English Basic 4 (2nd Term)

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Unit One 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Unit 1 End of unit Unit One 1

Unit 1

Unit 1

Fixing capitalization
Grade 4 Capitalization Worksheet
Capitalize the first word in a
sentence, proper names of
Rewrite the sentences below with the
people, places, and products,
correct capitalization.
main words in titles, and days,
months, and holidays.
1. we bought my sister nike sandals
from canada.


2. the city of chicago is hosting a christmas festival in december.


3. i learned about president lincoln in a book called “born to lead”.


4. my favorite singer, katy perry, will sing “firework” this saturday.


5. my family visits california to hear the band, maroon 5, in october.


6. in jamaica, we drank a lot of gatorade because it was hot there in july.


7. for thanksgiving, we visit my grandpa in new mexico.


8. in january, mayor henderson will be giving away a new toyota camry.


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Unit 1

Subjects, titles and brands

Grade 4 Capitalization Worksheet
 Titles are capitalized if
they are part of
Rewrite the sentences below with the
someone’s name.
correct capitalization.
 Brand names are
 School subjects are not
1. My mom has met senator O’Brien.
capitalized unless they
___________________________ are a language.

2. We studied president Lincoln in Social studies today.


3. I bought a mountain dew and some Pringles after my french class.


4. The Mayor visited my Language arts class last week.


5. My brother asked for a playstation and a pair of adidas shoes.


6. The President of our student council does well in Science class.


7. Did you want to eat a burger from Mcdonald’s or burger king?


8. Our mayor gives potato chips and reese’s cups to kids for Halloween.


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Unit 1

Seasons, holidays and directions

Grade 4 Capitalization Worksheet
Holidays start with a capital letter.
Seasons and directions do not start
Rewrite the sentences below with with a capital letter unless they are
the correct capitalization. part of a proper noun.

1. Every easter we visit my brother in south Dakota.


2. My uncle lives South of New york. He loves the Winter olympics.


3. Catherine loves christmas. She heads West to celebrate with family

every winter.

4. My favorite region is the south. We head south for vacation every


5. My favorite season is Summer. I love all of the independence day


6. My friends are driving East to visit north Carolina. They do it each


7. We always eat chocolate on halloween.


8. I got a card for valentine’s day.


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Unit 1

Capitalizing proper adjectives

Grade 4 Capitalization Worksheet
Proper adjectives are
Rewrite the sentences below with the correct
capitalization. Wisconsin cheeses
French baguette
November holidays
1. Everyone in my family has a march


2. My favorite chinese restaurant is open on sunday evenings.


3. We ordered sandwiches with american cheese.


4. Brian is going to eat belgian waffles on thursday morning.


5. In music class, we got to play on the african drums.


6. On vacation, my family ate a lot of italian foods.


7. We think that california weather is absolutely amazing.


8. Is that a french accent the actor is using?


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Unit 1

Quotation marks
Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
Quotation marks go around spoken
words and their punctuation.
Add quotation marks and commas
to the sentences as needed

1. Where is my dog? asked Brandon.


2. Mrs. Jolly said We are having a party on Saturday. Hope you can
make it!

3. First explained my grandpa we will need to clean up the garage.


4. If you go to the store, please buy me some oranges and apples said

5. Oh no! My pen spilled ink all over my shirt! cried David.


6. I cannot believe said mom that you didn’t remember my birthday.


7. Katie said My brother just threw all of my homework into the sink.


8. Read the book tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow said my friend,

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Unit 1

Commas and quotation marks

Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
Commas always go inside the
quotation marks.
Rewrite the sentences inserting
commas where needed. “Eat your peas,” mom said, “or
there will be no dessert!”
1. “You have all done an outstanding job
on your tests” the teacher said.


2. “Complete your homework” my mom exclaimed “then you can tidy your


3. “If you want to master an instrument, you have to practice” said Mr. Smith.


4. This summer, my favorite songs were “Sunflower” “High Hopes” and “The


5. Mrs. Carter made us read three poems including “Good Bones” “The Red
Wheelbarrow” and “Sick.”


6. “Let’s congratulate Steve” exclaimed Coach Mike “for hitting three home runs.”


7. “The Game” “The Dance” and “Spring Break” are the chapters we need to read
for homework.


8. “If you drive quickly, we can make it to school on time” I said to my dad.


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Unit 1

Indirect and direct quotations

Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
Direct quotations: Quotation
marks surround the actual exact
Rewrite the indirect quotations as words said by the speaker.
direct quotations. Add punctuation
as needed. Indirect quotations: Sentences
that tell what someone said, but
not in their exact words. No
1. Mitchell said that his bike is quotation marks are used.


2. Abe Lincoln said that everyone should be free.


3. Martha explained that her favorite color is blue.


4. The actor said to always remember to smile on stage.


5. My teacher demanded that we study our spelling words every night.


6. Principal Rogers told the students to arrive to school on time.


7. The kids yelled that recess is the best part of the day.


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Unit 1

Apostrophes and possession

Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet

Add ’s after a
Rewrite the underlined possessive phrase using singular noun or a
an apostrophe. plural noun that
doesn’t end with s.

The dog’s bone 1. The dogs bone was Add ’ after a plural
found in the garden. noun that ends with s.

___________________ 2. Angelas decorations

looked amazing.

___________________ 3. The mices cages were filled with cheese.

___________________ 4. A cars four tires have to be filled with air.

___________________ 5. The teachers classrooms will all be cleaned this


___________________ 6. His childs backpack was left on the airplane.

___________________ 7. She was excited to find a gooses feather.

___________________ 8. Roys tie matched his grandfathers tie.

___________________ 9. We were introduced to the childrens principal.

___________________ 10. Someone left the pizzas box open all night.

___________________ 11. Everyone was surprised when

the tables legs broke.

___________________ 12. The womens restroom was closed for repairs.

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Unit 1

Using Apostrophes
Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet

Place apostrophes in the sentences below.

Apostrophes can:
• Show possession: This is Ben's dog.
• Replace letters in contractions: Don't go!

I cant go with you to grandmothers house.

Im heading to Joes store later.

I put our two dogs food in the cupboard.

Avas choice of clothes isnt always following the latest style.

I cant seem to solve this math problem.

I dont think my moms hat will fit me.

Everyones playing in Petes back yard.

Can you tell if anybodys car is in the garage?

Sofia says that shell go to university next year.

Im glad were not late for the concert.

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Unit two 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Unit 2 End of unit Unit Two 2

Unit 2

Unit 2

Its or it’s
Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
“its” shows possession.
Circle the correct word. “it’s” replaces it is.

1. ( Its / It’s ) time to go to bed now.

2. I love your house. ( Its / It’s ) very beautiful.

3. The dog lost ( its / it’s ) toy at the park.

4. The pizza? ( Its / It’s ) on its way now.

5. She thinks ( its / it’s ) her dad’s birthday, but ( its / it’s ) tomorrow.

6. ( Its / It’s ) a sad movie, but I didn’t cry.

7. Your cat is adorable. What is ( its / it’s ) name?

8. My dog and ( its / it’s ) puppies love to chew on bones.

9. He believes ( its / it’s ) strange to drink orange juice for dinner.

10. ( Its / It’s ) crazy that we never knew we were neighbors.

11. I lost my phone and ( its / it’s ) charger last week.

12. The baby and ( its / it’s ) blanket were gently placed in the crib.

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Commas in a list
Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
When there are three or more
items in a list, use a comma
Add commas where needed. after each item until the word
and or or.

1. I can't decide if I want to go to the

party, the game or the dance.

2. The mouse the rat and the gerbil all looked very similar to me.

3. My mom made me clean my room do the dishes and walk the dog.

4. I asked Jeff Ryan and Brad to come over after school.

5. Don’t forget to call your dad do your homework and fold your clothes.

6. Sophia Martha and Roberta all earned a great score on the test.

7. This weekend I wore two shirts three skirts and four pairs of shoes.

8. On vacation I will visit New York Chicago and Indianapolis.

9. After school, the teachers principals and cafeteria workers will have a

10. The new club will meet on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays.

11. Do you want to eat a salad a hamburger and some fries?

12. We have to return to the library drive to the store and

stop at the post office.

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Comma practice
Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
We use commas in many
different ways!
Add commas where needed.

1. John, you should visit your grandmother this weekend.

2. He said “I’m not going to lose my game today.”

3. I wanted to buy some balloons a cake and some ice cream for the

4. Yes I love to go to the beach with my family.

5. Mrs. Smith did you say you ate pizza for dinner yesterday?

6. We went to visit the park the museum and the cinema this weekend.

7. No I did not want to order a purple unicorn for her birthday gift.

8. Tom Kevin and Abby all studied volcanoes last year.

9. “Go now” said the mean man “and do not return.”

10. Sophie are you going to take ballet again next year?

11. My favorite animals are bears tigers and dogs.

12. “Mom we need to leave now” said Roberta.

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Grade 4 Punctuation Worksheet
Some words can
be joined together
Write the two words that form these contractions. by replacing one
letter (or more)
with an
1. isn’t is not apostrophe.

2. aren’t ____________ ______________

3. can’t ____________ ______________

4. they’re ____________ ______________

5. don’t ____________ ______________

6. could’ve ____________ ______________

7. didn’t ____________ ______________

8. doesn’t ____________ ______________

9. couldn’t ____________ ______________

10. hasn’t ____________ ______________

11. haven’t ____________ ______________

12. he’s ____________ ______________

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Meaning of prefixes and suffixes
Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet

Below are prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. Write 3 words for each
prefix or suffix. Then write each word's meaning.

Prefix: non- Meaning: not

#1: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

#2: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

#3: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

Prefix: tri- Meaning: three

#1: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

#2: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

#3: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

Suffix: -rupt Meaning: break, burst

#1: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

#2: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

#3: ______________________ ______________________________________________________

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Similes or metaphors
Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet

Beside each sentence, write S for similie or M for metaphor.

A similie compares two things with "like" or "as".

A metaphor says one thing is another thing.

________ She swims like a fish.

________ My life is an open book.

________ You are my sunshine.

________ He’s as thin as a rail.

________ In the fresh air, her cheeks are like red roses.

________ I’m as hungry as a wolf.

________ Life is but a dream.

________ My uncle is as straight as an arrow.

________ She is as sharp as a tack.

________ I slept like a log last night.

Write a similie: ________________________________________________________________________.

Write a metaphor: ____________________________________________________________________.

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Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the word that best matches the clue.

alike honest

lasting tiredness

vanish temperamental

leading wind

diagram backtrack

percentage unwind

deal access

confusion dialogue

slanted untroubled

scream goods

distraction contract sincere conversation freight

graph breeze disappear relax retreat
carefree entrance shout equal fatigue
diagonal moody permanent forward ratio

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Grade 4 Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

go immaterial

idleness cleanliness

soothe courageous

deflation disorganization

clear neglect

different plain

problem fortune

unenthusiastic public

descendant peaceful

retract inattentive

foggy review litter assign private fearful

suffer plan inflation visit material alert
keen ancestor furious ridge equivalent hardship
solution effort

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