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Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Impact of carbon footprint of bank loans and fossil fuel subsidies on

ecological footprint in Tunisia: A contingency and asymmetric analysis
Maureen Ifeoma Iyke-Ofoedu a, Nnenna G. Nwonye b, Ishaku Prince Abner c, Hillary
Chijindu Ezeaku d, Obinna Ubani e, *
Department of Management, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria
Department of Banking and Finance, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria
Coordinator Oil, Gas and Energy Unit, University of Abuja Business School, Abuja, Nigeria
Department of Banking and Finance, Caritas University Enugu, Nigeria
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria


Handling Editor: Jing Meng This study examines the impact of the carbon footprint of bank loans (CFBL) and fossil fuel subsidies (TFFS) on
the ecological footprint of Tunisia using a linear and nonlinear ARDL framework. The study found that a 1%
Keywords: increase in CFBL is associated with a 0.15% increase in ecological footprint, whereas a 1% increase in TFFS is
Carbon footprint correlated with a 0.80% increase in ecological footprint. This suggests that fossil fuel subsidies have a larger
Fossil fuel subsidies
detrimental impact on the ecological footprint compared to CFBL. The results provide evidence of an asymmetric
Ecological footprint
relationship between CFBL, TFFS, and ecological footprints. Specifically, CFBL has a significant positive asso­
Environmental taxation
Sustainability ciation with ecological footprint, with a 1% increase in CFBL associated with a 0.01% increase in ecological
footprint, while a 1% decrease in CFBL results in a 0.002% increase in ecological footprint. TFFS has a more
pronounced impact on ecological footprint, with a 1% increase associated with a 0.14% decrease and a 1%
decrease associated with a 0.30% decrease, which is twice as large. The findings suggest that positive shocks in
environmental taxation lead to a 0.54% decrease in ecological footprints, while negative shocks have a pro­
foundly detrimental effect with a 1.33% increase in ecological footprints. Additionally, the interaction effect
indicates that the effectiveness of CFBL and TFFS on ecological footprints is contingent on the level of envi­
ronmental tax. The result shows that with a 1% increase in environmental tax, the negative impact of CFBL and
TFFS on ecological footprints decreases by 0.02% and 0.09%, respectively. These findings underscore the
importance of reducing carbon emissions and fossil fuel subsidies and implementing effective environmental
taxation policies to promote sustainability and mitigate environmental damage.

1. Introduction in funding activities that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions,

resulting in a substantial carbon footprint and associated environmental
In light of mounting global concerns regarding climate change and repercussions, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and
environmental sustainability, the role of bank loans in financing in­ biodiversity loss (Dogan et al., 2019). The staggering extent of support,
dustries with varying carbon intensity has come under increased scru­ with the 60 largest global banks alone extending USD$3.8 trillion to the
tiny (Németh-Durkó, 2020). This heightened awareness underscores the fossil fuel industry, further underscores the critical importance of scru­
urgent need for financial institutions to reevaluate their investments in tinizing lending practices (Banking on Climate Chaos, 2021).
environmentally detrimental projects (Takahashi and Shino, 2023). In alignment with this momentum, Japanese banks have signifi­
Given its significant influence on capital allocation, the finance industry cantly reduced loans to companies with elevated greenhouse gas emis­
emerges as a pivotal player in achieving environmental sustainability sions, especially within the context of sustainable investing (Takahashi
goals (WWF & Greenpeace, 2021). Specifically, banks play a crucial role and Shino, 2023). This aligns with the assertion of Herbohn et al. (2019),

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: maureen.iyke-ofoedu@unn.edu.ng (M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu), nnenna.nwonye@unn.edu.ng (N.G. Nwonye), ishaku.abner@uniabuja.edu.ng
(I.P. Abner), gijindu@gmail.com (H.C. Ezeaku), obinna.ubani@unn.edu.ng (O. Ubani).

Received 5 May 2023; Received in revised form 21 September 2023; Accepted 25 September 2023
Available online 26 September 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

who posit that investors now expect banks to factor in carbon risk in developing countries and emerging markets grappling with analogous
their lending deliberations. These observations underscore the enduring dilemmas of balancing economic expansion with environmental well-
global commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) being.
initiatives, aimed at advancing environmental sustainability and This study endeavours to bridge two critical research gaps. Firstly,
diminishing ecological footprints. while existing studies have delved into the impact of carbon footprint on
The nexus between the carbon footprint of bank loans and Tunisia’s environmental sustainability, the comprehensive effect of total fossil
ecological footprint is a multifaceted interplay influenced by economic fuel subsidies (encompassing both implicit and explicit subsidies) on
growth, energy pricing, government policies, technological progress, ecological footprint remains underexplored. Prior studies have not suf­
and the global context. A comprehensive understanding of these dy­ ficiently probed the role of these subsidies in shaping the ecological
namics is imperative in formulating effective strategies that promote footprint, thereby limiting our grasp of the complete environmental
environmental sustainability without compromising economic progress. impact of fossil fuel utilization. Secondly, antecedent investigations
Further, fossil fuel subsidies have also been pinpointed as a signifi­ scrutinizing the interplay between financial development and environ­
cant driver behind the escalating ecological footprints observed world­ mental sustainability bear certain limitations. They often employ
wide (Li and Sun, 2018). The production and consumption of fossil fuels banking sector credit as a surrogate for financial development, yet fail to
carry a gamut of detrimental environmental consequences, including air differentiate loans designated for carbon-emitting purposes from those
and water pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction (Asselt, earmarked for eco-friendly initiatives. This lack of granularity impedes
2018). These subsidies can be categorized into two primary forms: an accurate assessment of financial development’s specific influence on
explicit and implicit. Explicit subsidies involve direct financial transfers, environmental sustainability.
while implicit subsidies encompass more indirect forms, such as failing To redress these lacunae, this study scrutinizes the relationship be­
to account for environmental costs or inadequately enforcing regula­ tween the carbon footprint of bank loans and fossil fuel subsidies, both
tions. Fossil fuel subsidies primarily consist of support for exploration explicit and implicit. It encompasses a comprehensive array of fossil fuel
and production, consumption incentives, and infrastructure and trans­ subsidies, encompassing facets like accidents, coal, congestion, elec­
portation assistance. The cumulative impact of these activities exerts tricity, forgone VAT, global warming, local air pollution, natural gas,
adverse effects on the ecological footprint. petroleum, and road damage. By factoring in these elements, the study
In essence, the ecological footprint serves as a comprehensive metric aspires to provide a more thorough comprehension of how carbon-
for assessing the environmental impact of human activities, encapsu­ embodied bank lending and fossil fuel subsidies shape the environment.
lating changes in land use and total energy consumption during pro­ Moreover, this study introduces a fresh perspective by investigating
duction. It quantifies the biologically productive land and water the burgeoning impact of environmental policy and innovation in
required for resource production and waste assimilation. Beyond its role attaining net-zero targets. The incorporation of interaction terms in this
in the carbon cycle, this metric encompasses critical ecological pro­ study facilitates an evaluation of whether and how environmental tax
cesses, including water utilization, biodiversity loss, and land degrada­ may aid in mitigating the adverse effects of carbon footprint and fossil
tion (Zambrano-Monserrate et al., 2020). Expressed in global hectares fuel subsidies on the environment. This facet enriches the analysis by
(gha), this measure symbolizes the average biologically productive area contemplating potential policy interventions to address the environ­
necessary to sustain the consumption and waste generation of an indi­ mental challenges posed by the financial sector.
vidual. Tunisia emerges as a compelling focal point for this study, This study holds significant importance in augmenting the existing
epitomizing a nation making significant inroads in curbing its carbon body of knowledge regarding the complex interrelationships among the
footprint and championing environmental sustainability. Simulta­ financial sector, energy sector, and the environment. It provides crucial
neously, it confronts challenges linked to energy security and reliance on insights for policymakers in developing and emerging economies. Ulti­
fossil fuels. mately, it aims to inform decisions aligned with net-zero and sustain­
The empirical data from the IMF climate change database and the ability goals.
Mendeley dataset for various years demonstrate a clear correlation be­
tween the percentage of carbon footprint-adjusted loans (% of Total 2. Literature review
Loans) and the Ecological Footprint per capita in Tunisia. Over the
observed years, an increase in the percentage of carbon footprint- 2.1. Fossil fuel subsidies and ecological footprint
adjusted loans corresponds with a rise in the Ecological Footprint per
capita. For example, in 2012, with carbon footprint-adjusted loans at Climate change is a critical global concern, with the financial sector’s
115.335% of total loans, the ecological footprint per capita was 2.170. role in mitigating it being crucial. This literature review examines the
This indicates a substantial impact of bank loans, particularly those influence of bank loans and implicit fossil fuel subsidies on ecological
associated with carbon-intensive industries, on the overall ecological footprint, aiming to inform policy interventions for a sustainable, low-
footprint of the country. The data further reinforces this relationship, carbon economy.
illustrating the link between total fossil fuel subsidies (% of GDP) and Achieving ambitious emissions mitigation targets requires the crit­
ecological footprint per capita. In 2013, with fossil fuel subsidies ac­ ical reform of fossil fuel subsidies (Rentschler and Bazilian, 2017). The
counting for 11.739% of Tunisia’s GDP, the ecological footprint per removal of fossil fuel subsidies is often motivated by the fact that these
capita was 2.170. This suggests that both explicit and implicit fossil fuel subsidies promote over-consumption of energy, which in turn has a
subsidies contribute to a larger ecological footprint by promoting detrimental effect on environmental quality (Burniaux and Château,
carbon-intensive practices and impeding the transition to more sus­ 2014). Kotchen (2021) estimated that implicit fossil fuel subsidies in the
tainable alternatives. They underscore the urgency for targeted and United States result in a direct benefit of $62 billion per year to fossil fuel
informed policy measures to foster a more sustainable future. producers. These subsidies arise due to unpriced environmental and
As a middle-income nation with an evolving financial sector, Tunisia public health costs. The financial benefit is comparable to 18% of net
presents a distinctive context for examining the influence of the carbon income for the median natural gas and oil producer and exceeds net
footprint of bank loans and implicit fossil fuel subsidies on ecological income for most coal producers. Although the study is limited to only
footprint, alongside the potential mitigating effects of environmental tax implicit fossil fuel subsidies, the results shed light on the domestic fossil
and technological innovation. Its status as the sole African country with fuel industry’s financial stake in policies addressing climate change,
accessible data on the carbon footprint of bank loans renders it a local pollution, and transportation inefficiencies.
particularly intriguing subject of inquiry. Insights gleaned from com­ In a study conducted by Solarin (2020) using the GMM approach, the
prehending this dynamic can offer invaluable guidance to other impact of fossil fuel subsidies on environmental degradation was

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

analyzed in 35 emerging and developing countries. The results of the (2022) also highlight the potential of digital financial development to
study showed that an increase in fossil fuel subsidies leads to an increase promote sustainable development from an ecological footprint
in ecological footprint. It is worth noting that the study did not specify perspective in China. The study shows that bridging the digital divide,
the type of fossil fuel subsidies examined, but it did account for only four improving environmental constraints, and government digital gover­
out of the five components of total (implicit and explicit) fossil fuel nance capacity can help amplify the marginal effects of digital finance
subsidies, leaving a gap in the analysis. In a related study, Wesseh et al. and mitigate ecological footprint.
(2016) discovered that energy subsidies significantly reduce environ­ Further, Omoke et al. (2020) conducted a study on the nonlinear
mental quality in Ghana. However, their study solely concentrated on dynamic effects of financial development on ecological footprint in
CO2 emissions, which does not provide a complete picture of the envi­ Nigeria. They found that a positive shock in financial development leads
ronmental impact as compared to ecological footprint. In a study con­ to a significant reduction in ecological footprint, while a negative shock
ducted by Hadj (2021), the impact of biomass energy consumption on has the opposite effect. This underscores the significance of sustainable
ecological footprint was examined in an economy dependent on fossil financial development in promoting sustainability. However, the exist­
fuels using the nonlinear ARDL technique. The study findings indicate ing literature has limitations in terms of not considering the potential
that fossil fuel energy and natural resource rents have a negative effect mediating role of environmental policy tools and exploring the asym­
on the ecological footprint. On the other hand, positive biomass energy metric context of the relationship, with only Omoke et al. (2020) con­
consumption results in a decrease in ecological footprint, both in the ducting a nonlinear assessment of the financial activity-sustainability
short and long term. Further, in a study by Lu et al. (2021), an assess­ nexus.
ment of different water scenarios revealed that Sea-RO and Radulescu et al. (2022) investigated the impact of banking devel­
On-reclamation exhibited greater environmental impacts, primarily opment, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth on the
attributed to their high energy demands. ecological footprint of 27 OECD countries from 1990 to 2018 using the
Previous studies have examined the drivers of emissions in various method of moments quantile regression (MMQR). The results revealed
countries and identified the existence of the Environmental Kuznets that a 1% increase in banking expansion in OECD nations led to an in­
Curve (EKC) hypothesis, which suggests that environmental degradation crease in ecological footprint across all quantiles. Meanwhile, Faiella
increases with economic growth up to a certain point, after which it and Lavecchia (2020) contend that the carbon footprint of Italian bank
declines. For example, Acheampong et al. (2019) found that FDI and loans is relatively small compared to their European counterparts.
renewable energy reduce CO2 emissions, while trade openness, financial Additionally, they estimated that outstanding loans exposed to transi­
development, and population growth increase emissions in 46 tion risk could range between 37% and 53% of total loans based on data
sub-Saharan African nations, and the EKC hypothesis is supported. In a from 2018.
related study Al-Mulali et al. (2016) found that real GDP, financial Singh et al. (2023) posit that the influence of financial inclusion is
development, and urbanization positively affect emissions in 107 more pronounced in higher quantiles, suggesting that in nations with
countries, and the EKC hypothesis is supported in developing countries. already elevated ecological footprint levels, financial inclusion tends to
Conversely, Shahbaz et al. (2015) found that real GDP and energy in­ bolster ecological impact. Furthermore, Abid et al. (2023), employing
tensity increase emissions, while globalization decreases emissions in 19 Panel quantile regression across 18 European countries, assert that
African countries, and there is limited evidence supporting the EKC climate change mitigation advances environmental progress univer­
hypothesis in the countries under investigation. Existing research on sally, with energy selection playing a pivotal role in solidifying these
emissions drivers and the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypoth­ mitigation endeavors. Within the sphere of G10 economies, Abid et al.
esis lacks sufficient investigation into the influence of fossil fuel sub­ (2023b) discovered that robust environmental regulations and the
sidies on emissions. Additionally, this limited research fails to address adoption of renewable energy sources lead to a substantial reduction in
the asymmetric effect of fuel subsidies, underscoring the need for further material footprint.
empirical inquiry. The literature reviewed in this study sheds light on the intricate
relationship between financial development, carbon emissions, and
2.2. Carbon footprint of bank loans and ecological footprint environmental quality. Despite the limited related literature, the find­
ings clearly demonstrate the potential of financial development to pro­
Although the impact of fossil fuel subsidies on the environment is mote sustainability, emphasizing the importance of aligning lending
still a developing area of study, a growing body of literature has started practices with environmental objectives. It is evident that the economic
to explore the environmental effects of financial sector activities. Ana­ incentives that drive implicit fossil fuel subsidies underscore the need for
lyses from various jurisdictions, including the OECD (Radulescu et al., immediate policy interventions that promote sustainable development.
2022), the US (Chaudhry et al., 2021), Italy (Faiella and Lavecchia, Therefore, this review highlights the significance of further investigating
2020), and Turkey (Yurtsever and Fırat, 2019), suggest a consensus that the link between financial development, fossil fuel subsidies and envi­
banking development has a negative impact on ecological sustainability. ronmental sustainability to identify the best strategies for promoting
Mishra and Dash (2022) and Ruza and Caro-Carretero (2022) both sustainable economic growth while reducing ecological footprints.
investigate the relationship between financial development and envi­ The literature reviewed in this study sheds light on the intricate
ronmental quality. While Mishra and Dash (2022) find that financial relationship between financial development, carbon emissions, and
development is inversely related to the carbon ecological footprint, Ruza environmental quality. Despite the limited related literature, the find­
and Caro-Carretero (2022) show that the impact of financial develop­ ings clearly demonstrate the potential of financial development to pro­
ment on environmental sustainability is monotonically positive and mote sustainability, emphasizing the importance of aligning lending
statistically significant. The contrasting findings could be due to differ­ practices with environmental objectives. It is evident that the economic
ences in the sample, jusrisdiction and the estimation techniques used. incentives that drive implicit fossil fuel subsidies underscore the need for
Nevertheless, both studies suggest that the relationship between finan­ immediate policy interventions that promote sustainable development.
cial development and environmental quality is complex and requires Therefore, this review highlights the significance of further investigating
further investigation. the link between financial development, fossil fuel subsidies and envi­
Amjad et al. (2021) investigate the role of financial development in ronmental sustainability to identify the best strategies for promoting
reducing environmental pollution and enhancing sustainable economic sustainable economic growth while reducing ecological footprints.
development in Pakistan. The study finds that positive shocks of finan­ This study addresses a gap in financial development-environmental
cial development reduce environmental pollution, highlighting the po­ sustainability research by focusing on bank loans allocated for non-
tential for financial development to promote sustainability. Feng et al. environmentally sustainable purposes. It emphasizes the need for

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

more data in African developing economies. Additionally, it aims to on the ecological footprint. Finally, foreign direct investment is included
investigate the potential impact of environmental policies on mitigating as a control variable to account for the effect of globalization on the
the environmental effects of bank loans’ carbon footprint and fossil fuel planet’s ecological capacity. Table 1 presents a more detailed descrip­
subsidies, an area not yet explored in existing studies. tion of the model variables.
Fig. 2 provides a visual representation of the significant impact of
3. Data and methodology financial decisions and subsidies on Tunisia’s ecological footprint. The
data reveals a noticeable fluctuation in carbon footprint-adjusted loans
Fig. 1 presents the flow chart outlining the strategy for Autore­ as a percentage of total loans over the past few decades in Tunisia.
gressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) modeling. The diagram offers a visual Starting at approximately 91.2% in 1995, this metric witnessed a steady
depiction of the step-by-step process involved in constructing and increase, reaching its peak at 119.8% in 2013, before experiencing a
executing an ARDL model using time series data. gradual decline. This upward trend might signify a period of heightened
investment in sectors associated with higher carbon emissions. In­
dustries such as manufacturing, energy production, and transportation
3.1. Data could have been the beneficiaries of these loans. However, this trajec­
tory raises concerns about the environmental implications and long-
The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of carbon footprint term sustainability of such investments.
of bank loans and implicit fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprint. The data also sheds light on the allocation of resources towards Total
The study exclusively utilizes secondary data, primarily obtained from Fossil Fuel Subsidies, expressed as a percentage of GDP. The figures start
the IMF Climate Change database and the World Development In­ at 7.9% in 1995, experiencing a significant spike to 13.2% in 1999,
dicators database. The study focuses on Tunisia, and covers the period before displaying a fluctuating pattern over the subsequent years. This
from 1995 to 2021. The main variables of interest are the ecological pattern indicates a notable dependence on traditional energy sources
footprint (the dependent variable) and the carbon footprint of bank and suggests a substantial portion of Tunisia’s economic resources are
loans and total fossil fuel subsidies (the main independent variables). directed towards supporting fossil fuel-related industries. While sub­
The total fossil fuel subsidies encompass both explicit and implicit sidies can be crucial for economic stability and accessibility to energy,
subsidies on coal, natural gas, petroleum, electricity, congestion, acci­ the high percentage of GDP allocated to this purpose raises questions
dents, forgone VAT, global warming, road damage, and local air about sustainability and environmental impact.
pollution. The ecological footprint per capita, a crucial measure of an in­
In addition to the main variables, the study incorporates three con­ dividual’s environmental impact, demonstrates a relatively stable
trol variables: environmental tax, exports of low-carbon technology pattern over the years. Starting at 2.19 in 1995, this metric fluctuated
products, and foreign direct investment. Environmental tax is used to before stabilizing around 2.17 to 2.18 from 2011 onwards. This stability
measure the influence of environmental regulation on the ecological indicates that, on average, the environmental impact of each person in
footprint, and to assess if it can mitigate negative externalities. Exports Tunisia has remained relatively consistent over the past decade. While
of low-carbon technology products serve as a proxy for technological this suggests that efforts to control individual environmental impact
innovation and help to assess the impact of technological advancement

Fig. 1. Flow chart of Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) modeling strategy.

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

Table 1
Description of model variables.
Variable Description Measure Designation Source

ECFP Ecological Footprint per capita: refers to the impact of human activities on the Ratio Response Mendeley Dataset
environment, specifically in terms of the amount of natural resources used and waste Variable
produced. It is a measure of the demand that human populations place on the planet’s
ecosystems and their ability to regenerate those resources. The ecological footprint
takes into account factors such as energy consumption, food production, transportation,
and waste disposal to calculate the amount of land and water needed to sustain human
CFBL Carbon Footprint-Adjusted Loans: refers to the measurement of the carbon emissions % of Total Loans for Deposit Independent IMF climate
resulting from the activities funded by bank loans. It is a calculation that takes into Takers; Based on Emission Variable change database
account the total amount of loans issued by a bank and the associated carbon footprint Multipliers
of the activities financed by those loans. The carbon footprint is measured using
emission multipliers that estimate the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the
industries and businesses supported by the loans.
TFFSa Total Fossil Fuel Subsidies (% of GDP): refers to the financial support provided by % of GDP Independent IMF climate
governments to the fossil fuel industry, expressed as a percentage of a country’s gross Variable change database
domestic product (GDP). Fossil fuel subsidies can take the form of direct financial
transfers, tax breaks, or other forms of support that reduce the costs of production and
consumption of fossil fuels.
ENVTX Environmental Tax: refers to a type of tax that is levied on activities or products that % of GDP Control Variable IMF climate
have a negative impact on the environment. The aim of an environmental tax is to change database
discourage such activities or products and encourage more sustainable practices that
are less harmful to the environment.
TINOV Exports of low carbon technology products: refers to the exports of goods and services % of GDP Control Variable IMF climate
that are designed to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. change database
These low carbon technology products include renewable energy technologies such as
solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric generators, as well as energy-efficient
appliances, electric vehicles, and sustainable building materials. This serves as a proxy
for technological innovation
FDI Foreign direct investment: refers to the net inflow of investments that result in acquiring % of GDP Control Variable WDI
a management interest of 10% or more in an enterprise that operates in an economy
other than that of the investor. The term encompasses various forms of investments,
including equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-
term capital, as reflected in the balance of payments. This series represents the net
inflow of new investments, deducting disinvestment, in the reporting economy from
foreign investors. It is expressed as a ratio to the GDP. This is used as a proxy for
Note: Total fossil fuel subsidies are made up of explicit and implicit subsidies. Explicit subsidies are those that are easily identifiable and accounted for, such as
direct payments to fossil fuel producers. Implicit subsidies, on the other hand, are those that are not directly visible, such as the cost of environmental damage caused
by fossil fuel use, or the cost of providing health care for those affected by air pollution.

have been somewhat successful, there is room for further improvement. Fossil Fuel Subsidies) and the moderating variables (Environmental tax
and technological innovation). By doing so, the study can assess the
effect of these moderating variables on the relationship between the
3.2. Empirical framework
main explanatory variables and ecological footprint.
The ARDL model is a powerful tool for analyzing the dynamic re­
This study is grounded in established theories in environmental
lationships between economic variables and environmental outcomes.
economics and finance, focusing on the impact of bank loan carbon
This makes it well-suited for studying the impact of economic activities
footprints and fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprints. It employs
and environmental policies on ecological footprint. By using the ARDL
the ecological footprint framework, which measures the land and water
model, this study can provide valuable insights into the relationship
area needed for goods and services consumed. This allows an assessment
between Carbon Footprint of Bank loans, Implicit Fossil Fuel Subsidies,
of the ecological impact of banks’ financing activities, including fossil
and ecological footprint, and identify potential strategies for mitigating
fuel-related impacts. The purpose of this study is to investigate the
the impact of these variables on the environment.
relationship between the impact of Carbon Footprint of Bank loans,
Implicit Fossil Fuel Subsidies, and ecological footprint. The hypothesis
3.2.1. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach
posits that an increase in Carbon Footprint of Bank loans and Implicit
The ARDL model is an approach for analyzing the dynamic rela­
Fossil Fuel Subsidies will lead to a shift in ecological footprint. To test
tionship between variables in a cointegrated system and addressing
this hypothesis, the study employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag
endogeneity concerns. It extends the traditional Engle-Granger two-step
(ARDL) model, a popular econometric technique used to analyze the
cointegration approach by enabling the simultaneous estimation of
dynamic relationship between economic variables.
short-run and long-run elasticities. This feature makes it an ideal tool for
The ARDL model is applied to estimate the baseline relationships
exploring this phenomenon as it can comprehensively examine both the
between Carbon Footprint of Bank loans, Implicit Fossil Fuel Subsidies,
short-term and long-term effects of policy changes.
and ecological footprint. The model also examines the combined effect
This study adopts this technique to investigate the relationship be­
of Carbon Footprint of Bank loans, Implicit Fossil Fuel Subsidies, and
tween the dependent variable, ecological footprint (ECFP), and two in­
control variables on ecological footprint. The objective is to determine
dependent variables, Carbon Footprint of Bank loans (CFBL), and total
whether control variables, such as Environmental tax and technological
Fossil Fuel Subsidies (TFFS). To account for the influence of other factors
innovation, can help mitigate the impact of Carbon Footprint of Bank
that may impact the relationship between these variables, three control
loans and Implicit Fossil Fuel Subsidies on ecological footprint.
variables are introduced: environmental tax, exports of low carbon
The model incorporates interaction terms between the main
technology products (TINOV), and foreign direct investment (FDI).
explanatory variables (Carbon Footprint of Bank loans and Implicit

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

These control variables aid in isolating the effect of Carbon Footprint of globalization, and the error term is denoted by ε. In order to ensure the
Bank loans and Implicit Fossil Fuel Subsidies on ecological footprint and stability of the time series and align them with the other variables, a
determining whether other factors drive this relationship. logarithmic transformation for both carbon tax and energy transition
The study utilizes time-series data for the relevant variables and was adopted. The short-run coefficients of the lagged dependent and
estimates two models. The first model is a basic ARDL model, and the explanatory variables are denoted as λ and δj, respectively. The differ­
second model includes interaction terms. These models allow for a encing operator is represented by Δ. The long-run parameters are rep­
comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the independent resented by β1–β5, and the constant term is represented by β0. The speed
and dependent variables, with the interaction terms enabling the ex­ of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium is represented by φ.
amination of the moderating effects of the control variables on this To examine the possible interactions between independent variables
relationship. and control variables, the ARDL model with interaction terms is
The ARDL model used in this analysis has the following baseline employed in the analysis. This model allows us to assess the influence of
form: interactions on the relationship between independent and dependent
variables. The specifications of this model are as follows:
φt = α + b1 τt− 1 + b2 τt− 2 + … + bp τt− p + γωt + δθt + εt 1
p− 1
∑ q− 1
∑ q− 1

Where φt represents the dependent variable, τt is the independent var­ ΔECFPt = λj ΔECFPt− j + δj ΔCFBLt− j + δj ΔENVTXt− j

iable, ωt and θt are the control variables, and α represents the intercept. j=1 j=0 j=0

The error term is represented by εt . The coefficients b1 , b2 , …, bp capture

q− 1
∑ q− 1
∑ q− 1

+ δj ΔTINOVt− j + δj ΔFDIt− j + δj ΔCFBL ∗ ENVTt−
the short-term impact on the dependent variable, while the coefficients γ

j=0 j=0 j=0
and δ capture the influence of the control variables on the dependent q− 1

variable. + ′
δj ΔTFFS ∗ ENVTXt− j + φi [ECFPt− i − {β0 +β1 CFBLt− 1
The ARDL model has been modified to incorporate the chosen in­ j=0

dicators, resulting in the presentation of dynamic models as follows + β2 TFFSt− 1 + β3 CFBL ∗ ENVTt− 1 + β4 TFFS ∗ ENVTXt− 1
baseline forms: + β5 ENVTXt− 1 + β6 TINOVt− 1 + β7 FDIt− 1 }] + εit
p− 1
∑ q− 1
∑ q− 1

ΔECFPt = λj ΔECFPt− j + δj ΔCFBLt− j + δj ΔTFFSt− j
In Equ. (3), the interaction between CFBL and TFFS is denoted by the
j=1 j=0 j=0 coefficient β3, while the coefficient β4 represents the interaction be­
q− 1
∑ q− 1
∑ q− 1
∑ tween ENVTX and the other variables. When analysing the relationship
+ δj ΔENVTXt− j + δj ΔTINOVt− j + δj ΔFDIt− j 2 between independent variables and a dependent variable, including
j=0 j=0 j=0
interaction terms in the model is a crucial step towards a more in-depth
+ φ′i [ECFPt− i − {β0 +β1 CFBLt− 1 + β2 TFFSt− 1 + β3 ENVTt− 1 analysis. In the context of studying the impact of carbon footprint of
+ β4 TINOVt− 1 + β5 FDIt− 1 }] + εit bank loans, total fossil fuel subsidies, and environmental tax on
ecological footprint, interaction terms allow for a more nuanced ex­
where the time period is denoted by ’t’, and ECFP represents the amination of their combined influence. The purpose of including inter­
ecological footprint. CFBL refers to the carbon footprint of bank loans, action terms is to determine the extent to which environmental tax
TFFS represents total fossil fuel subsidies, ENVTX denotes environ­ mitigates the adverse effects of carbon footprint of bank loans and total
mental tax, TINOV is the proxy for technological innovation, repre­ fossil fuel subsidies on the ecological footprint. By examining the con­
sented as exports of low carbon technology products as a percentage of tingency effect, one can gain an understanding of how the impact of the
GDP. FDI represents foreign direct investment and proxy for

Fig. 2. Environmental and economic trends in Tunisia (1995–2021).

Source: IMF climate change database and the Mendeley dataset (various years)

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

explanatory variables on ecological footprint may be influenced by the analysis of economic patterns. The asymmetric long-run regression is
level of environmental tax and its effective usage in advancing envi­ expressed as:
ronmentally sustainable goals.
y t = β + x t + β − x t + μt , (4)
Without the inclusion of interaction terms, the model assumes that
the effects of each independent variable on the dependent variable are
Δxt = vt , (5)
independent and do not interact with each other. However, this is not
the case in reality. The impact of carbon footprint of bank loans, total Where yt and xt are scalar I(1) series, and xt is decomposed as xt = x0 +
fossil fuel subsidies, and environmental tax on ecological footprint may x+
t + xt , where xt and xt denote partial sum processes associated with
− + −
be influenced by the level of environmental tax, and the interactions
positive and negative variations in xt :
between these variables need to be considered. By incorporating inter­
action terms in the model, potential synergistic or diminishing effects ∑
t ∑
( ) ∑
t ∑
( )
t = Δx+
j = max Δxj , 0 , x−t = Δx−j = min Δxj , 0 . (6)
between the independent variables and the dependent variable can be j=1 j=1 j=1 j− 1
captured. This provides a more comprehensive understanding of the
relationship between the variables and is critical for policy makers and Asymmetric cointegration is modelled above using partial sum de­
stakeholders who need to make informed decisions about how to lower compositions. A stationary linear combination of the partial sum com­
ecological footprint. For example, the coefficient of the interaction term ponents is described by Schorderet (2003) as follows:
between carbon footprint of bank loans and environmental tax (repre­
zt = β + + − − + + − −
0 yt + β0 yt + β0 xt + β0 xt . (7)
sented as β3 ) provides a measure of the additional effect of carbon
footprint of bank loans on ecological footprint, given a certain level of If zt is stationary, then xt and yt are ‘asymmetrically cointegrated’.
environmental tax. It captures the combined impact of carbon footprint The standard linear (symmetric) cointegration is a special case of (7),
of bank loans and environmental tax on ecological footprint. This in­ obtained only if β+ 0 = β0 and β1 = β1 . Shin et al. (2014) consider the
− + −

formation can be used to make more targeted and effective policies that situation in which the following restriction applies: β+0 = β0 . In expres­

take into account the interactions between these variables. − β+

sion (4), this implies that β+ = and β− = .
− β−1
β0 β0
This foundation was used to propose the nonlinear ARDL (p, q)
3.2.2. Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) approach
The Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag model is an advanced
econometric method that is used to study the dynamic relationships p
∑ q (
∑ )
′ + − ′ −
between variables, particularly in the context of environmental policy. yt = φj yt− j + θ+
j xt− j + θj xt− j + εt ,

This model is an extension of the ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag)

j=1 j=0

model, which allows for the examination of the short-run and long-run
where xt represents a k × 1 vector of multiple determinants, xt + x+t +
impacts of policy changes on environmental outcomes.
x−t , θj is the autoregressive parameter, θ+
i and θj j are the asymmetric

The assumption of symmetry in regression models assumes that the
relationship between the dependent variable and explanatory variables distributed lag parameters, and εt is an i.i.d.
is constant over time. However, this assumption is often unrealistic in process with zero mean and constant variance, σ2ε . xt is decomposed into
real-world scenarios. The responsiveness of the dependent variable to x+
t and xt around zero, distinguishing between positive and negative

changes in the explanatory variables may be affected by various factors, changes in rate of change of xt .
such as economic conditions, technological advancements, and gov­ Following the outcomes in Sharma and Kautish (2019 & Sharma and
ernment policies, among others. These factors may result in the rela­ Kautish, 2020), Equ. (8) is modified to a computable NARDL as repre­
tionship between the dependent variable and explanatory variables sented in Eq. (9) below:
changing over time, making the assumption of symmetry inaccurate.
ΔECFPt =λ1 ECFP(t− 1) + λ2(+) CFBLt− 1(+) + λ3(− ) CFBLt− 1(− ) + λ4(+) TFFSt− 1(+)
In view of this, the key advantage of the NARDL model is that it takes
+ λ5(− ) TFFSt− 1(− ) + λ6(+) ENVTXt− 1(+) + λ7(− ) ENVTXt− 1(− )
into account the possibility of asymmetric relationships between vari­
ables over time. This implies that the model recognizes that the effect of + λ8(+) TINOVt− 1(+) + λ9(− ) TINOVt− 1(− ) + λ10(+) FDIt− 1(+)

policy changes on environmental outcomes may not be symmetric across p

∑ p

+ λ11(− ) FDIt− 1(− ) + ρ1 ΔECFPt− i + ρ2 ΔCFBLt−
different time periods, and that the direction of policy change can n=0 n=0

impact the size and direction of the effect on outcomes. For example, a p
∑ p
∑ p

1% increase in a policy variable may have a different impact on an + ρ3 ΔCFBLt− i(− ) + ρ
4 ΔTFFSt− i(+) + ρ
5 ΔTFFSt− i(− )
environmental outcome than a 1% decrease in the same policy variable. n=0 n=0 n=0
∑p ∑ p p

This highlights the importance of considering the direction of policy + ρ6 ΔENVTXt− ρ7 ΔENVTXt− ρ8 ΔFDIt−
i(+) + i(− ) + i(+)
change when studying the effects of environmental policies on envi­ n=0 n=0 n=0
ronmental outcomes. Additionally, the NARDL model allows for the ∑p

examination of the lag effects of policy changes on environmental out­ + ρ9 ΔFDIt− i(− ) + tμ
comes. Environmental policies may not have immediate effects, and the

full impact of policy changes may take time to materialize. Therefore,
the NARDL model is well-suited to study the impact of environmental The ecological footprint, carbon footprint of bank loans, total fossil
policies over time, taking into account the dynamic relationships be­ fuel subsidies, environmental tax, technological innovation, and foreign
tween variables. Studies have shown that environmental policies have direct investment are represented by ECFP, CFBL, TFFS, ENVT, TINOV,
heterogeneous effects on environmental outcome, and that the direction and FDI, respectively. The expected impact of CFBL, TFFS, and FDI on
of policy change is an important factor in determining the size and di­ the ecological footprint is anticipated to be positive. In contrast, the
rection of the effect on emissions (Tang and Dou, 2021). expected impact of ENVTX and TINOV on the ecological footprint is
Shin et al. (2014) developed NARDL model based on an asymmetric expected to be negative. The short-run and long-run coefficients are
long-run regression dimensions. This means that the model considers the denoted by ρi and λi , respectively. To examine the long-run
possibility that the responsiveness of the dependent variable to changes (λ= λ(+) = λ(− ) ) and short-run asymmetry (ρ = ρ(+) = ρ(− ) ), a Wald test
in the explanatory variables being studied may not be uniform or has been conducted. The minus (− ) and plus (+) subscripts in Equation
consistent over time as opposed to a symmetric assumption. This (8) indicate negative and positive disturbances, respectively.
consideration of asymmetry leads to more accurate forecasting and

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

3.2.3. Model justification 4.2. Unit root test

Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Nonlinear Autore­
gressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) models are both powerful tools in The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test is presented in
time-series analysis, particularly for examining the relationships be­ Table 4. A unit root test is a statistical test used to determine if a time
tween economic variables. Each model offers distinct advantages that series is stationary or non-stationary. A stationary time series has a
suit different research contexts. These models are relatively robust to constant mean and variance over time, while a non-stationary time se­
endogeneity issues, making them suitable for situations where variables ries has a mean and variance that change over time. The null hypothesis
may be mutually determined. Additionally, ARDL models perform well of the ADF test is that the time series has a unit root (i.e. is non-
with relatively small sample sizes, making them applicable to studies stationary) and the alternative hypothesis is that the time series is
with limited data availability. stationary.
On the other hand, NARDL models excel at capturing asymmetric The results presented in Table 4 revealed the variables attained
effects and nonlinear relationships between variables, which is crucial stationarity at different orders of integration. These findings suggest that
when studying real-world phenomena that exhibit different responses to the first differences of ECFP, TFFS, and TINOV are stationary at first
positive and negative shocks. They offer greater flexibility in modelling difference, while CFBL, ENVTX, and FDI are stationary at level. There­
complex interactions among variables, providing a more accurate rep­ fore, the series has a mixed order of integration, and none of the vari­
resentation of real-world systems where linearity assumptions may not ables is I(2), making them suitable for estimating ARDL models.
hold. In certain cases, NARDL models can outperform linear models in Furthermore, any trend or seasonality has been removed, which makes
forecasting accuracy, considering asymmetric effects and nonlinearity to the data appropriate for regression analysis.
yield more precise predictions. Furthermore, NARDL models effectively
address endogeneity concerns by incorporating lagged variables, 4.3. Presentation and discussion of regression results
enabling researchers to account for dynamic relationships and reducing
the potential for endogeneity bias. 4.3.1. ARDL analysis with interaction terms
Incorporating the interaction terms between carbon footprint of
4. Results and discussions bank loans (CFBL) and environmental tax (ENVTX), and between fossil
fuel subsidies (TFFS) and ENVTX, as shown in Table 5, provides a more
4.1. Descriptive statistics and multicollinearity test nuanced understanding of the relationship between these variables and
ecological footprint (ECFP). The result indicates that one-period lag in
The descriptive statistics results in Table 2 provide important in­ ecological footprint is significantly related to a decline in the current
sights into the distribution and central tendency of the variables as well ecological footprint. The finding is an important insight into under­
as test for multicollinearity. standing the dynamics of ecological footprint. This result suggests that
Table 2 provides descriptive statistics for the model variables, of­ past ecological footprints can influence the current state of the envi­
fering insights into their central tendency and distribution. The results ronment. In other words, previous efforts to reduce ecological footprint
indicate that the ecological footprint per capita (ECFP) has a mean of can have a positive impact on the current state of the environment. The
2.147 with a relatively tightly clustered standard deviation of 0.045. The positive and significant association between CFBL and ecological foot­
negative skewness value of − 0.932 indicates left skewness, with higher- print suggests that carbon footprint of bank loans has a detrimental ef­
end values being more frequent. The kurtosis value of 3.172 indicates a fect on the environment. Specifically, the result indicates that a 1%
leptokurtic distribution. The carbon footprint of bank loans (CFBL) has increase in CFBL is associated with a 0.15% increase in ecological
an average of 94.55% with the widest range of values and slightly footprint. This finding highlights the importance of reducing carbon
positive skewness. The kurtosis value of 2.517 indicates a distribution emissions from bank loans as part of efforts to mitigate environmental
closer to normal than the ECFP distribution. The means of total fossil damage and promote sustainability.
fuel subsidies (TFFS) and environmental tax (ENVTX) are 10.18% and Similarly, the positive and significant association between TFFS and
8.58%, respectively. TFFS and ENVTX have relatively tight clustering ecological footprint indicates that fossil fuel subsidies have a negative
around their means and closer proximity to a normal distribution. The impact on the environment. The result suggests that a 1% increase in
export of low-carbon technology (TINOV) and foreign direct investment TFFS is associated with a larger increase in ecological footprint, spe­
(FDI) have averages of 8.28% and 2.30%, respectively. To test for cifically, a 0.80% increase. This finding underscores the importance of
normality, the Jarque-Bera (JB) test is performed, with p-values greater reducing fossil fuel subsidies to promote sustainability and mitigate
than 0.05 for most variables except for FDI, indicating that the null environmental damage.
hypothesis of normal distribution cannot be rejected. The results indicate that there is a significant interaction effect be­
In Table 3, the results of the covariance analysis and multi­ tween the carbon footprint of bank loans and environmental tax, sug­
collinearity test are presented. Multicollinearity is observed when two or gesting that the impact of the carbon footprint of bank loans on the
more predictor variables exhibit a high correlation, indicated by a cor­ ecological footprint is contingent on the level of environmental tax. The
relation coefficient greater than 0.8 or less than − 0.8. This can create negative coefficient for the interaction term between CFBL and ENVTX
problems in regression analysis by making it difficult to determine the implies that as environmental tax increases, the adverse effect of the
distinct effect of each variable on the outcome. It can lead to unstable carbon footprint of bank loans on the ecological footprint decreases.
predictor variable coefficients, difficulty in interpretation, over­ This finding supports the theoretical framework of environmental
estimated standard errors, and incorrect estimation of the variance- taxation, which posits that environmental policies, such as taxes and
covariance matrix, which can result in unreliable test statistics and regulations, can incentivize firms to adopt cleaner technologies and
incorrect conclusions. Therefore, it is crucial to check for multi­ reduce their environmental impact. Moreover, the results show that
collinearity before conducting regression analysis to ensure the validity when environmental tax increases by 1%, the adverse effect of the car­
and reliability of the results. The results from Table 3 show that while bon footprint of bank loans on the ecological footprint declines by
some correlation exists among the variables, none of the correlation approximately 0.02%. This finding provides policymakers with valuable
coefficients exceed the threshold of 0.8 or − 0.8, indicating that there are insights into the potential impact of environmental taxation on carbon
no significant concerns about multicollinearity. emissions and environmental sustainability. By increasing environ­
mental taxes, governments can encourage firms to internalize the
negative externalities associated with pollution and adopt more sus­
tainable practices, which can lead to a reduction in carbon emissions and

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

Table 2
Descriptive statistics and test for multicollinearity.
Variable Mean Max. Min. S.D Skewness Kurtosis JB P-value Obs.

ECFP 2.147 2.199 2.040 0.045 − 0.932 3.172 3.940 0.139 27

CFBL 94.550 119.846 77.962 12.265 0.597 2.517 1.866 0.393 27
TFFS 10.183 13.216 7.897 1.757 0.202 1.740 1.971 0.373 27
ENVTX 8.577 8.881 8.410 0.186 0.610 1.651 3.720 0.156 27
TINOV 8.277 8.746 7.666 0.400 − 0.301 1.370 3.398 0.183 27
FDI 2.595 9.425 0.899 1.727 2.562 10.366 90.575 0.000 27

Table 3 Table 5
Multicollinearity test results. ARDL estimation results with interaction terms.

CFBL 1 Variable Coefficient Std. t- Prob.

TFFS 0.213 1.000 Error Statistic
ENVTX 0.045 0.278 1.000
ECFP( − 1) − 0.511 0.195 − 2.625 0.028
FDI − 0.151 − 0.196 − 0.037 1.000
CFBL( − 1) 0.146 0.044 3.299 0.009
TINOV 0.124 − 0.419 − 0.210 − 0.036 1.000
TFFS( − 1) 0.797 0.344 − 2.315 0.044
CFBL ∗ ENVTX( − 1) − 0.017 0.005 − 3.301 0.009
TFFS ∗ ENVTX( − 1) 0.092 0.040 2.332 0.025
ENVTX( − 1) 0.788 0.270 2.915 0.017
Table 4
TINOV − 0.037 0.018 2.097 0.066
ADF Unit root test Results.
FDI( − 1) 0.012 0.004 2.901 0.018
Variable Test Test critical value @ p- Order of Intercept − 6.110 2.223 − 2.749 0.023
statistic 5% value Integration
Short-run Estimate
ECFP − 6.342 − 2.992 0.000 I(1)
D(CFBL) 0.052 0.036 1.448 0.181
CFBL − 4.340 –2.998 0.003 I(0)
D(TFFS) − 0.200 0.396 − 0.506 0.625
TFFS − 3.359 − 2.986 0.023 I(1)
D(CFBL ∗ ENVTX) − 0.006 0.004 − 1.493 0.170
ENVTX − 3.215 − 2.981 0.030 I(0)
D(TFFS ∗ ENVTX) 0.023 0.046 0.503 0.627
TINOV − 4.263 − 2.986 0.003 I(1)
D(ENVTX) 0.390 0.212 1.838 0.099
FDI − 3.889 − 2.981 0.007 I(0)
D(TINOV) 0.008 0.002 3.447 0.007
D(FDI) 0.132 0.091 1.453 0.180

an improvement in their ecological footprint. In addition, this finding Diagnostics Tests

highlights the importance of incorporating the contingency effects of LM Test prob.(F-statistic) 0.453
environmental policies when formulating environmental regulations ARCH test prob.(F-statistic) 0.714
and policies. It suggests that policymakers should consider the potential Ramsey RESET Test prob.(F- 0.371
synergistic or antagonistic effects of different policies and their in­
Normality Test (p-value) 0.426
teractions to ensure that environmental policies are effective and sus­
tainable in the long term. Bound Test
Test Statistic Value Signif. I(0) I(1)
In contrast, the interaction term between fossil fuel subsidies and
environmental tax (TFFS*ENVTX) displays a positive and significant F-statistic 7.618 10% 1.85 2.85
k 8 5% 2.11 3.15
association with ecological footprint. The positive coefficient for the
interaction term suggests that as environmental tax increases, the
adverse impact of fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprint also in­ more efficient resource use and reduced environmental impacts, they
creases. Specifically, the result indicates that for every 1% increase in may not be enough to counteract the negative effects of CFBL and TFFS
environmental tax, the adverse effect of fossil fuel subsidies on ecolog­ on ecological footprint. In other words, without addressing the impact of
ical footprint increases by 0.09%. This finding holds considerable sig­ carbon footprint of bank loans and total fossil fuel subsidies, techno­
nificance, particularly given the positive and significant relationship logical innovation alone may not be enough to reduce ecological foot­
between TFFS and ECFP in the absence of the interaction term. It print. This finding aligns with Salman et al. (2019) study, which
highlights that while increasing fossil fuel subsidies may lead to a rise in investigated the factors influencing emissions in seven Southeast Asian
ecological footprint, the effectiveness of policies aimed at mitigating countries between 1990 and 2017. Their results indicated that tech­
their adverse effects can be enhanced through the implementation of nology adoption led to a reduction in CO2 emissions, resulting in a lower
environmental taxes. Coady et al. (2019) found that environmental taxes ecological footprint. Furthermore, a positive and significant relationship
play a crucial role in promoting environmental quality, and they argued between foreign direct investment and ECFP was found in Tunisia. This
that efficient pricing of fossil fuels could have decreased global carbon contradicts the finding in Zafar et al. (2019) which contend that FDI is
emissions by 28 percent in 2015. This conclusion is consistent with the negatively related to ecological footprint in the case of the United States.
findings of the present study. Hence, the findings emphasize the This finding suggests that globalization is a significant driver of envi­
importance of a well-designed policy framework that considers the ronmental degradation in the country. The influx of foreign investment
interplay between different policy instruments in addressing environ­ and the associated increase in economic activity may contribute to
mental challenges. According to Lu et al. (2022), promoting environ­ higher levels of environmental pollution and degradation. This finding
mental sustainability hinges on the importance of sustainable sludge highlights the need for policy measures that promote sustainable eco­
management, which holds significant potential for energy and resource nomic growth and minimize the negative environmental impact of
recovery, potentially leading to carbon neutrality and energy positivity. foreign investment in Tunisia.
The results of the analysis indicate a negative but insignificant
relationship between technological innovation and ECFP. This finding 4.3.2. NARDL analysis
suggests that although innovation and technological progress can lead to Table 6 shows the results of the NARDL model. The significance tests

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

for autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity (p-values = 0.284 and 0.439, Table 6

respectively) show that the model is free of these types of errors. Asymmetric estimation results.
Furthermore, the normality test indicates that the data is normally Long-run estimate
distributed (p-value = 0.607). The insignificant value of the Ramsay test
Variable Coefficient Std. t- Prob.
(p-value = 0.541) confirms the adequacy of the functional form and Error Statistic
allows for the estimation of the variables in the long run. The significant
ECFP( − 1) − 2.034 0.092 − 22.151 0.029
values of the asymmetric coefficients, as determined by the Wald test, 0.010 0.001 13.350 0.042
indicate that asymmetric analysis is crucial for understanding the rela­ CFBL− − 0.002 0.001 − 4.076 0.003
tionship between the variables and ecological footprint in the country. TFFS+ − 0.140 0.009 − 15.232 0.042
Specifically, the shocks in CFBL, TFFS, ENVT, TIVOV, and FDI had TFFS− 0.299 0.014 21.158 0.030
different and significant effects on ecological footprint during the ENVTX+ − 0.541 0.025 − 21.411 0.033
ENVTX− − 1.327 0.074 − 17.996 0.035
period. In other words, the relationship between these variables and
TINOV+ − 0.173 0.036 − 4.853 0.129
ecological footprint is not symmetric. TINOV− − 3.954 0.187 − 21.092 0.030
The NARDL results presented in Table 5 suggest that there is an FDI+ 0.151 0.009 17.337 0.037
asymmetric relationship between carbon footprint of bank loans and FDI− 0.100 0.007 13.807 0.046
ecological footprint, and between fossil fuel subsidies and ecological Intercept 4.665 0.213 21.867 0.029

footprints. The discussion of these results suggests that positive and Asymmetry Statistics Long-run
negative shocks to CFBL have different impacts on ecological footprint. Asymmetry
Specifically, the results indicate that an increase in CFBL is associated WaldLR(CFBL) 4.553 0.027
with a significant increase in ecological footprint, while a decrease in WaldLR(TFFS) 16.002 0.000
CFBL is associated with a relatively smaller increase in ecological foot­ WaldLR(ENVTX) 6.745 0.004
print. The results show that a 1% increase in CFBL is associated with a WaldLR(TINOV) 3.681 0.032
WaldLR(FDI) 4.339 0.007
0.01% increase in ecological footprint. On the other hand, a 1% decrease
in CFBL is associated with a 0.002% increase in ecological footprint. This Short-run estimate
suggests that the effect of an increase in CFBL on ecological footprint is ΔCFBL+ 0.013 0.001 20.582 0.031
around five times greater than the effect of a decrease in CFBL. This ΔCFBL− 0.005 0.001 5.491 0.115
finding is significant as it implies that policies aimed at reducing the ΔTFFS+ 0.012 0.009 1.402 0.394
carbon footprint of bank loans can have a greater impact on reducing ΔTFFS− − 0.043 0.005 − 8.237 0.077
ΔENVTX+ 0.201 0.013 15.108 0.042
ecological footprint than policies aimed at increasing the carbon foot­
ΔENVTX− − 0.998 0.049 − 20.386 0.031
print of bank loans. This result is consistent with the notion that ΔTINOV+ 0.871 0.066 13.166 0.048
reducing carbon emissions can lead to a more sustainable and envi­ ΔTINOV− − 2.273 0.120 − 19.010 0.034
ronmentally friendly economy. Furthermore, the asymmetric relation­ ΔFDI+ 0.014 0.001 14.983 0.042
ship between CFBL and ecological footprint may be due to the fact that ΔFDI− 0.139 0.008 17.005 0.037

reducing carbon emissions can be more difficult than increasing carbon Asymmetry Statistics Short-run
emissions. For instance, reducing carbon emissions may require the asymmetry
adoption of cleaner technologies, which can be costly and may require WaldSR(CFBL) 5.171 0.003
significant investment. On the other hand, increasing carbon emissions WaldSR(TFFS) 9.334 0.001
may be relatively easier as it may involve the use of existing technologies WaldSR(ENVTX) 3.646 0.042
and infrastructure. WaldSR(TINOV) 4.962 0.038
WaldSR(FDI) 3.228 0.024
Similarly, the findings regarding the impact of fossil fuel subsidies on
ecological footprint are particularly interesting. The findings indicate Diagnostic tests
that the effects of changes in fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprint LM Test prob.(F-statistic) 0.284
are dependent on the direction of change. The results show that positive ARCH test prob.(F-statistic) 0.439
and negative changes in fossil fuel subsidies have the same direction of Ramsey RESET Test prob.(F- 0.541
effects on ecological footprint, but the magnitude of their impact is
Normality Test(p-value) 0.607
significantly different. The coefficient of the positive change in fossil fuel
subsidies (TFFS+) is − 0.14, suggesting that a 1% increase in TFFS is Bound test
Test Statistic Value Signif. I(0) I(1)
associated with a 0.14% decrease in ecological footprint. This result
suggests that an increase in fossil fuel subsidies has a small, but still F-statistic 443.337 10% 1.76 2.77
k 11 5% 1.98 3.04
negative, impact on ecological footprint. In contrast, the coefficient on
the negative change in TFFS (TFFS-) is approximately 0.30, implying
that a 1% decrease in TFFS is associated with a 0.30% decrease in fuel consumption. Instead, decreasing subsidies may lead to significant
ecological footprint. The result indicates that decreasing fossil fuel improvements in ecological footprint, thereby promoting sustainable
subsidies has twice the beneficial effect on ecological footprint development.
compared to increasing fossil fuel subsidies. The findings suggest that Further, the results of the study provide insightful information on the
reducing fossil fuel subsidies can be an effective strategy for mitigating relationship between environmental tax, globalization, technological
the adverse effects of fossil fuel consumption on ecological footprint. Li innovation, and ecological footprint. One interesting finding is the
and Sun (2018) support the present finding and assert that removing presence of an asymmetric relationship between environmental tax and
fossil fuel subsidies alone is insufficient for CO2 mitigation during pe­ ecological footprint, as well as between globalization and ecological
riods when these subsidies are positive. By reducing subsidies, govern­ footprint.
ments can discourage the use of fossil fuels and encourage the adoption According to the results, there is evidence to support that a positive
of cleaner energy sources, thereby promoting sustainable development. exogenous shock on environmental taxation results in a decrease of
Furthermore, the study’s results imply that policymakers should focus 0.54% in ecological footprint. This discovery aligns with the theoretical
on reducing fossil fuel subsidies rather than increasing them. Increasing framework of environmental taxation, which proposes that such policies
subsidies may have a limited effect on ecological footprint, and the can account for externalities caused by pollution and motivate firms to
benefits may be outweighed by the negative impacts of increased fossil

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

adopt greener technology. On the other hand, negative exogenous shock lead to a notable decrease in ecological footprints, while negative shocks
on environmental taxation are associated with a 1.33% increase in result in a substantial increase. Additionally, the interaction effect
ecological footprint. This suggests that a reduction in environmental tax highlights the importance of an appropriate level of environmental tax
can offset the advantageous effects of an increase by more than two in mitigating the impact of CFBL and TFFS on ecological footprints.
times. This finding accentuates the potential risks associated with These findings underscore the urgency of reducing carbon emissions,
reducing environmental taxes and emphasizes the significance of curbing fossil fuel subsidies, and implementing effective environmental
maintaining a consistent and stable environmental policy to achieve taxation policies to advance sustainability and alleviate environmental
sustainable development goals. harm.
Similarly, the results suggest that 1% increase in globalization cor­
responds with a 0.15% increase in ecological footprint, while 1% 6. Practical policy implications
decrease in globalization is related to a 0.10% decline in ecological
footprint. This finding suggests that globalization has both positive and The results of the study offer significant practical implications for
negative impacts on ecological footprint. On the one hand, globalization policymakers in Tunisia and other countries confronting similar chal­
can lead to increased trade and economic growth, which can increase lenges. Firstly, the positive and significant association between carbon
carbon emissions and ecological footprint. On the other hand, global­ footprint of bank loans and ecological footprint suggests that policies
ization can also facilitate the transfer of cleaner technologies and aimed at reducing carbon emissions from banks and other financial in­
practices, which can reduce environmental impact. stitutions can help mitigate the negative impact on the environment. It is
By contrast, there exists limited empirical support for an asymmetric recommended that regulatory authorities in Tunisia consider the
linkage between technological innovation and ecological footprint over implementation of measures such as carbon pricing, green bonds, and
a long-term. Nevertheless, the findings validate the existence of an incentives for investments in clean energy technologies. These initia­
asymmetric relationship in the short term. This could imply that tech­ tives aim to encourage banks to actively reduce their carbon footprint
nological advancements may not necessarily lead to a reduction in and promote environmentally sustainable practices within the financial
ecological footprint in the long run, although it may have a positive sector. Secondly, our findings also reveal that fossil fuel subsidies have a
impact in the short term. Therefore, it is important to take a holistic negative impact on the environment, which highlights the importance of
approach to understand the relationship between technological inno­ reducing and subsequently removing these subsidies to promote sus­
vation and ecological footprint, considering both short-term and long- tainability. The recommendation suggests that the Tunisian government
term implications. It is possible that the positive effects of technolog­ should adopt a gradual approach to phasing out fossil fuel subsidies.
ical innovation on ecological footprint in the short term may be offset by Simultaneously, they are advised to implement measures aimed at
the negative effects that may arise in the long term due to the increased promoting low-carbon alternatives, particularly renewable energy
usage of technology. For instance, advancements in transportation sources.
technology may initially reduce emissions, but the increased usage of This will not only contribute to mitigating environmental damage
personal vehicles and air travel may eventually lead to a higher but also promote a more sustainable and resilient economy in the long
ecological footprint. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully assess the impact run. Thirdly, the results suggest that the impact of the carbon footprint
of technological innovation on the environment and take necessary of bank loans and fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprint is contin­
measures to minimize negative effects in the long run. This may include gent on the level of environmental tax. Specifically, it was found that the
implementing regulations and policies to encourage the development of adverse effect of the carbon footprint of bank loans on ecological foot­
sustainable technologies and promoting practices that reduce environ­ print decreases as the environmental tax increases, while the adverse
mental harm. effect of fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprint increases with an
increasing environmental tax. These findings indicate that environ­
4.3.3. Dynamic adjustments procedure mental taxation can play a crucial role in promoting sustainability and
Fig. 3a–c displays the results of the asymmetric dynamic adjustment mitigating environmental damage. The recommendation for the Tuni­
process in ecological footprint caused by carbon footprint of bank loans, sian government is to implement a carbon tax and progressively raise the
fossil fuel subsidies, and environmental tax in Tunisia. The figure shows level of environmental tax, aiming to encourage companies to adopt
that the upper bound and lower bound shocks are statistically significant cleaner technologies and lower their carbon emissions. Additionally, it is
in the long run, as indicated by the red-dotted line being significantly suggested to embrace green banking initiatives, like a retail electronic
different from both types of shocks in all three subplots. This indicates payment system, which has been demonstrated by Ramila and Gurus­
that the impact of variations on both sides is significantly different on amy (2015) to significantly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint.
ecological footprint, underscoring the need for a NARDL examination. The NARDL results provide some practical implications and recom­
Notably, the maximum asymmetric variations in ecological footprint are mendations for policymakers and stakeholders in Tunisia. The results
caused by fossil fuel subsidies in Tunisia. These findings demonstrate the indicate that an increase in CFBL is associated with a significant increase
importance of considering both upper and lower bound shocks in in ecological footprint, while a decrease in CFBL is associated with a
modeling the relationship between the variables and highlight the sig­ relatively smaller increase in ecological footprint. Therefore, policy­
nificant impact of fossil fuel subsidies on ecological footprint in Tunisia. makers should consider implementing policies that discourage the
financing of carbon-intensive activities, such as the promotion of low-
5. Conclusion carbon investments and the implementation of regulations to reduce
the carbon intensity of bank loans. For instance, the government can
In conclusion, this study employed a linear and nonlinear ARDL offer incentives, such as tax credits or subsidies, to banks that provide
framework to assess the influence of the carbon footprint of bank loans loans for low-carbon investments, while increasing the environmental
(CFBL) and fossil fuel subsidies (TFFS) on Tunisia’s ecological footprint. tax on carbon-intensive activities to discourage carbon-intensive in­
The results demonstrate that TFFS exhibits a notably greater adverse vestments. Furthermore, the findings suggest that changes in fossil fuel
impact on ecological footprint compared to CFBL, indicating a sub­ subsidies have different effects on ecological footprint depending on the
stantial environmental cost associated with fossil fuel subsidies. direction of change. The results show that decreasing fossil fuel subsidies
Furthermore, the study reveals an asymmetric relationship between has twice the beneficial effect on ecological footprint compared to
CFBL, TFFS, and ecological footprints, with CFBL showing a significant increasing fossil fuel subsidies. Therefore, policymakers in Tunisia
positive association and TFFS exerting a more pronounced effect. should consider reducing fossil fuel subsidies and redirecting those
Environmental taxation emerges as a crucial factor, as positive shocks funds towards investments in renewable energy and other sustainable

M.I. Iyke-Ofoedu et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 426 (2023) 139026

Fig. 3. Asymmetric adjustment using dynamic procedure.

development projects. The reduction of fossil fuel subsidies can also help CRediT authorship contribution statement
reduce the budget deficit and free up resources for social welfare
programs. Maureen Ifeoma Iyke-Ofoedu: Data curation, Investigation,
Further, civil society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing –
foreign organizations have essential roles in assisting Tunisia with the review & editing. Nnenna G. Nwonye: Data curation, Investigation,
ecological impact of bank loans and fossil fuel subsidies. They can raise Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review
awareness, monitor and hold stakeholders accountable, conduct & editing. Ishaku Prince Abner: Formal analysis, Investigation,
research, and offer capacity building. Collaboration, policy advocacy, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Validation, Visualiza­
and financial support for green initiatives can collectively drive Tunisia tion, Writing – review & editing. Hillary Chijindu Ezeaku: Conceptu­
towards a more sustainable future. alization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Supervision,
Despite providing valuable insights, the study has certain acknowl­ Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Obinna
edged limitations. Firstly, the analysis focused solely on examining the Ubani: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology,
influence of carbon footprint of bank loans and fossil fuel subsidies on Resources, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing.
ecological footprint in Tunisia, which may restrict the generalizability of
the findings to other countries. Secondly, due to constraints related to Declaration of competing interest
data availability, the study relied on a relatively short time period,
potentially overlooking the long-term effects of policy interventions. The authors affirm that they have no conflicts of interest concerning
Lastly, the research solely utilized secondary data, which may be sus­ the research presented in this manuscript. They have not received any
ceptible to measurement errors and omitted variable bias. Nevertheless, financial support or compensation, whether directly or indirectly, from
the study establishes a strong basis for future research in this field and any organization or individual with a vested interest in the outcome of
presents practical recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders this research. Furthermore, they assert that there are no personal re­
to address and mitigate the adverse effects of carbon-intensive activities lationships that could potentially bias their work. All sources of infor­
on the environment. One important area for future research is to explore mation utilized in this research have been duly cited.
the impact of other factors such as technological advancements, trade
policies, and consumer behaviour on the ecological footprint. In addi­ Data availability
tion to environmental tax, further research could investigate the effec­
tiveness of policies aimed at promoting sustainable development, such Data will be made available on request.
as green bonds and carbon pricing, and promoting environmental sus­
tainability. Finally, as more data becomes available, future research References
could expand the analysis to include other countries and regions to
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