CR Chapters 88 Salivary and 89 Mandib Maxilla Part 1

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BC 19/08/2021 - Chapters 88 – Salivary Glands (pp1653-1663) and 89 -

Mandibulectomy and Maxillectomy (pp1663-1666)

1. Select the correct answer regarding blood supply to the salivary glands:
a. The arterial supply of the parotid salivary gland is provided primarily by the parotid
artery, a branch of the external carotid artery.
b. The zygomatic salivary gland is supplied by a branch of the external carotid artery.
c. The major blood supply of the mandibular salivary gland originates from the glandular
branch of the lingual artery.
d. The monostomatic and polystomatic portions of the sublingual salivary gland receive
blood supply from the glandular branch of the lingual artery and sublingual branch of
the facial artery, respectively.

2. A canine patient presents with a recent history of lip-smacking, hypersalivation and symmetric
bilateral non-painful mandibular swelling. What would be the most appropriate next
management option from this list?
a. Start trial treatment with glucocorticoids.
b. Perform bilateral mandibular sialoadenectomy.
c. Start trial treatment with phenobarbital.
d. Perform incisional salivary gland biopsies.

3. According to the study by Hammer et al. (JAAHA 2001), what percentage of dogs and cats had
regional lymph node involvement at the time of diagnosis of salivary gland neoplasia?
a. 17% of cats and 39% of dogs.
b. 39% of cats and 17% of dogs.
c. 16% of cats and 8% of dogs.
d. 8% of cats and 16% of dogs.

4. Which approach was recommended should be considered in the study “Comparison of three
surgical approaches for zygomatic sialoadenectomy in canine cadavers” by Dorner et al.
(VetSurg 2021) as an alternative to the technique described on Tobias?
a. Ventral approach without zygomatic arch ostectomy.
b. Lateral approach with zygomatic arch ostectomy.
c. Dorsal approach without zygomatic arch ostectomy.
d. Ventral approach with zygomatic arch ostectomy.

5. Which vessel almost invariably must be ligated or cauterized and transected during
mandibulectomy, and where does it enter the mandibular bone?
a. Inferior alveolar artery. Mandibular foramen.
b. Inferior alveolar artery. Alveolar foramen.
c. Right lingual artery. Mandibular foramen.
d. Mandibular artery. Alveolar foramen.
6. Select the correct answer regarding the most common oral tumors of dogs, in approximate
descending order of frequency:
a. Squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, malignant melanoma, and
acanthomatous ameloblastoma.
b. Malignant melanoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and
acanthomatous ameloblastoma.
c. Malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, acanthomatous
ameloblastoma, and osteosarcoma.
d. Malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, and
acanthomatous ameloblastoma.

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