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Mock-2023 C. What do you know about the most popular theory regarding origin of universe, briefly discuss future of universe? (5) D. Differentiates between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell also elaborate with the help of diagrams. () ( SECTION-B) Question No.6 ‘A. In how many quarters Rs, 10,200 will become Rs. 20,000 at 9% quarterly? (5) 8. Abuilder appoints three construction workers Ali, Ahmed and Arshad as one of his sites. They take 20, 30 and 60 days respectively to do a piece of work. How many days will it ake/Alito complete the entire work ifhe is assisted by Ahmed and Arshad? (5) . Find the least number which when divided by 35, 56 and 97 leaves the same'remnainder 7 in each case. (5) D. Agarrison has sufficient provision for 480 men for 12 days. if the number ef men reduced to 160, how long will the provisions last? (5) Question No.7 A. There are 50 students in a class. If 14% are absent on a particular day, find the number of students present in the class. (5) 8. Amna bought a $60 sweater on sale at 5% off. How much did she pay, including 5% sales tax? (5) . During the sale a clerk was putting néw price tags on each item. On one sweater, he accidentally raised the price by 20% instead of lowering the price by 20%. As a result the price on the tag was Rs.80 too high. What was the original price of sweater? (5) D. Awateh is showing 4:30 ifthe minute hand is facing East in which direction is the hour hand facing? (5) Question No.8 A. Define triangle and its types. (5) 8, If coded as HUMITK, how is CANDLE written in that code? (5) . Thereare3 boys and girlsin a club. If added the same number of boys and girls joined the club How many members does the club have now if the ratio of boys to girls is 3:4? (5) D, Solve the following equations. (5) 9x + 20y = 10 xeTy=8 Pro MAKTAB COMPETITIVE EXAMS SERVICES Current Affairs Workshop for CSS Special Instructor: Arslan Zahid Khan (CSP 51* CTP) Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) &. Revival of Pakistan’s Economy Aglance at the Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) trends in Pakistan: 1. 1965 Ayub era: FDIs accounted for 21 % of GDP owing to his Green’Revolution and Bonus Voucher Schemes 2. Post 1971 era: East Pakistan Crisis, Bhutto's Nationalization Zia's Islamization, Volatile Era of Troika, FDIs plunged and it went to 17% of. GDP 3. Musharaf Era: the period saw a bit stability, 19% of GDP: 4. Post Musharaf Era till 2023: FDIs decline and it stantat 13% of GDP 5. Future Target through SIFC: Increase in FDIs upito?5% of GDP What is SIFC? The Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) stands as a council initiated to entice foreign investments and stimulate the nation’Seconomic growth. Their immediate mission centers on elevating the Foreign Direct lAvestment (FDI) in Pakistan to the noteworthy sum of $5 billion. The establishment of the SIFC was a direct response to the pressing requirement for economic revitalization; specifically addressing the obstacles posed by bureaucratic red tape and intricate regulations that act as deterrents to foreign direct investment (FDI). With the objective of facilitating smoother collaboration with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).hations, the SIFC strives to open up investment prospects spanning various sector$, including agriculture and information technology. The SIFC operates as a paramount decision-making platform aimed at spearheading essential structural reforms within the economy. In its initial phases, the forum will concentrate on harnessing the potential of pivotal sectors like information technology, agriculture, energy, mineral resources, mining, and defense production. A primary objective of the SIFC continues to be the attraction of investments from friendly nations. Structure of SIFC: A hiybtid model of civilian and military leadership that would help the country attract foreign diréct investments in the country. Three Committees: Apex Committee (Prime Minister, ‘Amy Chief, Federal Ministers (Biannual meetups)), Executive Committee (Provincial Ministers. Secretaries, Technocrats and National Coordinator representing Pak Army (Monthly meetup)), Implementation Committee (DG SIFC would be Major General, SAPM on SIFC, Secretary to SIFG Secretariat (Fortnight meetup)) Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 Projects planned under SIFC: (Source: ‘$28bn investments in first phase. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are invited to invest in Pakistan Saudi Arabia’s pledge of $10bn investment in oil refinery Aramco (It will enhance the capacity of oil refining of Russian crude oil) Investments in the construction of Diamer Bhasha Dam Collaboration in mining operations and energy projects Partnerships in extraction of Gold in Reko Deq Balochistan Corporate farming in Cholistan (50000 acres) (a practice of large-scale agriculture on farms owned or greatly influenced by large companies. It concentrates food production through adoption of mechanized methods designed) to maximize production) Establishment of corporate dairy farm (20000 animals), Corporate feedlot farm (30000 animals), corporate camel farm (10000 animals): Information Technology Sector: Setup of technology zones, investments. in telecommunication infrastructure, investments in manufacturing of smart devices, Global skill hub (integrated delivery center) How FDIs through SIFC can help Pakistan’s Ecoiomy? 1 Economic Diversification: reduce the économy's reliance on a single industry or sector, making it more resilient to economic shocks. Transfer of Technology: these FDIs will bring with them advanced technologies, managerial expertise, and best practices. This knowledge transfer can improve the efficiency and productivity of local industries. Creation of employment dpportunities: SIFC has potential to generate around 3.2 million job opportunities in its first phase. (Source: Improvement in,busiftess environment: a breakthrough for local industry Access of locabindustries to global markets, increased exports, reduction of trade deficit Upsurgelin governmental revenues in terms of tax and duties jal View of the future of SIFC: Up~till now, the GCC countries have only pledged to invest in SIFC. The investments have not been materialized yet. Pakistan has a bleak history of failed economic plans owing to its flawed structural economic outlook and volatile political dynamics (Failure of five year plans, midterm economic framework, delays in CPEC projects, Technical flaws in energy projects and failure to materialize ML 1 Project, inability of inaugurate all SEZs on time, delays in making Gwadar an operational port) Militarization of Economy: Previous failed experiences w.r.t CPEC authority head by Lt. General, National Development Council head by Army Chief yield no Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 productive outcome for the country. In SIFC, military has more proactive role that would provide least opportunities to the private sector and local industry owing to the institutional interests. 4, Pakistan's volatile security situation and poor governance make investors reluctant to invest in the country. Foreign investor always looks in to the trends of domestic. investments before making any investment decision. Moreover, Pakistan's Ease of Doing Business ranking is 108 that is also a serious concern for an investor, 5. Pakistan's shift from China to GCC is a huge economic blunder. $20tr vs $2ir ‘economy, huge difference in technological advancements. ‘ 6. Lack of Transparency in SIFC and CPEC projects a> Policy options for Pakistan to revive its economy: 1. Improving security and ensure political stability within a countrys. —) 2. Bring transparency in economic policies to bolster investor confidence (particularly investors from western world) 3. Offers private sector a level playing field to operate ip. Bkistan by sidetining the institutional economic interests (Case in point: Railway-and airline industry) 4. Improving ease of doing business by offering One Stop Investment Centers (offer services such as business registration, permits; pend licenses, making it easier for investors to navigate bureaucracy.) C- 5. Develop a skilled and educated workforce t6°meet the needs of foreign investors. Invest in education and vocational trainifid programs to enhance human capital. 6. Offer attractive incentives such as tax breaks, customs duty exemptions, and repatriation of profits to foreign investors. Special economic zones with tailored incentives can be establishéd tovattract investment in specific sectors. 7. Establish effective and trafhsparent dispute resolution mechanisms to address potential conflicts betwéeh foreign investors and the government. (Case in Point: RekoDeq) Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 MAKTAB COMPETITIVE EXAMS SERVICES Current Affairs Workshop for CSS Special Instructor: Arslan Zahid Khan (CSP 51* CTP) Resurgence of Terrorism in Pakistan © Defining terrorism: oe) A fear generating political activity that psychologically influences an audier yy Means of targeting or threatening to target non-combatants with a credible thi harm. Four indicator of terrorism are; Incidents, Fatalities, Injuries, Hostages, Facts on terrorism in Pakistan: oy 1. Pakistan recorded the second largest increase ecrsiemseised deans worldwide in 2022, with the toll rising significantly ter643, a 120% rise from the 292 deaths the previous year. Burkina Faso had the largest number of deaths globally, increasing from 759 to 1,135 in 2022 (Source: Global Terrorism Index 2022). 2. Pakistan's ranking in GTI moved up four plages to sixth due to sharp increase in fatalities, 3, The Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLALWaS responsible for 36% or a third of terror- related deaths in Pakistan, a nin jorease from the year prior, making it “the fastest-growing terrorist grou le world,” It has overtaken TTP. Of the 233 deaths attributed to BLA , 95% were of military personnel. 4. According to a May 202 nalytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team report, the number of Pékstani militants of all stripes operating in Afghanistan may be as high as 6,000, 500. A great majority of them will likely drift back into ins control in parts of the Pashtun tribal belt sandwiched between Paki: and Afghanistan. incurred the loss of $50bn to Pakistan's economy in last five \g to UNDP report of 2022 Driving f. behind terrorism in Pakistan: ism is based on nationalist inspired violence rather than influenced by Fqaeda style Islamic Terrorism Identity Crisis: a driver of spreading extremism and terrorism in the country. . Sectarian Terrorism: Shia Sunni conflicts after Zia Islamization 4. Pakistan's geostrategic location and indulgence of spreading terrorism by arch rivals in the country: (Case in Point: Involvement of India in creating disturbance in geostrategic transit provinces) Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 5. Complicity of Pakistani state in waging Jehad in neighbouring countries (Case in Point of Jamat ud Dawa's fighters being recruited by ISIS and TTP and they are being used against Pakistan) 6. Persecution of Baloch nationalists (Five military operations in Balochistan to supress nationalist struggles in the province led to the emergence of BLA) Violent Extremist Organizations (VEQs) involved in terrorism in Pakistan: 1. Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan: The group got realigned in recent years. Its me groups; Jamat ul Ahrar, Tariq Gidar Group, Hizbul Ahrar renewed thei be of allegiance to Noor Wali Mehsood. Realignment of TTP Doctrin jalab © Mehsud: Transforming the fundamentals from Hanafism to ae ‘Salafism) Major aim is destruction of existing order. (MITNOR — Three a: Ideological exclusivity, Illiberalism, Historic Frame of Reference) /y 2. Islamic State of Khorasan: Opposition to the very combat of nation state. Broader interests in Khorasan. Its emergence came fygsif-afghan refugee camps in Pakistan through a pamphlet by its founding lea fu Musa Ali Zarqawi The organization is a merger or TTP, Afghan Taliban,.|si@mic Movement of Uzbekistan (MITNOR) Se 3. Algaeda: Transformation from OBL to nahi ir’s anti Pakistan's philosophy Alzawahiri was involved in Lal masjid case, Benazir killings (MITNOR) 4, Lashkare Taiba: Sectarian motives nt organization (MITNOR) 5. Balochistan Libration Army: Socie Bonomic Grievances ies at Pakistan's end ing@iriring terrorism: 1. Massive strategic miscations to help lift Afghan Taliban into power by ignoring their ideological bond yittPTP. 2. Policy of appeasane towards TTP: Secret release of Muslim Khan and Ehsanullah Ehsay recent negotiations with TTP were tactical blunders that Vulnerabil 4. WeaknessJof diplomatic maturity was seen from Pakistani side in recent Pak Af eace talks 5. jive resistance was seen by locals of FATA 6.\Fhé military's India Centric perspective does not prepare itself for combating a still leadlier enemy. (18000 vs 70000 deaths) SOP cestny lias and feligious’ scholars hi ochiderce Bunting nical Have proved counter-productive and many of the members of such delegations have proved spoilers rather than helping the state reach a consensus Policy options for Pakistan to counter terrorism: 1, There should be an open discussion and ensure transparency in the country’s Afghan policy within and outside parliament, including on terrorism in Pakistan ‘Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 MAKTAB COMPETITIVE EXAMS SERVICES Current Affairs Workshop for CSS Special Instructor: Arslan Zahid Khan (CSP 51* CTP) US China Technological War: Global Implications afd Way Forward oa Aglance at the historic rivalry of US and China: (Source: yp Establishment of China in 1949 Korean War of 1950's oe Taiwan Strait Crisis 1954 Tibetan War 1962 @NOOSONA China's First Nuclear Test 1964 cS Nixon Visit to china in 1972 and official relations stated in 1979, One China Policy Strained Relations in Tiananmen Square Ma; in 1989 Improved Ties in 2008: China Became kaigést foreign Creditor of US worth $600bn 9. China the second largest economy i rid in. 2010 10.US Pivot to Asia Policy — Incr investments, diplomatic, economic and strategic interests in Asia PacificcRegion 11.Confrontation in South Ching Séarin 2015 12.Trump Era and Start of, “abe war: Imposition of tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum worth SOIR 13. Escalation of Trade, joth countries impose tariffs on each other worth $34bn 14. Trade war intensit@s Biden Era Multiple areas of ‘ts between US and China: 1A senha s global leadership 2. Conf litical ideologies: Democracy versus Autocracy 3 coegteoae interests: Case in point of South China Sea and Taiwan Crisis 4 radicting foreign Policy priorities: Interference vs absolute sovereignty or the of hard vs soft power We Grebe institutional rivalry: IMF, WB, WTO vs AlIB, New Development Bank, SCO Development Bank, Silk Road Fund (Washington vs Beijing Consensus) 6. A war of infrastructure corridors: BRI vs Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI!) 7. Concemns over Human rights: US is critical on Chinese oppression against Uyghurs and Hong Kong protestors 8. Climate politics between the two bigwigs 9. Trade and Technological war ‘Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 Current Manifestations of US China Confrontation in the domain of Technology: 4. 2 3. 8. 9. Made in China Vision 2025: Transforming China from a manufacturing giant to a manufacturing super power Chinese provisions of state subsidies to ‘Tech Sector’ in order to supersede US in Tech competition Tech war is transformed from trade war and itis being fought in 5G technology, Al, and Semiconductor domains S US concerns over Huawei Technologies Co's dominance in 5G tet xinioay. morphed into a broader tech war. Meng Wanzhou, Huawei Chief Evege was arrested in Canada Ban on Social Media networking Sites Facebook, Google are sd in China, where as TikTok and Wechat are not allowed in USA. Raising Voices of Decoupling In USA: Since 2001 China's (ining of WTO made the two economies interlinked. China is a workshop of peguied Products, Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-E @ in Technology, and Economic Strength (COMPETES) Act 2022 on US to counter China in technological War Chips and Science Act 2022 of the US boigifeg tech industrial production with an investment of $40bn S The Inflation Reduction Act includes linked to semiconductors, xx incentives for R&D, in many cases 10.China’s Vision 2035 and 14" Fup plan (2021-2026) inculcate technological advancements in Al, Quantu uuting, 5*" and 6” Generation technology Impacts of US China Tech War the World: 1 Global Economic Meltd@in: Tariffs on each other and allies have created cracks 1y. Chinese sanctions on Japanese and south Korean cd the economic growth of Asian economies lobal Competitive Market: Created opportunities for the small loit economic opportunities from the either Global giant. Both investing in third world countries for cheaper prices, Economy of Jodie! of China. US recent investments in Nicaragua || integration has replaced Globalization. Global supply chains are jcted to the respective regions, iversification of Global Innovation Ecosystem: The tech war has prompted other countries to invest in their own technology sectors to compete with the U.S. and China. For example, India, Japan, Germany, Brazil US China confrontation has strengthened the role of regional organizations in international political; economy. Formation of BRICS, SCO, RCEP are the true manifestation of this. Majority of countries have shifted their tilt towards China owing to its respect for absolute sovereignty, non-interference, more pluralistic international discourse Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 which is opposite to American policy of interference. Xi Jinping's Global Development Initiative (GDI) and Global Security Initiative (GSI) 7. A serious blow to American technological sector after Silicon Valley Bank Crisis following the US. China Trade war 8. Intensity of armed conflict between China and US in Taiwan Crisis Way forward to mitigate the intensity of US China Confrontation: 1. China needs to focus on dealing with the sources of Western bus) ane discontent and cyber espionage, while indicating a clear willingne ugh actions and not just words, to involve Western capitals and busin rests in Chinese economic enterprises such as the Belt and Road roe 2. Formation of a senior-level U.S.-China tech dialogue that woul long-term vision for U.S.-China relations in the technol include identifying areas of cooperation and competition lop a shared ain. This can 3. Cooperation in the areas of public diplomacy (SoupcéOAmir Rana’s Article Dawn) g. 4, Development of conflict resolution mechanism focs¢Selving disputes in tech sector §._ Addiessing Intellectual propeity rights concer} Each other 6. Strict crackdown of the tech companies luman rights concems and data Piven 7. Ensuring safe and eq ‘Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 MAKTAB COMPETITIVE EXAMS SERVICES Current Affairs Workshop for CSS Special Instructor: Arslan Zahid Khan (CSP 51* CTP) Saudi Iran Rapprochement: Regional i i and Prospects for Pakistan Aglance at the historic rivalry of Saudi Arabia and Iran: (Source: Iranian Revolution 1979 Iran Iraq War 1980-1988 Arab Spring and Proxy wars in Syria, Yemen and Lebani Ethnic divisions in neighboring countries Pakistan snag Makkah Stampede 2015: 2000 pilgrims were Kille« 00) Execution of Nimr al Nimar in 2016 A Suspension of Hajj Activities by Iran Qatar Blockade 2017 and divisions within ore Saw Eastern region 9. Attacks on Saudi Facilities by Houthis it 2020 and 2021 istan and Iraq re Iranians @PNOOSONS Driving factors behind Saudi Iran Wicd o al 1. Sectarian Differences: Shia St Conflicting political ideologi \servative Monarchy versus Theocratic Republic 3. Geostrategic concems: ie growing clout on Strait of Hormuz has created a dilemma for Saudi Aes 4. Saudi Population dy@amics: 15 percent Shiite live in Saudi Arabia and are based in the easter prc Al Ghawar, the world’s largest oil reservoir. Concerns: Presence of western forces in the region vs ighboring countries 6. US ne ia defense ties (S650 bn of arms trade every year according to the Econ; a security dilemma for Iran 7 Re Political and Economic Interests: Divisions in OIC and OPEC wna led to Saudi Iran Rapprochement? Pintensive domestic and international pressure on Iran over the death of a Kurdish girl Mahsa Amini. A London based satellite channel, Iran International encouraged the protestors. Saudi involvement was also seen there. (Source: 2. Sky rocketing inflation and 55% devaluation or Iranian Riyal compelled the country to seek détente with Saudi Arabia and IAEA in order to at least revive regional trade (Source: 3. Saudi’s aims of diversifying its Economy: Neom City, Vision 2030, Attracting FDIs ‘encouraged the country to bring stability in the region along with rival neighbor. ‘Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 4. US Factor: Saudi's recent strained relations with USA specially right after the halt of US support in Yemen compelled them to have a truce with Iran and its shift in foreign policy brought it at par with Iran China Factor: It has substantially increased its economic and diplomatic dialogue with countries in the Middle East. Chinese investment in the Middle East focuses particularly on energy, infrastructure, construction, agriculture and finance. Both sides have mutual interest in integrating the BRI into national regeneration schemes, such as Saudi Vision 2030, the Abu Dhabi Economic Visio, a 5. 6. Jordan 2025, Tlirkiye’s Middle Corridor, and Kuwait's Vision 2038. | ary 2023, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the “Glo} scurity Initiative” (GSI) concept paper, which inter alia declares that Bei il promote the political resolution of regional conflicts by encouraging thefts involved to resolve their disputes through dialogue and comy tion (Source: Islamabad Strategic Studies Institute Article) Long Term Impacts on the Middle Eastern Region: LP 1. Resolution of regional conflicts and reduction in, tecktoris particularly in Yemen and Syria 2. Counterterrorism and security colaboraifg ‘enhanced cooperation against militant groups i.e. ISIS, Aiqaeda, Al-Nu 3. Irrelevance of USA in MENA region Aetitcan blow to Abraham Accords and 12U2 agreements) 4, Strengthening of GCC and get in respect to creating harmony in Muslim Ummah the MENA region in near future (China Iran $400 2022, Saudi China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership 2022, ulf Summit for Security and Cooperation in Riyadh in Dec 2022, che ‘ab Summit ate) Areas of raion are; defense, hyd jurope Economic Corridor (IMEC) & BRI) 7. Strerfatbening of autocratic rule and bleak future of democracy in the Middle East rabia and Iran, becoming part of Anti-Westem Alliances BRICS and SCO, ‘going to make a new world order its of Saudi Iran Rapprochement: A Counter Perspective: 1. Skeptics refer to historical rivalry and animosity between Persians and Arabs, along with jurisprudential differences and historical conflicts between Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam (Source: 2. The rivalry between the two states for leadership of the Islamic world as preventing any strategic entente. (Source: ‘Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540 Prospects for Pakistan in the wake of Saudi Iran rapprochement: 1. 2. Noos Western Expansion of GPEC (WCPEC+) Trade and Economic opportunities for the country: Cheap energy from Iran, inauguration of 100MW power plant where Iran will supply energy to Gwadar, inauguration of one of the six border markets “Mand-Pishin". Both countries are going to expand their trade volume up to $5 bn through barter trade mechanism. Reduction in sectarian conflicts in Pakistan: a road to ending animosity be Shia Sunni factions in the country Alignment of Iranian, Saudi and Pakistan's interests in Afghanistan & A coherent and unanimous response to Kashmir and Palestine 'ssy@@) Strategic Independence from Saudi dominance QV Countering US India defense alliance and 12U2 by forming ew Quad ie. Pakistan China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia 9 Maktab Competitive Exams Services — 2C Mason Road Near British Council Lahore - 03224059540

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