535 lt3 Synthesis

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Learning Task 3: Part III Synthesis

Jacob J. MacNeil

Department of Education, University of Calgary

EDUC 535: Specialization II Elementary & Secondary Physical Education

Dr. Michelle Kilborn

October 27, 2023

My journey to becoming a physical educator has been a deeply personal and

transformative experience. Throughout my life, a passion for physical activity has been a

defining characteristic of my identify, which led me to pursuing a career that allowed me to share

my knowledge and love of movement as a teacher. Viewing the current physical education

system in which I had thrived for so many years, a notion of greatness within the subject was

developed, which reflected my own experiences. During week one, I outline how I have

previously analyzed my time within physical education and compared them to my sisters, which

uncovered a dichotomy of individuals who had almost the same physical education teachers

throughout our schooling. I further discuss in this reflection how the outlook on physical

education from those with negative experiences within the subject not only deters them from

further exploration within this part of schooling, but also discourages participation within

physical activity as a whole. Recognition in week one of my bias is a characteristic I outline and

must keep within my practice, as I am presented with an opportunity to shift the outlook of

physical education within my teaching and create a more inclusive and meaningful space.

However, review of my week one reflection raised a very important question, how am I to do


Analysis of my reflections in weeks two and three unveiled a theme across the two,

being, the emphasis I put on incorporating wellness in education. My personal letter to Nose Hill

was deeply reflective on the relationship I had with my father, and the lessons that were

bestowed upon me from him. Viewing this letter at the end of the semester compared to that day,

the part of my reflection that stands out to me most is my desire to take my future students back

to Nose Hill one day, so they may also have similar experiences with serenity and becoming

grounded that I had during our time on the land. In my week three reflection, I emphasize my
desire to incorporate wellness education within my own practice. Looking back, this week’s

topic influenced my decision to explore wellness further through LT1, and thus the seminar of

assessing wellness education came to be. This week’s reflection, as well as reviewing literature

surrounding wellness education in general, generated a profound desire to include my learnings

within my future teaching. The overall passion that I have felt for physical activity felt as if

another piece was added, and another strategy to make physical education meaningful to my

students was found.

The following reflections of weeks five and six also proved an associating theme, which

was developing a sense of comfortability and inclusion within my classroom. Developing the

discussion facilitation for week five, I found myself reflecting on my own experiences with

dance. Although I have mentioned my passion for physical activity, this passion did not extend

into the realm of dance. The discomfort and irritation I felt whenever the dance unit came around

was overwhelming, and because of this, review of the article was very beneficial for my practice.

Learning ways to start to change negative experiences in dance and improve students’ level of

comfort is important to me, as I want to create a space where students do not feel the same

emotions that I did within my experiences. In week six, review and reflection of literature led me

to discussing ways of further increasing inclusion for the specific demographic of 2SLGBTQ+

students. Again, focusing on changing negative experiences through an inclusive learning

environment. The strategies and aspects of teaching learned within these weeks foster inclusivity

within the classroom and demonstrate more ways I can benefit my students.

During week 7, the reflection I provided is centered around wanting to take the

knowledge gained in class and apply it in the difficult circumstances to provide more holistic

education to my students. This day provided me with applicable knowledge, strategies, and
resources that I will utilize in my practice, continuing to further my belief of the importance of

wellness education incorporation within my discipline.

Viewing my final week reflection, I start to view my process and what has led me to the

development of values I hold within physical education. Throughout this course, I have evolved

my thinking of what being a physical educator means, placing high personal value on student

wellness and experience. Review and analysis of my weekly discussions uncovered core tenants

that I will keep within my practice, as well as ways to approach my goal of creating a positive

outlook on physical education. My passion for physical activity still defines me, and in

conjunction with the knowledge I have gathered throughout my time in specialization one and

two, I know who I am as a physical educator and look forward to the opportunities ahead to

make physical education a truly great discipline, for all to thrive.

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