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Aluno: Pietra Safira Número:

Turma: 2b Curso: Etim – Marketing
Disciplina: Língua Nota
Teacher: Renata Souza Período: Manhã/Tarde
ACTIVITY English Activity Data: 29 / 11 / 2021


What are adjectives and the Adjective phases? An adjective may be a word or group word with the
same meaning. Adjective phases are defined as phases in which an adjective function as the head of the
Adjetivos e advérbios têm funções semelhantes na frase. O Adjetivo qualifica um substantivo ou um
pronome; o advérbio qualifica um verbo, um adjetivo ou um outro advérbio.
A good boy ( um bom menino)
A new house ( uma casa nova)
1-Susan is Clever 2- The doctor is very late 3- My sister is fond of animals

Adjectives order

- Adjectives - order - 1

In our first lesson we introduce the structure of adjectives being placed before nouns. We also
illustrate, that unlike nouns, adjectives have no singular or plural form. We provide ample opportunity for your
students to practice the adjective order, by using gap fills (with pictures) and sentence correction. We also
provide freer practice where the student creates their own sentences, prompted by pictures of adjectives and
- Adjective order – 2

In the second lesson of our order of adjectives series we introduce placing adjectives after verbs. We
start with adjectives coming after the verb to be (e.g. he is tired) and other sensory verbs such as look, feel,
smell, taste, sound (e.g. that sounds terrible). We practice placing adjectives after verbs in both positive and
negative sentences. We then make special mention of the verb feel + adjective to express emotion (e.g. I
feel upset / they feel sad):

- Adjectives order 3

In the third lesson plan in our order of adjectives series we introduce the concept of using multiple
adjectives in sentences. We begin with outlining the difference between a fact adjective (e.g. a glass table)
and an opinion adjective (e.g. a beautiful table) and establish that the opinion adjective usually comes before
the fact adjective (e.g. a beautiful glass table). We then introduce the order of fact adjectives in sentences
when multiple fact adjectives are present:

1. Size? 2 -Shape? 3 - How old? 4 - What colour? 5 - Where from? 6 - What is it made of?
- Adjective order – 4

In the final lesson in our order of adjectives lesson plan we provide further practice of opinion vs. fact
adjectives and the order of multiple fact adjectives in sentences. We then introduce the use of adjectives
after “get” and “become” to express change (e.g. I get hungry, she becomes hungry). We provide significant
freer practice for the student to practice the concept of changes, by describing changing states represented
by pictures:

O adjetivo sempre precede o substantivo que ele qualifica. Essa regra é valida também quando
estão presentes dois ou mais adjetivos.

A tall girl ( uma garota alta)

A beautiful Garden (um jardim bonito)
A difficult lesson (uma lição difícil)
Quando o substantivo é qualificado por mais de um adjetivo, é necessário colocá-lo na ordem certa.
Para isso, deve-se considerar o seguinte:

a) Existem adjetivos de fato e adjetivos de opinião. Os adjetivos de fato são objetivos, dão-nos
informações sobre o substantivo (idade, tamanho, cor, origem etc.). Os adjetivos de opinião
dizem-nos o que alguém pensa ou acha sobre o substantivo e sempre precedem os de fato.


an Intelligent Young man

a Valuable Classical painting

an Intriguing Ancient manuscript

*Traduzindo os exemplos acima: um rapaz inteligente; uma valiosa pintura clássica; um curioso manuscrito

b) Quando existem dois ou mais adjetivos de fato, normalmente colocados na seguinte ordem:



a Beautiful Big Round Wooden Table

an Impressive Old Egyptian Monumento

a Beautiful Oval Handmade Rug

a Charming Young America Actress

a Wonderful Blue sky

*Traduzindo os exemplos acima: uma linda mesa de madeira grane e redonda; um importante e antigo
monumento egípcio; um bonito tapete oval, feito a mão; uma jovem e encantadora atriz(norte-americana);
um maravilhoso céu azul.

Os adjetivos é usado depois de certos verbos, tais como: to be; to get; to become; to look; to seem;
to feel; to taste; to sound; to smell.

1 – Faça as frases abaixo, usando os adjetivos nos lugares certo:
A) O Sr. Brown estava (ficou) satisfeito.
Sr. Brown was satisfied.
B) Você está ficando cansado?
Are you being tired?
C) O pudim está com um sabor estranho
The pudding is strange flavor.
D) O chefe falou em tom zangado
The boss spoke in na angry tone.
E) Hummmm.....Este perfume tem cheiro bom!
Hummm.... this perfume smells good.
Um substantivo pode ser precedido por outro substantivo que o qualifica, exercendo, assim, a função
de um adjetivo. Nesse caso, mesmo que em português o substantivo qualificante esteja no plural, em
inglês ele permanece no singular.

a) A metal box (uma caixa de metal)

b) A toy shop (uma loja de brinquedos)

Ressaltamos, finalmente, que existem adjetivos formados pelo gerúndio (ing) e pelo particípio (ed)
de um verbo. A forma em (ing) pode ser considerada ativa, e a forma em (ed), passiva.

a) I found the instructions rather confusing (Achei as instruções um tanto confuses)

b) I was confused by the instructions. (As instruções me deixaram confuso)
c) The actor`s performance was fascinating (O desempenho do ator foi fascinante)

2 – Coloque os adjetivos entre parênteses na ordem certa:

a)A suitcase (leather, large) e)A church (little, old, lovely)

A large leather suitcase. A lovely little old church
b)A house (modern, attractive) f)Fruits (tropical, delicious)
A attractive modern house Delicious, tropical fruits.
c)A statue (marble, small) g)A painting (French, interesting, old)
A small marble statue A interesting old French painting
d)A shirt (yellow, cotton, bright) h)A dog (big, black, friendly)
A bright cotton yellow shirt. A friendly big black dog.
3 – Complete com um dos seguintes adjetivos (nem todos serão usados)
Interested Boring Surprising Exciting Embarrassing
Interesting Bored. Surprised Excited embarrassed

a) I was really surprised when I heard that Paul and Jane were getting divorced. They always seemed a happy
b) It was a rather bored lettuce and some people even fell asleep.
c) It´s always embarrassing when you have to borrow money from someone.
d) Mary was quite excited about her upcoming trip to Europe.
e) What an exciting party we had last night!
f) Coming from George, that´s not a very surprising attitude.

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