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Dec, 28th 2023

Writing An Informal Email

Asst. Lect. Maryam Dhafir Raheem

Jabir Ibn Hayyan for Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

College of Medical Sciences

First Grade/ First Course

?What is an Informal Email 1
An informal email is like having a casual chat with a friend, but in
written form. Unlike its formal counterpart, the informal email format is
laid-back and relaxed. Informal email examples often have friendly
greetings, personal anecdotes, and even the occasional emoji.
Picture swapping stories with buddies or sharing that hilarious cat
video link. Informal email examples often have friendly
greetings, personal anecdotes, and even the occasional emoji.
It’s the go-to when you’re reaching out to pals, family, or anyone you
have a close bond with. So, if you’re ever in the mood for a light,
breezy chat over email, the informal email route is the way to go!

2 Differences Between Formal and Informal Emails

Formal Email Informal Email

Written for business with a formal Personal communication with
tone friendly tone
Have a specific format Don’t have prescribed format
Starts with Dear sir/madam Starts with hi/ hey/ hello
Sent to people with high ranks Sent to friends and family
Tend to have complex and long Tends to have short simple
sentences sentences

3 Informal Email Format

3.1 Greetings:
Dear john/ Hello Jane
Not Dear brother, Dear cousin… X
3.2 Introduction (opening paragraph)

3.3 Main Part

3.4 Closing paragraph

3.5 Endings

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