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Manual Part Programming and Programming of Lathes 163 ‘The tool number in lathes is associated with the tool length offset and tool wear offset. The general representation of a tool in lathes is T ABCD where AB is the tool station number and CD is the tool wear offset number. In general tools are referred as: ‘TOL, To2, T03, ete, Calling a tool, say TO4 causes the turret to be indexed to bring the tool in pocket #4 to the ‘machining position. 6.14 MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION (M) ‘The address M in a CNC program block denotes a miscellaneous function, M-functions control the program flow or activates some functions of the machine. This function pertains to auxiliary or switching information which does not relate to dimensional movement of the machine, such as spindle command, or coolant on/off and other functions. list of M-functions of a CNC lathe is given in Table 6.4. There are two types of M-functions: (i) Machine related functions These control typically: Spindle rotation, CW or CCW, stop Gear change Automatie tool change Automatie pallet change Coolant on or off Tailstock quill movement Gi) Program related functions ‘M-funetions are also used to control the execution of program flow Examples are: Program stop Program end Program end with rewind of program Optional stop ‘Tables 6.4 and 6.5 list the M-functions of a turning machine and a machining center respectively. Table 6.4 List of Munctions of a CNC Lathe Mcode Description Program stop Optional program stop End of program ‘Spindle rotation CW 164 Computer Numerical Control Machines andl Computer Aided Manufacture “TSpindie rotation CCW Mos Spindle stop Mo7 Mist coolant ON ‘Moe ‘Coolant ON ‘Mog ‘Coolant OFF Mio ‘Chuck open Mit ‘Chuck close Miz Tailstock quil IN Mig Tailstock quill OUT Miz Turret indexing forward Mie Turret indexing reverse Mis ‘Spindle orientation Mat Tallstook forward Maz Tallstook backward M23 ‘Thread gradual pull out ON Maa Thread gradual pull out Off M30 Program end and rewind Mat Low gear selection Maz Medium gear selection-t Mag Medium gear selection-2 Maa High gear selection Mae Feedrate override cancel OFF Mag Feedrate override cancel ON. M38 Subprogram call Mao Subprogram end Table 6.5 Typical M-Functions of Machining Centers M code Description Program stop ‘Optional program stop End of program Spindle rotation CW Spindle rotation COW Spindle stop Mist coolant ON ‘Coolant ON | Soolant OFF Manual Part Programming and Programming of Lathes 165 [ M30 : “Program end and rewind Mae Feodrate override cancel OFF Mas Feedrate override cancel ON M60 ‘Automatic pallet change M7e B-Axis clamp M73 B-Axis unclamp a8 ‘Subprogram call Mss ‘Subprogram end 6.15 TOOL NOSE RADIUS COMPENSATION ‘The carbide insert used in turning operation has certain corner radius (R) as shown in Fig. 6.14. Without the corner radius, the carbide tool tip will break or melt when working. ‘These radii are standardized according to ISO. 0,210,4/0,8/1.2/1.6/ete, Toot, INSERT Fig. 6.14 Tool Insert The parameters of the tool tip are defined with reference to the Fig. 6.14. ‘S—Centre of radius Comer radius K—Imaginary cutting point (Location of reference point) ‘T_Theoretical tool point Consider turning a contour ABCD shown in Fig. 6.15. The point P is cutting while turning AB and CD and the point Q cuts while facing the shoulder BC. However, the imaginary setting point K lies on the contour. The programmed path is for the imaginary centre point and the radius of the cutting edge does not influence the workpiece contour while turning in X- or Z-direction,

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