Student Copy of Jalie Sosebee Recommendation Letter 1

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Scott Cook
Social Studies Teacher, M. Ed., J.D.
Gonzalo Garza Independence High School
1600 Chicon Street
Austin, TX 78702
(512) 414-8600

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to recommend Jalie Sosebee for her future endeavors, including

future education and future employment. I have had the pleasure of getting to
know Jalie over the past year, and I have watched her become a leader at Garza
High School among her peers. Jalie is uniquely friendly, personable, and hard
working. She has performed well academically while making significant
connections throughout our school with classmates and teachers. I know that Jalie
will continue to make positive and meaningful contributions to her future learning
environments and workplaces.

I first met, and have come to know, Jalie through her time in the gym during lunch
at our school. While I am a social studies teacher at Garza and did not have Jalie
as a student, I also supervise the gym during lunch, where I get to know some of
the students that like to play basketball each day. Over the past year, I have
observed Jalie join the group of students that play basketball and become a
leader of the same. Before Jalie joined this group during lunch, all of the
basketball players were male. Jalie entered this male-dominated space, became a
regular participant, and ended her time at Garza as one of the group’s main
leaders. In doing so, she opened the door for other students to join our
community of recreation during lunch. Jalie is a fantastic athlete and basketball
player. More importantly, her high level of play reflects upon her ethics: hard work,
intensity, respect for others, and constant effort.

Outside of the gym at lunch, I have come to see Jalie as a leader at Garza, in the
hallways and classrooms. I have witnessed her continual hard work: while
consistently working jobs outside of school, Jalie regularly attends Garza and
works hard in the classroom. And she has done very well in her schoolwork. As a
social studies teacher, I am proud to report that she made As in both United
States History and Economics. When I was speaking to her Economics teacher last
week about that course, her teacher reported on a student that had excelled on
one of the hardest assignments in the class. I was excited to learn that Jalie was
the student of whom she was speaking. Likewise, Jalie has performed at super
high levels in American Sign Language class, and I am excited that she intends to
use her knowledge in this field in the future.

In conclusion, Jalie is someone that brings positivity to those around her because
of who she is and the things she accomplishes. She has made each one of my
days at Garza brighter, and I know the same applies to her classmates and other
teachers. I therefore strongly recommend Jalie for her future endeavors, whether
in future education, employment, or community involvement. Jalie will be missed,
but I am happy to think about the positive things she will do in the world. If I can
provide any further information about Jalie, please do not hesitate to reach out to


/s/ R. Scott Cook

R. Scott Cook

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