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Analysis & Effects of Sovereign Gold Bonds

Priya Bhandari*

Gold is one part of the tradition and culture in India. Most of the people who invest in gold
are buying jewelleries, gold coins and gold biscuits before 2015. This investment in gold is
riskier, like it has some extra saviour cost of locker facility in banks for safety purposes.
So, for its solution three gold schemes were released by Central Government on 5 November
2015 i.e., “Gold Monetisation scheme, Sovereign Gold Bond scheme and India Gold Coin
scheme”. From which Sovereign Gold Bond is main motive of our study. Objective of
launching this scheme is to lure Indians away from buying physical gold and gave them
secured and easier investment platform in gold. Reserve Bank of India, has described
SGB as the securities, which are substitute of physical gold and denominated in grams.
These bonds come under the purview of Reserve Bank of India and are safer than physical
Our present study will shed a light on the effects of sovereign Gold Bond on different areas
like market liquidity, RBI’s gold reserves and also its effect on Indian festivals. In this paper
we also explore how it affects the demand of physical gold as well as other investments.

Introduction can be paid and redeemed in cash Hindu Undivide d Family

after maturity. The bond is issued by (HUF), while maximum limit

I N India, people like more to

invest in gold and properties
rather than shares and bonds, etc.
RBI on behalf of Government of
India to the eligible investor (Persons
of investment for a trust and
similar entities is 20 kg can be
resident in India are eligible for changed by the government
because people think that invest in
invest in SGB as per ‘Foreign from time to time per fiscal
it is safer than the other. A scheme
Exchange Management Act, 1999’. year (April – March). In case of
called Sovereign Gold Bond
HUFs, trusts, universities and joint holding, the limit applies
scheme (SGBs) was launched by
charitable institutions are also to the first applicant. All the
Government of India in November
eligible for investment in SGBs. ceiling will be counted in limit
2015 with the hope that people will
Even if residential status of an either bought fr om
invest in these gold bonds as an
investor is changed due to some government or se condary
alternative to physical gold. I think
circumstances, they will be able to market (private institution).
this is one of the policies which
hold the SGB till early redemption/ Collateral holdings by banks
helps the RBI to control the
maturity). and other financial institutions
liquidity in the Indian market.
will not include in the ceiling
Some Points about on investment.
About Sovereign
Sovereign Gold Bond
Gold Bond • An interest rate of 2.50 per cent
(fixed rate) per annum is
SGBs are government securities
• The Bonds are issued in applicable on the initial
denominated in grams of gold. They
multiples of one gram of gold. investment in bonds. Interest
are deemed as substitutes for holding
Minimum and maximum limit will be credited to the investors
physical gold. The price of the bonds
of investment in the Bond can be bank account half-yearly,
* Student of Economics, Banaras one gram and 4 kg respectively. whereas last interest will be
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar An individual can buy a payable on maturity along with
Pradesh, India. maximum of 4 kg, 4 kg for the principal.

34 FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)


• Nationalized Banks, Scheduled Literature Review that there is not any one article or
Foreign Banks, Scheduled literature where we see about the
In India there are few research
Private Banks, Stock Holding effects of these bonds.
and articles are available on the
Corporation of India Ltd.
sovereign gold bond scheme. After
(SHCIL) designated Post Gaps in Literature
reviewing these papers, we analyze
Offices, and the authorized stock
that there is only work done on, • effects of this gold bond scheme
exchanges are authorized for sell
which option is better, buying on market liquidity,
of bonds either directly or
physical gold or gold bonds. • effects on RBI’s gold reserves,
through their agents.
We analyze the articles • how it affects the demand of
• Investors applying online or
mentioned below: physical gold,
making payment through
digital mode will get a discount • “Is Sovereign Gold Bond is • how it affects other investments,
of ¹ 50 per gram less than the better than other Gold • Sovereign gold bond effect on
nominal v alue . A s per the Investment” [Article in Indian festivals, and
provisions of the Income-tax International Journal of Knowledge
• Risk in SGBs.
Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), only the Management Studies, May 2019.
interest gain from the bonds These are some findings or we
• “Sovereign Gold Bond – A
will come under taxable value, can say it gaps. The above-
Financial Innovation in India”,
whereas there is no capital gain mentioned literatures were not
SSRG International Journal of
tax on the re demption of explaining these issues or gaps so
Economics and Management
SGB. we can discuss these issues in
Studies (SSRG – IJEMS), Vol. 5
analysis and discussion section in
• Tenour of the bond is 8 years, Issue 8, August 2018.
this paper.
while after fifth year from the
• “Gold Saving Scheme: An
date of issue on coupon
Unusual Way of Investing in Statement of Problem
payment, one can take the
Gold Thrust on the Sovereign
advantage of early encashment/ We are going to analyze the
Gold Bond Scheme”, SGBs,
redemption of the bond. While problems described below:
January 2018, Vol. 5, Issue 1.
on maturity date, the investor
• “An Introduction of Gold 1. Analyse how sovereign gold
shall get an amount (in Indian
bond affects the market
Rupees) equal to average closing Schemes, 2015 in India”,
price of 999 purity gold in past International Journal of Research-
three days, published by the Granthaalayah, Adhana, Vol. 3 2. Is it helpful for RBI to increase
India Bullion and Jewellers Issue 11, November 2015. their gold reserves?
Association Limited. 3. Is it affects the demand of
• “Investor’s Attitude towards
In this paper we can detail Physical Gold & Sovereign Gold physical gold.
study on some effects like what Bonds”. 4. Are this scheme helps RBI to
are the risk in Sovereign Gold control inflation or deflation in
• “A Review of Government
Bonds, Effects of Sovereign Gold the Indian economy?
Policies and Schemes of Gems &
Bond on market liquidity, also 5. Gold bonds are more secure
Jewellery Industry”, IOSR
analyze its effect on RBI gold rather than physical gold.
Journal of Business and
reserves and effect on Indian
Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol. 21 6. Is Sovereign gold bond affects
festivals and wedding season in
Issue 3. Ser. V (March 2019), pp. the other bond prices or
analysis and discussion section
71-79.] demand in the market.
and also after that we conclude
main things, also use some tools After reviewing above 7. Is Indian festivals are affected
to prove our statements which mentioned articles or few given like Akshaya Tritiya by these
were given below. literatures we find one major thing sovereign gold bonds.

FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)


8. How much these bonds In this sovereign gold bond withdraw their investment before
affect the gems & jewellery scheme gold bond issued for a fix 5 years of completion, hence the
market? period so the liquidity of market market liquidity will diminish for
should affect. that period.
Objectives Although investors will get an When we analyze the given
Our objective is to analyze the interest rate of 2.5 per cent interest, Table 1, we represent it on the
sovereign gold bonds effect on but they will not be able to graph 1 and found that after 2015
different areas which we describe
in the above section (statement of
the problem). Date Value % Change

We analyze these effects with 2020 6.2 30.09

the help of qualitative and some 2019 4.8 38.91
quantitative data use from 2018 3.4 -4.83
renowned websites. Our motive is 2017 3.6 -19.96
to explain the above-mentioned 2016 4.5 -8.16
problems with logic and gave
2015 4.9 -15.52
arguments on that.
2014 5.8 -38.30

Area of Study Analytical 2013 9.4 -6.00

Framework 2012 10.0 5.26

2011 9.5 -9.76
Whatever we conclude or
2010 10.5 -14.50
study in this paper is based on
secondary data from authentic 2009 12.3
sources like from RBI’s official GRAPH 1
website and from NSE’s website
and few other sources like this.
We also take some important 14

qualitative things or quantitative 12

data from other articles which we 10
refer in the reference section.

In this paper our only focus on

the analysis and effects of
sovereign gold bonds on different 4

area so, we only use secondary data 2

in this which is helpful for us 0
making some conclusions and 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
logical arguments on the effects of Year
Prices of Invest in Market
gold SGB for liquidity
Sovereign Gold Bond increases 8 years decreases
Effect on Market Liquidity
When cash decreases in the
market or reducing the purchasing
power of an individual then we call Gold bond Not redeem
demand before 5
it decrease liquidity in the market increases years
and vice-versa.

36 FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)


inflation rate will decreases monitory tool or policy which notes as per economic requirement
continuously till 2018 but in 2019 help the RBI to control the market (Table 2).
and 2020 it will be increased liquidity or inflation or deflation
because of some factors in which in the market. After work on the Table 2, we
COVID-19 is one of them and other plot it on the graphs 2 & 3 with the
This can also we analyze from help of excel worksheet and find
factors also. So, we analyze that
the given table or graph in the that when SGB price increases
after 2015 RBI mostly decreases all
above section (Sovereign gold RBI’s gold reserve also increases
their rate like CRR, SLR and Bank
bond effect on market liquidity). in all series except one series that
rate also only in 2018 RBI increase
its bank rate but after 2018 it will is Se rie s X be ca use of some
Relationship of SGB’s
further reduce it. If RBI decreases exceptional conditions. Time of
Price with RBI’s Gold Series X is October which is full
these rates it means liquidity Reserves in 2020-21
increases in the market and of Indian festivals like Diwali,
inflation should be increases but The Reserve Bank of India has Dhanteras and after Devutthan
here inflation is continuously to maintain at least an asset value Indian wedding season arises by
decreasing. So, we can say that SGB of 200 crore rupees according to the which physical gold demand
is one of the factors by which Minimum Reserve System (MRS), increases in that month and when
liquidity is reducing from the which includes Gold or Gold physical gold demand increases
market after 2015 and when bullion of 115 cr. and foreign in the market, SGB demand
liquidity is decrease purchasing currencies of 85 cr. Besides the MRS decreases (for more see on RBI
power also decreases by which value, with the government’s website) why which RBI’s gold
inflation is also reducing which we permission RBI can print currency reserves decrease.
proven by table or graph.
Is RBI Use SGB as A
Monitory Tool to Control
Pruchase SGB Minimum maturity Liquidity
the Liquidity Invest in Gold
for 8 years period 5 years decreases
Liquidity is how quickly you
can get your hands on your cash.
In simpler terms, liquidity is to
need it. Series SGB price/unit RBI Gold Reserves

When RBI issue the SGB in 2020-21, Series I 4639 251551

the market and investor will 2020-21, Series II 4590 248680
purchase these bonds with
2020-21, Series III 4677 251616
minimum maturity period five
year, after that only they can 2020-21, Series IV 4852 261190
redeem their bonds. For that 2020-21, Series V 5334 298108
period, liquidity in the market 2020-21, Series VI 5117 274417
will decreases for the issued
2020-21, Series VII 5051 269084
amount of gold bond (Figure 1).
2020-21, SeriesVIII 5177 271280
So, we can say that when
market liquidity increases and 2020-21, Series IX 5000 270554
RBI wants to decrease it then it 2020-21, Series X 5104 263499
can issue the gold bonds in the 2020-21, Series XI 4912 255014
marke t. Like this we see or
2020-21, Series XII 4662 249807
analyze that SGB are one of the

FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)


GRAPH 2 We can present the table with

SGB PRICES the help of graphs and represent
that when SGB price increases RBI
gold reserve increases on the other
5200 hand when SGB price decreases
RBI gold reserve also decreases
SGB Price/unit

5000 only in month of October Series

4800 X, this situation is not fulfilled
because of festive season. So, we
4600 say that there is some relation
4400 be twe en SGB and RBI gold
reserves which we can see in the
4200 table and graph.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SGB’s Effect on Demand
Series1 of Physical Gold
Who like to invest in gold they
RBI GOLD RESERVES can invest only on physical gold
310000 before 2015 but after that they have
300000 other options like to invest in
290000 Digital Gold, Sovereign Gold
Gold Reserves

280000 Bonds and Exchange- Traded Fund

270000 (ETF). Now they have three options
260000 more. So, they like to invest where
250000 they have face minimum risk or
240000 free from risk.
220000 So, it is proven that SGBs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 effected the demand of physical
gold and demand of physical gold
Series1 is substituted by above three
options arises after 2015 (Figure 2).

Digital Gold

Sovereign Gold
After 2015 Bond

Invest in Gold ETF

Before 2015 Physical Gold

38 FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)


Risk in SGBs is significant to investors compared date, subject to a notice

to physical gold or Gold ETFs. published by the RBI.
Traditionally people have
invested in physical form of gold. Some features & benefits are • Loan facility: Financial institution
In India gold is viewed as a good below: and Banks accept SGBs as an
and safe investment. However, acceptable form of collateral to
storage of gold in physical form can • Low risk: Sovereign Gold Bonds avail loans. One can avail a
have none of the risks that are maximum amount equal to 75
possess threat to safety as there are
associated with physical gold, per cent of the market gold
many reasons to concern. Storage
of physical gold in a bank locker except the market risks. There is prices, as stipulated by the RBI’s
no hefty designing or wasting LTV regulations.
can eliminate the concern of safety
charges here.
but investor has to pay some fees. • Taxation: As per the Income Tax
Keeping in mind all the above- • Extra income: A fixed annual Act, 1961, the interest amount
mentioned things the government interest of 2.50 per cent (on gained on the SGBs comes under
of India launched an alternative the issue price) will credit in taxable income, while there will
saving scheme in 2015 called your bank account semi- be no tax on the capital gain on
‘Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme’ annually. the maturity or early redemp-
under the Gold Monetization tion of gold bonds (Tab;e 3).
Scheme, to attract Indian citizens to • Long-term investment: Sovereign
We see above the comparison
invest in gold in a safe and secure gold bond scheme 2020 comes in
with a holding period of 8 years. between physical gold and
manner, which is economically
sovereign gold bond and analyze
advantageous. This is ideal for individuals
that some risk are there as capital
looking for a long-term
The SGB scheme is less risky, investment scheme generating amount may loss if prices of gold
convenient, and one has nothing to decreases. However, he can wait
extensive capital gains, along
worry about theft risks and cost of for gold prices to increase as he will
with the security of corpus.
storage as fees of bank lockers. It is not loss in terms of gold units,
held in Demat form-eliminating • Re-sale: The Sovereign gold which he has paid for. So, investor
risk of loss of scrip, etc. and also bond scheme 2020 can be traded like to invest in SGB rather than
provides more benefit in the form in the secondary market after 14 physical gold because of less risk
of investment and safe returns that days from an initial subscription in SGBs.


Particulars Physical Gold Sovereign Gold Bond

Returns/earnings Lower return due to making charges More than actual return on gold because
of interest

Safety Risk of theft, wear/tear No safety issues

Purity Purity of gold always remains a question High as it is in electronic form

Gains LTCG after three years LTCG post three years. (No capital gain
tax if redeemed after maturity)

As loan collateral Accepted Accepted (75% of value can be avail)

Tradability or exit formalities Restrictive Can be traded and redeemed from the
5th year with the government

Storage expenditures HighMinimal Minimal

FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)


SGB’s Effect on Indian In this study we find out some Financial Innovation in India,
Festivals effects of Sovereign Gold Bonds SSRG International Journal of
and analyze with the help of Economics and Management
Before November 2015 people secondary data from authentic Studies (SSRG – IJEMS), Vol. 5
purchase the physical gold like gold sources and conclude that, RBI use Issue (8).
jewellery, gold coins and biscuits of sovereign gold bond as liquidity
gold on Indian festivals like 4. Amar G. Satijani, Jaspal
controlling tool in the market and
Dhanteras, Diwali and most gold Gidwani, and Avinash Sahu
handle the situation of inflation.
demanding festival is Akshaya (2018), Gold Saving Scheme:
Tritiya also called Akha Teej, but This research revealed the An Unusual Way of Investing
now a day’s people have more effect of sovereign gold bond on in Gold thrust on Sovereign
options there, for example Sovereign Indian festivals like Diwali, Gold Bond Scheme (SGBs),
Gold Bonds, Digital Gold and Dhanteras and Akshaya Tritiya Journal of Emerging Technologies
Exchange- Traded Fund (ETF). So, because on these festivals and on and Innovative Research (JETIR),
there are many ways one could buy wedding season gold demand is on Vol. 5, Issue 1.
gold these days. Physical gold is an its peak. In this paper we also see 5. Richa Devgun and J.S.
obvious option for those who is which one is better to invest, in the
Bhatnagar (2019), A Review
looking forward to buy jewelleries. (risk in SGBs) section we study
of Government Policies and
But those who are planning to buy about that. Schemes of Gems & Jewellery
the yellow metal for the sake of So, we analyse some amazing Industry, IOSR Journal
investment, there are three very good (+ve) effects of Sovereign Gold of Business and Management
options which we write above. So, Bonds on different area also we see (IOSR-JBM), Vol. 21, Issue 3.
we can now say that SGB affects the its negative (-ve) effects like, when
physical gold demands on Indian Websites
its demand increases Physical gold
festivals and also affect the sale of
demand decreases but we find this • RBI official website [https://
jewellers on these festivals.
is one of the secured schemes for]
Indian investors.
Conclusion • NSE–National Stock Exchange
of India Ltd. Official website
Indian people believe gold as REFRENCES
a sign of tradition and also, they 1. Adhana, D.K. (2015), An
like to invest in it for their future • Sovereign gold bonds: Meaning,
Introduction of Gold Schemes,
and security purposes so, in our Features and How to buy?
2015 in India, International
nation physical demand is more []
Journal of Research -
before 2015. But after that Granthaalayah, 3(11), p. 11. • India Inflation rate, 1998-2020.
government of India launches the [
scheme under which who would 2. Sudindra V.R. and J. Gajendra
like to invest in gold, they have Naidu (2019), Is Sovereign
more three option for investing in Gold Bond is Better than other • Inflation rate in India 1984-2024.
gold that is sovereign gold bond, Gold Investment?, International
ETF and digital gold now the Journal of Management Studies.
• [
investor invests in different 3. Gupta Rishabh (2018), statistics/271322/inflation-rate-
aspects. Sovereign Gold Bond - A in-india/]

FOCUS WTO • April-June 2022 (Vol. 24 No. 2)

(Date of Publication: 2 August 2022)

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