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แบบทดสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ม.3 1
1. Situation: May sees Pond at the bus station after school.
May: Hello, Pond. _______________
Pond: Hello, May. I’m not so good.
1. How have you been? 2. How’s your father?
3. How’s your work? 4. How do you do?

2. Situation: Tom dropped Jim’s mobile phone.

Tom: I dropped your mobile phone.
Jim: Let me have a look. I don’t think it’s broken.
Tom: ______________
Jim: It’s all right.
1. I think it’s too old. 2. I’m sorry about that.
3. It dropped on the carpet. 4. Can you buy a new one?

3. Situation: At the party

Sally: It’s almost eleven o’clock. I have to go. See you later.
Kim: ____________________
1. Take care. 2. No problem.
3. Don’t mention it. 4. Come back to see me.

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4. Situation: At home, a son is talking to his mother.

Son: I’m sorry mom. I forgot to send your letter.
Mother: ____________ You can do it tomorrow.
1. Too bad. 2. I don’t believe it.
3. You are so stupid. 4. Never mind, dear.

5. Situation: Going to a movie.

Jerry: I heard Harry Potter is playing at the movie theater. ____________
Ann: I’d like but I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve to do my report.
1. Do you like it? 2. Let’s go and see it.
3. Have you ever seen it? 4. Do you have free time?

6. Situation: After school Kate is talking to Peter.

Kate: Would you like to join the ride?
Peter: _________________ When shall we meet?
Kate: About 4.30?
Peter: O.k. See you there.
1. Thanks. That sounds fun. 2. Do you know a great place to ride?
3. I’m sorry. I’ve a lot of homework to do.
4. I don’t like riding. How about swimming?

7. Situation: James is asking Claire out for dinner.

James : Would you like to go out for dinner on Friday, Claire?
Claire : That’s great, James. ____________Thanks.
1. I’d love to. 2. That’s fine. 3. Let’s go. 4. All right.

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8. Situation: Anna and Suree are talking about the weather in Thailand.
Anna: ___________________
Suree: There are three seasons in Thailand.
Anna: What are they?
Suree: Winter, summer, and rainy season.
1. How many seasons in Thailand do you like?
2. Which season in Thailand do you like most?
3. I’ve ever come to Thailand twice. I like summer.
4. What’s the weather like in Thailand?

At the hotel
Clerk : Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
Henry : Good morning. ……55…….
Clerk : Yes. A single or double?
Henry : A double, please. Well! ……56…….
Clerk : That’s 1,500 baht a night.
Henry : All right. I’ll stay one night. Here is 1,500 baht.
Clerk : Thank you, sir. Here’s the key.

9. 1. What time is check out time?

2. Have you got a vacant room?
3. May I have a look at the room, please?
4. Can I have a wakeup call at 6 o’clock, please?
10. 1. How much is a single room? 2. Do I have to pay in advance?
3. How much is a double room? 4. Does this price include breakfast?

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Read the following instructions and rearrange them according to the correct order.
A. Choose your preferred language.
B. Fill out the form with your details.
C. Go to the train company website.
D. Pay using a credit card to reserve.
E. Booking the ticket.

1. E-D-C-A-C 2. C-A-E-B-D 3. C-E-B-A-D 4. A-C-D-E-B

A. Wait for 2 to 3 minutes then stir the noodles well with chopsticks.
B. Pour some boiling water up to the inside line of the cup.
C. Add the powdered sauce and dried vegetables and meat.
D. Tear open half of the paper lid.
E. Put the lid on and weigh down the lid with a set of chopsticks.
1. E-D-C-A-B 2. C-B-D-A-E 3. B-C-E-A-D 4. D-C-B-E-A

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Graphs, Diagrams
Here is the layout for a new garden. We will be planting vegetables in the
plot between the picnic area and the toolshed. We need volunteers to help on

1. Where will vegetables be planted?

(A) Plot 1 (B) Plot 2 (C) Plot 3 (D) Plot 4

This is the price list for the meeting rooms at Grace Hotel.

2. How much does it cost for Rose hall and Daisy Hall?
(A) $250 (B) $300 (C) $450 (D) $500

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There are four steps for who wants to apply for a job at a high school.

3. Which step can the students do at home?

(A) Step 1 (B) Step 2 (C) Step 3 (D) Step 4

Look at this map of the shopping area. On the lower left, you must walk along
Elm Road and then turn right to Main Street. After that go straight until the
end of the street, you will see our company - the second small building on
your left.

4. Look at the map, what building does the speaker talk about?
(A) Building 1 (B) Building 2 (C) Building 3 (D) Building 4

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5. Which countries do their people drink coffee in the similar numbers?

(A) United States - France (B) Brazil - Switzerland
(C) Brazil - France (D) Britain – Sweden

Yesterday, I went to see a movie with my mother and father. We were at the
four-thirty showing of Long Distance Run. It was a very exciting movie.

6. Look at the movie showtime, which theater did the speaker in yesterday?
(A) Theater 1 (B) Theater 2 (C) Theater 3 (D) Theater 4

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One customer wants to buy two jackets, one shirt, and three trousers.

7. Look at the graphic, which shelves does the seller have to check for all
(A) Shelf 1, 2, 3 (B) Shelf 2, 3, 4
(C) Shelf 1, 2, 4 (D) Shelf 1, 3, 4

My father has a business trip in Chiangmai after new year. He already

booked a flight for next Monday. He would like to sit by the window.

8. Look at the graphic, which seat did the father request?

(A) 26-D (B) 26-F (C) 27-D (D) 27-E
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Peter is a student and has an interview for a scholarship, but he is

extremely busy because of his study and work. Next week he is available in
the morning only.

9. Look at the schedule, which day can Peter have an interview?

(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday

Yuri is Saran’s Japanese friend. She will come to Thailand on Friday and visit
him next day. They will meet at Gino’s restaurant because they want to have
its weekend special menu. Saran told her that he has a class from 12 P.M. to
3 P.M. He can meet her after studying.

10. Look at Gino’s restaurant, which menu will they probably have?
(A) Pizza with fresh tomatoes (B) Pasta with red sauce
(C) Broiled fish with vegetables (D) Grilled chicken with salad
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No one culture can completely claim ice cream as its own—ice historians
debate where it even originated. Roman emperor Nero supposedly had his slaves
bring snow down from the mountains so that he could have it topped with fruit and
honey. A king during China’s seventh-century Tang Dynasty liked a version that
was mixed with milk. And when explorer Marco Polo came back from China in the
13th century, legend has it that he brought back a sherbet-like concoction.

(2) Today, Americans and Australians eat the most ice cream of anyone in
the world, according to market research firm Euromonitor, but almost every
country enjoys it -- and the cultural interpretations vary according to palates.
As you travel into Eastern cultures, for instance, the ice cream tends to be less
sweet. "Here we gravitate toward candy and cookies in our ice cream, but other
countries gravitate toward fruits, tea, or spices," says Stan Frankenthaler, the
director of culinary development for Baskin-Robbins, which has shops in more
than 35 countries. Its 31 flavors change as you travel: a saffron ice cream has
been a big hit in the Middle East, while a chocolate-peanut-butter combo has been
a failure almost everywhere except here in the U.S.

(3) Lind, from Ben & Jerry's, agrees that anything with peanuts or peanut
butter underwhelms ice cream fans in other countries – especially in Europe,
where hazelnuts are the utility player of nuts. This summer, his company is
sponsoring a global contest, called Do the World a Flavor, where people can
recommend new, locally inspired flavors. "We're looking for flavors that will appeal
to all of these countries, and it's surprising how few flavors are really

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popular everywhere," Lind says. In Scandinavia, fans have recommended one of

their favorites: salty licorice, which adds the faint but horrifying aroma of ammonia
to an otherwise unsuspecting scoop of vanilla.

(4) Other flavors sound tempting but don't always live up to the hype, at
least to our American palate. In part of Europe, for instance, floral-based ice
cream like lavender or rose is very popular, but Lind says it's a hard sell here at
home. "We made a rose ice cream, using Indian rose water," he recalls, "'and we
took it to our scoop shop to have customers sample it." It was a onetime deal.
"One person who tried it said, 'This tastes like my grandmother's armpit.'"

1. What could be the best title of this text?

1. The History of Ice Cream
2. America's Best Ice Cream
3. The Expansion of the Ice Cream Market
4. The World's Favorite Ice Cream Flavors

2. According to the text, what is TRUE about the invention of ice cream?
1. Ice cream historians are unsure of ice cream's country of origin.
2. Marco Polo found an ice cream recipe when he traveled to China.
3. Roman emperor Nero brought snow from the mountain to make ice cream.
4. The first ice cream was invented in China during the seventh-century
Tang Dynasty.

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3. Nowadays, which of the following countries eats the most ice cream
according to the Euromonitor research?
1. India 2. China 3. Germany 4. Australia

4. The clause "the cultural interpretations vary according to palates." in the second
paragraph means
1. not every culture likes to eat ice cream
2. each country enjoys different flavors of ice cream
3. every culture has its own way of making ice cream
4. ice cream has different names in different countries

5. What could be said about Americans' consumption of ice cream?

1. Ice cream shops are big hits among American teenagers.
2. They prefer ice cream with cookies or peanut butter in it.
3. Baskin-Robbins is their most favorite brand of ice cream.
4. They like to try new ice cream flavors from other countries.

6. The word '"underwhelms" (line 20) has the closest meaning to

1. excites 2. Satisfies 3. deceives 4. disappoints

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7. The purpose of the Do the World a Flavor contest held by Ben & Jerry's
is to __________________.
1. vote for their most favorite flavor
2. introduce a new recipe using local ingredients
3. find out what flavors would be popular worldwide
4. encourage locals to send local ingredients to make new ice cream flavors

8. The phrase "here at home" (line 32) refers to

1. India 2. Europe 3. Scandinavia 4. the United States

9. From the last paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE

about European consumers?
1. They prefer American ice cream brands.
2. They like ice cream with flowery scents.
3. They enjoy competing in ice cream contests.
4. They are easily tempted to buy new ice cream flavors.

10. It can be inferred from the text that the writer might
1. be an American
2. enjoy travelling to Asia
3. be an ice cream historian
4. work for Baskin-Robbins

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Cloze Test 14
Sleep deprivation torture ___(1)___ for 500 years. It is still a very popular
torture method and is used at Guantanamo Bay. The different between the
torture of prisoners and mothers is that mothers being abused ___(2)___.

Chronic sleep deprivation occurs when one does not have the
opportunity to ___(3)___ for lost sleep. Acute sleep deprivation is when one
___(4)___ sleep for one night without catch-up. ___(5)___ sleep deprivation
can also cause mental health issues.

It was once thought that anxiety and depression caused disturbed

sleep, ___(6)___ new research has shown that the lack of sleep is a ___(7)___
cause of anxiety. New mothers are always full of ___(8)___. Is the baby eating
enough, am I a good mother, am I hurting my baby? These are very common
anxieties on ___(9)___ new and seasoned mothers.

What can we do to help our mothers? In other countries and cultures,

mothers are given ___(10)___ time to rest. In Korean culture, "Korean women
are ___(11)___ not to take a shower for a week or more. They are not allowed
to put their hands in cold water. For the first three weeks after childbirth, getting
out of the house is___(12)___ forbidden". The new mothers are allowed to relax
and heal. They are even fed seaweed soup with cleanses and detoxifies the
body. The seaweed also contracts the womb and increases breast milk

We should allow a new mom to ___(14)___, help with the baby and the
chores. New moms need to ask for help from family and friends. Even if they
do not ask for it, mothers need ___(15)___ to stay healthy themselves.

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1. 1. used
3. was used
2. has been used
4. had been used 15
2. 1. on purpose 2. in advance
3. on location 4. on demand

3. 1. spring up 2. follow up
3. brush up 4. make up

4. 1. loses 2. lose
3. lost 4. loose

5. 1. hard 2. mild
3. severe 4. strong

6. 1. and 2. but
3. in addition 4. also

7. 1. predictable 2. premature
3. previous 4. primary

8. 1. worries 2. pain
3. headaches 4. fear

9. 1. whether 2. yet
3. both 4. still

10. 1. less 2. more

3. most 4. almost

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11. 1. advised
3. allowed
2. consulted
4. adjusted 16
12. 1. closely 2. immediately
3. nearly 4. strictly

13. 1. productivity 2. produce

3. productive 4. production

14. 1. go out 2. rest

3. cook 4. dress

15. 1. attendance 2. collaboration

3. assistance 4. service

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behind famous oven
calendar forest pajamas
collect happen pharmacy
curtain history reporter
different jewelry silent
meal museum strange

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