Science Pa 2

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TERM EXAM[2020-2021]
Grade: IX
Time: 3 hrs Max Marks: 80
General Instructions:
(i) The question paper comprises of four sections- A, B, C, D. There are 36 questions in the
question paper. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Section- A - question no.1 to 20-all questions and parts thereof are of one mark each.
These questions contain multiple choice questions (MCQs), very short answer questions
and assertion-reason type questions. Answers to these should be given in one word or
one sentence.
(iii) Section - B - question no. 21 to 26 are short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each.
Answers to these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
(iv) Section- C - question no.27 to 33 are short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each.
Answers to these questions should be in therange of 50 – 80 words.
(v) Section – D - question number 34 to 36 are long answer type question carrying 5 marks
each. Answers to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
(vi) There is no overall choice. However internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(vii) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.

1) Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids. Buy you must have observed that ice
floats on water. Why?
What is the physical state of water at: (a) 250⁰ C (b) 100⁰ C

2) How does water kept in an earthen pot (matka) become cool during summer?

3) The boiling point of alcohol is 78⁰ C. What is the corresponding temperature on the Kelvin scale?

4)Define scalar and vector quantity.

5) Give 2 applications of uniform circular motion.

6) State Newtons second law of motion.

7)calculate the change in momentum of a body weighing 5kg when its velocity decreases from

20m/s to 0.20m/s.

8) A trolley ,while going down an inclined plane has an acceleration of 2 cm/s2.What will be its
Velocity 3s after the start?
A train starting starting from a railway station with uniform acceleration attatins a speed
of 40km/h in 10 minutes.Find its acceleration.

9) How are the states of rest and motion are relative?


Define average speed and average velocity

10) What is the characteristic feature of meristematic cell?

What are the functions of areolar tissue?

11) Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in detoxifying many poisons and drugs in a cell?

12) ‘Plasma membrane is referred to as selectively permeable membrane’. Justify the statement.
13)List two organelles other than nucleus which contain DNA.
Who discovered cells, and how?

For question numbers 14,15and 16 two statements are given-one labelled Assertion(A) and the
otherlabelled Reason(R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c)
and (d) as given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true

14)Assertion:Gaseous exchange takes place in cells.

Reason:Concentration of gases are different inside the cell and outside the cell.

15) Assertion:Plant cells contain two types of plastids,chromoplastsandleucoplast.

Reason:Animal cell contains only one type of plastid i.e. leucoplast.
Assertion: Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of a cell.
Reason: These generate energy as ATP for various cell activities.

16)Assertion: The conversion of a gas directly into solid is called condensation.

Reason: Naphthalene leaves no residue when kept in open for sometime.

Answer Q. No 17-20 contain five sub-parts each. You are expected to answer any four sub-
parts in these questions:
17)Read the following and answer any fourquestions from 17(i) to 17(v):

Every moving body possesses momentum. Since the momentum depends on the body, so body
will have a large momentum. A Karate player can break a pile of tiles or slab of ice with a single
bow of his hand. In doing so, the large momentum of the fast moving hand is reduced to zero in a
very short time.
17(i)The momentum of a body depends on
(a) Mass and velocity
(b) Speed and time
(c) Inertia
(d) Mass and speed
17(ii) The inertia of a moving object depends upon:
(a) Momentum
(b) Shape
(c) Speed
(d) Mass
17(iii) According to Newton’s law, force is a cause and outcome is:
(a) Acceleration
(b) Velocity
(c) Momentum
(d) Time
17(iv) Minimum number of unequal forces that can make zero resultant is:

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Ten
17(v) The S.I unit of momentum is:
(a) m/s²
(b) kg m/s
(c) m/s
(d) Newton

18) Read the following and answer any fourquestions from 18(i) to 18(v):

The graph given below shows how the speed of a car changes with time?
18(i) The initial speed of the car starts at:

a) A b) B c) O d) C

18(ii) The maximum speed attained by the car:

a) 20 km/h b) 35 km/h c) 40 km/h d) 0 km/h

18(iii) Which part of the graph shows zero acceleration?

a) at AB b) at BC c) at CD d) at OD

18(iv) Which part of the graph shows varying retardation?

a) at OD b) at CD c) at CB d) at BA

18(v)Area under speed-time graph represents:

a) acceleration b) velocity c) distance d_ motion

19) Read the following and answer any fourquestions from 19(i) to 19(v):
The nucleus contains chromosomes which are visible as rod-shaped structures only when the
cell is about to divide. Chromosomes contain information for inheritance of features from parents
to next generation in the form of DNA molecules.
19(i)Nucleus has:
a) DNA only b) DNA and protein only c) DNA,RNA and proteins d) none of these

19(ii) The most important function of nuclear envelope is to:

a) Regulate nucleo-cytoplasmic traffic
b) Protects genetic material
c) Prevent the enyrance of active ribosomes into the nucleus
d) Synthesize RNA
19(iii)Name the control centre of the eukaryotic cell.
a)nucleus b) ribosome c) cytoplasm d)golgi complex

19(iv) Which of the following is not a component of the nucleus?

a) Chromosomes b) nucleolus c) cytoplasm d) nuclear envelope

19(v) Eukaryotic cells are defined as:

a) only animal cells b) only plant cells c) having nucleus d) not having nucleus

20) Read the following and answer any fourquestions from 20(i) to 20(v):
Matter can exist in three physical states: solid state,liquid state and gaseous state(or vapour
state). We can change the state of matterby changing the temperature,i.e state of matter can
be changed by heating or by cooling it.

20(i)When water boils, its temperature:

a) remains constant
b) first decreases then increases
c) keeps on increasing as long as heating is continued
d) may increase or decrease depending on the place where the experiment is being carried out
20(ii) While determining the boiling point of water, we should always use distilled water because:

a)impurities may break the thermometer

b)impurities increase the boiling point of water
c)impurities decrease the boiling point of water
d)impurities may stick to the thermometer making it difficult to read the thermometer

20(iii)Two students Arpith and Rakshitha are asked to arrange the apparatus to determine the
boiling point of water. They arranged the apparatus as shown below by figures A and B

The diagram in which of the apparatus is correctly arranged is:

a) (A) only b) (B) only c) both (A) and (B) d) neither (A) nor (B)

20(iv) Which of the following is the correct method of finding the melting point of ice?
a) A b) B c) C d) D
20(v) When solid starts melting, further heat energy which is supplied:
a) is lost to the surroundings as such
b) is absorbed as latent heat of fusion by the solid
c) increases the temperature of the liquid
d) increases the kinetic energy of the particles of the liquid.


21) Name the components of xylem and phloem.

Differentiate between sclerenchyma and collenchyma tissue.

22) Which cell organelle is known as “suicide bags” of the cell? Why.

23) A solution is prepared by adding 40 g of sugar in 100g of water. Calculate the concentration in
terms of mass by mass percentage of solution.
2.5 grams of sugar is dissolved in 47.5 g of water. Calculate its concentration as percent by mass.

24) An object undergoes an acceleration of 10 m/s2 starting from rest. Find the distance travelled in 5

25) a) If action is always equal and opposite to reaction, why don’t two cancel each other?
b) An athlete always runs some distance before taking a jump. Why?

26) List the characteristics of the particles of matter.

27) a) State Newtons first law of motion.
b) Derive the mathematical relation of second law of motion.
28) Observe the given figure and answer the questions.
a) What has happened to cell A and B? Explain.
b) Identify the type of solution into which cells A and B are placed.
c) Name and explain the process that has taken place in cells A and B.

29) Given below are the names of some connective tissues. Mention the composition and
function of each of them: a) bone b) cartilage c) blood
Write the differences between animal tissue and plant tissue.

30)With the help of a diagram, show the differences between the three types of muscle

31) Differentiate between metals and non-metals.

32) a) Name the separation technique you would follow to separate:

i) Dyes from black ink
ii) A mixture of salt and ammonium chloride
iii) Cream from ilk
iv) Sodium chloride from its solution of water
a) State the principle used in separating a mixture of two immiscible liquids.

33) Give reasons for the following:

a) Gases exert pressure on the walls of container.
b) Solids have negligible kinetic energy.
c) The smell of lighted incense stick reaches you several metres away but to get the smell from
unlighted incense stick you have to go close.


34) a) Enumerate any two differences between simple distillation and fractional distillation.
b) Draw a labelled diagram showing the process of fractional distillation.
a) What is chromatograph? How will you separate the components of black ink using
b) Write any two applications of chromatograph.

35) What is nervous tissue? Give its function in the body. Explain the structure of a neuron with a
36) a) Derive the following equation of motion by the graphical method:
i) v = u + at
ii) S = ut + a t2
a) Derive mathematical formula of conservation of momentum.
b) Give two examples of Newton’s third law of motion.
c) Why a cricket player moves his hand backward while catching the ball?

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