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is just a very wholesome fluffy romantic concept my bff and I made all the way

back in 2019!.. may or may not have made an entire YouTube series dedicated to what
was supposed to be JUST a joke, but now she and I adore this couple as our favorite
Nintendo couple. And maaayyy have gotten other people to ship too. It just makes
too much sense, okay?

Now you might be confused; "Chaya, if you made this into a full blown series why do
you wanna RP it? And there you go being a freak again!"

Well, I've done many, and I do mean, MANY concepts of Pit X Peach (affectionately
known as Pitch) together with my bff but I want some new voices helping me explore
some things of this couple together! As obscure as the ship is, or how obscure Kid
Icarus is in general. So if you'll entertain my silly mind for a while, let me
share some concepts I want to do! They will vary in genre, style etc. But first,
you know how it is, RULE TIME!

NO FADE TO BLACK! Thankfully no one has asked me (yet) for that, but NSFW
anything is going straight in the garbage can- like any of Peach's failed desserts.
This is strictly a wholesome fluffy cutesy romance roleplay, and so if it's
obscene, adult, cussing, extremely violent, etc. I don't want it. Like, at all.
Usually I'm a semi-lit or fully-lit RP'er but because this one is so casual I'm
more lenient this time around! Just don't do one worded responses and we're good!
Do try to be descriptive if you can but, again, this really is just a silly for-fun
thing so...
If you don't know anything about Kid Icarus (I'd be playing as Peach just so
you know), I can help! It's rather quiet compared to other Nintendo properties but
I'll graciously fill ya in! And if you do end up knowing about Kid Icarus stuff
already, awesome! You won't need to know all the lore for this, really just the
basics, but the more knowledge the better!
If we choose a prompt that has some more drama to it, let's make each other
cry--! Just kidding, but let's not drag out any sad bits, just enough for me
personally to get emotionally invested, lol.

And that should be all the rules! Now allow me to give some prompts!

🍰Strawberry Shortcake🍰
Pit (you) gets an invitation to enjoy some cake with Princess Peach (me). What an
honor, she's the best baker he's ever met! Surely he won't let this kind of
opportunity go to waste! He hastily gets to the castle and enjoy the spoils of her
labor, getting to know each other more than they ever could during Tetris and Super
Smash Brothers. But... they quickly discover Pit's the only one who actually
received the invitation- the rest were lost in the mail. Despite this setback they
have a great time and Peach sends Pit home with plenty to share with the rest of
Skyworld... only for her ring to be lost amongst the icing from slicing it earlier.
Pit discovers the ring and plan to return it, but when he comes down, Peach is
baking once again. And since he's come, why not teach him how she does things! So
not only does she teach him how she make the best cakes in the Mushroom Kingdom,
but gets even closer to him in the process. So Pit comes and visits more often for
those baking lessons... and the two fall in love along the way, bonding over their
shared love of pastries and desserts... especially strawberry shortcake (we can
include Bowser finding out or not, up to you!)

👑A Royal Ball... or Is It?👑

The final match of Super Smash Brothers has just concluded. Princess Peach (me),
beyond the odds, defeats her opponent and opens her palace to her fellow
competitors and any guests they wish for a *Smashing* royal ball- something Peach
has wanted to do for quite some time. Pit (you) excitedly get ready, with him,
Palutena, and Dark Pit joining the festivities. As everyone mingles, Toadsworth-
Peach's childhood caregiver and trusted advisor- drops a bombshell on everyone:
this ball isn't JUST for fun but it's another competition- specifically for the
boys... for Peach's hand! Not only are their court manners tested by the ball, but
they- in the style of Medieval Knights- go back to brawling with chivalry and
honor! And whoever wins will become Peach's "special one". Pit is just excited for
more adventure, while Dark Pit immediately bails out, not interested. And after a
pep talk from Palutena, Pit is ready to go. But, even with the men who bow out
(such as Marth, Roy, Chrom, Luigi, and Corrin) there's still two big contenders to
deal with; Mario and Bowser. They've been waiting for this, and they won't let
anyone stand in the way of their ultimate goals in life.
(If we do just want a royal ball without the competition that's okay too! I do want
the two to waltz at some point either way teehee)

🎇World of Light Told Anew🎇

We all know how World of Light goes, right? Everyone but Kirby is killed, he has to
save everyone's spirits and then they all fight Galeem and Dharkon. Well, Kirby may
be Sakurai's first love, but he did Kid Icarus Uprising so why not let it be Pit
(you) that lives instead of him? So while everyone else is destroyed, per usual,
Pit is the sole survivor this time. It's now up to him to save everyone. And as he
recruits more people he gets to where Peach is held. Seeing his close friend in
this state hurts him but he will stop at nothing to save her. And he's successful!
So now as they wander with the rest of the party, they learn just how much in
common they have... and their little love shines in the darkness of the calamity
they're about to face.

⌚Cinder-Pit (Cinderella)⌚
Pit (you) has been living under the oppressive thumb of his boss- Palutena- for
years. Worse yet, she has two other gods to bully him around too. He doesn't get a
single moment's breath. Whether it's training troops and patrolling for Underworld
baddies, to janitorial work around Palutena's temple and being her personal
punching bag. And because Pit can't fly without her divine blessing, he has no
escape... until a mysterious invitation arrives saying all eligible men should
attend the ball in Princess Peach's honor to find her a husband. "A night out" Pit
thinks. In truth he doesn't expect to be a candidate for Peach but just a couple
hours peace from Palutena and her posse sounds like Heaven. But how could someone
like him attend? Palutena won't let him, but with a little magic and some hope,
maybe he can go after all.

🩰Un, Deux, Trois🩰

After being told, mostly jokingly, that he's graceful and should become a
ballerino, Pit (you) decides to enroll in the premiere ballet academy where all the
best dancers in gaming history attend. And he decides to drag his no-so-happy twin
Dark Pit along. As soon as they arrive, they see Peach- the star of the studio-
doing a routine. Pit is enamored and in awe, and Dark Pit does have to admit she
dances well. Pit introduces himself and the two hit it off immediately. When Pit
asks what she's practicing for, Peach explains there are tryouts for "The
Nutcracker" coming up. But it's a competitive performance to get good roles in, so
she offers to help Pit and Dark Pit if they want to try out too. Unknown to them,
as Peach helps Pit one cold morning, the dance instructor sees them and decides
before they even audition that they will be the Sugarplum Fairy and the Fairy's
Cavalier. A newbie like Pit getting a massive role? Alongside the best student?!
There's no way! But in Pit fashion, he's excited to do this and he and Peach
practice more together till it's clear on the stage that their chemistry isn't just
in dance alone...

Comment if you're interested and tell me which plot/s you're thinking of! Just
remember the rules here and on my profile and we'll be good! I do prefer to use
Discord but if you're more comfort here we definitely ca

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