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House Stoker Summer Writing!

The music was jubilant, the bunting was bright, and the lake sparkled with warmth from the placid
sun. Summer was in session! The judges and jurors of joy were trotting, bouncing, and rolling in
through freshly repainted red gates that bore a sign reading “Andromeda Summer Camp” Delighted
chatter filled the air, leaving no room for thoughts of safety, family, or the glossy brochure that had
advertised opportunities for ‘night time walks with your child’s designated counsellor’

“Polly, come look! They’ve got a lake! I think the brochure said we could do kayaking at some point!”
A girl with dark, plaited hair and a pastel pink baseball cap pulled impatiently on the sleeve of her
taller and more worrisome friend.

“Augh, that’s so annoying, I might not be able to do that because water gets in my processors and I’d
have to put their water accessories on AND hold them on with a hat of some sort, or just not have
them on which would be irritating for you guys, especially you, Yaseera, I know how much you like
talking. I wonder when we’re being allocated our camp counsellors”

As Polly finished her sentence, a megaphone screeched and a large man in a suit ill chosen for the
mid-year heat tapped it twice before calling the children over to a smartly furnished building that
Yaseera thought smelt like paint mixed with another, indistinguishable odour. They were led into a
dark room in which the only attempt to brighten it was a set of ancient brocade curtains that once
would have boasted ornate, lovingly woven, patterns to capture the viewer’s eyes and never let go.
Polly felt a touch unhappy at the notion these formerly beautiful examples of craftsmanship now
languished in an odd smelling summer camp. Nevertheless, both Polly and Yaseera settled in
wooden chairs close to a teakwood stage.

“Hello children, my name is Mr Thomas and I’m the director here at Andromeda Summer Camp. If
you have any emergencies, you come straight to me. I’m none too fabulous at public speaking, so I’ll
hand over to Miss Lilly, our newest but most experienced camp counsellor.” A woman with
impossibly dark hair and seaweed green eyes stepped out of a shadow to transfix them all.

“Well, good afternoon! I’m Miss Lilly and I will be the designated counsellor for Section D. You all
should have wristbands telling you what section you’ll be in.”

Yaseera and Polly glanced at each other, they were Section D! They were going to enjoy the night
walks - Miss Lilly’s voice was unlike anything they’d heard before. It was like warm honey pouring
into their bones, filling them with a taste of the sun and a spark of longing to never stop hearing her
speak. Her words were muffled and dead in comparison to the mellifluous, melodious harmonies
cascading out her mouth.

“So, any questions?” Her vibrant eyes danced around the room, daring anyone to make her speak
further. A mumbled no rose out of the assembled children, who feared if she uttered another
syllable they’d be addicted to her voice. With that, they all filed out.

“She’s so beautiful, isn’t she Polly?” Yaseera gushed as she tumbled out the auditorium alongside
Polly, who was staring ahead.

“Yeah, absolutely enchanting…Wait. Yaseera, stop. I just realised something. All through Miss Lilly
speaking, I didn’t have my processors on. I took them off to sort out some small maintenance thing, I
can’t remember what. I could still hear her talk. I should not be able to do that. No one, if their
processors are off, can hear human voices in the level of clarity I just did.”
“Girls! Stop walking a second.” Mr Thomas strode towards them. “I overheard you ladies talking.
Polly, are you sure? Maybe you only took one processor off? I thought you could hear some things
with them off?”

“Definitely. These don’t amplify my hearing; they fully replace it. And I’m certain I heard Miss Lilly,
clear as the sun we stand under.”

Mr Thomas looked flummoxed. He stood in front of the girls, mouthing things occasionally, then
subtly shaking his head, before finally turning to leave as he distractedly assured Yaseera and Polly
he’d talk to Lilly.

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