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fLJil]re C0Ill Ill]0l]s I|]ll]re perlecl tinkinq N/ordsiPhruses

$illt]re Iofllinililljs [tllure PBilErl

Atfirmative Negalive Atlirmalive Negative

I will be working lwon't be working lwill have worked I won'l have worked
You w ll be working You won't be work ng You will have worked You won't have worked
He w ll be work ng He won't be workng, etc. He will have worked He won't have worked. etc.
She wil be working She wi1 have worked
lnterroqative lnterrogative
t will be working It wi have worked
We wi be working Will be working? Wew have worked W llhaveworked?
YoLr will be working Willyou be worklng? You wil have worked W lyou have worked?
They will be workjng Will he be working? eic. They wl have worked Wll he have worked? etc.


We use the lulure continuous: We use the future perfect for:

. for an aciion which w I be in progress at a stated . an act on which wlll be fin shed before a stated
time in the future. trme n the fulure.
fhis time nert week we will be packing lor our Ihey will have bought a hause by the end of this
lor an aci on which w I defin te y happen in the Time Expressions we use wilh the future perfect:
future as the resull of a rout ne or arrangement.
Dan't post Ann's invitatian. I'll be seeing her at oy. by rhe r re be'ore. -nrirtill. by (the-). etc.
worktomarrcw, so l'llgive itto her
when we ask po,rely abo-r so-neone s p a_s'or
the near future -to find out if they can do . We use the present simple after the time
something for us.
expressions by the lime, until/till, before
Wi yau be going to the post affice today? because they introduce t me clauses.
By fie hne you a ive.,lwill have linisheal,aaking.

Time Expressions we use with the future continuous: time clause

will have finished caahing by the hme yau afiive

itomorrow, tonight, next week/month, etc., in two/ 1 .

I three, etc. days, the day after tonorrow, soon, ina

weeUmonth etc
time clause
. Normally, until/till are on y used with the iuture
perfect in negative sentenc,"s.
San won t have fixed lhe cat until ths e, ening.

tirlfiiIls ll/ords /Phruss$

To add more informat on and/or link simi ar ideas we can use turthermore, in addition, also, moreover,
ln ten years'time, cars will be easiet to drive. MoteoveL theywill be envtrcnnentally friendly.
To llnk opposing ldeas we can use bul, however, on lhe olher hand, although, etc.
Although pallution levels have decrcased,lhe hale in the azane layer hasn't become smaller.
-o erptess cause oreason we can use because. as or since.
We should lake beltet care ot' aur planet because some danage cannot be repahed.

IUlljreC0nliru0lls [lllllrepsrlecT tinkir0l'/0rrl siVnnns
'' Ionlinttott$
Put lhe verbs in brackets into the future simple
or the fulure continuous, as in the example.
-ook at the pictures and use the prompts to A: Are you looking foMard to your wedding?
-ake sentences, as in the example. Bi Ican't waitl This time next week L..'// be
walking... (walk) down the a sle.
d Here's the coat you wanted to borrow.
rked B: O1. i'ranhs very rr1ch. .................................
d, etc. (give) it back to you on Saturday.
it's so hotl
Bl t ................................................... (turn on) the
/baseball/1 0 o'clock/next Saturday
a r-conditioning.
?dl ...1will be playing baseball at 1A
lsni Caro luchy: In a few weeks she ..............
a clack nexl Salurday....
? etc. .................................... (sait) in the Caribbean.
B: I knowl She must be excitedl
5A: .... (you/go) to lhe post
oifice laier?
- Bl Yes, would you like rne to get anything for you?
6Al Did you tell Fred aboul the party?
At this lime B: Not yet. L...................................... (see) him at
fthis next rnonth/l/ski/with my friends basketbal practrce ldter or. so L..............
(tell) him then.

I At 2 o'clock/nex1
IlJltlle Peilscl
4 The people below are twenly-five years old. What
do they hope they will have done by the time they
are thirty years old? Using the prompts below,
Sunday/l/f sh/ with my grandson make senlences, as in the example.

At this time
tomorrowwe/move/ house

- :-1 the verbs in brackets into the future simple

:. lhe future coEtinuous,
\__:: lc you wantto go camping this weekend?
..i' ! love to. I 1) ................................. (call) you
:-1gl't alo we car afialge every,rl-i19.
r,--:: - r ght. Do you mind i, E len comes with us?
.:- :'coJrse not. As a.nahe. o.tacr.l2) .............
.. .. ............ (see) herfor lunch so l3) ..........
(ask) her then.
cK. r 4) ...................................... (probabty/be)
_cme at around I o' clock so ca me then- 3 l\y'artin: direct a 4 Alice: join a famous
Sreatl Just think, in three days' time, we successfulfilm dance company
s) .. ............... ...................... (put up) our tentsl
Oh yesl And we 6) ...................................... (sit)
: o-nd a carro'ire. 19 delicioLs fresh 'isl-.
can't waitl

tiluelultlrlr0lrs I perleNT lirk rq ll0 tlslpl0ses
W tlrlL]

Fill in the gaps with by the time, until, by ot by Ai ... ............................................. (you/go) to the
then, as in the example. supermarket laler?
B: Yes, why?
Jake wil have done the shopping the time... A: Can you p ck up some milk and eggs?
the ch ldren come home lrom school. Do- [ [a'l^ so oudly. yoL ........ ......... .
A: Have you rnended my b ke yet? (wake up) Grandad.
B: No. lwon't have mended it............... the end Ash|ey............................................ (be) five years
of the week. old in May.
A: Will you have booked your train licket
............... Thursday? Pul the verbs in brackets into the correct fulure
Bi Of coursel tense,
A: I won't have lin shed work .. ............ I o'c ock
ton ght.
B: You poor rl irg. I ha\e had d:rrer .................

We will have cornpleted our prolect.............. the

end of the month.
Dave will have iixed the washing machine
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',,,,' you get home'

6 Choose lhe correcl item,

A: ............... John today?
B: Yes, why?
A: Can you ask him if he can fix the fridge?
A Wil you be seeing B Wili you have seen
Dear Amy,
Behave yourself or eise L.............. you to the
circus tomorrow. How are you? l'm very happy because school is
A won't be taking B won't take
alrnost overl This tlme next week I 1) ...r1l// be staylng...
Our cherry trees ............... in the spring. (stay) wiih my grandparents at iheir cottage by Crystal
A will b oom B will have bloomed Lake.
l heard or the weatherfo'ecast that l2) ..................
'Oh, Jenny, L.............. lunch with Saly this
............................ (probably/be) a very hot summer so I
afternoon. Do you wanl to ioln us?' 3) .................................................. (swim) every day. My
A wil be having B wil have g.anofathe'orom sed me thal we 4) ............. ..................
A: I m going to invite the Johnsons over for a .... ............... (go) fishlng in the lake. lcan'twaitl
barbecue next Saturday. Do you have any plansforthe summer? Why don't
B: Don't bother, they.............. to Pars next you ask your parents fyou can stay with us? lhopeyou
Saturday. s) ............................................... (come) to the cottase
A will go B are going becal,se ln sJre we 6) .................
(have) lots of funl
She hopes she ............... a etter from Cindy soon. Also, there is an amusement park nearby and we
A wil receive B wil be receiving
7) ......................................... (go) there every Saturday. I
Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple, am look ng forward to spending a wonderful summer
the luture continuous or the future perfect. as in with my grandparents and if you come too, it 8) ..............
(be) even better.
the example.
Sally can't come to the cinema on Friday Take care,
because she ...11 be babysifi;n9... (babysit) for l\y'elanie
her little brother then.
L.... .................................... (finish) ryp ng a rhe P.S. By rhe ti.1e yoJ .eceive tl6 eder, l9) ..................
letters by the time [,4r Howard arrives. (leave) for ihe cotiage. Send your reply to my
Wedthe. forecasters predict rhat r .... .... .............. grandparenis' house.
(snow) this winter.

lull]re[0[Ti]r|]0t]s-[irlljre perleNT liIlirr]lt0 rlsiPItr]ses

io the . r! \.il}r{l$lPi]r$$fl$ fiell [{ord Irunsfomnlion

Choose the correct linking words/phrases in
11 Complete each sentence with two to five words.
bold to ioin the sentences below, as in the
including the word in bold.
years I last went to a conceft four months ago.
been 1...........-......................-......corcertfor
four rnonths.
future "Will you come with me?" Tom asked me.
go Ton asheo ''te f i . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

........ wtth h m.
"Bob and Sue willbe upsei rf we don't invitethem to
our wedding', I\lary says.
unless l\lary says that Bob and Sue wit be
upset .....,,.,,,,.,... ........,
',,,,,,,-,,,,-.''''''',,,,.,,,,.,' to oUr wedding,
li's not necessary to book a table in advance.
' Keeping a horse as a pet is very expensive. needn t You........ ......
Eeeding and maintaining one in advance,
costs a loi of
Ioney. (because/f udhermore) She has never seen a rainbow before.
./.-eo'rg d .atte as a Del .s l6.J e,len 4e first Jt s t'le ...................... ........ ...
:aaause feeding and maintaininq one costs a lat a rainbow

2 Jsing publictransport is easy and convenient. ltis lll$rd forrflflliofi

$eap. (and/however)

ol is Nouns referring to people

n9... We can form nouns that refer to people by adding -er,
-or or -ee to the verb.
Lrying in a big city is stressful. lt can often be
unhealthy. (also/on the other hand) build - builder
sai - sa lor
employ employee
tife in the future will be a tot differentfrom how it
is today. I don't think it wi be exciting. 12 Fill in the gaps with the correcl words derived
(although/ because) from the words in bold.

Mark's family background very is

interesting. His mother is a 1) ....-................. StNc
and his father ls an 2)
......... ........ . His AcT
: ,'lonBBlilttt older brother John is a 3) .......................... .
His grandfather is a ret red 4) ......................
, Cross out the unnecessary word. and hls grandmother is an artist. She's a
' Tom is the man whose his son lives in Germany. very talented 5) ............................. . He also pAtNT
2 Have you still seen my wallet? has a cousin who is the 6) ....................... eotf
of an international magazine. Mark and his
-,t By the time you wilt finish cooking, t, have
,vatered the plants. sister Jane have rtoTe ordinary lobs. She is
.l The phone had rang while John was having a a 7) ........................... in a law firm and he is TRATN
shower. studying to be a 8) ..................................... . TEACH
5 ,lane has been working at lvladjson Hospital
since 1996 ago.


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