Fauna España

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-Finally, among the most common
mammals are insectivores and rodents
such as:
-shrews, bats, rats, squirrels, etc.;
herbivores such as deer and rabbits;—
or even larger mammals such as the:
Iberian lynx and the brown bear
which are both in danger of extinction.
In terms of vertebrate animals, in
Spain we can find numerous
specimens of every type of
vertebrate. As for fish, lamprey,
salmon, sea bream and sea bass
are the most common.
The most common amphibians are the
common salamander, Bosca's newt and
the European tree frog. The most
common reptiles are the loggerhead sea
turtle, the European common gecko and
the ocellated lizard.
There are many birdsin the Spanish
Peninsula. One of the most
characteristic species is the Iberian
Imperial Eagle.
As it is surrounded by the coast, our
country has a huge variety of marine
invertebrates, such as sponges like the
breadcrumb sponge;cnidarians or
coelenterates such as the Portuguese
man o' war; echinoderms, such as
starfish; molluscs such as limpets,
mussels and clams; and arthropods
such as lobsters.
There is also a lot of variety of land
invertebrates, such as Argiope spiders,
Emperor dragonflies and honey bees.

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