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How long have you been online?

and have you had any luck in meeting or chatting

with any man online?
I joined earlier today, and I am glad I met you..i'm pretty new to this
internet dating. Your profile came up to my 5new matches and your Tender looking
face with a nice smile picked my Interest that allowed me to contact you, And I
must admit that you're handsome. and you wouldn't tell me that you're still
Where do you live?
I live in Appleton WI....And I am Self Employed, I work as a Leading Retailer in
Supplying of Computers, and right now I'm at present in West Africa to Supply
Computers to a New Establishment Company Here...I'd be back to the states in a
couple of days, I believe the time i'II be spending down here will grant us the
Opportunity to Learn more about each Other, I'll be back as soon as I'm done with
my job


Am an agricultural biotechnologist...currently am doing a project with IITA in

Nigeria ...I will be back soon and when I do, I would like to meet you......IITA
means .International Institute Of Tropical Agriculture.a project seeking to provide
farmers with a natural, safe, and cost-effective solution to prevent contamination
of maize and peanut by a deadly cancer-causing poison, aflatoxin, in a bid to
improve the health and income of families in Nigeria and Kenya. It is fOunded by
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.......The project�s biocontrol technology which
introduces strains of the non-toxic fungus or �the good guys,� in the affected
fields which outcompete and reduce the population of the toxic ones, or �the bad
guys� drastically reducing contamination.

Tell me about yourself
I am a very positive person who cares a lot about the people around me. Great
conversation motivates me. I live my life with intent and purpose. I can find fun
in almost anything I do and I am looking for someone to share special moments and
love unconditionally. I am looking for someone who has the same positive outlook on
life. Someone who is motivated, a loving partner, great vacations, little surprises
that keep life interesting, and good health.
what kind of man are you looking for?

The type of person I am interested in is a man who can laugh, be heated, one who is
motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident.But what matter's most in
a relationship is Honesty
Are you ready to move or relocate?
I'm willing to relocate for that special man.. Life is very short and I am so much
afraid of growing Old, wanna grow up with someone full with fun and
compatible to grow Old together....
Tell me about your family?
Am the only child of my parents. and my parents are late. My Father Passed Away
when i was 21 while my Mother passed 2009. My Father Was a Building contractor and
he died in autor crash. I have uncles we are not in good relationship, I don't know
the reason but it all started from my Father and i can't question him.
Where are you originally from?
My Father is Ukraine while my Mother is Spanish. I was born and raised in Ukraine.
Have you ever been married?
am divorced...i have a daughter and she live with me...she's 5years old...My
divorce ended 7months ago. and right now am afriad of getting hurt again.
Do you have kids and anyone live with you?
i have a daughter and she live with me...she's 5years old
What do you do for a living?
I am Self Employed, I work as a Leading Retailer in Supplying of Computers
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in the woods holding, hands, candlelite
dinners, travel, shopping and watching movies, and playing romantic piano for that
special person. I love snuggling and sharing passionate kisses with that special
What's your favorite things?
I like healthy foods such as a good seafood salad I love the color blue. I like to
snuggle when it rains or read a good book, shopping at a large mall, reading any of
the self-help books, listening to romantic music or 60's music, and exercising.
Are you a romantic type?
I'm a helpless romantic... I love being with my man & doing little things for him
to put a smile on his face. I enjoy surprising him & doing my part to making his
dreams come true.
what make you smile?
Well' for me, What make's me smile is very easy!!! What makes me smile is seeing
those I love smiling & knowing I put that smile on their faces. :-
Do you cry alot and what make you cry?
I do have a tendency to cry easily, moreso since doing chemo but not always are my
tears sad ones... I cry also when I'm happy & surprised. I don't like to cry in
front of others so am embarrassed when I do.
what is your favor music?
I love music... the songs I listen to will usually tell you what kind of mood I'm
in or tell you what's in my heart when words can't begin to describe who I am. When
I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing.

Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your feelings?
I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep
them locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them & are
there to support & encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with the man I love...
it makes my heart happy!
what kind of sport do you like best?
I like Football ( My best club is Arsenal fc ), shooting baskets, playing
volleyball, & a few others. baseball game also enjoy, boxing, ,Golf, Running,

What make me very happy?
When my loved ones are happy & when I have a man who treats me like a princess.
What do you like and dislike?
For me...I don't like cheaters, liars, thiefs, or shallow people. Other than that,
I'm a person that likes pretty much everything... I'm VERY easy going.
Are you a religious person?
I love God with all my heart & trust in HIM to comfort me & guide me. Only him
knows what he has in store for us.
How often do you go to church?
Haven't gone much in the last few Months
I'm not sure how I feel about this whole match thing. I've kinda always believed
that the right person will probably come along when your not looking for it...I am
a nice friendly girl who likes meeting new people who share similar interests.

The type of person I am interested in is a Man who can laugh, be heated, one who is
motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident. I enjoy meaningful
conversation in addition to plain old good fun. I'm basically a very positive
person who also loves humor and laughter and would like someone with an adventurous
spirit and a positive attitude who can see the funny side of life. Someone who is
open and willing to learn new things
I am a very positive person who cares a lot about the people around me. Great
conversation motivates me. I live my life with intent and purpose. I can find fun
in almost anything I do and I am looking for someone to share special moments and
love unconditionally. I am looking for someone who has the same positive outlook on
life. Someone who is motivated by support from their family, a loving partner,
great vacations, little surprises that keep life interesting, and good health.

I like to spend time hanging out with friends, playing sports, going to the beach,
trying new things, and meeting new people
Well I keep hearing more and more success stories of people meeting online soo I
thought I'd give it a try.

But for the most part I'm willing to try just about anything once. I'm very active
and don't like to sit still for very long. Watching TV for long periods of time is
definitely not my thing. Although I do enjoy snuggling up and watching movies from
time to time. I also really enjoy going to the beach, in fact I'd love to learn how
to surf. I'm really easy to get along with and I generally just go with the flow.
Anyways if you would like to know more just ask! OR you drop me your #
BasktWhat kinds of sports and exercise do you enjoy?......
How often do you exercise?......I. Exercise 1-2 times per week Exercise
Which best describes your daily diet?..............Meat and potatoes Keep it
How often do you drink? .............No Answer I don't drink alcohol
Do you Smoke.......................No i don't Smoke
Do you want children?...not sure
Tell me about your Divorced and your ex?
My Ex was nice to me before we get married, But 1year after marriage i gave birth
to Isabella my daughter, everything changed. He started sleeping outside. he come's
back late every night drunk. I never knew his cheating on me. He thought we can't
make love again since i just gave birth...So he started cheating on me, drinking
and smoking. I tried to manage but things keep getting worst. So i have to file for
a divorced.
what are your own definition of true love?...... True love to me is the kind of
love God gives... UNCONDITIONAL love. It's a love that is indescribable with words
yet is felt deep within the heart. It's when you can't stop thinking of the other
person & you are excited to get home to them after a long days work or you desire
to just say hello thru a text or phone call just because they are on your mind.
How will you treat your man?............... I will treat my man with lots of love &
respect. I like to hold his hand while walking side by side, I enjoy the little
kisses stolen throughout the day, & the little smiles he gives me from across the
room. I believe a woman & man are to walk side by side in life & so communication &
honesty are VERY important.
Can you take my daughter as yours if we are meant to be together?............I love
kids & I treat all kids as if they are my own... I favor none but give my love &
support to them & try to be the godly woman I am supposed to be. My daughter has
friends that call me mom also.
What do you like to do?..................I love being in the great outdoors seeing
the natural beauty God has given to us that others take advantage of.. I love
snuggling with the ones I love while watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others &
making a difference in the lives of those around me.
What is your favor movies?....................I have a few favorite movies. My all
time favorite is "City of Angels" it's a movie where a man sacrificed his life as
an angel to experience what it was like to love the woman he was drawn to. I also
love Notebook, Sweet November, Sleepless in Seattle, Grease, Never been kissed,
anything with Reese Witherspoon. I like romantic comedies, action movies, Romantic,
& ones based on a true story like Titanic, & Pearl Harbor. There are really sooo
many that I like, I can't really name them
What is your favor book?.......................My favorite book is the Bible!!!
It's got the greatest stories ever told as well as words from our heavenly father.
What would you consider a real fun thing for a couple to do
together?...................Anything that brings laughter to both people.
What make you very happy?......When my loved ones are happy & when I have a man who
treats me like a princess. hehe
what kind of sport do you like best?.......I like Football!!! GO RAMS!!! I also
like shooting baskets, playing volleyball, & a few others
To make this work
If two people really want to be together its up to the two to give it there best
and not worry about what anyone says or does. Its up to us to make what we would
like from life to make our future.

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