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Reading Look at the pictures. How are they related to the title? How do you think the objects in the pictures can be used in the cyber school? Read quickly and check. 2. & Look at the sentences (A-H) that have been removed from the article and underline the linking words at the beginning of each sentence Which suggest: contrast, time, emphasis, addition, result and consequence. b. Now read the article and match the missing sentences (AH) to the gaps (1-7). There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. ©. How did the linking words help you to make your choices? There bergS The most basic change that will take place in classrooms of the future isthe actual idea we tend ta have of the ‘classrount’ itself. For many years, Une word has had much the same meaning. Rows of desks all facing the teacher and the blackboard at the front of the classroom have basically remained the same. Yes, artwork covers the walls, but not all pupils can see it due to the jpositioning|of the desks. Small changes have been made, however. The blackboard, ‘in many cases, has now been replaced by the more practical whitcboord ond OHMs have started to appear at the back of some classrooms. [1 |_| Tire Using Ural would really BUZE ary visitors from the past would be the sight of computers in those same classrooms. They are fast becoming the main source of information as well as the main means of presentation of information during lessons. Computers are, indeed, the classrooms of Ue future. [2] While that will still continue, most of the Cufriculum will, in fact, be followed online. This is due to various FAEKOFS. As access to online materials increases and many schools face shiortages of Leachers, il makes sense to take advantage of the latest technology. The basic skills needed to play interactive computer games will also be used to encourage children to explore and collect educational information. Three-dimensional views of cities, for example, together with the latest software, will make tt possible to walk through Paris in the company of a professional guide. The curriculum of the future will include sharing of projects between schools both nationally and internationally as well as online classes. [ZL] leachers witt also tind their ‘classes’ growing, with lessons anywhere at any time through the use of video windows connecting them directly to children from all over the world. 138 ‘As parents generally prefer learning to be ot school rather than at home, together with the fact iat pupils enjoy oilpaliy anid Uke share learning with their classmates, life will continue as Usual for pupils as they will still need to attenc school. Teachers might not always give the lessons, but they will still be there to encourage and SUpEIVSE pupils. Furthermore, the old system ‘of rows of pupils facing the front of the classroom will no doubt be replaced by circles of desks and chairs to encourage face-to-face discussion. Projects and artwork will be shown on computer screet, while fellow pupils and visiturs will be able to try out the multimedia programs produced by pupils. Added to the usual pens and pencils, simple video production and use of software will become part of everyday life for school children. The latest mobile phones will allow children to cartoons and exchange videos with friends. his technology, of course, will need to stay in the playground so as to stop phones ringing in the wrnng place at the wrng time! [oT] Outside the classroom pupils will be able to record information using digital cameras and video recorders tor their local history projects, tor ‘example, which can then be put onto computer the minute they return to school. Furthermore, pupils © studying drama will be able to learn about lighting and cameras as they produce short plays or films. CChildren will be able to measure their level of progress throughout the training. Underwater filming of swimmers will also help children see what to do and enable teachers wo give advice on particular problems, The cost of such technology 1s obviously high. Despite this, there is no doubt that cyber classrooms are slawly hecoming a reality worldwide. al as ti, talented musician wil alco be able to exchange sic they produce in much the same way. ion to the pas, video interviews will become a normal Project workin schools, allowing pupils praduce mini umentanes, Pe fare, however, Ris actualy te oe of aches that wil change fore, wil the classroom be replaced by pups al working Yor from home? ut doubt, the teacher has aways been the focus in the main source of knowlege Even 50, the classrooms of today would basicaly etl be reGogrisabe toa visitor trom, let's say, Viton times! ‘AS 2 resut ofthe Intoducton of state-of-the-art traning mate, ‘ven gymnasts classes wil change ta ncide on-screen engrams. ‘where pups can actly compere wi eac oe. CConsequenty, pupils wil be able to work on the same project together, for example, sharing opinions and finding solutions, wut the need fr boards atthe fon of ther classrooms. 3 Vocabulary Practice a. Read the text and find all the words related to education. Categorise them into nouns, adjectives and verbs Explain the highlighted words in the text. Text Analysis ‘Choose the best definition to explain these phrases from the text, 1... main means of presentation .. (lies 16-17) 2 the most widely-used way of giving a prize the most widely-used way of showing something 2... access to online material. (lines 21-22) ability to use information on the Intemet bb abilty to use too much information on the internet 3... three-dimensional views of cites. (Line 28) a three different views of each of the cities bb views that seem real and fatural rather than Nat 4... face-to-face discussion. (Wine 49) talk to others directly b complain to others directly 3. the introduction of stateoftheart taining materials... (Sentence G) ‘a to start using the best educational technology available b to start using the best sports equipment available Discussion ‘a, Make a list of the writer's predictions about schools in the future. Do you agree with these predictions? Why (not)? Discuss in pais. b. In paits, suggest another title forthe text, then draw a picture which would match your prediction of the future classroom. Imagine that a wealthy person from your oval ares has uffered to cover the cost of three important changes at your school. In pais, discuss Which three changes you would like to see and why. 139

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