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multiple choice questions on limb cation and application of motor con- of cardiac failure and cardiogenic
prosthetics with justifiable trepidation. trol, as well as the current limitations, shock. These 2 sections are not meant
Yet the amputation surgeon’s skill and would have been appropriate. to be an exhaustive discussion of the
care ultimately have a major influence The book is clearly written, well il- basic physiologic principles and clini-
on the success of prosthetic selection, lustrated and of broad interest to those cal features of cardiac failure. They do,
fitting, comfort and utility. Some mea- requiring at least superficial familiarity however, present a clinical classifica-
sure of understanding would therefore with limb prosthetics. This book will tion of failure, supported by schematic
seem reasonable. not allow the reader to solve most fit- diagrams, and a good discussion on
This small textbook is designed to ting problems or analyse malalignment the clinical applications and predicted
provide entry level surgeons, thera- during gait, but it will teach the reader value of a shock box, well illustrated
pists, prosthetists and even adminis- to ask the right questions. by hypothetical patient scenarios.
trators with a basic knowledge of the In the third section, which covers
current state of prosthetic art. It fo- Richard Dewar, MD, BSc 186 pages, the author provides com-
cuses on a broad overview of the com- Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery plete reviews of the historical back-
ponents of a successful limb prosthe- University of Calgary ground, the balloon pump equipment
sis, while nicely introducing and Calgary, Alta. and consoles and catheters. A chapter
explaining the principles of basic engi- on the physiology of balloon pump-
© 1999 Canadian Medical Association
neering and terminology. The infor- ing is the most exhaustive one in the
mation presented is current to 1998. book and covers the topic in detail
The book introduces mainstream supported by excellent diagrams and
thinking and avoids reference to fringe CLINICAL APPLICATION OF THE INTRA- electrocardiographic rhythm strips. A
or fad treatments. AORTIC BALLOON PUMP. 3rd revised edition. chapter on insertion and removal of
The book contains 65 pages de- Hooshang Bolooki. 470 pp. Illust. Futura Pub- the IABP catheter includes an inter-
voted to lower extremity prostheses lishing Company, Inc., Armonk, NY. 1998. esting review of the author’s experi-
and 44 pages devoted to upper ex- US$98. ISBN 0-87993-401-8 ence since 1978 and presents different
tremity prostheses. Within these few techniques (percutaneous and surgi-
pages, 93 line drawings expand and il-
lustrate mechanical principles and
modern appliances. For the neophyte
M ore than 14 years have passed
since the publication of the
second edition of this book. Its main
cal). There are also chapters on con-
traindications and guidelines for the
use of balloon pumping and finally a
surgeon or therapist, the bewildering purpose is to describe the function detailed, well-written chapter on the
array of joint substitutions and termi- and clinical applications of the intra- complications of intra-aortic balloon
nal appliances are presented in outline aortic balloon pump (IABP) in vari- pumping.
and selection criteria summarized. ous clinical conditions, to review the The fourth section covers the man-
Thus, in a single evening, the new new achievements and complications agement of patients on the IABP, in-
member of an amputation clinic team of the IABP and to present a basic cluding nursing care, hemodynamic
can get a quick overview of the main description of the physiology of bal- monitoring and data acquisition, phar-
issues in limb prosthetics. loon pumping and cardiac dysfunc- macologic treatment, weaning strate-
Of particular note in the section on tions. This book was written to serve gies and management of other organ
the lower extremity, a well-organized as a text and reference source rather systems while the IABP is in use. This
and illustrated review of stance phase than as a manual or quick guide on well-written section also contains con-
control and swing phase control de- how to set up and run the device. It centration charts for commonly used
vices is presented. In the section on is intended for members of the multi- “drips” in cardiac surgery, a table of
the upper extremity, standard body- disciplinary team, including cardiac normal values for hemodynamic mea-
powered articulations and terminal de- surgeons, cardiologists, clinical phys- surements, a table that shows the basic
vices are emphasized. The subject of iologists (intensivists), technologists, pharmacokinetic effects of various
externally-powered upper limb pros- perfusionists and critical care nurses. pressure agents commonly used in pa-
theses is unfortunately given meagre The book is divided into 5 sections tients on the IABP and a review of
attention. Given that most upper limb comprising multiple chapters. In the problems and troubleshooting strate-
amputees are extremely interested in first 2 sections the author presents an gies. The interesting final chapter in
myoelectric controlled devices, a more accurate description of the contempo- this section addresses contemporary is-
extensive explanation of the systems rary principles of assisted circulation, sues of cost effectiveness, and ethical
required for signal detection, amplifi- cardiac function and pathophysiology and legal considerations.

CJS, Vol. 42, No. 5, October 1999 393


The last section contains an in- The volumes are arranged in 5 sec- freshing point–counterpoint argument
depth review of the indications for the tions, although functionally there are that allows readers to draw their own
use of the IABP in both adult and pe- 3 major divisions within the text. The conclusions.
diatric populations, including stand- introductory chapters and sections can This 2-volume set would be wel-
by, and electrical and emergency indi- be grouped into the “background” come on the shelves of surgeons with
cations. There is also a discussion of section of embryology, anatomy, bio- an interest in spinal disease and will be
miscellaneous indications such as car- materials and bioengineering concepts. valuable to the senior resident or fel-
diac transplantation and intrapul- A further section on surgical ap- low who plans to gain further training
monary balloon pumping. proaches and specific surgical proce- in spinal surgery. The trainee who is
With the exception of the final sec- dures are arranged anatomically from reading up on a topic or preparing for
tion, which is poorly identified, and cervical to lumbosacral spine. There a surgical procedure would find this a
chapter 20 “an overview,” which is are large sections devoted to spinal im- convenient reference that provides
mistitled as “Indications for use of plants and fixation devices and their sufficient information in one location.
intra-aortic balloon pump,” this book application and use. The final major There is little material on the epidemi-
is well written and well organized. It section deals with adjuncts to surgery ology, conservative management and
should be welcome as a reference text such as surgical positioning, imaging, assessment of the patient with me-
to the libraries of multidisciplinary stereotaxis, evoked potential monitor- chanical back symptoms; however, as
teams caring for cardiac patients. ing and a complete section on nonsur- illustrated by the title, rational infor-
gical management of the patient with mation to guide the surgical manage-
Guy Fradet, MD, MSc spinal disease. ment of spinal disease is the primary
Associate Professor This is not a textbook one would goal of this text. I believe that this
Section of Cardiopulmonary read from cover to cover. It provides a goal has been met.
Transplantation comprehensive view of the majority of
Division of Cardiovascular Surgery and Richard W. Hu, MD
spinal surgery. As a result of multiple
Division of Thoracic Surgery Clinical Associate Professor
University of British Columbia
authorship there is significant repeti-
tion of detail related to surgical indi- Division of Orthopaedic Surgery
Vancouver, BC and Division of Neurosurgery
cations, and surgical approaches are
University of Calgary Spine Program
© 1999 Canadian Medical Association detailed in a number of the chapters.
Calgary, Alta.
Also, I had to look in many areas of
the book to gain a complete under- © 1999 Canadian Medical Association
standing of one specific area of the
SPINE SURGERY. TECHNIQUES, COMPLICA- spine. For instance, instrumentation
TION AVOIDANCE, AND MANAGEMENT. Vol- of the cervical spine is in a different
umes I and II. Edited by Edward C. Benzel. volume from the chapters describing SURGICAL DISORDERS OF THE PERIPHERAL
1538 pp. Illust. Churchill Livingstone, decompression of the cervical spine. NERVES. Rolfe Birch, George Bonney and C.B.
Philadelphia; Harcourt Brace & Co. Canada, Some disorganization and fragmenta- Wynn Perry. 539 pp. Illust. Churchill Living-
Ltd., Toronto. 1999. Can$488. ISBN 0-443- tion of topics also occurs because stone, Edinburgh; Harcourt Brace & Co.
07540-9, vol. I part no. 9997631668, vol. II some chapters address minor issues Canada, Ltd., Toronto. 1998. Can$247. ISBN
part no. 9997631676 and contain only 2 or 3 pages and 0-443-04443-0
other chapters contain up to 40 pages.

T his comprehensive 2-volume text-

book is directed at individuals with
a primary interest in spinal surgery. It
Areas of spinal surgery such as scolio-
sis and pediatric deformity, which
could occupy entire texts of their own,
T his book represents a continuation
of the classic work Surgical Disor-
ders of the Peripheral Nerves by Sir H.J.
aims to provide a complete summary of are covered in varying depths. It is Seddon. The introduction to this text
pertinent aspects of the surgical man- clear that a general text like this could makes most interesting reading. The
agement of spinal disease. The editor not do justice to all topics or to all in- history of H.J. Seddon and the devel-
and authors come from a neurosurgical dividuals’ tastes. opment of the Peripheral Nerve Injury
background, but with the confluence of Nevertheless, the book provides a Unit in Oxford, UK, are reviewed, and
knowledge related to the surgical man- “one-stop shop” for the interested new developments in this field are in-
agement of spinal disease this textbook practitioner. I particularly liked the fi- corporated. Generally, the layout of the
will be useful to all individuals with a fo- nal portion, in which specific contro- original book has been retained, but
cus on surgery of the spinal column. versies are debated. This provides a re- the text has been rewritten.

394 JCC, Vol. 42, No 5, octobre 1999

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