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I. Match the procedure with the corresponding scenario.

1. Confidence Interval for one A. Estimate the proportion of all US

proportion females with high blood pressure.

Estimate = CI, US

Females: one population

Proportion -> CI for one population

proportion (1)

2. Z procedure: given a proportion find B. Estimate the difference in

a value proportion of US males and US females
with high blood pressure.

Estimate = CI, US

Females and US males = 2 population


Proportion -> for the difference of two

population proportions (9)

3. Two sided hypothesis test for one C. Compare the number of hours of
proportion worked by CSM male and female statistics
students in the year 2012.

Number of hours = quantitive variable,

cannot use proportions. -> We describe the
means between CSM females and males (4)

4. Describe and compare the D. In which group of students in 2012

distribution of means of two groups is the proportion of students who worked
more than 20 hours a week is higher, males
or females?

No estimate = not a CI, two populations =

males and females
HT for the difference of two proportions,
pm - pf >0 or pf-pm<0

-> one sided HT for the difference of two


5. Hypothesis test for difference of two E. Nationally, is there a difference in

proportions the proportion of community college
instructors who are male and female?

HT for the difference of two proportions,

female and male CC instructors (5) two

6. Z procedure: given a value find a F. Is the proportion of US males with

proportion high blood pressure less than 25%?

HT for one population proportions,

one-sided (10). One population, p<po=0.25

7. Test for independence of variables G. Is the proportion of faculty who are

young (under 35), middle age (35-50), older
(over 50) associated with whether they
teach in a community college or a

There are 3 proportions to compare -> test

for independence (7)

8. Describe and compare the sample H. Test the idea that 25% of US males
proportions between multiple groups over the age of 50 have high blood pressure

One population, two sided -> HT one

population two sided (3)
9. Confidence interval for difference of I. Find the largest 10% of course
two proportions. grades for Mrs. G, given that for 2013 the
mean grade was 0.75 with a standard
deviation of 0.06.

The proportion of 0.10 is given the

distribution is norma, find the value.
Unknown value ND problem (2)

10. One sided hypothesis test for one J. Given that for 2013 the mean grade
proportion was 0.75 with a standard deviation of 0.06,
what proportion of students earned grades
of 0.90 or higher?

Unknown proportion ND problem (6)

II. Our statistical question is “Are men more likely to be conservative or are women more likely
to be conservative?”

Conduct a hypothesis test to answer the question.

Row: Political View; Columns: Gender

F M Total

Liberal 92 55 147

Moderate 94 99 193

Conservative 17 24 41

Total 203 178 381

significance level ∝ = 0.05

1. Write null and alternate hypotheses. Ho: p1-p2=0; Hw:p1-p2 is not 0

2. Check the conditions. (24/178) 178=24>5, (1-24/178) 178>5;17/203) – sampling is
3. Calculate p-hat (male), p-hat (female), p-hat combined. 24/178, p-hat (female) =
17/203, p-hat combined = 41/381
4. Find the test statistic z=(p1hat-p2hat)/phat(1-phat)(1/n1)+(1/n2)

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