Social Medias Dialogo

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social medias dialogo

diapo positive and négative things

As my colleague has said, social networks can have a positive and negative impact on our lives both
physically and mentally, and I am going to explain how it can affect you and the positive and negative

diapo positif
I’m carlota firsteball I’m going to talk about Positive Effects of Social Media:
Connectivity and Communication:
Social media platforms make it easy to communicate and connect with friends, family, and people
around the world.

Information and Awareness:

Social media is a quick source of news, information and updates on various topics, events and trends.

Educational resources:
Platforms such as YouTube, classroom, shcoolmove and other quizlet-type websites provide
educational content, tutorials and resources that contribute to self-learning.

Professional and networking opportunities:

Social media serves as a networking tool and helps people connect with professionals, discover job
opportunities, and showcase their skills. For this we can use platforms such as LinkedIn or simply
contact companies via safaris, for example a law firm or universities such as Harvard, or Oxford to

Community building:
Social networks allow the formation of online communities based on shared interests, hobbies or
causes, fostering a sense of belonging, without being judged by having a group in life and feeling part
of something, for example the MENSA group

Expression and Creativity:

Users can express themselves creatively through photographs, videos, art via Instagram or Tumblr,
and writing via Wattpad, sharing their talents with a broader audience.

diapo positif
Social activism:
Social media has played a crucial role in promoting social causes, activism and awareness
campaigns typically driven by young people.

You can share all types of content since there are as many networks as there are likes

For example, via Discord you can meet people from all over the world, which provides mental
enrichment as a person.

everything is faster since everything happens in a matter of seconds

and you can make money with social networks by monetizing your channel
diapo negatif

Social networks have a very high rate of addiction and self-esteem, loneliness:
The dopaminergic system is a network of neurons that uses dopamine as a neurotransmitter.
Dopamine plays a crucial role in regulating our emotions, motivation and reward. When we are
exposed to rewarding stimuli, such as receiving a notification on social networks, the reward system in
the brain is activated, releasing dopamine and generating a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. As
this, the only thing we achieve is to have small doses of dopamine filling our lives with emptiness
without any meaning. However, excessive use of social media and the constant search for rewards
can have negative consequences for our mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of
social media has been associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness.
Additionally, constant comparison with others and concern about personal image can create additional
social and emotional pressure.

When you do not take adequate care of your privacy, selecting and managing what you want to
publish and who can get to know it, you can run risks: You are more vulnerable to a wide variety of
dangers: cybersexual predators, cyberbullying, sextortion, impersonation of identity

fake news: on the internet there is a lot of news that is not true or that is distorted in order to control
us, therefore this can lead to confusion.

How do social networks affect sleep?

Digital screens emit blue light, a light that acts directly on the circadian system, generating an alert
signal and an activation state. "Blue light inhibits the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that appears
in the dark period and is responsible for our deep and restful sleep.
How does social media affect sleep?
The authors conclude that the presence of screen devices in the bedroom is associated with reduced
sleep time during school hours and has negative effects on functioning and mood during the day.

What are the privacy problems on social networks?

Privacy risks on social networks. Information theft can be carried out by hackers or unscrupulous
users posing as friends, or by intercepting messages intended for third parties. In other cases, the
information is obtained through fraudulent sales, donation campaigns, or deceptive offers.

It consists of sending sexual content (mainly photographs and/or videos), generally produced by the
sender themselves, to other people using mobile phones. Sharing an intimate photograph through
your mobile phone or social networks means losing your control. This practice is increasingly
widespread among adolescents, who can see it backfired on them in the form of harassment,
blackmail or extortion. Sexting can have serious consequences that young people are not very aware
of, once the images are sent to third parties or uploaded to websites or social networks.

Diapo: How the Use of Social Networks Physically Affects Young People?
Children tend to have a sedentary life, which can affect cardiovascular problems, hypertension or
simply obesity. As I said, it affects our sleep cycle. It also affects the spine. What diseases does poor
posture cause in the spine? Among them: Infections, Trauma, Tumors, Diseases, such as ankylosing
spondylitis and scoliosis, Bone changes that occur with age, such as spinal stenosis and herniated
Diapo: How the Use of Social Networks Affects Adults Physically?
can cause eye fatigue. Eye fatigue is a common condition that occurs when the eyes become tired
due to intense use of vision. This can cause blurred vision, your eyes are sore, tired, you may notice
that your eyes are dry. , and they cry or burn.
There are also consequences at bedtime and muscle injuries due to poor posture or diseases like the
ones I have mentioned for children.

Diapo: How the Use of Social Networks Affects Young People at Work and Performance?

Children are more distracted, they do not concentrate, which harms their school life, preventing
decent learning, children tend to procrastinate, being increasingly lazy, they are less productive, and
they tend to have more interpersonal problems.
Diapo: How the Use of Social Networks Affects Adults at Work and Performance?

Adults find it difficult to manage their time since with the use of the telephone their time is much
shorter, their work reputation often worsens since they are not as productive as before nor do they
concentrate on their work, it is very difficult for them to lead a life that combine your personal life with
the telephone with the networks and at the same time work, and finally this causes stress that as
consequences can have high blood pressure, heart failure that can cause clots that are difficult to
extract, type two diabetes, obesity, depression or anxiety, Skin problems, such as acne or eczema,
Menstrual problems such as amenorrhea, Diarrhea or constipation, Poor memory, Frequent aches
and pains, Headaches, Lack of energy or concentration, Sexual problems, Upset stomach, Use of
alcohol or drugs for chill out.

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