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wheel of life

Business/career. I feel pretty cool with my actual lifestyle in this part of the
wheel, maybe I could try to be more particitipe in class, and try to improve my
Finances. As a person who is not accustomed in spend much money, I think that I
don’t have a hard problem here, maybe could try to save money for a possible big
spend on future.
Health. I’m a healthy person, thank’s gog, maybe here I could add to my lifestyle
eat healthier and do exercise.
Family and friends. I’m having a really good relation with my near family (Mom
and sibllings), but with the other part of them, are cases where I haven’t
exchange a single word like in one year, so I could participate in more family
parties, and try to keep communication with them even if we don’t see each
others in a while.
Romance. This is the lowest point in my life, I don’t have any relation with any
person. In part is my fault because I always at home, so I will implement in my
life try to hang out more to meet new people.
Personal Growth. I have a nice record here, as a person who is delevop himself
daily, at this point I could just keep doing it.
Fun and recreation. My life it’s a little kinda bored, I will start to hang out more
with friends and try to do the stuff that I like more often.
Physical environment. As a person with GAD, sometimes it’s hard to stand, but
I’m constantly working myself esteem to be better.

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