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Professional Adjustment Nursing 4. Reginald knows that as a a.

determine nursing action that is appropriate

professional nurse, he should posses in a variety of situation
1. When asked about the an/a:
characteristic of nursing profession, the mentally store knowledge so it doesn’t
nurse characterizes nursing as: a. Warm personality and concern have to be written down

a. A profession with a service orientation b. Strong urge to gain opulence and c. help recall facts in clinical area
fame in practice
b. Profession with a guide which delineates d.use Neuman’s model in the work setting
the roles and responsibilities of its c. Vision of continous improvement of the
members practice of one self

c. Profession with a deciding power over d. Ability to make ethically and morally 8. The four concepts common in all
standard of practice sound decision nursing theories are person,
environment, health and nursing. Of
d. profession with a scientific base these four, the most important concept
5. Reginald knows that nurses motivate
their patients. Included as patients are a. environment b. health
2. As a member of the healthcare individuals, families, groups and
team, the nurse collaborates with his co- communities. She knows that this type c. Nursing d. person
workers. In the absence of the physician of motivation is properly labeled as:
or the leader of the team, the nurse
should institute measures for the welfare a. self-reliance
9. When the new nurse after her tour of
of the patient under of his care. This
b. collaboration with patients the physical facilities of the hospital tell
her head nurse that the building is
c. partnership suffering from the “Sick Building
a. Independence b.
Syndrome”, the nurse is trying to say
d. all of the above that:

c. Autonomy d. All of the above a.That the health of the house does not meet
the basic requirements of Nightingale’s
6. A nursing theory is a group of need for adequate ventilation, cleanliness
concepts that form a pattern of reality. A and lighting
3. Reginald, a staff nurse knows that concept can be defined as:
his most important function is to ensure:
b.The building is filled with sick people that
a. An idea b. An outcome make the hospital appear sick too
a.Proper documentation
c. A philosophy d. A process c. The building is unfit for caring for people
b. Administration of care
d.That an unhealthy building creates
c. Institution of comfort measure
unhealthy inhabitants
7. A concept’s most important purpose in
d. Promotion of spiritual health of the client
professional nursing is to:
10. Which of the ff. individuals b.Having attained an advanced level of c. enhance your basis knowledge
demonstrate Florence Nightingale’s education
concept of health? d. update your knowledge and
c. A holistic understanding and perception of skills related to field of interest
a. A master’s degree holder in nursing the client
working as a staff nurse in a community
hospital d.Intuitive and analytic ability in new
situations Situation: Errors while providing nurse care to
patients must be avoided and minimized at all
b. A polio victim during his childhood who just times. Effective management of available
passed the Bar exams and is now practicing resources enables the nurse to provide safe,
his profession and is fighting for equal rights 13. As you become socialized into nursing quality patient care.
for the physically-challenged citizenry “culture” you become a patient advocate.
Advocacy is explained in the ff. except:
c. A Master’s Degree holder in nursing working
as a staff nurse in medical center in the city a.Respecting person’s right to autonomous 16. In the hospital where you work,
increased of medication error was
d.A dead mute-person who uses his gift of art b.Demonstrating loyalty to the institution’s identified as the number one in the unit.
to paint beautiful artworks and engage in right During the brainstorming session of the
arts exhibits here and abroad nursing service department, probable
c. Shared respect, trust and collaboration in causes were identified. Which of the ff. is
meeting health needs process related?
Situation: You are a newly hired nurse in
d.Protecting and supporting another person’s a. interruptions
a tertiary hospital. You have to finish
your orientation program recently and
b. use of unofficial abbreviation
you are beginning to assimilate the
culture of the profession. c. lack of knowledge
14. Modern day nursing has led into the
development of the expanded role of the d. failure to indentify client
nurses as in the function of a:
11. Using Benner’s stages of nursing
expertise, you are a beginning nurse a.clinical nurse specialist b.
practitioner. You will rank yourself as critical nurse 17. Miscommunication of drug order was
a/an: identified as a probable cause of
c. community health nurse d. staff nurse medication error. Which of the ff. is a safe
a. competent nurse b. novice nurse medication practice related to this?

c. proficient nurse d. advanced a.maintain medication in its unit dose

beginner 15. You can join continuing education package until point of actual
program to help you: administration

a. earn credit for license renewal b.note both generic and brand name of the
12. Benner’s “proficient” nurse level is
medication in the Medication
different from the other levels in nursing b. get in touch with colleagues in
Administration Method
expertise in the context of having: nursing

a.The ability to organize and plan activities

c. The physician should use an approved b.The amount of medication administered d. modify health primitive behaviors
universal abbreviation to the client as ordered

d. encourage clients to ask question c. The number of time the client calls the
24. Why should you not leave medications
about their medication nurse
in the bedside table of the patient?
d.the outcome of nursing interventions
a. bedside table is not sterile
based on plan of care
18. To provide safe, quality nursing care
to various clients in any setting, the most b. it is convenient to the nurse
important of the nurse is:
21. The role of health worker in health c. the nurse will not accurately document
a.critical thinking to decide appropriate education is to: that the patient actually took the
nursing action medication incidence of non-communicable
b.understanding of various nursing disease to community health center d. the patient may forget to take it
b.educate as many people about warning
c. observation skills for data collection signs of non-communicable diseases
Situation: While working in the tertiary
d.possession of scientific knowledge about hospital, you are assigned to the medical ward.
c. focus on smoking cessation problem
client needs
25. Your client, Mr. Diaz, concerned that
d.monitor client with hypertension
he cannot pay his hospital bills and
professional fees. You refer him to a:
19. You ensure the appropriateness and
safety of your nursing interventions while 22. How does the nurse promote one’s a. nurse supervisor
caring for various groups by: well-being?
b. social worker
a. creating plans of care for particular a. periodic travels and recreations
c. bookkeeping department
b. faithful and observance of healthy
simple lifestyle d. physician
b.identifying the correct nursing diagnosis
for the client
c. run away from polluted, stressful area
c. making a thorough nursing assessment of 26. Mr. Magno has lung cancer and his
d. avoid sleepiness over fatigue nights
the client needs and problems going through chemotherapy. He is
referred by the oncology nurse to a self-
help group of clients with cancer to:
23. The nurse involve in health promotion
20. The effectiveness of your nursing care a. receive emotional support
of the family by:
plan for your client is determined by:
a. become a better family b. to be part of research study
a.the number of nursing procedures
performed to comfort the client b. prevent disease c. provide financial assistant

c. control their symptoms d. assist with chemotherapy

a. rehabilitative aspect of the care a. it serve as a guide in making moral and
ethical decision in practice
27. A diabetic, hypertensive patient, Mrs. b. administration of written prescription
Linao, needs a change in her diet to for treatment and therapies b. it emphasizes the four -fold mission of
improve her health status. She should be the nurse with the adage that the
referred to a: c. collaborating with other health care nurse should also promote the spiritual
providers for health restoration and health of the person
a. nutritionist b. dietician alleviation of suffering
c. is serve as a strong and absolute
c. physician d. medical pathologist d. health promotion and prevention of protection against any lawsuit as it is
illness instituted by the professional
regulatory board and the accredited
28. When collaborating with other health professional organization
care team members, the best description 31. Group of Filipino Nurses that
d. it contains ethical and moral principles
of Nurse Rita’s role is: formulates the Code of Ethics for Filipino
that will serve as a guide for the day to
a. encourages the client involvement in day conduct of the professionals
his care a. Association of Nursing Service
Administrator of the Philippines
b. shares and implements orders of the (ANSAP) 34. PNA code of ethics is an expression of
health team to ensure quality care
moral concerns, goals and values of
b. Philippine Ethicist Nurses Association nursing. Which is the correct
c. she listen to the individual views of the (PENA) characteristic of the code of ethics for
health team members
c. Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)
d. help client set goals of care and
a. it emphasizes the independent and
discharge d. Association of Dean of Colleges of
collaborative roles of the nurse
Nurses (ADPCN)
b. it describes the professional standards
29. In the Philippines, this law is: of nursing practice
32. In October 1982, she authored the
a. Code of ethics for Filipino nurses c. it has a legal guarantee
Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurses
together with the Iloilo PNA Chapter
b. The Philippine nursing act of 2002 or d. it is used as a guideline in nursing
RA 9173 standard
a.Dr. Consuelo Gomez-Arabit

c. Republic act 8981 b.Dr. Annie Sand

d. IRR, Resolution 425v of 2003 35. The Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurses
c. Dr. Julita V. Sotero
is a set of principle set by the profession
d.None of the above to be used by the individual to ensure
safe practice. In the Philippines, the Code
30. The Philippine Nursing Act delineates of Ethics is legally binding. In the case of
the scope of nursing. It specifies that as violation, the nurse may be sanctioned
independent practitioners, nurses are 33. Which of the ff. about the Filipino by:
responsible for: Nurses Code of Ethics is not correct?
a. filing a criminal case 38. In ff. the Code of Ethics, a registered e. Nurses and Profession
nurse declines to receive any gifts,
b. termination from employment commission or hospitality from the
patient or any recommendations made.
c. revocation or suspension of license 41. A registered nurse is actively seeking
This is inline in which framework in the
out prominent figures in nursing
Code of Ethics?
d. all of the above profession in seminars and conventions
a. Nurses and People where he attends in order to establish
connections and linkages. This is inline in
b. Nurses and Practice which framework in the Code of Ethics?
36. The Code of Ethics for the Filipino
Nurses follow a framework in which their a. Nurses and People
c. Nurses and Co-workers
ethico-moral responsibility is divided into
sectors of the populace. Which of the ff. d. Nurses and Progress b. nurses and Society and Environment
is not an element of the Code of Ethics?
c. Nurses and Co-workers
a. Nurses and People
39. In ff. the Code of Ethics, RC Pineda d. Nurses and Progress
b. nurses and Practice joined the Society of Young Professional
Nurses and actively participates in its e. Nurses and Profession
c. Nurses and Co-workers activities. This is inline in which
framework in the Code of Ethics?
d. Nurses and Progress
a. Nurses and People 42. Ethics is not concerned with which of
e. Nurses and Profession the ff.?
b. nurses and Society and Environment
a. personal standard of right and wrong
c. Nurses and Co-workers
37. In ff. the Code of Ethics, a registered
nurse demonstrate a concept of b. practice or believe of certain group
d. Nurses and Progress
transcultural nursing into practice
wherein he takes into consideration the c. investigating issues about human
e. Nurses and Profession
culture and values of his patient. This is behavior
inline in which framework of the Code of
Nursing? d. exercising critical and rational
40. In ff. the Code of Ethics, the chief judgment in one’s choice or decision
a. Nurses and People nurse of a certain actively listens and
champions the just causes of his
b. Nurses and Practice subordinates. This is inline in which
43. Which of the ff. is the primary
framework in the Code of Ethics?
c. Nurses and Co-workers purpose of the Nurses Code of Ethics?
a. Nurses and People
d. Nurses and Progress a. a reference material of the desirable
b. nurses and Society and Environment attitudes a nurse may possess and
e. Nurses and Profession develop
c. Nurses and Co-workers
b. aid the nurse in identification of
d. Nurses and Progress legalities of the nursing practice
c. serve as a guide in making sound biology and the health professions is a. autonomy b. confidentiality
nursing decisions necessary in making referred to as:
nursing situation, caring situation c. justice d. non-maleficence
a. morality b. religion
d. provide sanctions for those who violate
the delineation and scope of the c. bioethics d. values
practice 50. When a registered nurse ensures that
he has provides all necessary information
to his patient and all impending
46. The universal ethical principle of procedures have been explained
44. Which of the ff. provides that nurses utilitarianism is chiefly concerned with: thoroughly and have been properly
must adopt the Filipino Nurses Code of consented to, he is applying in practice
a. keeping promises b. doing good
Ethics? which major ethical principle?
c. doing no harm d. all of the above
a. BON Resolution No. 14 a. autonomy b. confidentiality

b. BON Resolution No. 20 c. justice d. non-maleficence

47. Specific domain of ethics that focuses
c. R.A. 9173
on moral issues and dilemmas in the field
of healthcare.
d. R.A. 7164 51. When a registered nurse ensures that
he has provides all necessary information
a. ethics b. professional ethics
to his patient who is interested in making
c. bioethics d. health care ethics an anatomical gift after his death, he is
45. Which of the ff. best describes the applying in practice which major ethical
purpose/s of the Amended Code of Ethics principle?
for Nurses?
48. Bioethics though already realm of a. stewardship b. confidentiality
1. serves as standards of conduct and values ethics has a wide scope. Its scope
as defined by the profession includes the ff. except: c. respect d. non-maleficence

2. to inform the nurses about their role in the a. pollution

b. lifestyle modification 52. When a registered nurse ensures that
3. to serve as a basis for ethical decision- he has provides all necessary information
making by a profession c. biotechnological advancements to his patient who is interested in making
an anatomical gift after his death, he is
4. serve as a legal basis for nurses liability d. fiscal legislation applying in practice which minor ethical
A. 1,2&4 B. 1,2&3
a. stewardship b.
C. 2&3 D. 1&3 49. When a registered nurse performs confidentiality
only functions that is within the scope of
his practice and when he adheres to rules c. respect d. non-maleficence
and regulations of his institution, he is
45. The principle that govern right and
applying in practice which major ethical
proper conduct of a person regarding life,
53. When a registered nurse attends to been satisfactory completed, he is 61. As observed by experts, nurses
the patient’s preparation towards a applying in practice which minor ethical oftentimes find it difficult to resolve
removal of a disease organ, he is applying principle? ethical issue because:
in practice which major ethical principle?
a. epikia b. double-effect 1. They (nurses) lack the sensitive to recognize
a. utilitarianism b. totality ethical problems and conflicts
c. totality d. fidelity
c. respect d. non-maleficence 2. They (nurses) lack the needed knowledge or
experience to tackle the situation they are in

58. When a registered nurse prioritizes 3. They (nurses) have difficulty separating their
54. When a registered nurse attends to a the vaccination of pregnant women and personal characteristics from their professional
patient and reminds himself of the children during an epidemic, he is characteristic
inappropriate use of technology while applying in practice which minor ethical
rendering care, he is applying in practice principle? 4. They (nurses) neglect the use of universal
which minor ethical principle? ethical principles and utilize self-device
a. veracity b. respect principles and approached instead.
a. utilitarianism b. totality
c. paternalism d. utilitarianism A. 1,2,3 b. 2,3 c. 3,4 d.
c. respect d. non-maleficence 1,2

59. When a registered nurse prioritizes

55. When a registered nurse provides the vaccination of pregnant women and
Matching Type:
safe and quality emergency care to children during an epidemic, he is
unconscious client, he is applying in applying in practice which minor ethical 62. duty of fidelity
practice which minor ethical principle? principle?
63. duty of reparation
a. veracity b. respect a. veracity b. respect
64. duty of gratitude
c. paternalism d. utilitarianism c. paternalism d. utilitarianism
65. duty of justice

66. duty of beneficence

56. When a registered nurse admits 60. A couple who is trying to conceive a
mistakes promptly and offers to do child for many years now are opted for 67. duty of self-improvement
whatever necessary to correct them, he is zygote implantation into the fallopian
applying in practice which minor ethical tube, the registered knows that which 68. duty of non-malefiscence
principle? of the ff. ethical principle does not
apply? 69. duty of veracity
a. veracity b. respect
a. respect b. stewardship
c. paternalism d. utilitarianism
c. epikia d. non-maleficence Options:

a. Giving what is due based on merits earned

57. When a registered nurse ensures that
contract between him and the patient has b. Truth-telling
c. Drive to enhance and empower one’s self 73. The nurse knows that the ff. are was recovered, you could be liable due to
component or element of negligence, the:
d. Penance; reconciliation EXCEPT:
a. doctrine of force majeure
e. “first, do no harm” a.existence of duty on the part of the person
charged to protect the complaining party b. doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor
f. Being cognizant of other service from the injury received
c. doctrine of respondeat superior
g. Promise-keeping b.failure to do duty
d. malpractice
h. Shown in act of charity c. foreseeable of harm from failure to do duty

d.a damage or injury resulting from breach of

76. While plotting and schedule and
70. Nurse Neil would know that any staffing in the hospital, it was found out
misconduct or lack of skill in carrying out that the hospital hired under board
e. compensation received by the accuse from
professional responsibilities. nurses and midwives to cut cost and
the plaintiff
compensate in the lack of sufficient man
a. negligence b. malpractice power. They carried out usual nursing
duties like giving medication. Should any
c. standard of practice d. assault and 74. When asked by Rhoda about the most unlikely incident arise from their
battery important and the most defining element erroneous administration of medication,
of negligence, weng answers: the hospital will be liable due to the:

a. existence of duty on the part of the a.doctrine of force majeure

71. When carelessness happens resulting
person charged to protect the
to an accident that is preventable, the
complaining party from the injury b.doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor
nurse can be charged of:
c. doctrine of respondeat superior
a. tort b. malpractice
b. failure to do duty
c. negligence d. crime
c. foreseeable of harm from failure to do
77. Berting, 30 years old male was
72. When a nurse prescribe a medication d. a damage or injury resulting from
brought to the hospital due to the injuries
to a patient and have done something breach of duty
sustain due to vehicular accident. While
that is out of the scope of nursing
e. compensation received by the accuse being transported to the x-tray
practice, he could be accountable for:
from the plaintiff department, the straps accidentally broke
a. tort b. malpractice and the client fell on the floor hitting his
head. In the situation, the nurse is:
c. negligence d. crime
75. When as a scrub nurse, you left a a. not responsible because of the doctrine
laparotomy pack inside the patient’s of respondeat superior
abdomen and after sometime the patient
begin to complain abdominal pain and it b. free from any negligence that caused
harm to the patient
c. liable along with the employer for the a. internist b. surgeon important in the care of all patients in
use of defective equipment that harms any setting?
the client c. scrub nurse d. anesthesiologist
a.Board of Nursing Resolution Adopting the
d. totally responsible for the negligence Code of Ethics

81. If any mishap involving the care given b.Bill of Rights as provided in the Philippine
to the patient should happen while inside Constitution
78. In the abovementioned situation, the the O.R. and while the operation is going
hospital and the nurse will be specifically on, the team leader would be accountable c. Patient’s Bill of Rights (as adopted by the
liable under what doctrine of negligence? to: American Nurses Association)

a. doctrine of force majeure a. captain-of-the-ship doctrine d.Scope of Nursing Practice as defined by RA

b. doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor b. doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor

c. doctrine of corporate liability c. doctrine of corporate liability

Situation: Mr. Jose’s chart is the permanent
d. doctrine of respondeat superior d. doctrine of respondeat superior legal recording of all information that relates to
his health care management. As such, the
entries in the chart must have accurate data.
79. Which of the ff. situations would 82. Nurse Mykaela, is a staff nurse
possibly caused a nurse to be sued due to assigned to the schizophrenia ward of
negligence? NCMH. One sunny afternoon, while on 84. Mr. Jose’s chart contains all
duty, a great earthquake shocks the information about his health care. The
a. nurse gave the client a wrong country. Nurse Mikaela, tried to direct her function of record includes all, EXCEPT;
medication and an hour later, client patient out of the building but they
complained of dyspnea mistock the earthquake for a bumpy ride a. means of communication that health
in the carnival and was shouting and care team members use to communicate
b. while preparing the medication, instead
clapping in joy as the building collapsed their contributions to the client’s health
of 1 tablet, the nurse noticed that she
killing them but the nurse was able to care
placed 2 tablets in the medication cup
escaped. What doctrine applies?
b. the client’s record also shows a
c. as the nurse was about to give the a. doctrine of force minore document of how much health care
medication, the client asked why the agencies will be reimbursed for their
medication is still to be given when in b. doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitor services
fact the physician already discontinued
c. doctrine of corporate liability c. educational resource for the student of
d. nurse administered 2 tablets of nursing and medicine
analgesic instead of 1 d. a. doctrine of force majeure
d. recording of action in advance to save
80. In the O.R., who directs and answers 83. Which of the ff. is not a legally
the actions of the surgical team? binding document but nonetheless very
85. An advantaged of computerized client 88. A telephone order is given for a client a. follow the patient because it is his right to
care system is: in your ward. What is your most die gracefully
appropriate action?
a. the nursing diagnosis for a client’s data b. follow the patient, as it is his right to
can be accurately determine a.copy the order in the chart and sign the determine the medical regimen he needs
physician’s name as close to his original
b. cost of confinement will be reduced signature as possible c. refuse the patient and encourage

c. information concerning the client can b.repeat the order back to the physician, d. refuse the patient since euthanasia is not
be easily updated copy onto the order sheet and indicate accepted in the Philippines
that it is a telephone order
d. the number of people to take care the
client will be reduced c. write the order in the client’s chart and
91. Euthanasia is an ethical dilemma
have the head nurse co-sign it
which confronts nurses on the ICU
d.tell the physician that you cannot take because:
86. Information in the patient’s chart is the order but you will call the nurse
inadmissible in court as evidenced when: a. the choices involve do not appear to be
clearly right or wrong
a. the client family refuses to have it used
b. A client’s legal right co-exists with the
b. the client object to its used Situation: Mr. Martin, 71 years old was nurse’s professional obligation
suddenly rushed to the hospital because of
c. the handwriting is not legible very severe chest pain. On the admission, he c. decision has to be made based on
was diagnosed to have a acute MI and was societal norms
d. it has many aberrations that are
placed in the ICU.
“unofficial” d. a decision has to be made quickly,
often under stressful conditions

89. While in the ICU, he executes the

87. Nursing audit aims to:
document that list the medical treatment 92. A nurse who supports the patient and
a.provide research data to hospital he chooses to refuse in the case his family’s need to make decision that is
personnel condition becomes severe to the point right for them is practicing which of the
that he will be unable to make decisions ff. ethical principles? client’s illness and treatment for himself. This document is:
regimen closely a. autonomy b. confidentiality
a. living will b. informed
c. compare actual nursing done to consent c. privacy d. truthfulness
established standards
c. last will and testament d. power of attorney
d.provide information to the health care
93. Mr. Martin felt better after 5 days but
recognizing the severity of his illness, he
90. After one day, the patient’s condition executes a document authorizing the wife
worsen and feeling hopeless. He to transact any form of business in his
requested the nurse to remove the behalf in addition to decisions relative to
oxygen. The nurse should:
his confinement. His document refers to a. presence of prosthetic devices such as
as: dentures, artificial limbs, hearing aids,
97. The chart is admissible in court as etc.
a. power of attorney b. living will evidence because it is:
b. baseline physical, psychosocial and
c. informed consent d. medical record a. a legal document emotional data

b. a scientific document c. argument between the staff nurses and

94. Client’s right should be protected the resident regarding treatment
c. a privileged communication
when doing research using human modalities
subjects. Martha identifies these rights as d. it is written in medical terminology
d. observed outward signs and symptoms
follows, except:
and interventions including
a. right to self-determination concomitant intervening factors
98. The chart can only be read by
b. right to compensation members of the health care team because
it is:
c. right to privacy 101. Marimaw is one of your patients. Her
a. a legal document uncle Mr. Santibanyo, who is a doctor,
d. right to obtain information about wants to read her chart. Your appropriate
another patient b. a scientific document action would be:

c. a privileged communication a. instruct Marimaw uncle to present a

written authorization signed by the
Situation: RN’s should always be conscious that d. it is written in medical terminology patient herself
the contents in the chart are admissible in
court as evidence. b. refer the matter to the hospital director
99. The chart contains progress notes
95. The nurse knows that the chart and c. instruct Mr. Santibanyo to present a
written by health care professionals. This
the information pertaining to client care written request to the Medical Record
makes the chart:
in it are owned by the: sction of the hospital
a. legal document b. scientific
a. patient b. hospital d. refer to the attending physician
c. nurse d. all of the
c. privileged communication d.
complex document 102. Erasures, alterations and addition in
medical records and the nurse’s notes can
be avoided. The ff. are some tips, except:
96. The nurse knows that the chart and 100. Documentation of all nursing
the medical records pertaining to client activities performed is legally and a. cross out blank spaces
care in it are owned by the: professionally vital. Which of the ff.
should not be included in the patient’s b. cross out the wrong word or phrase
a. patient b. hospital chart? with one or two lines making the cross
out word discernible
c. nurse d. all of the
above c. insert additions or correction
d. state the reason for any deviation c. should be reviewed and approved by
from normal procedure/ practice the patient before discharge
109. Disposal of medical records in
d. are maintained by the hospital as an government hospitals/agencies should be
effective staff evaluation tool done in close coordination with what
103. If there is any deviation from normal agency?
practice or procedure like if streptomycin
is given via direct IV instead of IM. This a. DILG b. MMDA c. RMAO d. DOH
should be documented in the: 107. You are taking care of critically ill
client and the doctor-in-charge calls to
a. progress notes b. incident report order medications via the telephone.
Which of the ff. is the appropriate action 110. In the hospital, when you need the
c. nurse’s note d. medical sheet when getting a telephone order? medical record of a discharged patient for
research, you will request permission
a. Have the RN, MD and family member through:
104. You can communicate hazards to sign the order
a. doctor-in-charge b. hospital director
your co-worker through the use of the ff.,
b. Have one nurse take the order and sign
except: c. nursing service d. medical record
it and have the MD sign it within
24hours section
a. posting IR in the bulletin board

b. formal training c. Have the RN, MD and family and

supervisor sign the order
111. You readmitted a client who was in
c. educational safety poster
another department a month ago. Since
d. Get the telephone order, repeat it back
you will need another chart, from whom
d. use of proper labels and signs to the MD, then have the MD sign it
do you request the old chart?
with 24 hours
a. Central Supply section
105. After the staff nurse completed the
incident report. The nurse submits this Situation: Records are vital tools in any b. previous doctor clinic
ideally to the: institution and should be properly maintained
for specific use and time c. department where the patient
a. attaches it to patient chart b. head previously admitted
nurse 108. The patient’s medical records can
work as a double-edge sword. When can a d. Medical Record Section
c. supervisor d. risk manager medical record become the doctor’s/
nurse’s worst enemy?
112. The RMAO of the DOH is responsible
a. when voluminous
106. The nurse should also understand in implementing its policies on record
that the incident report: b. when subpoenaed to the court disposal. You know that your institution is
covered by this policy if:
a. will prevent legal action against the c. when it is missing
nurse a. your hospital is a tertiary hospital
d. when it is inaccurate, incomplete and
b. are not consider legal documents but inadequate b. your hospital is in Metro Manila
rather a risk-management tool
c. it obtained a permit to operate from d.serve as a venue for hearings and legal
the DOH proceedings
121. Under this court, decisions made are
d. your hospital has been accredited by said to be final and executor:
117. The nurse knows that the power of a. Municipal Trial Court b. Regional Trial
the court to hear a case is called: Court

113. The nurse would be correct if she a. venue b. jurispeudence c. Court of Appeals d. Supreme Court
states that a rule of conduct that
prohibits extremes in behavior so that c. jurisdiction d. jurislation
people can live without for self or
122. This is the legal term for the harm
property is called:
inflicted or injury done:
a. Nurses Practice Act of 2002 b. a law 118. There are two parties in a case, the
one being complained about is also called a. damaged b. damages c. damage d.
the: damaging
c. advanced directive d. a DNR order

a. defendant b. plaintiff
123. Nurse Nina knows that the minimum
114. Type of law that comes from a higher c. mediator d. none of the
damages paid to a rape victim are 30k. He
beinge.g. Ten Commandments above
defines damages as:
a. Pentateuch b. Torah
a. a reward for something good
c. Divine Law d. Human 119. There are two parties in a case, the
b. payment for the injury or harm inflicted
Law one who filed the complaint is also called
c. prize of the victim for being vulnerable
a. defendant b. plaintiff
115. Humans are legislator by nature. d. all of the above
Laws written by men are said to be: c. mediator d. none of the
a. Civil Law b. Commercial 124. These are actual expenses incurred
Law by the patient as a supposed victim of the
nurse’s malpractice:
c. Divine Law d. Human Law 120. RN Cowberto wanted to make an
appeal regarding his case. RN Cowberto a. actual damages b. exemplary
knows that the meaning of an Appeal is: damages
116. The nurse knows that the main
a. repetition of what the witness heard c. moral damages d. lost of income
function of the court id to:
b. a review of the case in a higher court
a.prescribe and legislate
c. statement uttered in good faith 125. This are imposed by the court in
b.administer justice to the people
giving the public an example of what not
d. necessary testimony to follow in the practice of nursing:
c. house the judge and clerk of the court
a. actual damages b. exemplary a. battery b. challenge 134. The nurse makes two medication
damages for cause errors because she didn’t use the 5 rights
of medication administration and one
c. moral damages d. lost of income c. comparative negligence d. slander patient has a reaction. This is an example

a. assault b. fraud c. libel d.

126. These are the most popular and the 129. After delivering a baby with special
most expensive ones. needs, the new mother tells the nurse
that the man assumes he’s the father
a. actual damages b. exemplary isn’t and ask the nurse to tell the doctor.
damages This medical dilemma is an example of: 135. The most common reason for the
loss of a nursing license is:
c. moral damages d. lost of income a. confidentiality b. conflict of
interest a. developing a physical deficit

c. negligence d. slander b. drug and alcohol abuse

127. A risk in obtaining an informed
consent before surgery is:
c. not paying income taxes
a. completing the informed consent 131. A law voted on by a legislative body d. writing bad checks
papers before all preoperative test of government is called:
results are in the patient’s chart
a. administrative law b. common law
b. completing the informed consent paper 136. An appropriate reason for the loss of
one hour after the preoperative c. constitutional law d. statutory law a nursing license is:
medication is given
a. bankruptcy b. decline in health
c. completing the informed consent
papers the evening before surgery 132. When a judge interprets a law and c. theft d. therapeutic
issues a decision, this is called: abortion
d. completing the informed consent
papers with a family member present a. administrative law b. common law

c. constitutional law d. statutory law 137. The doctor orders a very large dose
of narcotics. The nurse knows that this
128. A diagnostic test is ordered that dose could be fatal if administered.
required a signed informed consent. The Legally, the nurse:
nurse becomes very busy and she checks 133. A patient has been hospitalized after
on the patient, discovering that the a car accident. He’s planning to sue the a. can give the medication after she gets
patient has already left for the test. The driver of the vehicle that hit him. In this approval from the nursing supervisor
nurse goes to find the patient just as the lawsuit, the patient is the:
procedure has completed. A procedure b. is responsible for any medication she
a. agitator b. defendant administer
without the proper informed may result in
what type of crime? c. litigator d. plaintiff c. should give the medications, because
the doctor is responsible for his order
d. should notify authorities immediately c. common law d. public law

141. Fraud can be defined as:

138. The nurse has made assignments a. false accusations-written, printed or 145. The Patient’s Bill of Rights was
that included a nurse assistant who is an typed that are made with malicious published by the:
unlicensed caregiver. Is the nurse legally intent
responsible for the care the nurse a. American Hospital Association
assistant gives? b. any words spoken with malice that are
untrue and prejudicial to another person b. American Nurses Association
a.always because the nurse is her supervisor
c. the act of intentionally misleading or c. Joint Committee of Hospitals
b.never because the hospital employs both deceiving another person by any means
the nurse and the nurse assistant, so they d. Occupational, Safety and Health Act
are both responsible d. the omission of an act that a prudent
person would have performed
c. not usually if the nurse assistant has been
146. Mr. Marsh wants his son designated
assigned tasks within the job description of
to make his health decisions. What
a nurse assistant
142. A nurse alters a hospital record documentation is needed?
d.possible because the law is so different in because she knows an error has been
a.A doctor’s order
each state that there is no clear answer committed. Her action may be classified
b.A durable power of attorney for health
a. fraud b. libel
139. Nurses should be aware of the
c. a living will signed by both parties
political process because: c. malpractice d. slander
d.a signed advance directive
a. doctors will take over nursing therapies

b. managed care is becoming the leader 143. A nurse gives legal testimony that is
in the pay process for care taken and recorded outside the
147. The PD that requires that all health
courtroom. This is called a:
workers to register all births within 30
c. nurses may be called to war if needed
days from birth:
a. certified testimony b. contract
d. some nursing practices are controlled
a. PD 615 b. PD 651
by governmental decisions c. deposition d. tort
c. PD 561 d. PD 156
140. Sometimes a doctor or nurse may
unintentionally harm a patient. This is
144. Law is defined as a standard of
conduct established and enforced by the
148. Which of the ff. is the Code of
a. libel b. malpractice government. There are several types of
law, and the practice of nursing is
c. negligence d. governed by: a. PD 825 b. PD 856
a. administrative law b. civil law c. PD 965 d. PD 791
b. DOH policies and guidelines

149. The nurse should know that all 153. Under the Narcotic Drug Law, the c. Alma Ata
prescriptions of the municipal health nurse handling narcotics may be held
officer should be in generics. What law criminally liable if she: d. Magna Carta for Public Health Workers
provides for this mandate?
a. has drug in private possession
a. RA 9173 b. RA 6675
b. is a patient using duly prescribed drugs 157. The PD that requires all health
c. Ra 1080 d. RA 7160 workers to register all births within 30
c. administer narcotics orders of a days from birth:
licensed physician
a. PD 615 b. PD 651
150. Which of the ff. provisions does not d. is accounting for the drugs under a
apply to RA 7305? licensed employer c. PD 561 d. PD 156

a.promotes and improves the socio-

economic well being of public health
workers 154. Known as the Phil. Nursing Act of 158. RN Roger Carlitos knows that an
1997. illegitimate child can also be registered.
b.develop their skills and abilities to This has been possible through:
remain in government a. Ra 9173 b. Ra 7164
a. RA 9173 b. RA 7164
c. encourage those qualified and those c. LOI # 1000 d.
with abilities to remain in government Proc# 539 c. RA 9408 d. RA 9255

d.standardized the salaries of nurses

155. Which groups are required to be 169. Based on the family code of 1998,
working in the government
immunized as per PD # 996? how many persons are needed in order
151. The delivery of basic services and for a marriage to be legal and binding?
a. children with special needs
facilities of national government was
a. 3 b. 2 c. 5 d. 7
transferred to the local government units. b. children below 8 years old
Which of the ff. mandated this?
c. out of school youth
a. RA 7305 b. RA 7160 170. If a husband and wife, retain their
d. school children marriage status, cannot remarry and/are
c. RA 4226 d. RA 9173 only separated in room and board, they
are said to be on:

156. Which legislation aims to promote a. trial separation b. legal separation

152. Comprehensive Dangerous Act of and improve the social and economic well
2002 is: being of health workers in government c. divorce d. annulment
a. RA 6425 b. RA 9165
a. Ra 7164
c. RA 953 d. RA 6675
171. Dionesia celebrated her 18th birthday 178. A nurse is a lifelong learner. The
with a grand open party. She met many most important reason for this is:
new faces during the party but there was 175. He was appointed based on the fact
this one guy whom she liked the most. that she was number one in the screening a. Accrediting agencies, such as National
After the party’s over, Dionesia stayed done by the selection committee. The League for Nursing require it
with him to get to know him better. The committee’s action is consistent with:
guy liked Dionesia so much but the b. employers require it to stay employed
birthday celebrator was conservative. The a. Local Government Code
c. doctors need to be ensured the nurse
guy forced sex on powerless Dionesia
b. Civil Service Law is competent in nursing
that evening. The guy can be penalized
on the basis: e. nurses must remain current in nursing
c. Magna Carta for Public Health Workers
research, skills and knowledge
a. RA 7877 b. RA 8485
d. Nursing Law
c. RA 7610 d. RA 8353
179. Health care delivery in the future
176. A nurse performs cardiopulmonary must consider what major trend?
172. Which of the ff. is the Code of resuscitation in an emergency situation
until the ambulance arrives to take the a. decreasing competition among
victim at the hospital. Ideally, where it is hospitals
a. PD 825 b. PD 856 enacted, the nurse may be protected by
b. decreasing emphasis on technology
which law?
c. PD 965 d. PD 791
c. increasing number of nurses in the
a. Good Samaritan b. Minimum Standards
c. Nurse Practice Act d. OSHA Act
173. The nurse should know that all d. increasing population over age 70
prescriptions of the municipal health
officer should be in generics. What law
provides for this mandate? 177. Which of the ff. statements indicates
180. The nurse performs many roles in
a trend affecting professional nursing
the practice of nursing. Which role is
a. RA 9173 b. RA 6675 practice today?
defined as “the protection of human or
c. Ra 1080 d. RA 7160 a. hospitals are changing the direct patient legal rights and the security of quality
contact mix by hiring more non- care for each patient?”
professional personnel, thus decreasing
the number of professional nurses a. advocate b. communicator
174. Weng is a new staff nurse in a
provincial hospital. His appointment b. nursing is moving back to internships c. counselor d. leader
papers were processed at the: instead of formal education

a. Mayor’s office b. Governor’s c. psychologist are conducting nursing

research instead of using nurses 181. Critical thinking is essential to
c. Regional Health Office d. DOH d. very few nurses work in the community,
almost work in hospitals a. Is constantly used for solving problems
Central Office
and making sound judgment
b. Becomes vital in developing nursing b. Nursing Specialty Council c. 2 years of continous service
c. Association of Dean of Phil. Colleges of d. No minimum years required, they can
c. Forms the basis for the professional Nursing go out the country anytime
code of ethics for nursing
d. Philippine Nurses Association
d. Is needed to successfully pass the
licensure exam 189. Dioning just finished her
specialization. Her friend Gloring is also
185. According to the nursing law, who interested to specialize as a nurse.
will spearhead the comprehensive Gloring ask what fields of specialization
182. Modern day nursing has led to the nursing specialty program? are available in the Philippines. Dioning
development of expanded role of the enumerates the following except:
nurses in the function of a a. DOH b. BON
a. critical care nurse b. endoscopy nursing
a. clinical; nurse specialist b. c. PRC d. Professional
critical nurse Specialty Org. c. oncology nursing d. renal nursing

c. community health nurse d. staff nurse

186. Thos will upgrade the level of skill 190. Glory ask Dona if she will spend any
and competence of specialty nurse in the specialization. She further ask her
183. You can join a continuing education clinician in the country where the funds will come from. Diona
program to help you: answers that the funds will come from
a. Earn credits for license renewal a. PCSO b. PAGCOR c. none d. both
c. CNSP D. NDCC a and b
b. Get in touch with colleagues in nursing

c. Enhance your basic knowledge

187. Mindful that the nurse generalist 191. Glory just finished her MAN from the
d. Update your knowledge and skill prepares for 4 years. In order to Health Science Gradute School, she has
related to field of interest specialize, how many years should the been in practice for 10 years being the
participant complete the program? supervisor of a private medical center.
Diona tell her that she cannot enter CNSP
a. 3 years b. 1 year c. 2 years d. 4 because she is:
SITUATION: RA 9173 also ensures the quality
of nursing work force in the Philippines. It also
a. Already MAN graduate and that is
ensures the welfare of the nurses through
already considered a specialization
salaries and other benefits
188. After completing the program, how b. Graduated Man from dubious university
184. A nurse should be cognizant that many years will the be obliged to serve
professional programs for specialty the country? c. In nursing practice and only those in
certification by the BON are accredited nursing education can be nurse
through a. 2 years of cumulative service specialists

a. Professional Regulation Commission b. 2 years of intermittent service d. Employed in a Medical Center

a. A specialty that optimizes information d. utilizes and applies computer technology
management and communication to in the provision of health care
192. Glory understands that only how improve health of population,
many percent of RN employed in communities, families and individual
participating government hospital can
avail of the program? b. A specialty that uses technology in the 214. The time period when
provision of nursing care, establishing consciousness of the significance and
a. 15% b. 10% c. 25% d. 100% administrative system, delivering application of computer into nursing
education, promoting continuing emerged
education research in nursing profession
a. before 1960 b. 1960’s c. 1970’s
193. Diona explains the levels of CNSP to c. A specialty that integrates nursing d. 1980’s
Gloring. Gloring ask how many program science, computer science and
units are needed to complete 2nd level information science in identifying,
collecting, processing and managing data
a. 60 units b. 120 units c. 150 units and information in support nursing 215. The time period wherein personal
d. 200 units practice, administration, education, computer emerged and the field of
research and expansion of nursing informatics in nursing emerged
a. 1960’s b. 1970’s c. 1980’s
194. Glory now knows that the highest d. A specilaity that utilizes and applies d. 1990’s
level in Clinical Nurse S[ecialist Level. The computer technology in the provision of
level would need what kind of program health care
216. The time period wherein computer
a. very satisfactory b. outstanding technology in the Philippines.
213. Which of the following is the goal of
c. awesome d. excellent nursing informatics? a. 1960’s b. 1970’s c. 1980’s
d. 1990’s
a. Optimizes information management and
communication to improve the health of
195. Aside from the DOH and BON, what the population, communities, families,
agency will help in developing the and individuals 217. The time period wherein computer
incentive system for RN’s employed in technology was directly integrated and
b. Use technology in the provision of nursing involved in the direct provision of health
government hospital
care, establishing administrative systems, care
delivering education, promoting
a. Dep’t of Labor and Employment
continuing education research in the a. 1960’s b. 1970’s c. 1980’s
nursing profession d. 1990’s
b. Dep’t of Budget and Management
c. Integrate nursing science, computer
c. Dep’t of Internal Revenue
science and information science
identifying, collecting, processing and
d. Dep’t of Finance 218. Nursing informatics is a newly
managing data and information in
emerging field in the health care. The
support nursing practice, administration,
term informatics simply means:
education, research and expansion of
212. According to ANA definition, Nursing nursing knowledge
a. a board of academic field
Informatics is encompassing information science
b. the application of information science c. knowledge d. skills c. Nursing administration d. Nursing
c. the study of information science

d. the science of information 223. A new role of nurse who has formal
education, certification and practical 227. The use of Email for improved
experiences in using computers in patient communication benefit greatly which area
care setting is called: of nursing
219. A nurse knows that the framework in
nursing informatics depends on the ff. a. nurse information system manager a. Nursing practice b. Nursing education
b. nurse computer technologist c. Nursing administration d. Nursing
a. data b. information Research
c. nurse information specialist
c. knowledge d. skills 228. The use of computerized literature
d. nurse information practitioner searching benefit greatly which area of
220. This concept in the framework of
a. Nursing practice b. Nursing education
nursing informatics is defined as discrete 224. Of all the fields wherein informatics
entities that are described objectively can be applied which of the following has c. Nursing administration d. Nursing
without the highest and most evident benefit? Research

a. data b. information a. Nursing practice b. Nursing education

c. knowledge d. skills c. Nursing administration d. Nursing 229. The use of interactive video
Research technology benefit greatly which area of
221. This concept in the framework of
a. Nursing practice b. Nursing education
nursing informatics is defined as data 225 .The use of Computerize or Electronic
that is ineterpreted, organized or Patient records benefit greatly which area c. Nursing administration d. Nursing
structured of nursing? Research

a. data b. information a. Nursing practice b. Nursing education

c. knowledge d. skills c. Nursing administration d. Nursing 230. The NARS Program of the Phil.
Research Government aim to do which of the ff.
222 . This concept in the framework of
a. glut in inexperienced nurses
nursing informatics is defined as 226. The use of automatic billing for
information that has been synthesize so supplies or procedure with nursing b. decrease in proliferation of volunteer
that the interrelationship are identified documentation benefit greatly which area nurses working in hospitals without
and formalized of nursing being paid, but instead, they
themselves pay the hospitals to obtain
a. data b. information a. Nursing practice b. Nursing education
Certificate of work experience
c. to promote health of the people and 236. Completeion of the training program d. No nursing related practice for past 3
bring the government closer to them under NARS program shall be considered years
as a substitute for the work experience
d. immunize children and mothers requirement of hospital and other health
facilities both local and overseas. The
240. A NARS under the nurse program will
Certificate of Completion shall be issued
render 40 work hours per work, this is in
jointly by
231. Specifically, nurses employed in the accordance with what legislation of the
NARS program will do which of the a. DOLE, PNA, NLGN b. DOLE, PRC, PNA country
following except
c. . DOLE, PRC, BON d. None of the above a. RA 9173 b. Labor Code
a. initiate primary health, school nutrition,
maternal health program, first line c. Code of Ethics for Filipino Nurse d. None
237. The total number of NARS nurses
b. implement all DOH health program that will be deployed all throughout the
241. This program by ANSAP was
country will be limited to 1000
c. Inform about community water primarily designed to ensure safe practice
municipalities. Strictly speaking, these
sanitation practices and also do health of intravenous therapy to uphold quality
surveillance nursing practice
a. with highest morbidity rate
d. Immunize children and mothers a. Basic IVT programb. Advance IVT
b. with highest poverty rate program

c. with highest mortality rate c. IVT refresher course d. all of the

233. Generally the NARS program is both above
a training and a d. All of the above

a. socio-civic program b. socio-

economic program 242. Administration of parenteral
238. How many NARS nurses will be injection is
c. education program d. development deploy per municipality?
program a. not a duty of a nurse b. duty of a
a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. none of the above physician

c. stipulated in RA 9173 d. None of the

235. NARS nurses will undergo training above
and development for competency 239. All of the following are qualifications
enhancement in accordance with the of an applicant to the NARS program
training program designed by the DOH except:
243. Entrance requirement for Basic IV
and with
a. With valid nurse license issued by PRC therapy training include the following
a. DOLE b. PRC BON except
b. Not over 35 years old
c. PNA d. DOH alone a. BS in Nursing
c. Resident of the identified municipalities
b. Registered professional nurse with
current license from PRC
c. 3 + 3 + 2 cases Nursing preferably a member of MCNAP a. 20 b. 24 c. 60 d. none
Inc. and has a minimum work experience
d. None of the above of

a. At least 1 year in Labor/Delivery Room

or community health setting
245. Before the issuance of an IVT
license, a participant should within 6 b. At least 6 months in Labor/Delivery
months of training complete and pass Room or community health setting
which of the following
c. At least 3 months in Labor/Delivery
a. None of the above Room or community health setting
b. 6 cases of initiating/maintaining
d. None of the above
peripheral IV insertion; 6 cases of
administering IV drugs and 2 cases of 248. A participant of the program after
administering and maintaining blood and
payment of the required fee can now be
blood components
issued a certification card. He should also
c. 3 cases of initiating/maintaining present the following except
peripheral IV insertion; 3 cases of
a. 3+3 Practicum Sheet with Signature
administering IV drugs and 2 cases of
administering and maintaining blood and
b. Photocopy of current PRC license
blood components
c. Original/photocopy of Certificate of
d. 4 cases of initiating/maintaining
peripheral IV insertion; 4 cases of Attendance
administering IV drugs and 3 cases of
d. 3R size photo documentation of actual
administering and maintaining blood and
blood components suturing

249. For renewal or revalidation of the

246. RA 9173 guarantees that a RN can
certification card, a nurse knows that it is
suture a perineal laceration provided that
renewed every
special training be undertaken. This
training should be offered by MCNAP a. 2 years b. 3 years c. 4 years
together with d. 6 years

a. BON b. ANSAP c. PNA d.

250. Its renewal or revalidation requires
continuous practice in any health care
setting and a CPE units in any related
247. The entry requirement for the
obstetrical matters. The nurse knows that
suturing program includes a registered
he needs at least how many units?
nurse with a current license from the
PRC, participating Maternal and Child

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