormous gates into the castle, you go back into the history of Poland. There are shows with actors and horses ~ they play the parts of knights and kings in historical games. You can even explore the castle | by candlelight! | 1 Isthere a moat at Windsor Castle? 3 How many people work in the kitchen? 2. How many chairs are there in the dining 4 Are there big gates in Malbork Castle? hall at Windsor Castle? 5. Are there shows at Malbork Castle? are the people in? Do they like the castles? In your ee eee notebook, write dialogue numbers, letters a—c Glennie SOROna _and draw © for yesor€ for na Cee ieee go back — cofnaé sig royal - krolewski Discover more! 4, Read about a famous castle on the Internet. Write about it in your natehook. Answer these questions. Where Is It? What is there in the castle? 3_ Is there a park or moat around i" Naat 1 2 s 3 ‘The castle that is used fo Hogwarts Castle 4 Istherea river? 5 6 in the first two Harry Potter films is in the USA/in England /in Scotland. Are there any mountains? How many towers / moats / ...are there? RETA en rane ® vocabulary Lesson objective: Revisi & Speaking 4 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences inyour notebook. 1 The catis 0 the h_#o 2 Theboyis| @ thes 4 ip 4 3. The bird is 4 the 4 The flowers are #3" thew. 5. The dog is #1) the fs @) 2 Lookat the pictures and write the words in your notebook. 3 yi 8 Find five fragments with the wrong word order. Write the correct dialogue in your notebook. Then act it out in pairs. Can | order a please, pizza? Yes, of course. Which pizza do you want? Asausage and tomato pizza, please. OK. What size? Please, large, OK. That's £7.50. What's your address? 12 Road Elgin. ‘And your number phone? 056 493 20. OK. It be you with in 30 minutes. Bye. Ca) PR PR PP eR eR Vocabulary & Speaking 43/20 1% 1 popravra odpowied#=2 punky }o our Revision workout. Go to De page 126 and see what your prize ist | Ni 4 Look at the picture. Read the text and complete it with is/isn't, are/aren'tand a, some, any. Write the answers in your notebook. There i455 chairs in the kitchen, but there 2.5 chairs in the living room. There 3 TVset in the living room, and there «43 TVsets upstairs too. There *__ #9 wall in front of the house. @ 5 Inyour notebook, write 5 sentences about the Picture in exercise 4. Use there is/isn't, there are/aren’tand the words in the box. beds = toilet = tables = basement « hall @ 6 s& Inyour notebook, write questions about the picture in exercise 4, using the words given. ‘Then write the answers. how many / chairs /? what / in the garden /? hall /? cats /? birds /# cy) Grammar: _ #9 1/20 Total: =@5y540 29 ESET block of flats Flat6, | Oxford Road 29, “| 29 Oxford Road. | mieszkania 6 io Itll be with you sonunite! | Dedsleza 30minut, | ‘re you ready for extra | vocabulary workout? | 4 Choose 15 words from unit 2 that are ifficult to remember. Make Brainy Cards. Work in pairs. Test each other. next to (ie pena i est othe book 30 Small, medium or ata, érednia czy duza? Jaki ro: [aki jest twoj adres? at's your address? where. 3 Make yourself invisible. Take a photo and describe it! Vm in front of the bush. Konstrukci there is/there are utywamy, aby powiedziet, +e co istieje. dana z ta konstrukcja cesto wskazuja, na lokalizace i ilose. Konstrukci there isnt/there aren't ‘udywamy, gdy méwimy, Ze czeqos nie ma, Affirmative Negative There is a gate. There isn'ta gate. There are some gates There aren't any gates. Short and long forms there is = there's Thoro's a gate. There are nie ma formy skrécone). Frerere gates. Jesliw zdaniach z konstrukcja there is/there are podajemy lokalizacje, to nazwe miejsca stawiamy ‘a koficu 2dania lub na jego poczatku. There is a garage in the garden. Dowistairs, there are five rooms. Pytania z konstrukcja there is/there are tworzymy, preenoszac czasownik be w odpowiedniej tormie przed there. Na pytania odpowiadamy, waywajac krétkich odpowiedai. Question Is there a wall? Short answer Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Are there anytrees? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. Isthere any food? Yes, thereis. / No, there isn't. Jesli w pytaniach z konstrukeja there is/there are odajemy lokalizacje, to nazwe miejsca stawiamy na koficu pytania Are there any blocks of flats next to the house? \sthere a swimming pool in the garden? Choose your | grammar project! Project 1 My Grammar Notebook ‘1 Complete your grammar notebook. 1). Wybierz dowolne zagadnienie gramatyczne i zilustruj je prayktadami, Zapisz te preyktady w zeszycie. 2) Dodaj nagtéwki, rysunki lub zdjecia objasniajace tresci utozonych zdari, Putania szczeqétowe z konstrukcja there is/there are ‘tworzymy, dodajac zaimek pytajacy przed /s lub are. What is there on the table? There are some books. How many books are there? There are five. Przedimka o lub an utywamy przed nazwa rzeczy, aly méwimy 0 niej po raz pierwszy. There Is a tee in my garden, There is an apple in the kitchen Preedimka the uaywamy preed nazwa rzeczy, gdy méwimy 0 niej po raz kolejny lub gdy mamy na myst konkretny przedmiot lub miejsce. ‘The tree in my garden is very old. Jeff is behind the wall. ee Se Sere W 2daniach twierdzacych uzywamy stowa some, jesli nie citamy doktadne} loscl czy iezby dane| rzeczy lub os6b, Stowa some whywamy zaréwno przed ‘eczownikami policzalnymi, jak i niepoliczalnymi, There are some students in the classroom, There is some food in the kitchen. Any W zdaniach przeczacych i pytaniach uzywamy stowa ‘any ~ zaréwno przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi, Jak niepoticzainymi, There aren't any books on the table. Are there any books on the table? There isn't any food in the dining room. 's there any food in the dining room? Project 2 A New Schoo! Playground! 2 Design an amazing new playground for your school. 1) Praygotuj mape terenu wokdt szlcoly. Mozesz narysowa¢ wasna mape lub wykorzysta¢ mape znaleziong w Internecie, 2) Dodaj zdjecia lub rysunki nowego wyposazenia, rosiin | innych elementow. 3) Opisz sw6j projekt w zeszycie. In. my nei amazing school playground, there is a big swimming pool .. 31 Vocabulary 1 S® Workin pairs. In turns, ask and answer questions about the weather. Monday | Tuesday (ts Monday, What's the weather like? ) oe er ike? } Wednesday | Thursday | 0 G 2 8 se Friday Geo [ts hot. | Sunday 2 Inyour notebook, write the countries from Unit 1 and the continents they are in. China is in Asia. 3 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences in your notebook. The swimming pool is in the garden. The #1 is between the bedroom and the 3. The birds are on the #3 and the #9, The #1 and the #9 are in front of the house. The #2 is under the bedroom, and the 2 ismext to the kitchen. Look at the picture in exercise 3 again. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs given. Write the answers in your notebook. The tables are behind the swimming pool. They aren't behind the garage. 1 The trees #9 big. They #2 small 2. The girl #2 in the house. She 42 in the garden. (navel 3. The house #2) a garden. The garden 9 #2 any flowers. 4. The boy and girls) 9 bicycles, but they # i helmets. 5. 2 ifs three balls in the swimming pool. 4B any balls on the tables. 6 43) dog in the garden, #0 #2 a dog in the house. 5 Look at the picture in exercise 3 again. Inyour notebook, complete the questions, using the correct forms of be, have got and there is/are. Then write short answers. A; Are the boy and girl friendly? B: Yes, they are, 1 &: Aithe trees big? B: Nu, 49 #3. 2 &: Bathe house big? B: No, @a 3, 3. A: 4\the swimming pool small? B: Yes, As #0. 4 A: 3)9 any water in the swimming pool? B: Yes, 2 #9. 5. A: 0 #0 any tables in the garden? B: Yes, 4 #9, 6 A: #99 any chairs in the garden? B: No, 2 #0. 7 &; Alithe gitl Bila cap? No, i) 9) 8 &; Zathe boy and girl 29 earphones? B: No, #1 1, Look at the picture in exercise 3 again. In your notebook, write questions, using the words in the box. what » how many « where (x2) lohere is the boy (the boy)? He's in the garden. 1 Gi (the trees)? They're behind the swimming pool. 2. @i (the swimming pool)? It’s near the house. 3. i (birds / there)? There are four birds. 4 @1(there / in front of the house)? There is a fence and a gate. Inn English class 7 & Complete the dialogues in your notebook. Then act thom out in pairs. What does difficult mean? How do you spell it? What is zabawnyin English? Can you repeat that, please? a com) B: It's funny. D: It's trudny. Fk 2g) Cc a F-U-N-NYY. D: It's trudny. Let's order a pizzal ‘8 GEA Listen to five sentences. Match them with responses a-e. Write the answers in your notebook. a Flat 10, 17 Asia Road. b Thank you, bye! © Asausage, mushroom and onion pizza, please. d_ Yes, of course. @ 724155 29. 9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Translate the sentences into Polish. Write the answers in your notebook. sound « time = later = chin = again 1 Like the #2 of that. 2 Keep your Hi up! 3. It's a for lunch. 4 Ohno! Not 4! 5 See you #®. TO GAREIB Toby has got a new house. Listen to the dialogue. Answer questions 1-5. 1 How many bedrooms are there? 2 Isthe garden big? 3. Isthere a swimming pool in the garden? 4 Where can Toby play loud music? 5 Does Ella want to help Toby? Reading ‘T1 Read about a holiday house. Is it good for people 1-5? I want to go on holiday in winter. There are 12 people in my family 3. Iwant to walk on the beach. I don't want to swim, 4 Ican pay £300 a week in summer. 5. My family is small and we've got one car. A small holiday beach house The house has got three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living room with a kitchen area. There's also a garden with a swimming pool and a tree house. The house has got a garage for ane car ‘The nouse 's 200 metres from a beautiful beach. It isnt safe to swim at this beach, but you can swim at a safe beach two kilometres from the house. ‘The house is one Kiometre from a small town, Jn the town, there are twn sunermarkets, and ‘there's a market in the main square on Friday. ‘The house is £429 per week in summer, and £300 in spring and auturnn lay with your family. in your notebook, describe the house you are staying in, Write an email to your friend. His Speaking 13. & Work in pairs. You are on holiday and you are phoning your friend. Talk about the house and the weather. (HU How are you? Whats the house Ihe? ) a ee Sa XY What's the weather lke? r Yo {its..] a lesson 1 a] Lesson objective: Vocabulary: sports, adjectives 3 Let's get sporty! } Vocabulary presentation 1 3 Workin pairs. Say which sports you and 1 GARE Match the sports with numbers 1-8. your family are or aren't good at. i Write the answers in your notebook. Then listen, check and repeat. {n jood at basketball. My brother isn't good ene oo basketball « ice hockey = sailing dodge ball « surfing = handball Phonics Rap table tennis » windsurfing QED Listen and rap. Doing sports is good for you, Playing dodge ball is fun too. Windsurfing is awesome, yes! Feeling good, no more stress! Handball, surfing, let's get fit, Sailing, ice hockey - that's it 1 surfing Vocabulary practice ‘Work in pairs. Say who is or is not good at the sports in the picture. Lisa Is youd at surfing. pea ese et sani Jeff's mother isn’t good at table tennis. | —e— Vocabulary presentation 2 2, (BIEEIB In your notebook, match the opposites. Then listen, check and repeat. difficult » boring expensive » dangerous exciting = easy cheap » safe difficult - easy 5 &3$ Workin groups of four. Describe sports, using the words in exercise 4. [I think that s pin that sur ng isa bit dangerous. | its a bit /a little dangerous. @ Its dangerous. 2 It's very dangerous. 9) @) iestening 6 Gime Listen to Ruby and Zac talk about sports. In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False) for sentences 1-5. Ruby is sad at the beginning. Zac is sporty. Zac wants to help Ruby. Ruby decides to practise ‘two sports. 5. It'simportant to be very good at sport. (ES NiSesaconcliae Doing a sport is one way of using your free time well, Can You think of any other ways? Reading 7 Read Matt's forum post and choose all the correct endings for the sentence. Write the answers in your notebook. Matt wants you to: a_bebad at sports. b be goodatall sports. ¢ doany sports. d_ study more. © enjoy sports. My family are good at sports, but Iiminot! My sister is good at surfing, windsurfing, and skiing. My parents are good at sports too. I'm bad at sports, but it isn't 2 problem, Hove basketball and sailing! Sports are exciting. They help you tobe fit and feel good. Some sports are abit difficult like surfing, some sports are easy, like dodge ball, but they all help you tolearn something. For example, ‘youcan learn to be organised - you pack your sports clothes and plan your time for lessons and practice. You make new friends, too, ‘Team sports like dodge ball and handball help you to work in group. Thisisa very important skill for the future. ‘One more thing: when you do a sport, it helps you tosleep well. This can help you to study, so sports can help you with your school grades! But isnt that important to be good at sport. I'simportant todo sports and enjay them That's what Ido. Game 8&8 Work in groups of four. Play Guess the sport. 1) Kazdy uczer wybiera sport z ¢wiczenia 1., zapisuje jego nazwe w zeszycie i opisuje go za pomoca przymiotnikéw zéwiczenia 4. 2) Uczniowie odgaduja nazwe opisywanegn sporti. Za kaidy odgadniety sport uczer\ otrzymuje 1 punkt. Wyarywa uczed, ktéry piarwszy 2dobedzie 5 punltow. [Its exciting, os a.) {isit suring? } ramen (isit sailing? (No. itisnt surfing, It's expen: {es. itis] 35 “| GARE Listen and read. Answer questions 1-2. 1. Jaki tu Lekst. artykut o sportach, ulotka reklamowa czy e-mail? 2 Wezym moze poméc ten tekst? ‘Summer at the Brainy Sports Centre: swimming or surfing? ‘You can choose to join the swimming group tor the surfing team. {1s swimming better than surfing? Is surfing wurse than swvimrning? ‘Swimming is cheaper than surfing. It's easier too. Surfing is more difficult: than swimming and it's more expensive, butit's more exciting. ‘Swimming and surfing aren't dangerous sports, but swimming is safer than surfing. ‘Swimming is more popular than surfing, so the group is bigger: Don't be a couch potato all summer! Join one of the teams now! ‘Swimming is [SEBEisibaia] surfing. big —> bigger easy —> easier TUE Is swimming surfing? isswimming (ERS curring? good —» better bad —> worse >> Grammer summary on page 45 Lesson objective: Grammar: regular comparative adjectives, irregular comparative adjectives (good, bad ; Bpawick check @ARSERB Listen and describe the sports, using the adjectives from lesson 1. 2 Complete the text with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets. Write the answers in your notebook. Hi, Grandadl tan you help me? T want ta do a sport this ‘summer, but I cant decide which one to da AL Ue Brainy Sports Centre, I can do swimming or surfing Swimming is '__#2___ (easy) than surfing, but i's? 29. (boring). At the OK Sports Club, I can do basketball or table tennis. Basketballs |__3_ (fast) than table tennis, but It's also "4 (difficult) to play. At the Sea Activity Centre, I can do windsurfing or saling, Windsurfing is °__ 2 (expensive) | than sailing and its ‘3 (dangerous) too. | The Sea Activity Centre 1s "—_i€8 (gooa) than | the OK Sports Club. The Brainy Sparts Centre, | ts Za (bad) than the OK Sports Club | What da you think? Luke 3 Compare the sports in your notebook. 1 2 3 4 sailing / dodge ball basketball / surfing table tennis / ice hockey dodge ball / handball & inyour notebook, write a leaflet of Winter at the Brainy Sports Centre about two winter sports, Use the text in exercise 1 as a model. _winter at the Brainy Sports Centre: Wulotce + opisz dwa sporty zimowe, ktére sie od siebie znacznie réznia, + poréwnaj je za pomoca przymiotnikéw, + uzyj jednego z podanych zakoriczeri Go out and have a good time! / Don't play computer games! / Get fit and healthy!

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