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Aron Lei M. Billion

Andrey R. Baldamuerte
1. How are the seven ages
of man described by the
Answer:It will describes
all the phases in man’s
life from the beginning of
childhood to old age.
2. Howdo the roles of man differ
based on the persona’s
Answer:The division of human life
into seven stages illustrate the
seven ages of man
3. Do you think the persona has a great
understanding of the universal experience
of man performing a role in each
Answer:Yes, The persona has a great
understanding as it define an action,or
behavior of each role.The persona defines
a general role.You could tell what role
they’re in through how they act.
4. Which lines describe the
roles in life that man
Answer:kinds of lovde
the sign of love.
5.Under what circumstance might it
be better to be young rather than
be old or vice versa in performing
roles in life.
Answer:when performing roles in
life that requires great physical
6.How does the poem make you
feel about the importance of
recognizing and performing a
role in life effectively?
Answer:It reminds us why do
we live here, what is our
purpose in life.
7. Why is it important to
recognize and perform your
role in life?
Answer:It is important to
recognize roles in life since
this will be our motivation in
doing good in our lives.
8. Why does the poem make you realize
about the imposrtance of recognizing and
performing a role in life? effectively.
Answer:It reminds us why do we live here,
what is our purpose in life. We all live
because of the persons we love like our
parents, relatives and friends. So as a
person, we need to do our responsibilities
in life.
9.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of not
recognizing and performing your role in life?
 Answer:There is no actually advantage in not
recognizing and not performing roles in life,
because you can run but you can’t hide from your
responsibilities in life. But there is a disadvantage
of it if you’ll just find yourself lost in the path of
life because you can’t determine your own role to
yourself and to others.
10. Whatwould the most effective
way of performing your role in
Answer:Practice to doing it,to
do well.

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