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Canada Goose

STANDARD 51 51 . slip stitch SIS. yo and through all

ABBREVIATIO NS sp,sps space. spaces 3 Ips on hook.
eh chain st, sts stuch sutches de next 2 sts tog 'yo.
de double crochet tog .. . logether draw up Ip In next st. yo
hdc half double crochet tr treble crochet and through 2 Ips. re-
By Barbara Anderson
Ip, Ips loop loops yo yarn over peat Irorn • once. yo and
rnd, rnds round. rounds sc nexl 2 sis tog draw Ihrough all 3 Ips on
MATERIALS: 4-ply yarn-211., ozs. Rnd 7: Sc in next 4 sis, heir: in next st. 2 sc single crochet up to In each of next 2 hook
brown. z ozs, each black and off-while. hde in next st changing 10 black in last st
small amounts white, elk. gray: polyester made. 2 hdc in each of next 4 sts chang-
Rnd 29: 2 se in each of next (i SiS. hdc Lt3f1virlg 8" [or sewing. fasten off.
ftborfill: two 10'h-mm. animal eyes; 2 ing to white in last st made, 2 hdc ill next
in next 19 sls [31). Back Loop Front Loop
pieces VH" wooden dowel 3" long: '1.2" st. hdc in next st. sc in each of next 2 sts
Rnd 30: Sc in next 'J 2 sis. hut: in next
chenille stems-13 black. 7 brown. 3 (20).
19 sts.
white: glue; tape; tapestry needle: G and Rnd 11:Sl sl in next 5 sts, SI: in next sl
Rnd 31: Hdc in each st around. join
J hooks or sizes needed 10 obtain gauge. changing to black. (hdc next 'L sts tog) 5'
with sl st in first hdc. Fasten off. Stuff. ~
GAUGE: G hook. 4 sc = 1"; 4 sc rows limes. hdc in next sl changing to while.
Rnd 32: With I strand brown and '1
= 1". r hook and 2 strands held tog. 3 hdc sc in each of next 2 sts, sl st in next st Stitching through back Ips and match-
strand off-while hold log, join with sl st
= 1"; 2 hdc rows = 1". (15). Fasten off black and white. ing sts 011 bottom ends of rows on top.
in 2nd st of rnd 31. eh 2, hr!c in each st
FINrSHED S£ZE: lOW' tall. Rnd 9: Joi 11 2 strands black with sl st in
around. join with sl sl intup of cit 2 (:31l.
sew sides and ends log leaving ruw .1 or
NOTE: Do not join rods unless other- 2nd st of Old 8. 51 sl in each of next 3 sIs. top open. Stuff lightly. Sew top of beilk
Rnds 33-37: eh 2. hde in onch 5t
wise stated. Mark llrsl st of !!8c:h md. bdc in oaoh of next 3 sts. hde nuxt :.! sts over rnds 1-2 allop of head (lnd bottom
around. join as beFol'l~. At cmd of mel 37,
• log. hdc: ill each of next 3 sIs. sl 51 in each
fasten off 1 strand brown. lie on 1 slrand
of beak over md 1 on head. Sew lip of
HEAD &BODY of next :3 sis (14). Twist 3 white d,cnLUe each picot 10 md 3 011 head. '12" apart.
Rnd 1: With J hook and 2 stralL(js black stems tog to form lnick stem. Plac(} 1eud Wilh black. embroider lazy-daisy 5t on
Rnd 38: Ch 2. (hdc in each of next 3
held tog, ell 2. 7 sc in 2nd ch from hook of stem inside head. stuff around stem. oneh side at LOpo{ beak for nostrils. Glue
sts. hdc next 2 sl tog) around. join (2S).
(7J. Continue sluffing as you work. eyes to md 6 on each siue of head 1 W'
Rnds 39-40: Repeat md 33.
Rnd 2: Sc in each sl around. Rnd 10: SI sl in next 5 sIs. hdc in next apart. With black. embroider straight sts
Rnd 41: Ch 2. (hdc in next sL, hdc next
NOTE: Tu change colors. drop first
color; wilh 2nd color. pull Uuough las I 2
st, (hde Ilexl 2 sIs tog) 3 limes, hde in
nexl sl. 51st in next st (1 'J J.
2 sts log) around, join (17).
;Iroulld each eye.
Rnds.42-43: Repelll rml 3~J.
Ips of sl. Carry first color along back of Rnd 11: 81 next 4 sts. helc in next TAIL FEATHERS
work. Rnds 4445: eh 2. (hdG next 2 sts log)
7 sts. Large
Rnd 12: Sc in next 7 sIs. sc lloxt 2 sts "round, join (D. 5). At end of md 45.
Fold 1 black ci1enillp. stern in bali.
leaving 8" for sewing, f,'!SLen all Sluff.
tog. se in each of nexl 2 sts (10). With C hook and black, ch 11. hold fold-
Sew opening closed.
Rnds 13-22: Sc in each st around. At ed stem over ch: !/.J" fmm folclHd
end of Old 22. join wilh 51 5t in first sc. B.EAK end and working around stom (see ilL).
Fasten off. Top sc in 2nd ch from hook. sc in each eh
Rod 23: loin 2 strands off-white with Row 1: With G huok lind elk. grcly. eh across: wurking on opposite side of eh.
sc in first st of md 22. se in each of next 2 7, hde in 3rt! eh from hook: (to mak(l (sl st.. ell 2) in first Gh. hdc in next 5 eh. sc
Rnd 3: Sc in each of Hext 2 sIs. 2 sc ill sts. hdc: i II next 5 sIs. sc in euch of next l! picot. c113.·sl st in ;Ird c:h hom hook), h.dc in next.:l ch. 3 sc ini;!nd of feather; wmk-
each of next 3 sts, sc in l1C1xlsl changing sts (10). in next ch, sl st in next ch. hdc in next ch. ingon oPPo1) in next
Lo 2 strands white. sc in next st (10). Rnd 24: SI st in each of next 3 sts. 2 piCOt. (hdc. th 2. sl sl) in lasl ch: working 4 siS. hde .in next 6 sts. Leaving 6" for
Rnd 4: Sc in each of next 2 sts chang- IIdc in each of nexl 6 sts. s.! sl in next sl 011 oPPOSitB side of ch. <;h 1. sC in fi rst ell. sewing, fasLen off. Bend 1/)' end of stem
ing In 2 strands black in lastst made. hdc (16). sc: ill next 4 eh. IlIl'I1(10). under to securE' sIs. Cut orr all uul W' of
ill next 6 sts changing Lo while iu last 51 Rnd 25: SI st in next 5 sts. 2 hdc in Row 2: Ch 1, sc fi rst 2 sts log. se in ne:>.1 slem at oUler end of f\!Hth(~I'.
made. sc in each of next 2 sIs. each of next 9 sts. sl sl tn each of next 2 st. se next 2 sLs tog leaving last 5 sts
Rnd 5: Sc in each of nexl :J sIs chang- sts (25). Fasten off. llilworked. turn (3).
ing 10 hlack in last st made. hdc in next Rnd 26: Join 2 strands ofr-white with Row 3: Ch 1. se first 2 sl.s tog. sc in next
51. 2 hdc in each of next 3 s1.5,hdc j 11 next sl st ill 3rd st of rnd 25. sl sl in (",ach of st. turn (2).
st changing to white. sc in each of'l1exl2 next 3 sts. helc 'in next 17 sts. sl 51 in nexL Rows 4-5: Ch 1, sc in each sl across.
sts (13). 4- sts. turn. Al end of row 5. [aslen off.
Rnd 6: Sc in next 4 stS. hdc in nc).1 st Rnd 27: SI si. ill next 4 sis, se in next st,
changi ng La black, hdc in each of next 2 helt; in nexl 15 siS. se in next st. sl st in Bottom
sts.2 hdc in nexLs!.. hdc in each of nexl2 next st. se in each of next 3 sis. With G hook and elk. gT'<ly. ch 7. sc in Small (make 4)
sis ..hanging to white in last 5t made. sc Rnd 28: Sc in oext 5 sts. bdc in nexl17 2nd ch from hook. se in next eh. hdc in Wi th G hook <md black, ch 9, sc ir ? r,rl
ill ~ilc:h of nexl 3 sls (14). sts, se in each of next 3 sts. cuch of next 2 c:h. de in each of last 2 eh. eh from boo.k, sc in each eh across ,~

2 ~
ch, (sc. eh 3. scl in last eh: working on Medium Brown (make 4)
opposite side of en,Be in each ch across With G h.ook and brow.'. t',·. ,I ~mall
Leaving 10" for sewing. fasten off. tail feather.

TAIL FEATHER ASSEMBLY Small Brown (make 4)

As shown ill ill., push end of stern on With G hook and brown, eh I. repeal
large Ieatheri nto rnd 44 at center backof small tail feather,
body. Sew end in place. With large Ieath-
er overlapping, sew 1 small feather on Large Black (make 4)
each side of large leather. flair outward Cut 2 black chenille stems in hi:l'~. .t
slightly. Sew end in place. Sow edges of With G hook Clod black. eh 21. hold 6"'"
feathers along underside. Sew last 2 stem over ch: starting Ilt from end and
small feathers to each side of first small working around stem. sc in ~nd ch from
feathers in same manner. hook. sc in each ch across; working on
opposite side of ch, (sl st. ch 1. sc) in first
ch. sc in each ch across, (sc, ch 2, se) in
end of feather: ..vorklng on opposite side
of feather, sc In each st across to end of
feather. Leaving 10" for sewing. fasten
off. Bend II.' end of stem under to secure
sts. Cut off,all but y." of slem from other

Medium Black (make 4)

WING TOP (make 2) CUI 2 black chenille stems in half.
Row 1: With J hook and 2 strands G hook and black. ch ] 7, repeat
brown held tog. ch 5. sc in 2nd ch from large black feather.
hook. se in each ch across. turn (4).
Rows 2-3: Ch 1, 2 sc in first st. se in WING fEATHER ASSEMBLY
each st across with 2 sc ill last st. turn (6, As shown in ill., sew end of large
8). brown feather at top along edge of row 9
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in each st across. turn. on wing top. Sew stem to underside of
Row 5: Repeat row 2 (10). wing top. With first feather overlapping,
Rows 6-7: Ch 2. hdc in each st across, sew end of next large brown feather to
turn. edge of row 9 on wing top. Sew edge of
Rows 8-9: Ch 3. de in each st across, feather La underside of first feather. Sew
turn. At end of row 9. do not turn. stem to underside of wing top. Sew next
Row 10: Working around outside large brown feather in place in same
edge. 2 sc in end of each dc row and sc in manner. Sew medium brown feather in
end of all other TOWS and sts around to place with last large feather overlapping.
other end of row 9. Fasten off. Sew next medium brown feather in
place with last medium feather overlap-
WING FEATHERS ping. Sew 2 small brown feathers in
Large Brown (make 6) place in same manner as medium feath-
Fold 1 brown chenille stem in half, ers.
With G hook and brown. ch 11. hold Sew 1 large black feather under large
folded stem over ch; starting V;' from brown feather at top [0 edge of row 9 on
end and working around stem. sc in 2nd wing lop. "Vith large feather overlap-
ch from hook. sc in each ch across: work- ping. se ...v end of next large black feather
ing on opposite side of ch.tsl st. ch 1. sc) in place. Sew edge of feather to under-
in first ch, se in each ch across. 3 sc in side of first feather. Sew') medium black
end of feather; working on opposite side feather in place in same manner as last
of feather, sc in next 10 sts, Leaving 6" for large feather. Sew last medium black
sewing. fasten off. Bend 1/." end of stem feather in place at bottom of wing top
under to secure sts, slanting feather upward: tack end of

sewing, fasten off. Sew sides of web to shown ill ill. between rods 33 and 36,


feather .J fi .. medium feather. Bend stem 2 Yz"from folded end aI45-do-
bottom of claw covers between claws.
Wrapping yarn around back claw 2
limes. sew several sts over opening at
bottom of leg to enclose dowel. Stuff top
of leg around dowel. Position legs as
push cnd of dowels into body between
rnds :-14 and:3S with legs centered under
body 1 W' apart. Sew in place. Curve
ends of claws
goose .> '\;!~
slightly 10 balance

Sew wing tops on each side of body. gree angle. Tape '12' ends of 3 sterns 10
Wings r .j' (0 be slanting upward with each dowel.
top cdg . If wing touching.
Back Claw (make 2)
BODY FEATHER (make 4 black, 6 Fold 3" black chenille stern in half.
brown) Bend stem 'v.," from folded end at 45-de-
With C hook, ch 2. [sc, bdc, de, Lr. de, grec angle. Tape 'v,," ends of 1 stern to ,t
hdc. sc] in 2nd ch from hook. Leaving 5" back of each dowel. Sl ide leg over dowel
for sewing. fasten off. (see ilL),
Sew black feather to brown feather
with end of brown overlapping. Sew
straight end of brown feather 10 body
under small wing feathers. Sew another
black and brown feather tog in same
manner. Sew 10 body under first black
and brown feathers. Sew last brown
feather to body in front of other feathers,
overlapping slightly.

LEG (make 2) .,
Rnd 1: With G hook and dk. gray. ch 8. /.
sl st in first ch to fonn ring. sc in each c:~
around (8). Visit Annie's Attic.
Rnds 2-4: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 5: Sc next 2 sts tog. sc in each st Savour the charm of bygone days
around (7). at Annie's Bed & Breakfast
Rnds 6-8: Sc in each st around. At end Claw Cover (make 6) and Armies Tea Room.
of rnd 8, join with 51 st in first sc. Fasten Row 1: With C hook and dk, gray, eh
ofr. 8. sc in. 2nd ch from hook. sc in each ch
across, IUI'I1 (7). Highway 155 North, Big Sandy.
Leg Top Rows 2-3: Gh '1, SI': in each st across, [Midway between Dallas and Shreveport)
Rnd 1: Working on opposite side of turn. At end of row 3, leaving 6" for (214) 636-4952
starling 1':"
on rnd 1 of leg, join off-white sewing. fasten off. Lnaving nnrl of claw Open Sunday through Friday. closed Saturday.
with sc in any ch, sc ill each ch around. exposed, fold cover Over claw, sew edges
join with sl st in first sc (8). of row 1 and row 3 tog. Sew end of covel'
Row 2: Now working in rows, ch 1. sc to rnd 8 al bottom of log.
in each of first 2 sis. 2 5C in ea r: h of next 2
sts, se in cach of ncxt 2 sts leaving last 2 Web (make 4)
sis unworkerl, lum (8). Row 1: With C hook 1-1lld dk. gray. eh
Rows 3-4: Ch 1. SG in each sl across. 2, sc in 2nd ell frum hoak. turn (1).
turn. At end of row 4. leaving 6" for Row 2: Ch 1, SC ill next st, turn (1). (e
sewing. fasten off. Repeat on olher leg. Row 3: Ch 1, 2 5(: in next st,tum (21.
Row 4: eh 1, 5C in eaob st across, I urn.
jlnnie'fu I7nl'll1 1983 Annie's Pattern Club. All
rights reserved. Unauthorized

FEET Row 5: eh 1, 2 sc ill first st, 5C in next &mCyLJl!!J/!!) duplication is a violation of appli-
cable laws and may be punished
Front Claw (make 6) st, turn (3). RT. 2, BOX 2'12b, BIG SANDY. TX 75755 by fines and/or imprisonment.
fold I;" black dwnillc stem in half. Row 6: f{epeat row 4. Leaving 8" for

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