SWSM - Meeting - Format 21012023

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SWSM Meeting

1. How to get ready for the SWSM meeting.

● Reason or Agenda of the Meeting to be clearly defined: Two types of meetings to be organized
by SWSM :
1. Regular Review Meetings – Regular review meeting should be done on a regular
pre-fixed timing : suggested time is Once a week. Some of the Samitis would also
2. Special Purpose Meetings – To discuss and decide on any special purpose of
Community importance, new opportunity, emergency issues, time-bound action
as required in the Vatika.
3. Charter Development Meetings – First few meetings of the SWSM are mainly
focused on setting up a charter of the SWSM and setting the goals as well as
overall working framework of the SWSM – defining their key focus areas and
standard operating processes along with key roles in the Samiti. Also defining
about the progress plan of Vatika, plan of Samriddhi Kosh – when and how much
to be contributed, regular contribution (periodicity to be defined) for Petals,
Vaibhavis and Producers.

● Identify the attendees: Determine who needs to be present at each type of the meeting and
make a list of their names. Consider inviting any individuals who have a stake in the meeting or
who have expertise on the topic.

● Choose a date and time: Select a date and time that works for all attendees. Check their
availability and ensure there are no conflicting events or deadlines on that day. This can be
done once in the beginning, and then can be reviewed every quarter or every month for any
specific adjustments to be made – due to festivals or any other situation coming up.

● Select a location: Choose a location that is convenient for all attendees and appropriate for the
purpose of the meeting. (to be done one time in the beginning phase itelf)

● Send out invitations: Use SMS, WhatsApp, or a telephone call to invite the attendees, villagers,
and petals to the meeting. Provide the date, time, location, and any necessary information or
materials they should bring.

● Confirm the details: Follow up with the attendees to confirm their attendance and ensure that
all necessary details are communicated.

● Prepare for the meeting: Gather any materials or information that will be needed during the
meeting, and ensure that any equipment required is set up and ready to use.
2. The Meeting Day Agenda of SWSM is a list of items that will be addressed
during a meeting of the SWSM team. The agenda helps to organize and structure the meeting,
ensuring that all necessary topics are covered. The agenda for a SWSM meeting may include items
such as:

● Song : A song that fits the theme or purpose of the meeting is played when the meeting begins.
If the song is the national anthem, it is the song of the country where the meeting is held. It can
also help to bring the team together and show respect for the country.

● Quote from a famous person: A quote from a well-known figure is shared at the beginning of
the meeting to inspire and motivate the group. The quote can be related to the theme or
purpose of the meeting, or it can be a general quote meant to encourage and motivate the

● Welcome and introductions of members: At the beginning of the meeting, the SWSM
Sevak/Sevika leading the meeting will welcome everyone and introduce any new members or
guests. They may also introduce new attendees and ask everyone to introduce themselves. This
helps to make everyone feel welcome and included. The SWSM Sevak/Sevika will also provide a
brief overview of the meeting and the goals that will be discussed, helping everyone get to
know each other and their roles in the meeting.

● Attendance: Attendance is recorded by noting the names of individuals present at the meeting.
This may be done at the beginning, middle, or end of the meeting to make sure all necessary
team members are present and to keep track of attendance. This can be done manually by
taking roll call or using a sign-in sheet. It is important to accurately record attendance to stay
informed on the participation of team members and to ensure that important decisions or
actions are not taken without the necessary stakeholders present. The attendance of new
stakeholders must also be recorded.

● Review of previous meeting: During this portion of the meeting, the SWSM Sevak/Sevika
reviews any actions or decisions made at the previous meeting. Reviewing the previous meeting
allows the team to stay informed on the progress that has been made and to ensure that all
necessary actions have been completed. It also helps to ensure that the team is aligned and on
track to achieve the overall goals. The SWSM Sevak/Sevika may ask for updates on specific tasks
or projects or review any outstanding action items that need to be addressed.

● Agenda items: Agenda items are the topics that will be discussed in the meeting. The SWSM
Sevak/Sevika should provide a list of these items to everyone before the meeting. During this
part of the meeting, the person leading the meeting will go over each item and the group will
have a discussion and make decisions. This may involve presenting information, asking
questions, or getting input from everyone. It's important to use the time for each item
effectively and stay on track so that all necessary topics are covered. It's also important to have
an open and collaborative discussion and encourage everyone to participate.
● Open discussion: Open discussion is when people can bring up topics that are not already on
the agenda. This can help SWSM members raise important issues or ideas that were not
planned. The SWSM Sevak/Sevika leading the meeting should encourage everyone to speak and
make sure everyone has a chance to contribute. It's important to manage the time for open
discussion well so the meeting doesn't go over schedule, but it's also important to be flexible
and allow for discussion of important topics that arise.

● Next steps: These are the tasks that need to be completed after the meeting. The SWSM
Sevak/Sevika may assign these tasks to individual members or petals. During this part of the
meeting, the group will go over the tasks that need to be done and plan any additional steps
that are required. It's important to be clear about the next steps so that everyone knows what
needs to be done and when it needs to be completed, and so that the group can move forward
with the goals of the meeting."

● Applauding of new achievements/hard work efforts: During a meeting, we recognize and

celebrate new achievements and hard work efforts by applauding them. This usually happens
during the open discussion or next steps portion of the meeting. It helps to show appreciation
for team members' efforts and contributions and provides a sense of accomplishment. It's a
good way to acknowledge and reward team members and recognize their contributions to the
team. Celebrating successes and recognizing hard work helps to create a positive and
supportive team culture.

● Ask a few questions: The SWSM Sevak/Sevika may ask questions during the meeting to
encourage discussion and engagement, particularly on topics on the agenda. This usually
happens during the part of the meeting where the agenda is discussed. Asking questions can
involve everyone in the conversation and gather ideas from different perspectives. It's
important to make sure the questions are related to the agenda.

● Progress of ongoing tasks: The progress of tasks that are currently underway is updated for the
group. During the progress update, SWSM team members/petals may present information
about the status of the tasks, any challenges or obstacles encountered, and any action items or
next steps that need to be taken. It is important to update the group on the progress of ongoing
tasks weekly to ensure that the tasks are being completed efficiently and effectively and to
identify any areas that may need additional support or resources."

● New partnerships: The SWSM Sevak/Sevika may discuss new partnerships in a meeting. New
partnerships can be with other organizations, businesses, or individuals and can involve
different activities or projects. Talking about new partnerships in a meeting helps with
transparency and teamwork and ensures that everyone is aware of new developments. It's
important to carefully consider the potential benefits and challenges of new partnerships and to
ensure that they align with the goals and values of the team members.

● Samriddhi Kosh: The "Samriddhi Kosh" is a financial resource established to support the
development of the vatika and provide benefits to the community. This fund is typically
accumulated from contributions made by members of the group and is meant to be used to
achieve desired goals. During a meeting, team members may review the growth and utilization
of the "Samriddhi Kosh" and discuss any related matters that may impact its use. The discussion
of the fund during a meeting is meant to ensure transparency and accountability in its use and
to allow for decision-making about any related matters.
● Feedback from members: During the meeting, allow time for members to share suggestions or
feedback they may have. The SWSM Sevak/Sevika may ask defined questions and the answers
will be captured in Annexure I. This can provide valuable information and ideas and can help
identify areas for improvement or areas of success.

● Adjournment: This is typically done at the end of the meeting, after all agenda items have been
discussed and any necessary decisions or actions have been taken. During the adjournment, the
facilitator may thank everyone for their participation and may provide a summary of the key
takeaways from the meeting.

Meeting Intimation

Dear All SWSM members,

This is to inform you about the upcoming meeting of the SWSM. The meeting will be held on [date]
at [time] at the [location].

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



Petals members will be participating according to the schedule below.

From To Schedule

Opening of Meeting – (song/ prayer/ anthem)

Agenda Setting - signing of attendance – sharing of

Account statement sharing
10.00 10.30
am am Review of last meeting

Review of Banking CSP (Week 4)

Review of New / Upcoming Vaibhavi / SWSM Mela /

10.30 11.00 Ekyam Collective action / or any other Upcoming Event
am am in the Vatika (Week 1, 2 & 3)

Review with Mitra (Week 1 and 3)

11.00 11.30
am am Review of Vaani (Week 2 and 4)
11.30 12.00 Review of Existing Vaibhavi and the related aspects of
am pm growth of Vaibhavis (2 Vaibhavis)

Review of Dhavak (Week 4)

Review of Samriddhi Kosh and related activities (Week 1

& 3)

12.00 12.30 Review of Vaibhavis and the related aspects of growth

pm pm of Vaibhavis (Week 2 )

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please let us know as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Best regards,

[Name of Sevak / Sevika]

Sevak/ Sevika

Village ………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………………….

Vatika Name: ……………………………………………..

SWSM Name (if any): ………………………………………………………………..

Meeting Frequency Decided: ……………………………………………………. (Weekly/ Fortnightly)

Existing Member:

Name Mobile No

New Members Detail:

Name Mobile No
Meeting Recording Format

PART A : Petals in Vatika – SWSM and Cluster team can decide the frequency of Petals review.

For example: Mitra, Vaibhavi, Vaani and Dhavak can be reviewed on a fortnightly basis and can be
taken up by SWSM one at a time. Each meeting can focus on one Petal at a time.

1. Mitra:
Registered: ………… (Yes/ No)

Yes No

● Trained by Drishtee: (Tick on correct one – Yes/ No)

Yes No

● Rate the training provided/ was the training clear and useful?
Poor Fair Good Excellent

● Active Since When: ………………………. (dd/mm/yyyy)

● Barter based Update since last meeting

o Promotional activities done: …………… (Yes/ No/ Upcoming)

o If Promotional Activity done – What was the response?

………………………………………….. People attended

………………………………………….. barter done

o Till date status:

o No. of Producers registered – outreach so far? ……………………………………………

o No. of Producers from Lower /very low Income segment: ……………………………

o No. of Producers who have registered their Need and Have …………………………

o No. of transactions with Mitra: (LP to Barter shop Products) ………………………..

o No. of transactions of barter: (Producer to Producer) ………………………………….

o Main/ High volume Tejas Products:

i) ………………………………
ii) ………………………………
iii) ………………………………
iv) ……………………………..
v) ……………………………..

o Any new ideas for Tejas Product: …………………………………………………………………

o What are the new Needs emerging

i) ………………………………………………………..

ii) ………………………………………………………..

iii) ………………………………………………………..

iv) ………………………………………………………..

v) ………………………………………………………..

● Vaibhavi products at Mitra: …………………. (Yes/No)

o New ‘needs’ or ‘good selling’ product ideas for Vaibhavi (can be locally
produced) …………………………………………………………………………………………

o Market feedback from Mitra/ SWSM members–

- suggestions on price point, quality, product improvement



2. Vaani Review:
● Registered: ………… (Yes/ No)

● Trained by Drishtee: ……………….. (Yes/ No)

● Review of training: ……………………………... GOOD/ AVERAGE / POOR

● Active Since When: ………………………..……. (dd/mm/yyyy)

● Vaani based Update since last meeting:

A) Training Done: (Rating done on scale of 1 to 5; 5 is Excellent; 4 is Very good; 3 is Good; 2 is
Not so good; 1 is Poor or Bad or no content)

Skill Program Batches No. of No. of Training Usefulness and Availability of

Name formed Vaibhavis Udyogis duration Quality of Hands on
Training (1-5)* Experience (1-5)*

● What Products people would want to produce/ New Training Program in demand:

● What is new coming up in training calendar:

● Promotion activities/ orientation programs organized by Vaani: (Yes/ No)


● Response to the Activity/ Orientation: (Training batch formed / Start up Kit Sold /
New Production Started)


● Resource and Training Implementation

(Choose between: - Yes always/ Mostly / Sometimes/ Very few times/ Never)

o Availability of trainer …………………………………………………………………………………

o location/ space for training ………………………………………………………………………

o instruments/ raw material …………………………………………………………………………

Suggestions how to improve: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

● Impact Post training (Select the suitable answers, more than one is possible)

o increase in production of trainee Producers/ Vaibhavis

o Increase in Livelihood

o Certification

o Self Confidence and Happiness

● How are the skills training being used in what % break up?

o Utilization of skills – for self-use ………………. %

o Utilization of Skills - for production ………………. %

o New Vaibhavi set up ………………. %

o Producers are training others ………………. %


Name of Dhavak: ___________________

1) Please rate the service provided by Dhavak

Poor Fair Good Excellent

Update since last meeting:

2) What is the earning of Dhavak? (in INR) _____________

3) Has it increased / decreased / remained same (since last update)


4) How many products being handled? _________________

5) How many Rural made products? ___________
6) Route of Dhavak in Km __________________
7) Covers Urban. Semi Urban / Rural / All :

8) Orders received by Dhavak for Vaibhavis / Producers:

i. _________________
ii. _________________
iii. _________________
iv. _________________
v. _________________

9) Any new Product for Vaibhavis to produce – the ones that are in demand in nearby market
or are selling very well and can be locally produced or being produced at Vaibhavis?


10) New training suggestions for Vaani - based on a raw material being available OR based on
Products that are in demand or are selling very well in nearby market BUT are not being
produced locally as people are not trained / knowledge is not there.


Vaibhavi 1 Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Value Chain: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Products of Vaibhavi: …………………………………………………………………………..

1. Does the Vaibhavi keep the sales, purchases, cashbook, and meeting registers on a regular

Regular Irregular

2. Has the Vaibhavi's producer network grown since the previous quarter?

2-5% 5-7% 8-10% Above 10%

3. How many products are available with the Vaibhavi

0-3 4-6 Above 7

4. What is the Vaibhavi Group's overall revenue of the last month?

Less than 5K 5k-10k. 11-20k 21k-30k 31k- 40k 41k- 50k Above 50k

5. Has the income increased / decreases / remained the same since the previous month?

Increased Decreased Same as earlier

By how much (in INR) …………………………. Or (in %) …………………………………………..

6. Total members ……………………….

7. Per member income (in INR) ………………………….
8. Has the Vaibhavi borrowed money from any institutions besides Drishtee?

Yes No

9. If Yes, state the final date of the loan for EMI and the amount outstanding.


10. Has the Vaibhavi taken any loans from Drishtee?

Yes No
11. If yes, mention the last date of the loan EMI and the outstanding amount


12. Has any new investment happened in the business since the last update?

13. If yes, what is the amount and in what? …………………………………………………………………………

14. Has any new Product added in the Production since the last update?

15. If yes, then what and for which market? …………………………………………………………………………


16. Vaibhavi sells in which market? (Name/ Price in INR/ Barter or Local retail or MIRI Market or All or more
than one then mention)

a. Product 1 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….

b. Product 2 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
c. Product 3 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
d. Product 4 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
e. Product 5 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
f. Product 6 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
g. Product 7 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
h. Product 8 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
i. Product 9 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….
j. Product 10 …………………………….. Price …………………….. Market ………………….

17. Does the Vaibhavi attend the SWSM meeting on a regular basis?

Regular Irregular

18. Does the Vaibhavi assist and mentor other Vaibhavis/producers?

Yes No

19. Has the Vaibhavi registered as a collective of Ekyam?

Yes No

20. Have they registered any wish or action?

Yes No

21. Have they taken up any collective action for Ekyam?

Yes No

Community Review:

1. Banking Services available with CSP: - Information Sharing – what is known to the
community and what do they want to know more? Who can avail what service/ benefits?
2. Women and Family Focused activities / products and programs brought by Bank / CSP –
3. Business Review of CSP – in terms of what and how much of Services and Products are being
delivered: Scheme wise achievement and information sharing;
4. How many Producers and Vaibhavi groups are available with Bank Accounts – how many
have taken any social security scheme.
5. How the financial literacy in the Vatika can increase? Planning a Financial Inclusion &
Literacy camp.
6. Support needed by Vaibhavis for Financial management – interactive session

CSP Center Visit Checklist:

1. Are the CSPs maintaining Suggestions/Complaint Register?

Yes No

2. Does the CSP have UPS/battery backup available with them?

Yes No

3. The area of operation finalised for the CSP by the link branch is held on record.
Yes No

4. Service charges are prominently displayed and are easily visible to the customers.

Yes No

5. The rates of service charges displayed and are current and valid.
Yes No

6. Customer Contact Register available as per BC manual

Yes No

7. Daily Transaction Register available as per BC manual

Yes No

8. Loan Application Received Register available as per BC Manual

Yes No

9. Customer enrolment and account opening form sent to link branch Register available

Yes No

10. Visit Register is maintained at CSP

Yes No
11. Working hours of the CSP are displayed.
Yes No

12. BC's certificate as an authorized Business Correspondent of the Bank is displayed at the CSP.
Yes No

13. Do's and Don'ts list is prominently displayed at the CSP.

Yes No

14. Products and services available at the CSP were prominently displayed
Yes No

15. Phone numbers of visiting Officer, BM , Manager (FI) and RM are displayed at the CSP
Yes No

16. Names of villages in the area of operation assigned by the Link Branch to the CSP displayed.
Yes No

17. Transaction limits are displayed prominently

Yes No

18. Poster for Aadhar/Mobile seeding is displayed in vernacular language

Yes No

19. Instructions regarding RuPay Card is displayed in vernacular language

Yes No

20. Bank's CSP Board is displayed and is compliant with the laid down specifications
Yes No
PART B : Compulsory part. (This Part May be discussed end of the all agenda)

1. Discussion on ‘Samriddhi Kosh’ – Community Chest ---> Cluster Members

a. How much contribution has been done so far? From how many Families in the

b. Has any Petal contributed?

c. Are Vaibhavis contributing? How much?

d. Contribution by Entrepreneurs/ professions/ Petals/ Udyogi Pariwar and other
livelihood linked families in the community – Yes/ No; How much; Frequency

e. What is the agenda / project that SWSM wants to take up

f. Is budget ready for the project?

g. What is the Collective action being planned?

h. Is SWSM registered as an Ekyam collective on Ekyam platform.

i. Are ‘wish and action’ of SWSM Ekyam collective registered on the platform? Yes/No


j. Is SWSM Ekyam taken any collective action so far? Yes/ No ……………If yes, what is it?


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