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General conditions for proficiency tests

At Eurofins Environment A/S we have acted as Reference Laboratory on Environmental Chemical Analyses
since 1976, and for more than 30 years we have arranged proficiency tests for environmental laboratories.
The labora­tory is accredited according to ISO 17025.

Eurofins’ “General conditions” is included in an annex and the conditions applying only to proficiency tests
are described below.

1 Confidentiality • Cancellation until three months before a profi-

A code number identifies participants in ciency test: 10% of the fee for the proficiency
Eurofins proficiency tests. Only the labora- test in question is charged;
tory itself and Capacent A/S know the code
number. Code numbers are given for each • Cancellation between three months and one
proficiency test by Capacent, an independent month before a proficiency test: 20% of the
firm of accountants. However, code numbers total fee for the proficiency test will be charged;
for Danish participants are reported to DANAK,
the Danish Accreditation Scheme by Capacent. • Cancellation later than one month before a
DANAK treats the list of code numbers accord- proficiency test: the full fee for the proficiency
ing to DANAK’s rules for confidentiality. Thus, test will be charged.
participants are ensured full confidentiality
regarding results in the proficiency tests. 2.3 Participation using more than
one method per parameter
1.1 Forgot your code number? Participants may submit results for two or more
Should a laboratory forget its code number, methods per parameter, and will if necessary,
Capacent may send the number again accord- receive extra sample. For two sets of data,
ing to the following rules. The laboratory must 30% is added to the fee for participation. For
send the request in writing, and Capacent more than two sets of results a full extra fee is
sends the code number to the same address charged. Registration for extra sets of results
and the same contact person who originally takes place approximately one month before
received the code number. This procedure is each proficiency test.
followed to maintain confidentiality concerning
code numbers.
2.4 Payment and confirmation of
2 Registration and payment registration
In the beginning of January (or immediately
2.1 Registration after registration in case that is done after
Laboratories can register for participation on January 1st), Eurofins sends a confirmation of
Eurofins’ web-site ( registration to all participants.
cytest). Alternatively, the attached registration
form can be used. Registration is normally An invoice for each proficiency test is sent
performed annually around New Year covering close to the proficiency test date.
all proficiency tests in the coming year.

Prices and dates for the coming year’s profi- 2.5 Additional sample volume
ciency tests appear from the registration form. Laboratories participating with more than one
Participants not domiciled within the Northern set of results automatically receive extra sam-
countries may be billed an extra charge to ple if Eurofins considers this necessary.
cover freight/postage.
In case a laboratory needs a larger volume of
Eurofins Environment A/S reserves the right to sample than shown in the invitation, this can
cancel a proficiency test in case the number of be arranged by contacting Eurofins, Susanne
participants is much smaller than anticipated. Andersen (, phone +45 70 22
42 30). Samples broken or lost during transport
are replaced free of charge but a small (500,-
2.2 Cancellation of participation DKK) fee covering transport and administra-
Cancellation is possible on the following condi- tion will be invoiced if more than the specified
tions: amount of sample is ordered for other reasons.
General conditions
1.0 Application for results insight by forwarding of report cop-
These conditions apply for all at Eurofins ies. Furthermore, Eurofins does not seek to
Environment A/S (hereafter called Eurofins) subject to the proviso that all information is
ordered assignments, including analyses, con- confidential without special agreement with the
sulting services, training, information, testing, client.
investigations, sale and rental. The present
general conditions apply unless they are devi- 4.3 The client may not mention or refer to Euro-
ated from in a written agreement between the fins or its employees in either commercial or
client and Eurofins. marketing activities unless agreed upon with
Eurofins in writing.

2.0 Rights 4.4 Material issued in connection with courses may

2.1 The material results produced by Eurofins in not be copied.
connection with an ordered assignment as well
as the right of using them belong solely to the 4.5 Available results in the shape of objects such
client. as prototypes are handed over to the client as
soon as final payment has taken place.
2.2 Know-how developed and established by Euro-
fins in connection with solving an assignment,
can be used freely by Eurofins after termina- 5.0 Accredited Testing
tion of the assignment. 5.1 Eurofins is accredited by DANAK to perform a
large number of analyses and measurements.
2.3. Immaterial rights created by Eurofins in con-
nection with an ordered assignment belongs to 5.2. Accredited testing is subject to certain
Eurofins unless otherwise is agreed in writing. demands to e.g. reporting.

5.3 Reports and accredited testing shall always be

3.0. Confidentiality affixed with the logo of DANAK.
3.1 Eurofins shows discretion regarding publicity
of the solving of the assignment and regard-
ing entered agreements and their contents. 6.0. Payment
Results, etc. shall be conveyed to the client or 6.1 The client is obliged to pay for the work
send in copy to a third party specified by the perfor-med by Eurofins regardless of whether
client. If Eurofins in connection with solving the expected results are actually obtained, unless
assignment obtains knowledge of copyright the client explicitly has imposed as condition
know-how, which the client wishes to keep on Eurofins that the task solving shall lead to
confidential it is the duty of the client, unless concrete specified results and that this has
obvious due to the circumstances, to specify been accepted by Eurofins.
this copyright know-how in writing to Eurofins.
6.2 Ordered assignments shall be invoiced on
3.2. Provided testing or developing work lead to actual consumed time, provided nothing else
results of common interest, Eurofins may pub- has been agreed upon.
lish these results unless it violates the rights of
the client. 6.3. Provided nothing else has been agreed the
invoice is payable within 30 days from date of
3.3 When Eurofins undertakes an assignment invoice.
comprising the assessment of a contribution
from third party, the client shall accept that 6.4 There shall be added interests on overdue
Eurofins may address the third party or other payments.
relevant connections directly to seek informa-
tion for the solving of the assignment. 6.5 The client is in all respects liable for the invoic-
ing of a third party. Possible disputes between
client and his client are of no concern of Euro-
4.0 Ownership and Copyright fins.
4.1 Reports made by Eurofins may only be pub-
lished in full. 6.6 Deductions in any amount owed to Eurofins is
not accepted.
4.2 Eurofins complies with the authority’s request
7.0 Liability Eurofins, and only with the limitations specified
7.1 In accordance with the Danish law of Torts Euro- under pr. 7.5.
fins shall be liable for errors or negligence on the
part of Eurofins in connection with production or 7.8 Eurofins shall not be held liable for damages
performance of a task, however, with the limita- due to application of Eurofins’ consultant serv-
tions specified in clauses 7.2-7.11. ices, testing or control reports, if the application
is beyond the scope of the assignment given
7.2 Eurofins shall only be liable for the clients’ direct to Eurofins or if not comprised by the purpose
loss with the limitations specified under clause defined.
7.5 and shall thus not be liable for any loss of
production, loss of profit, or other consequen- 7.9 In connection with the returning of received
tial damages. samples or material Eurofins shall only be held
liable for damage or loss to the received, if the
7.3 Eurofins shall not be liable for delays in con- client substantiates that is it due to errors of
nec-tion with performance of assignments for a negligence. The liability of Eurofins shall not
client. exceed the value of the received samples or
material. If returning of forwarded samples or
7.4 If Eurofins’ work is not concluded with a report material have not been agreed upon, it can
or delivery of a service, or if the service con- only be stored at Eurofins until 14 days after
sists of a statement, about which it is written finalising of the assignment.
that the statement is based on an evaluation
or assess-ment, Eurofins shall not be liable 7.10 If a third party claims compensation from Euro-
for any loss or damage, regardless of it being fins due to personal injury, property damage
substantiated that the loss or damage is due to or capital loss caused by services or products
errors or negligence on the part of Eurofins. delivered by Eurofins, the client shall indemnify
and hold harmless Eurofins of any such claims.
7.5 Eurofins’ liability (professional liability, product If a third party during lawsuit claims compensa-
liability including liability for personal injury and tion from Eurofins, the client shall be under the
damage to property), is limited to the amounts obligation to take over the conducting of the
mentioned below unless otherwise explicitly case, if Eurofins puts forward this demand.
agreed upon:
7.11 Eurofins shall not be held liable if the expected
Professional liability, including laboratory results are not obtained, if the assignment
liability 5,000,000 DKK, Product liability, liability given to Eurofins by the client comprises devel-
for personal injury and damage to property opment work.
10,000,000 DKK.
7.12 Complaints shall be forwarded in writing.
For services where the sample has been taken
by the client and sent to EUROFINS without
further information regarding the context in 8.0 Sub-Contractors
which the results shall be applied, damages 8.1 Eurofins shall be entitled to invite one or
shall not exceed the invoiced amount by more several parties to carry out part of or the entire
than 20 times. assignment on Eurofins’ own responsibility.

7.6 Eurofins shall not be held liable for damages 9.0 Other Agreements
or losses that have not been claimed in writing 9.1 These present terms shall also be valid in
within 3 years after the handing over of a serv- other or future agreements between Eurofins
ice or a product, on which the liability is based. and the client, unless otherwise agreed or
The client shall be obliged to inform Eurofins obvious due to the circumstances.
in writing as soon as he becomes aware of a
possible compensation claim towards Eurofins.
Regardless of the 3 years time-limit Eurofins
10.0 Disputes
10.1 Disputes shall be settled in accordance with
shall not be held liable for damages, which at
Danish Law by Eurofins’ jurisdiction unless
the time of delivery of the service or finishing of
Eurofins may decide otherwise.
the product by means of available knowledge
or techniques could not be foreseen.

7.7 If Eurofins is considered liable jointly with third

parties the proportion of compensation pay-
able by Eurofins shall be limited to the propor-
tion of liability which is actually attributable to

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