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THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 184 THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 (3) Action of the clip latch. As the forward end of the operating rod catch moves doweward and away irom the barrel, the long rear arm of the catch moves upward and away from the front stud of the clip latch. This allows the clip latch spring to expand and force the rear stud of the clip latch into the notch of the clip. The rear stud of the clip latch holds the clip in the receiver against the action of the compressed ‘The operating rod catch is held away irom the barrel by the front stud hw continually pushing upward against the long rear arm, ‘This allows the bolt to move freely back and forth until the last round is fired. (Plate 23.) Load a clip of dummy rounds in the receiver several times and carefully notice how each part works. Forward movement. ‘The clip is now in place. Turn the barrel and receiver group over so that the sights are up again. Pull the operating rod all the way to the rear and hold it there. (If dummy rounds are not available for this study, allow the eperating rod to go forward a minute distance, just until the operating rod catch no longer functions to hold it to the rear.) ‘The operating rod spring provides the force for the forward movernent. (1) Chambering. As the operating rod and bolt, actuated by the compressed operating rod spring, move forward, the bolt strips off the top round of the clip, guiding it into the chamber. When the bolt is {ully forward, but not yet locked, the rear of the round has risen up under the extractor which grips the rim, and the ejector is depressed imo the face of the bolt against the action of the ejector spring. (2) Locking, When the bolt is fully forward the hump of the operating rod contacts the operating Iug on the bolt and rotates the bolt downward or clockwise, locking the bolt. (3) Alinemene of the firing pi the tang of the firing pin cont movement of the firing pin. When the bolt is turned and fully locked, the tang of the firing pin is lined up with the slot in the bridge of the receiver and may be driven forward by the hammer. This is a safety feature to make sure that the bolt is fully locked belore the live round can be fired. Should the hammer fall before the bole is fully locked, the bolt camming lug on the hammer will strike the cocking cam on the bolt, causing the bolt to rotate to its locked position, (4) Termination of forward movement, Alter the bolt has been closed and locked, the operating rod continues forward for 5/16 af an inch; the forward movement is terminated when the bolt is locked and the operating rod is fully forw Rearward movement, ‘The channeling of expanding powder gases provides the force for the rearward movement of the operating parts. (I) detion of the gas. Assume that a cartridge is in the chamber and the hammer is cocked. Squeeze the tigger and fire the cartridge. A chamber pressure of approxi- mately 5,000 Ibs. per sq. in, is generated and the bullet is propelled through the barrel, As the bullet passes the gas port this tremendous pressure has been reduced to approxi- mately 2,000 Ibs. per square inch. A small part of this gas, seeking the casiest means of escape, expands through the gas port into the gas cylinder and strikes the head ‘of the piston a sudden severe blow, driving the operating rod to the rear, and com. pressing the operating rod spri (2) Aetion of operating rod and spring. For the first 5/16 of an inch the operating rod moves independently, allowing it to build up sufficient speed to overcome the inertia of the locked bolt, This “free play” is also a safety feature; it allows the bullet to clear the mozzle with the attendant reduction in chamber pressure before unlocking begins, preventing a blow-back of gases in the firer’s face. (3) Untocking. As the operating rod continues to the rear, the front camming sur- Slightly before the bolt reaches its foremost position, is the bridge of the receiver, stopping the forward THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol, 5 185 THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. § face in the hump of the operating rod contacts the operating lug on the bolt, wening the bolt counterclockwise, unlocking it, (4) Withdrawal of the firing pin. This action occurs at the same time the bolt is being, unlocked. As the bolt is ured :coumerclockwise, the tang of the firing pin contacts the bridge of the receiver and is cammed to the rear, withdrawing the striker of the firing pin into the face of the bolt. (3) Extraction, Extraction occurs next. Remember that the extractor has been gripping the rim of the cartridge case all the time that the round has been in the chamber. Initially the round is loosened in the chamber as the bolt unlocks, due to a very slight rearward movement of the bolt. As the bolt continues to the rear it pulls the empty ease {rom the chamber. (G) Ejection, When the front of the empty case eles cjector (which has been continually pushing against the base of the case) jects the empty case from the receiver by the action of the expanding ejector spring. (7) Cocking. As the bolt moves to the rear, it forces the hammer rearward and downward into the cocked position, (8) Feeding. When the bolt in its rearward movement clears the top round in the clip, the follower, through the action of the compressed operating rod spring on the follower rod and follower arm, moves the top round up into the path of the bolt. (9) Termination of the rearward movement, The rearward movement ends when the square shoulder of the operating rod contacts the front of the receiver. Action following firing of 8th round. As rounds are gradually exhausted from the clip, the hump of the follower rod approaches the operating rod catch assembly. The contact of these two parts ejects the empty clip and holds the operating rod to the rear. ss the rear of the chamber, the PLATE 24, ACTION FOLLOWING THE FIRING OF THE LAST ROUND (1) Action of follower and follower rod, While the 8th round is in the chamber, the follower is against the bottom of the bolt. When the 8th round is fired, the bolt comes to the rear and the follower, freed of this obstruction, moves all the way up in the receiver. (Plate 24.) ‘The hump of the follower rod makes contact with the 43° camming surface of the operating rod catch and cams the eatch toward the barrel (2) Operating sod catch assembly. As the catch is cammed toward the barrel, its under-cut hook is engaged with the undercut hooks on the operating rod, ‘The engagement of these hooks holds the bolt open and the operating rod to the rear. THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 186. THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 (3) Clip latch, When the operating rod catch is cammed toward the barrel, the long rear arm pivots about the follower arm pin and moves in the opposite direction against the front stud of the elip latch. ‘The elip kuch rotates, withdrawing the rear stud from the notch on the clip. (4) Ejection of empty clip, "The clip, now free fron the restraining rear stud of the clip latch, is ejected by the compressed clip ejector. The operating parts arc now in the same position as they were before loading and are ready to receive another full clip. FUNCTIONS OF THE ‘TRIGGER HOUSING GROUP. Cock the hammer and note how it is held in the cocked position by the hammer hooks (on the hammer) which engage the trigger lugs (on the trigger assembly). (Plate 25.) Close and latch the REAR HAMMER HOOKS HAMMER TJ SAFETY HOOK HAMMER HOOKS TRIGGER STOP TRIGGER LUGS SEAR TRIGGER PIN. * CLIP EJECTOR HAMMER. PIN TRIGGER HAMMER SPRING PLUNGER TRIGGER GUARD HAMMER SPRING HAMMER SPRING HOUSING PLATE 25. TRIGGER HOUSING GROUP trigger guard. Hold the thumb over the hammer and allow it to go forward slowly by squeezing the trigger; note that as trigger lugs are rotated forward about the tigger pin, the hammer hooks are + nd the hammer, actuated by the compressed hammer spring, goes forward. ‘This action occurs each time the tigger is squeezed if the pressure on the trigger has been released after cach shot. However, the cocking action following each shot is much faster than the firer’s release of the trigger, so: there must be a means of preventing the hammer from following the bolt forward after each shot when the pressure is maintained. ‘This is accomplished by the sear (on the trigger assembly) which engages the rear haminer hooks, Hold the finger om the trigger and push the hammer all the way to the rear; note how the rear hammer hooks are engaged by the sear. Release the trigger and note how the sear and rear hammer hooks are disengaged and how the trigger lugs again engage the hammer hooks. Squeeze the trigger lightly and note that as the tigger lugs are rotated forward, the sear makes contact with the rear hammer hooks, thus assisting in the squeeze. In marksmanship, this action is spoken of as “slack,” and the time between this and the disengagement of trigger lugs and hammer hooks is spoken of as “squeeze.” easel THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5, 187 THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 Cock the hammer and push the safety to the rear or “safe” position. Note how the hook of the safety is engaged over the safety lug of the hammer, thus locking the hammer in the cocked position (with the hammer hooks physically separated from the trigger lugs) so that the hammer cannot fall. Note also that the square shoulder of the safety blocks any forward movement of the tigger lugs. tomatic safety feature designed to block the hammer in the event of a broken hook on the safety. = gsi TION Srants , VO DEMONSTRA icural Laws Scieulifie Facts Tested ie | HAMNER” aReTy career Si step anaes L ‘SAFETY PLATE 28, FUNCTIONING OF THE TRIGGER HOUSING GROUP MAGNETIC GLASSES. ta the lasses place a lighied ‘mehr abe edges of Both glasses with avert ane glass over the other CAPILLARY ATTRACTION A‘tumbler fa. fillel even #0 of Sater a plcce of : ve ona oheet reso he oF ounce nay th ie pate eat fe yout ksow ie hun ction el the ah the su Seat burt foo fame THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 188. THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 Chapter 3 —Operation, Immediate Action and Stoppages TO LOAD. When ammunition is not issued in loaded clips, insert cight rounds into the clip so that the base of each round is flat against the back of the clip. The bottom round should be against the left side of the clip (the rifle will fire whether the round is on the right or the left, since the follower slide automatically adjusts itself), This facilitates the loading by a right-handed man, since the ball of his thumb will PLATE 27. LOADING THE RIFLE be on the top round and not his slippery fingernail as would be the case if the top round is in the left. Except in continuous firing, loading is accomplished with the sifle locked. Hold the rifle at the balance with the left hand, and pull the operating handle all the way to the rear with the right hand. Place a loaded clip on top of the follower; raise the dbow high; place the ball of the thumb on the top round, just below its middle; and push-the clip straight down imo the open receiver, ‘The pressure of the thumb on the top round holds the bolt to the rear (by this time the accelerator has functioned and the bolt is free to move forward), Swing the thumb to the right front smartly, With rifles which have been used extensively, the bolt may remain open; when this occurs, strike the operating rod handle smartly with the heel of the right hand and drive it forward. Do not ride the handle forward, because the bolt will not lock and a stoppage will occur on the first round, TO UNLOAD. To unload a cartridge from the chamber, hook the right thumb over the operating rod handle, pull and hold the operating rod in the extreme rear position, This extracts and ejects the round. ‘To remove the loaded clip from the receiver, hold the rifle with your right hand, thumb on the operating rod handle, fingers around the trigger guard, and the rifle butt resting on your right groin, Place the palm of your left hand over the -receiver and THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 189 ‘THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 press in on the clip latch with your left thumb. The clip is ejected upward from the receiver and into your left hand, Do not allow the belt wa move forward during the operation as it will push the top cartridge forward and prevent ejection of the clip. ‘To close the bolt on an empty chamber and retain a partially loaded clip in the receiver, press down on the top cartridge in the clip, allowing the bolt to slide forward over it; make sure that the bolt is fully closed, This can be done only when there are less than eight cartridges in the clip. OPERATION AS A SINGLE LOADER. ‘The receiver being empty, pull the operating rod to the rear umil it is caught by the operating rod catch. With the right hand, place one round in the chamber, seating it in place with the thumb, With the palm of the right hand against the receiver, the rear edge of the right hand against the operating rod handle, the fingers extended, joined, the operating rod handle slightly to the rear; depress the follower with the right thumb: and permit the bolt to: ride forward about one inch over the follower, ‘Then remove the thumb from the follower and release the operating rod handle, ‘TO LOAD PARTIALLY FILLED CLIP. Using one hand. To partially load a clip from any firing position, hold the rifle with your lefe hand at the firing position, with the butt of the rifle resting on a secure surface (the groin, thigh, or ground). Move the operating rod handle to its rearmost position with your right hand, opening the bolt. Place the empty clip into the receiver. Next, place the first cartridge into the clip and on the follower with the right hand. Press the second cartridge into the clip, exerting a downward turning motion toward the center of the dip with the right thumb until the cartridge snaps into place. In the same manner, continue to load the clip. After placing the last cartridge into the clip, leading is completed by pressing down slightly on the top cartridge with the right thumb, at the same time moving the operating, rod handle slightly to the rear with the right edge of the right hand. Let the bolt move forward about one inch; this starts the top round forward. Remove your right hand and allow the operating rad to go forward. ‘This method of loading is useful in combat when a full clip of ammunition CAUTION. While pressing rounds into the clip keep the palm of the right hand st the receiver and in front of, but not touching, the operating rod handle, ‘This will prevent the bol from going forward and injuring the right thumb while loading rounds into the clip. nd pointing downward, force not available, Using both hands. Place the empty clip on a solid surface, gripping the sides of the clip with the thumb and middle finger of the right hand. With the left hand, insert the cartridges into the clip and hold them in place with the right forefinger inside the clip. When the rounds (less than eight) have all been inserted into the clip, place the clip on top of the follower without changing your grasp with your right hand, Use your left hand to assist in holding the cartridges in place and slide the clip down until the lip engages the top cartridge. Regracp the rifle with the left hand at the firing position. Press down on the top cartridge with the right thumb, the palm of the right hand against the stock, and the side of the hand pressing the operating rod handle slightly to the rear. When the clip is engaged by the rear stud of the clip latch, allow the bolt to move forward about an inch, withdraw the right thumb, release the operating rod handle; this allows the bolt to close_and lock. Whether using one or both hands, care should be taken to insure that the base of each cartridge is against the rear wall of the clip. ‘To RIFLE AT SAFE, The loaded rifle is kept locked until the moment of firing. To lock the rifle, snap the safety to its rear position inside the trigger guard. In this position, the trigger cannot be squeezed because the upper end of the trigger is THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 190 THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 TABLE OF MALFUNCTIONS Maliunetion Cause Correction by soldier Disty or rough chamber. | (1] Glean chamber. Failure to chamber. 1) (2) Rosticted gat pork. [2) Cloan gas port. LB) Dirly oF improperly lubri- | (3) Clean and lubricate rifle, ae [4] Replace clip. ; 4) Bont clip. {5) Remove ruplured cartridge {5) Ruptured cartridge case in case. chamber, Bolt not seated and locked. | (1) Pull operating rod handl Failure to fire (hammer ro- 0) oases bul rifle does not | (2) Dofoctive or broken firing | halfway Vo the rear an firo). pio, loose it, Insure compiote {3} Defective ammunition. locking. (2) Replace fring pin. (3) Dis Failure to extract. rly or rough chamber. | {1} Clean cham Rostrieled gas. pert. (2) Clean gas port. Dirly ammunition, (3] Diseard or clean round jluro to replace extractor | (4) Roplace extractor plang plunger and. spring. ond spring. (5) Replace extractor. {5) Broken extract Clip jumps out on seventh | Bent follower rod. Replace follower rod. round. Fires im bursts of wo oF | (I) Soar broken or worn, or re | (1) Replace trigger assembly ‘three rounds. maine in open position. or hammer spring housing. (2) Hammer spring housing tm- | (2) Disartomble end assemble properly assembled, trigger housing. group cor. restly. Safety releases whon prossure |Worn trigger stop on safety | Replace safety. ‘i applied on Higgar. or broken safely. Replace defective part. Pressure on trigger doos not | (1) Deformed hammer or trigger, | (1) release hammer. or worn trigger pin, ( (2) Trigger stiles Wigger housing 2) Turn in fo ordnance, Jumping rear # Creep in trig) Rare eat RisSnc isle vce | a cal dpe orem oe etn PLATE 28, TABLE OF MALFUNCTIONS blocked by the square shoulder of the safety (thus preventing the trigger lugs from disengaging the hammer hooks) and because the hook of the safety is engaged with the safety lug on the side of the hammer (thus preventing the hammer from moving forward). When focked, the rifle may be loaded or unloaded and operated by hand but cannot be fired. To unlock the Fille, push the safety (o its forward position. "TO CLEAR RIFLE. ‘To dear the rifle pull the operating rod fully 10 the rear, extracting and ejecting the cartridge from the chamber. Remove the clip from the receiver and leave the bole open, Inspect the receiver and chamber to insure that they are empty. TO ADJUST REAR SIGHT, ‘The rear sight is adjusted for range by turning the elevating knob. This knob has numbered graduations for 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, and 1,200 yards of range and index lines between these graduations for 100, 300, 500, 700, 900, and 1,100 yards, Adjustment for windage is made by urrning the windage knob. THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5, 191 Each windage graduation on the receiver represents an angular adjustment of 4 minutes. Elevating and windage knobs are graduated in “clicks” which represent 1 minute of angle or approximately 1 inch on the target for each 100 yards of range. Arrows on the knobs indicate the direction in which to tum them to obtain corresponding changes in the point of impact of the bullet. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Safety cannot’ be overemphasized. Whenever working with weapons, constant care and checking are necessary, Some of the precautions to observe in handling this rifle follow; these precautions ate not intended to replate other existing safety regulations: A rifle with its bolt dosed is never considered to be fe until it has been properly inspected. Do not playLully or carelessly point the rifle at anyone. Always consider the rifle loaded. Do not leave any obstruction in the muzzle or bore. STOPPAGES. All instruction in mechanical taining has been directed to the thorough understanding of the rifle so that the soldier understands the causes of stoppages and consequently what action is necessary to reduce them. A stoppage is any uninten- tional cessation of fire, Immediate action is the unkesitating application of a probable remedy to reduce a stoppage withous investigating the cause. IMMEDIATE ACTION. If the rifle fails to fire, pull the operating rod handle all the way to the rear with the right hand, pafor up; release it, aim and fire. This action will reduce approximately 954% of all stoppages. If the application of immediate action fails to clear up the trouble and it is necessery to continue firing, work the operating rod handle manually until you have sufficient time to investigate, ‘The remaining 5% of stoppages which are not remedied by the action deseribed above fall, roughly, into three classes: Failure 10 chamber, failure x0 fire, and failure to extract; other stoppages are presented in the table (Plate 28). ‘The necessary corrective n, based upon the knowledge of functioning, is presented in the table of malfunc- tions, Seuewce ano Mectanies bit of ordinary copper sereen is inserted at top of burner as shown, In use, the air inlet is closed when the burner is lighled. Open air control until a bright blue flame appears—E, E. SWANSON, Bunsen Burner Easy to Make From Oil Can AW the entire spout from the cover of an oil can. Over the opening solder a thin brass +—> THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 5 di ter of dis the gas orifice. A five inch te a hole } th of 1" brass tu ‘Because the al" width of sp: ng brass and slipped on the pipe. ‘This air inlet ¢

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