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JLPT Grammar Guide

A clear, no nonsense
guide to the grammar
used on the N5 test.

• Grammar explanations written in plain English, no confusing jargon.

• Common mistakes to avoid when using this grammar.
• JLPT-style practice questions, so you can get a feel for the real thing.
• Clear example sentences to help you understand each point.
Table of Contents
Using する and なる with Adjectives
You can use する and なる to talk about making a change to something
or a change that has taken place.
Japanese has two kinds of adjectives. な-adjectives that come from
Chinese and い-adjectives that are native to the Japanese language.
1 The を, から and まで particles
You can use the を particle to make a location being traveled through,
and から and まで to mark the start and end points of a journey.
Past Form of Adjectives (Casual)
The past is formed differently depending on whether the adjective is
な-adjective or い-adjective.
11 Wants and Invitations
You can use the たい form and ほしい to talk about wants. You can use
ませんか and ましょうか for invitations.
Past Form of Adjectives (Formal)
The formal past is used with co-workers, someone older than you or
23 もう and まだ
people you have just met.
You can use もう and まだ to talk about changes in state. These are
often translated as 'already' and 'yet' in English.
The は Particle
The は particle has several uses in Japanese. It can be used as a topic
35 The て-Form
marker or a contrasting marker.
The て-form can be used to link verbs, give commands or warnings and to
express states.
The が Particle
The が particle is used to mark the subject of a sentence or the doer. It
51 たりたりする and でしょう
also marks question words.
たりたりする can be used to make an inexhaustive list of things you do. で
しょう can be used to express certainty.
The Non-past Tense
Japanese only has two tenses, past and non-past. Non-past can be used
75 たち, ください and くださいませんか
to talk about the present or the future depending on context.
たち can be used to talk about a group of people or animals. ください
and くださいませんか can be used to politely request objects.
The Past Tense
The past tense of verbs is formed differently than the past tense for
103 Counters and Telling Time
adjectives.Also, there are differences between casual and polite.
Japanese uses several different kinds of counters to count everything from
time to sheets of paper.
この vs これ
この and これ can both mean 'this' in Japanese, but they are used in
129 Asking Who and What
different ways.
You can use だれ to ask who questions and なに to ask what questions in
ここ vs こちら
ここ can be used to refer to this place whereas こちら can be used to
143 Asking How Much, How Many and When
refer to this direction.
We use いくら to ask how much, いくつ to ask how many, and いつ to ask
when in Japanese.
Adjectives - more uses
You can use adjectives as adverbs, link them together or refer to one of
155 Asking How and Why
a group using the の particle. どう or いかが are used to ask how, どうして and なぜ to ask why in
Table of Contents

Asking What Kind of and How Much

どんな and 何の can be used to ask what kind of questions in Japanese.
どのくらい is used to ask how many or how much in Japanese.
The で Particle
The で particle has 4 uses in Japanese; it can mark a place, a tool/method,
a casual relationship between two items, a time when an event ends.
The に Particle
This particle is considered the establishment particle. It establishes the
destination, location, a surface, a time or a purpose.
Transitive vs Intransitive
There are several pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs in Japanese for
verbs like open, close, to line up, or to start.
も、と and や Particles
The も particle can be used to add to a statement, the と particle can
be used to join two nouns, and the や particle joins nouns inexhaustively.
あまり, しか and だけ
You can use あまり to mean '(not) very much' in negative sentences. しか
can mean except. だけ can be used to mean 'only'.
か, わ, よ and ね Particles
か, わ, よ and ね Particles can be used to show emphasis and elicit
が, とき and から
You can use が as a conjunction in Japanese. We use とき to talk about
time and から to mark a reason.
前に, ながら and 後で
前に, ながら and 後で can be used to talk about how events are related
to each other in time.
Clauses, という and the の Particle
Clauses, という and the の particle can be used to describe nouns in
more detail.
Adjectives 1 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 2

Affirmative Form:
あまい Useful Food Vocabulary

sweet からい すっぱい にがい

spicy/hot sour bitter

あまい デザート しょっぱい まずい おいしい

sweet dessert salty tasteless delicious

Affirmative Form:
あまい → あま + くない + あまくない

not sweet

Conversations Example:
あまくない デザート
Yu says hello
not sweet dessert
Yu: げんき?
i-adjectives always end in the い or ‘i’ sound, hence the name
What's up? i-adjectives. Not all words that end in い are i-adjectives though.
Matt: はい!げんき! Although it might seem strange in English. It is very common to
simply use an adjective by itself without a subject or topic as long
Yeah! (I'm) good! as it can be understood. For example, if you just bit into a piece of
sweet dessert, you can simply say the following.

Matt comments on the elephant
おお (That's) sweet!
Yu: 大きい!
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Here are a few more common expressions.

(That's) big!
はずかしい! かわいい! きれい!
Matt: そうだね!
(I'm) so embarrassed! (That's so) cute! (That's so) pretty!
That's right!

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Adjectives 3 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 4

na-adjectives Pairwork
You are showing your partner some vacation pictures.
Ask what each picture is.
Affirmative Form:
しずか These may look like い-adjectives, Example Conversation
but they are really な-adjectives
べんり げんき きれい
Example: convenient energetic pretty
しずかな じんじゃ
きらい すき ゆうめい A: にぎやかな まちですね。 A: あまい デザートですね。
quiet shrine B: そんなに にぎやかじゃないですよ。 B: そんなに あまくないですよ。
hated liked famous
1. Partner A, describe the following pictures.
Affirmative Form:
しずか + じゃない

not quiet

しずかじゃない じんじゃ あたら おとこ ひと
りっぱ / ホテル 新しい / かばん ゆうめい / 男の人
not quiet shrine
2. Partner B, describe the following pictures.
な-adjectives are adjectives that come to the Japanese language
from Chinese. They tend to be written with 2 kanji, and not end in
い. But there are numerous exceptions to this very general rule.
Check the list above for all the exceptions at the N5 level.

When な-adjectives fall at the end of the sentence, だ is often used

as the copula or linking verb (basically ‘is’).
おんな ひと
じんじゃは きれいだ。 あかるい / へや きれい / 女の人 うるさい / いぬ
The shrine is pretty / well-kept. 3. Try to describe more pictures to your partner from your smartphone
or another source.
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This is not 100% required and is often dropped in casual


You can use ですね to elicit an opinion from someone. To show

polite disagreement, you can respond with そんなに。。。ないです
よ. We will learn more about the よ and ね particles in a later

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Adjectives 5 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 6

Pencil Work Pairwork romaji

けいよう し You are showing your partner some vacation pictures.
1. Circle the words that are な形容詞 (na-adjectives). Ask what each picture is.

うるさい あたらしい あまい べんり Example Conversation

ゆうめい すき あかるい げんき

2. Check the correct sentences.

A: Nigiyakana machidesune. A: Amai dezaatodesune.
a. □ おもいな かばんです。 □ おもい かばんです。 B: Sonnani nigiyakajanaidesuyo. B: Sonnani amakunaidesuyo.
b. □ 大きい いぬです。 □ 大きいな いぬです。 1. Partner A, describe the following pictures.
c. □ ゆうめいな ホテルです。 □ ゆうめい ホテルです。

3. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

の なん
d. ( )飲みものは 何ですか。
rippa / hoteru atarashii / kaban yuumei / otokonohito
1 きらく 2 きらい 3 きらいな 4 きらいく
2. Partner B, describe the following pictures.
f. このスマホは ( )ですね。

1 べんりな 2 べんりくない 3 べんりだ 4 べんり

g. 今日は ( )です。

1 いそがしくない 2 いそがしいな

3 いそがしくじゃない 4 いそがしく akarui / heya kirei / onnanohito urusai / inu
h. これは ( )ケーキですね。 3. Try to describe more pictures to your partner from your smartphone
or another source.
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1 おいしいな 2 おいしく

3 おいしい 4 おいしたい
You can use desune to elicit an opinion from someone. To
show polite disagreement, you can respond with sonnani...
Vocabulary: 重い おもい - heavy, 飲み物 のみもの - drink, 何 なに、なん - naidesuyo. We will learn more about the yo and ne particles in
what, スマホ - smartphone, 今日 きょう - today a later chapter.

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Adjectives 7 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 8

Pencil Work romaji Pairwork Answers

1. Circle the words that are nakeiyoushi (na-adjectives). 1.
A: りっぱな ホテルですね。 A: りっぱな ホテルですね。
urusai atarashii amai benri
Splendid hotel, isn't it? New bag, isn't it?
yuumei suki akarui genki

B: いいえ、そんなに りっぱじゃないですよ。 B: いいえ、そんなに 新しくないですよ。

2. Check the correct sentences. No, it's not that splendid. No, she's not that pretty.

a. □ Omoina kabandesu. □ Omoi kabandesu.

A: ゆうめいな 男の人ですね。
b. □ Ookii inudesu. □ Ookiina inudesu.
Famous man, isn't he?
c. □ Yuumeina hoterudesu. □ Yuumei hoterudesu.

B: いいえ、そんなに ゆうめいじゃないですよ。

3. Choose the best answer for each sentence. No, he's not that famous.

d. ( )nomimonowa nandesuka.

1 kiraku 2 kirai 3 kiraina 4 kiraiku 2.

A: あかるい へやですね。 A: きれいな 女の人ですね。
f. Konosumahowa ( )desune.
Bright room, isn't it? Pretty woman, isn't she?
1 benrina 2 benrikunai 3 benrida 4 benri

g. Kyouwa ( )desu. B: いいえ、そんなに あかるくないですよ。 B: いいえ、そんなに きれいじゃないですよ。

1 isogashikunai 2 isogashiina No, it's not that splendid. No, she's not that pretty.

3 isogashikujanai 4 isogashiku
A: うるさい いぬですね。
h. Korewa ( )keekidesune.
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Noisy dog, isn't it?

1 oishiina 2 oishiku

3 oishii 4 oishitai B: いいえ、そんなに うるさくないですよ。

No, it's not that noisy.

Vocabulary: 重い おもい omoi - heavy, 飲み物 のみもの nomimono - drink,
何 なに、なん nani, nan - what, スマホ sumaho - smartphone, 今日 きょう kyou
- today

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Adjectives 9 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 10

3. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

Pencil Work Answers
d. きらいな 飲みものは 何ですか。
1. Circle the words that are な形容詞 (na-adjectives).
What drinks do you not like?
うるさい あたらしい あまい べんり

ゆうめい すき あかるい げんき Answer is 3 - きらいな

The word きらい, hated, is a na-adjective. When we place it directly in

front of a noun like 飲みもの, we need to put the な particle after it.
2. Check the correct sentences.
e. このスマホは べんりですね。
a. おまい かばんです。 This smartphone is convenient.

(It's) a heavy bag.

Answer is 4 - べんり
The word おもい is an i-adjective, which can be placed directly in front
of the noun it describes. In this case, it is describing かばん, or bag. The The word べんり, is a na-adjective, but when it falls at the end of the
other answer - おもいな かばん, uses the な particle, which is necessary sentence like this, we do not use the な particle after it.
if the adjective is a na-adjective.
f. 今日は いそがしくないです。
b. 大きい いぬです。
Today isn't busy.
(It's) a big dog.
Again, the word 大きい is an i-adjective, so we can place it directly in Answer is 1 - いそがしくない
front of the noun. The other answer - おおきいな いぬ, uses the な par-
ticle, which is necessary if the adjective is a na-adjective. The word いそがしい is an i-adjective. In order to make it negative, we
cut off the trailing い and add くない.
c. ゆうめいな ホテルです。
g. これは おいしいケーキですね。
(It's) a famous hotel.
This is delicious cake.
Here the word ゆうめい is a na-adjective, so we need to place a な par-
ticle after it when it is placed in front of the noun it describes. When it
falls in other parts of the sentence it does not need the な particle. Answer is 3 - おいしい
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このホテルは ゆうめいです。 The word おいしい is an i-adjective. When placed before a noun
describes, you do not need an additional particle like na-adjectives.
This hotel is famous.

Episode 1: Adjectives ©Copyright 2021 Romaji ON OFF ©Copyright 2021 Got a Question?
Grammar 11 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 12

Dad asks about the zoo

Dad: どうぶつえんは にぎやかだったの。

Was the zoo lively?

Yu: はい、にぎやかだった。

Yes, (it) was lively.

Dad asks about the cherry blossoms

Dad: さくらは きれいだったの。

Were the cherry blossoms pretty?

Yu: いえ、きれいじゃなかったよ。

No, (they) weren't pretty.

Yu gets back from her trip to the zoo

Dad: 食べものは おいしかったの。

Oji Zoo
Was the food delicious? Kobe, Japan

Yu: ええ、おいしかったよ。 Located just outside of Kobe, Oji Zoo is home to

giant pandas, elephants and a polar bear exhibit.
Yeah, it was delicious.
Japan is famous for its seasonal some steam with your workmates.
celebrations. In fall, tourists flock to Osaka castle park in Osaka is
Dad asks about the weather see the changing fall leaves or go especially well-known as a good
moon watching. In spring, usually place to have a party.
Dad: 天気は わるかったの。 towards the end of March, tourists But, if you'd like a more relaxing
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flock to parks to see the beautiful experience, head out of the city
cherry blossoms. a little way to Oji Zoo. There you
Was the weather bad? 花見 (hanami), or cherry blossom can take in the cherry blossoms as
Yu: わるくなかったよ。 viewing parties, usually involve a well as the numerous animals like gi-
lot of drinking and revelry. They ant pandas, koalas, and big cats.
can be quite fun and a good way You can find it about a 3 minute
(It) wasn't bad. to make new friends or blow off walk from Hankyu "Oji Koen" Station.

Episode 2: Past Tense Adjectives ©Copyright 2021 Romaji ON OFF ©Copyright 2021 Got a Question?
Grammar 13 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 14

i-adjective casual past form na-adjective casual past form

Affirmative Form: Affirmative Form:
あまい → あま + かった → あまかった しずか + だった = しずかだった

was sweet was quiet

Example: Example:
きのうは さむかったです。 そのレストランは りっぱだった。

Yesterday was cold. The restaurant was splendid.

To form the casual past for i-adjectives, just cut off the final い(i), and For that past form of na-adjectives. You just have to add だった to the
add かった (katta). end of the adjective to form the past.

Negative Form: Negative Form:

あまい → あま + くない → あまくない → あまくな + かった → あまくなかった しずか + じゃない → しずかじゃない + かった → しずかじゃなかった

was not sweet was not quiet

Example: Example:
そのカレーは からくなかったです。 なりたは しずかじゃなかった。

That curry wasn't spicy. Narita wasn't quiet.

For the negative past form, it's very similar to i-adjectives. You first add
For the past negative form, you have to convert the i-adjective to the じゃない to the end of the adjective. This makes it an i-adjective. To
negative form first, by cutting off the い and adding くない. Then, cut make it about the past, you simply cut off the い and add かった.
the い off of that and add かった.
Irregular Forms:

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was good

wasn't good

There is one irregular, the adjective いい(ii), good, becomes よい(yoi) in

the past.

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Grammar 15 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 16

Pairwork Pencil Work

You are asking about your friend's vacation. けいよう し
Ask yes/no questions about each picture. 1. Circle the words that are な形容詞 (na-adjectives).
Example Conversation 小さい すずしい いや いろいろ
たか しろ
じょうぶ 高い けっこう 白い

2. Check the correct sentences.

A: ホテルは りっぱだったの。 A: 食べものは おいしかったの。 a. □ そのパンは おいしくなかった。 □ そのパンは おいしいじゃなかった。

B: はい、りっぱだった。 B: いえ、おいしくなかったよ。
b. □ そのかばんは じょうぶくなかった。 □ そのかばんは じょうぶじゃなかった。
1. Partner A, ask about following pictures. くるま あたら
c. □ その車は 新しいだった。 □ その車は 新しかった。

3. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

a. かれは りょうりが ( )。
へ た

ねえ 1 下手かった 2 下手だった
お姉さん / げんき うみ/ あつい ホテル / いい 3 下手じゃないだった 4 下手なかった

2. Partner B, ask about the following pictures. b. かのじょは ( )。

1 おそいだった 2 おそかった
3 おそくなくかった 4 おそいじゃなかった

c. かのじょの へやは ( )。

でんしゃ なが 1 きれくなかった 2 きれいじゃなくない
ひろい / へや 電車 / はやい はし / 長い 3 きれいだった 4 きれいかった

3. Ask about more pictures with your partner from your smartphone or d.かれは ( )。
another source.
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1 ひまかった 2 ひまなかった
3 ひまくない 4 ひまじゃなかった
You can form a casual yes\no question by simply adding the の
particle at the end of it. This form should only be used with friends
and family, and not in business situations or when meeting someone
for the first time. Vocabulary: 小さい ちいさい - small, 涼しい すずしい - cool; refreshing,
Vocabulary: 食べ物 たべもの - food, お姉さん おねえさん - older sister, 海 う 嫌 いや - disagreeable; no, 色々 いろいろ - various, 上部 じょうぶ - sturdy,
み - sea; beach, 広い ひろい - wide; spacious, 橋 はし - bridge 結構 けっこう - nice; enough, 暇 ひま - free; available

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Grammar 17 JLPT Boot Camp Courses JLPT Boot Camp Courses Adjectives 18

Pairwork (romaji) Pencil Work (romaji)

You are asking about your friend's vacation.
Ask yes/no questions about each picture. 1. Circle the words that are nakeiyoushi (na-adjectives).

Example Conversation chiisai suzushii iya iroiro

joubu takai kekkou shiroi

2. Check the correct sentences.

a. □ sonopanwa oishikunakatta.
A: hoteruwa rippadattano. A: tabemonowa oishikattano. □ sonopanwa oishiijanakatta.
B: hai, rippadatta. B: ie, oishikunakattayo.
b. □ sonokabanwa joubukunakatta.
1. Partner A, ask about following pictures. □ sonokabanwa joubujanakatta.

c. □ sonokurumawa atarashiidatta.
□ sonokurumawa atarashikatta.

3. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

a. karewa ryouriga ( ).

oneesan / genki umi / atsui hoteru / ii 1 hetakatta 2 hetadatta
3 hetajanaidatta 4 hetanakatta
2. Partner B, ask about the following pictures.
b. kanojowa ( ).

1 osoidatta 2 osokatta
3 osokunakukatta 4 osoijanakatta
c. kanojono heyawa ( ).

1 kirekunakatta 2 kireijanakunai
hiroi / heya densha / hayai hashi / nagai 3 kireidatta 4 kireikatta

3. Ask about more pictures with your partner from your smartphone or d. karewa ( ).
another source.
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1 himakatta 2 himanakatta
You can form a casual yes\no question by simply adding the の 3 himakunai 4 himajanakatta
particle at the end of it. This form should only be used with friends
and family, and not in business situations or when meeting someone
for the first time. Vocabulary: 小さい ちいさい chiisai - small, 涼しい すずしい suzushii -
Vocabulary: 食べ物 たべもの tabemono - food, お姉さん おねえさん cool; refreshing, 嫌 いや iya - disagreeable; no, 色々 いろいろ iroiro - vari-
oneesan - older sister, 海 うみ umi - sea; beach, 広い ひろい hiroi - wide; spa- ous, 上部 じょうぶ joubu - sturdy, 結構 けっこう kekkou - nice; enough, 暇
cious, 橋 はし hashi - bridge ひま hima - free; available

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Pairwork Answers Pencil Work Answers

けいよう し
1. Circle the words that are な形容詞 (na-adjectives).
A: おねえさんは げんきだったの。 A: うみは あつかったの。 ちい
小さい すずしい いや いろいろ
Is your older sister well? Was the beach hot?
たか しろ
B: はい、げんきだった。 B: いえ、さむかったよ。 じょうぶ 高い けっこう 白い
Yes, (she) was well. No, (it) was cold.

A: ホテルは よかったの。
2. Check the correct sentences.
Was the hotel nice?
a. そのパンは おいしくなかった。
B: はい、ホテルは よかった。
The bread wasn't delicious.
Yes, the hotel was nice.
The word おいしい is an i-adjective. To form the negative, we remove
the い and add くない. Then to form the past tense, we cut the い off of
that and add かった. The other answer - パンは おいしじゃなかった, is
actually how you form the past negative tense for na-adjectives.

2. でんしゃ b. そのかばんは じょうぶじゃなかった。

A: へやは ひろかったの。 A: 電車は はやかったの。
The bag wasn't sturdy.
Was the room spacious? Was the train fast?
The word じょうぶ is a na-adjective. To form the negative past, we need
B: いえ、へやは ひろくなかったよ。 B: いえ、電車は はやくなかったよ。 to first change the na-adjective to negative by adding じゃない. Then, we
cut off the final い and add かった.
No, it wasn't spacious. No, the train wasn't fast.
なが くるま あたら
A: はしは 長かったの。 c. その車は 新しかった。
Was the bridge long? The car was new.
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B: はい、はしは 長かった。 The word 新しい is an i-adjective. To form the past, we simply need to
remove the final い and add かった.
Yes, the bridge was long.

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3. Choose the best answer for each sentence. Additional Notes:

へ た
a. 2 - 下手だった

The complete sentence would be:

かれは りょうりが 下手だった。

His cooking is unskilled / bad.
The word 下手, unskilled, is a na-adjective. To form the past for na-ad-
jectives, we simply add だった.

b. 2 - おそかった

The complete sentence would be:

かのじょは おそかった。

She was late.

The word おそい, late or slow, is an i-adjective. To form the past, remove
the final い and add かった.

c. 3 - きれいだった

The complete sentence would be:

かのじょの へやは きれいだった。

Her room is well-kept / pretty.

The word きれい is a na-adjective. In order to form the past, we simply
add だった.

d. 4 - ひまじゃなかった
The complete sentence would be:
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かれは ひまじゃなかった。

He wasn't free.
The word ひま is a na-adjective. To form the past negative, we need to
first change the na-adjective to negative by adding じゃない. Then, cut
the final い off and add かった to form the past.

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Matt's Co-worker asks about the hotel

Co-worker: ホテルは どうでしたか。

How was the hotel?

Matt: りっぱでした。

It was splendid.

Matt's Co-worker asks about the flight

Co-worker: ひこうきは たいへんでしたか。

Was the flight terrible?

Matt: いいえ、たいへんでは ありません でした。

No, it wasn't terrible.

Matt's Co-worker is asking about his trip

Co-worker: りょこうは たのしかったですか。 Omiyage

Trip Souvenirs
Was (the) trip fun?
It's very common to bring back souvenirs that can be
Matt: はい、たのしかったです。 shared by your co-workers when you go on vacation.

Yeah, it was fun.

In Japan, when you take a trip unique omiyage that you can buy
somewhere it is common to buy when you go on a trip. For ex-
Matt's Co-worker asks about the weather some kind of snack that you can ample, if you visit Kyoto, a common
share with your co-workers. It is omiyage is Nama Yatsuhashi, which
kind of seen as an apology for are triangle-shaped bean paste
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Co-worker: 天気は よかったですか。 leaving work even if you don't 'wraps'. Or you can pick up "Tokyo
actually take any days off. They Bananas" when you visit Tokyo.
Was the weather nice? typically come in boxes with 8-12 And if you forget to pick up omi-
individually wrapped sweets, so yage on one of the days of your
Matt: いいえ、よくなかったです。 they can be easily shared with your trip, you can usually pick up some
co-workers, friends or teacher. at most major train stations before
No, it wasn't nice. Each area of Japan has its own you head back.

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i-adjective polite past form na-adjective polite past form

Affirmative Form: Affirmative Form:
たのしい → たのし + かった → にぎやか + でした = にぎやかでした

was lively
たのしかった + です → たのしかったです
was fun わたしは ひまでした。

I was free.
電車は うるさかったです。 For the past tense of na-adjectives you just have to add でした to the
The train was loud.
Negative Formal
にぎやか + では ありません でした → にぎやかでは ありませんでした
Negative Form:
よい → よ + くない → よくない → よくな + かった → was not lively

よくなかった + です → よくなかったです Negative Spoken
にぎやか + では なかったです → にぎやかでは なかったです
was not good
was not lively
へやは あかるくなかったです Example:
イベントは にぎやかでは なかったです。
The room wasn't bright.
The event wasn't lively.
The two adjectives in Japanese, na-adjectives and i-adjectives, are conju-
gated differently for the past tense and to be more polite. You can use For the polite negative tense for the na-adjective, it can get a little tricky.
the casual form for situations with your friends or people you know, but You might have heard or been taught the following form:
with people that you just met or in slightly formal, business situations,
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or times when you just want to be a little more polite, it is best to use
the polite form.
The problem with this is that it sounds pretty stiff in real use. Especially
For i-adjectives, this is pretty easy to remember just add です to the end in spoken Japanese. That's why it is more common to use this form
of the casual tense of the adjective for both a positive and negative sen- when you are speaking:

And use the ありません form for writing.

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Pairwork Pencil Work

You are asking about your co-worker's vacation. Ask about
each picture. 1. Check the correct sentences.
とうきょう たか
Example Conversation a. □ 東 京スカイツリーは 高かったです。 □ 東京スカイツリーは 高いでした。

b. □ さむくないだった。 □ さむくなかったです。
た なか
c. □ 田中さんは げんきでした。 □ 田中さんは げんきで ありません。

d. □ そのホテルは きれいでは ありませんでした。

A: ホテルは どうでしたか。 A: ホテルは どうでしたか。 □ そのホテルは きれいかったです。
B: きれいでした。 B: 新しくなかったですよ。 2. Choose the best answer for each sentence.
うめ だ
1. Partner A, ask about following pictures. a. A「梅田は どうでしたか。」
B「( )。」

1 しずかでは ありました 2 しずかだ

3 しずかでは ありませんでした 4 しずかです

くるま ふる
b. A「田中さんの 車は 古いですか。」
た もの ひと B「いいえ、 ( )。」
食べ物 / うまい 人 / おもしろい ちかてつ / べんり
1 古いです 2 古くなかったですよ
2. Partner B, ask about the following pictures. 3 古くないですよ 4 古いでした

c. A「ホテルは どうでしたか。」
B「( )。」
1 きれいでは ありました 2 きれいでは ないです
3 きれいでした 4 きれいです

d. A「グリコマンは どうでしたか。」
うみ / うつくしい くうこう / きれい 人 / やさしい B「( )。」
3. Ask about more pictures with your partner from your smartphone or 1 大きいですよ 2 大きいでした
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another source.
3 大きい 4 大きかったです
You can form a more polite question by simply adding the か parti-
cle at the end of it. This form is commonly used with co-workers and
people you just met. Vocabulary: 東京スカイツリー とうきょうすかいつりい - Tokyo Skytree, 静
Vocabulary: 上手い うまい+ - good; wonderful, 地下鉄 ちかてつ - subway, 美 か しずか - quiet, 古い ふるい - old, グリコマン ぐりこまん (gurikoman) - Gli-
しい うつくしい+ - beautiful, 優しい やさしい - friendly co Man; a famous Osaka landmark

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Pairwork (romaji) Pencil Work (romaji)

You are asking about your friend's vacation. Ask about
each picture. 1. Check the correct sentences.

Example Conversation a. □ toukyousukaitsuriiwa takakattadesu. □ toukyousukaitsuriiwa takaideshita.

b. □ samukunaidatta. □ samukunakattadesu.

c. □ tanakasanwa genkideshita. □ tanakasanwa genkide arimasen.

d. □ sonohoteruwa kireidewa arimasen. □ sonohoteruwa kireikattadesu.

A: hoteruwa dodeshitaka. A: hoteruwa doudeshitaka.
B: kireideshita. B: atarashikunakattadesuyo. 2. Choose the best answer for each sentence.

1. Partner A, ask about following pictures. a. A「umedawa doudeshitaka.」

B「( ).」

1 shizukadewa arimashita 2 shizukada

3 shizukadewa arimasendeshita 4 shizukadesu

b. A「tanakasanno kurumawa furuidesuka.」

B「iie, ( ).」
tabemono / umai hito / omoshiroi chikatetsu / benri
1 furuidesu 2 furukunakattadesuyo
2. Partner B, ask about the following pictures. 3 furukunaidesuyo 4 furuideshita

c. A「hoteruwa doudeshitaka.」
B「( ).」
1 kireidewa arimashita 2 kireidewa naidesu
3 kireideshita 4 kireidesu

d. A「gurikomanwa doudeshitaka.」
umi / utsukushii kuukou / kirei hito / yasashii B「( ).」

3. Ask about more pictures with your partner from your smartphone or 1 ookiidesuyo 2 ookiideshita
another source. 3 ookii 4 ookikattadesu
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You can form a more polite question by simply adding the か parti-
cle at the end of it. This form is commonly used with co-workers and Vocabulary: 東京スカイツリー とうきょうすかいつりい toukyousukaitsurii -
people you just met. Tokyo Skytree, 静か しずか shizuka - quiet, 古い ふるい furui - old, グリコ
Vocabulary: 上手い うまい+ umai - good; wonderful, 地下鉄 ちかてつ chika- マン ぐりこまん (gurikoman) gurikoman - Glico Man; a famous Osaka land-
tetsu - subway, 美しい うつくしい+ utsukushii - beautiful, 優しい やさしい yasashii mark
- friendly

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Pairwork Answers Pencil Work Answers

1. Check the correct sentences.
1. た もの ひと
A: 食べ物は どうでしたか。 A: 人は どうでしたか。 a. 東京スカイツリーは 高かったです。
How was the food? How were the people? Tokyo Skytree is tall.
B: うまくなかったです。 B: おもしろかったです。 The word 高い, takai is an i-adjective. To form the past we need to cut
the final い off and add かった. To make it polite, we simply need to add
(It) wasn't very good. (They) were fun. です. でした is usually only used with nouns and na-adjectives.
A: ちかてつは どうでしたか。
b. さむくなかったです。
How was the subway?
(It) wasn't cold.
B: べんりでした。
The word さむい is another i-adjective. This time we are using the nega-
(It) was convenient. tive, so we need to first, cut off the final い and add くない, then cut the
い off of that and add かった. to make the whole thing polite, we add で
す. だった is used for the casual past form of na-adjectives.

c. 田中さんは げんきでした。

2. Mr. Tanaka was good.

A: うみは どうでしたか。 A: くうこうは どうでしたか。
The word げんき is a na-adjective. To form the past, we simply need to
How was the beach? How was the airport? add でした. To form the polite negative, we can use では ありませんでし
B: うつくしかったです。 B: きれいでは ありませんでした。
d. そのホテルは きれいでは ありませんでした。
(It) was beautiful. (It) wasn't pretty.
The hotel wasn't pretty.
A: 人は どうでしたか。
The word きれい is a na-adjective. To form the negative past, we simply
How were the people? need to add では ありませんでした.
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B: やさしかったです。

(They) were nice.

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2. Choose the best answer for each sentence. c. 3 - きれいでした

a. 3 - しずかでは ありませんでした The complete exchange would be:
The complete exchange would be: A「ホテルは どうでしたか。」
うめ だ
A「梅田は どうでしたか。」 How was the hotel?
How was Umeda? B「きれいでした。」
B「しずかでは ありませんでした。」 (It) was pretty.

(It) wasn't quiet. The question is about the past, so it can't be answers 2 and 4. Answer 1
is a bad form. So that just leaves answer 3 as the correct answer.
The question is about the past, so we have to match the tense in the
answer. That means we can rule out answer 4. Answer 1 is incorrect d. 4 - 大きかったです
because we usually don't use では with the affirmative, ありました. It is
possible to use answer 2, but it is casual while answer 3 is in polite form. The complete exchange would be:
b. 3 - 古くないですよ A「グリコマンは どうでしたか。」
The complete exchange would be: How was Glico Man?
A「田中さんの 車は 古いですか。」 B「大きかったです。」

Is Mr.Tanaka's car old? (It) was big.

B「いいえ、 古くないですよ。」 Again, the question is about the past, so we can eliminate answer 1.
Answer 2 is incorrect because we can't use i-adjectives with でした. An-
No, (it) is not old. swer 3 is in the casual form, so the best answer is 4 which is in the polite
First, answer 4 is bad form. We usually don't use an i-adjective with で
した. The B part starts with いいえ, so we probably need something
negative. That means answer 1 is incorrect. Finally the question is in
non-past tense, so that means answer 2 can't be the best answer. That
leaves us with answer 3.
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Episode 3: Polite Past Tense Adjectives ©Copyright 2021 Romaji ON OFF ©Copyright 2021 Got a Question?

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