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Bill Nye: The Science of Music

1. List 2 examples of music.

2. True or False: Music is made all over the world.

3. Music is a ______________________ of vibrations in the air.
4. True or False: Music effects our senses.
5. When a low note is hit on the keyboard the waves are ______________________.
6. When a high note is hit the waves are much ______________________.
7. How high or low a sound vibrates is called the ______________________ of the sound.
8. How close together the notes are and how long each note lasts is known as ______________________.
9. The three ways to make vibrations of sound arranged into music are ______________________
______________________, and ______________________.
10. What is the difference between a musical note and a noise?

11. What vibrates when you talk or sing? ______________________ ______________________.

12. Sound is ______________________ moving through the air.
13. Your eardrum flexes like the head of a ______________________.
14. The tiny bones make a seashell shaped tubed called the ______________________ vibrate.
15. Tiny hairs in the front of that tube pick up ______________________ pitched sounds and those further
up inside the tube pick up ______________________ pitched sounds.
16. The hairs send signals through the ______________________ nerve to the brain.
17. The vibrating tuning fork sends out ______________________ in the air.
18. This vibration makes tiny molecules in the air do what?

19. Music is made of ______________________ arranged in ______________________ or bars.

20. How many eighth notes are in a quarter note? ______________________
21. How many sixteenth notes are in a quarter note? ______________________
22. Why couldn’t the contestants on Gimme A Tune guess the right song?

23. What does in tune mean? (hint, the experiment with the water glasses should help)

24. Your ears can hear small differences in pitch because they are very ______________________.
25. When we write music down we can ______________________ it and other musicians can play it.
26. Music is written from ______________________ to ______________________.
27. Which notes does Bill write on the staff? ______________________.
28. Is there science in music?

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