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Section 1 - LESSON PLAN

1. Administrative Data:

a. Lesson Title: AFP Organization

b. Learning Objectives: For the students to understand
the evolution of the AFP, its composition and functions of different staffs.

Task: Discuss the AFP Organization.

Condition: In a classroom/environment, the instructor will present a

lecture type of instructions in order to motivate the students.

Standard: Acceptable performance is attained if the student can

determine and know the Organization in the AFP.

c. Learning Guidelines: Before presenting this lesson, instructors

must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference
Before class
1) Read and study all IP materials and be ready to conduct the
2) This IP has questions throughout to check on learning or
generate discussion among the group members. You may add
questions deemed necessary to bring a point and expand group
discussions over the subject matter.
3) Instructor must know the information in this IP well enough to
teach from it, not read from it.
During Class
4). Provide advance sheets to the students for their information
and preparation of what the subject is all about.
5). Encourage student to participate in discussions.
6). Ensure every soldier wears the proper uniforms prescribed
IAW the Training Schedule.
After class, collect all recoverable materials.
2. Venue/Condition: Classroom/Field Environment

3. Target Audience : Candidate Soldiers

4. Time Alloted : 3 hrs

5. Method of Instruction : Conference/Lecture type

6. Training Support Requirements :

a. Personnel : N o n e
b. Equipment : OHP ; Computer ; Video Scope ; Whiteboard ;
c. Reading Materials: Student Handbook and related references

7. References: EO 292 (Admin Code) Provisions (Chapters 6 - 8)

8. Amendement Sheet : None

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